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how to farm reapers in rank pvp


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first you need to know what amulets they use witch is [Marauder](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marauder_Amulet "Marauder") or [Demolisher's](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Demolisher%27s_Amulet "Demolisher's") and with the new [Death Perception](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death_Perception "Death Perception") trait that make deminlishers a Berserker amulet with Toughness or Marauder a Berserker amulet with Vitality in general necro value Vitality more as a way to mitigate condi dmg and more LF


When necro is not using his shroud

1- they dont have an easy access to stab so its best to use you hard CC . dont use soft CC you want to save that for when they enter shroud (you must dodge [Chilled to the Bone](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Chilled_to_the_Bone!%22 "Chilled to the Bone") its best way for them to get stab and it have a good sound effect and well telegraphed animation)

2- they dont have an easy access to protection because they are using soul reaping and not blood magic so when you see a protection its best time to rep that boon they wont have another (if you dont have boon rip use weapon sigils )

3-they using axe and staff to get LF(you ll see very few running sword because its require a good sustain to use and without blood magic its hard) staff you dont need to worry about it its just a LF generator but you need to dodge axe 2 [Ghastly Claws](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Claws "Ghastly Claws") rest of there weapon skill nothing to worry about

4- they will use [spectral Walk](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk "Spectral Walk") and [summon Flesh Wurm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm "Summon Flesh Wurm") to kit and try to disengaged or confuse you but after they use these you know where they ll go

5- if you are using a condi build dont wast you best combo at the start unless the reaper is low on health if not wait for him to exit shourd then burst because he ll have to wait 10 second to re enter his shroud thanks to ANET after they change [speed of Shadows](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_of_Shadows "Speed of Shadows") and mostly they wont use it after they see its compete with [soul Marks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soul_Marks "Soul Marks") if they are using staff and the reason you dont use your best condi combo because he ll enter shroud and your condi dmg will be mitigate by the shroud LF so its kina a wast of dmg but its up to you

6- they depend on team fights to survive so if you can burst they first with all your teammates or try to separate them from there teams for an easier kill

After all that and after they used there 2 dodges they are very glassy and easy to burst down from hero to zero



When necro use his shroud

1-if you are a very good player you can use a hard CC at the very second they enter shroud because they having used [infusing Terror](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror "Infusing Terror") yet

2-if you missed the NO. 1 then its the best time to use soft CC they dont have any thing to cleanse that

3- if you missed NO. 1 and 2 rip the stab and use hard CC

4- if you dont have all of the above kit and keep a 600 radius from the reaper and dont use your heavy hitting attacks because the 5% LF consumption while in shroud its better that wasting your busrt use ranged auto attacks

5-dodge [Executioner's Scythe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Executioner%27s_Scythe "Executioner's Scythe") and dont stay in the ice field

6 run out of [soul Spiral](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soul_Spiral "Soul Spiral") and most professions have an easy access to swiftness and necro dont

7- after 7 second its safe to use your hard CC again because they wont have stab anymore

When you see a necro is out of his shroud burst him hard because he have to wait for 10 second to re enter and also use the 6 points i mentioned earlier


i hope that help if you have more info please share it with others





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> @"Plautze.6290" said:

> I get the intent of your thread and appreciate it but let's be honest:

> If those crying for Reaper to be nerfed don't grasp the things you wrote by themselves (don't stand in that damage, duh!), their requests should not be taken seriously in the first place.

It's still useful though. Blood magic and SF variant are vastly different in terms of defenses and gameplay, as noted by the OP. Also, the SF variant of power reaper is not really well-known (yet), while BM is widely used now.


I still hold up my opinion that BM wells variant is more viable in soloq, we will see which will prevail in this season.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"Plautze.6290" said:

> > I get the intent of your thread and appreciate it but let's be honest:

> > If those crying for Reaper to be nerfed don't grasp the things you wrote by themselves (don't stand in that damage, duh!), their requests should not be taken seriously in the first place.

> It's still useful though. Blood magic and SF variant are vastly different in terms of defenses and gameplay, as noted by the OP. Also, the SF variant of power reaper is not really well-known (yet), while BM is widely used now.


> I still hold up my opinion that BM wells variant is more viable in soloq, we will see which will prevail in this season.


I'm not belittling the usefulness of the thread, but rather openly doubt the reason behind the majority of all 'Nerf X!' cries.

But if I ever start doing PvP and face unconquerable Reapers, this thread will sure come in handy =)

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> first you need to know what amulets they use witch is [Marauder](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Marauder_Amulet "Marauder") or [Demolisher's](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Demolisher%27s_Amulet "Demolisher's") and with the new [Death Perception](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death_Perception "Death Perception") trait that make deminlishers a Berserker amulet with Toughness or Marauder a Berserker amulet with Vitality in general necro value Vitality more as a way to mitigate condi dmg and more LF


Some Reapers use Paladins as well because they already hit bloody hard even without Ferocity.


> When necro is not using his shroud

> 1- they dont have an easy access to stab so its best to use you hard CC . dont use soft CC you want to save that for when they enter shroud (you must dodge [Chilled to the Bone](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22Chilled_to_the_Bone!%22 "Chilled to the Bone") its best way for them to get stab and it have a good sound effect and well telegraphed animation)


I personally usually swap weapons to Quickness cast CTTB with Sigil of Agility. You can try interrupting/dodging that. Sometimes I'll have Spectral Grasp on my bar which I'll use to pull opponents over to CTTB. I do think Well of Power is more useful though.


> 2- they dont have an easy access to protection because they are using soul reaping and not blood magic so when you see a protection its best time to rep that boon they wont have another (if you dont have boon rip use weapon sigils )


True. But Protection isn't mandatory to the build. It's just a bonus. SR Reapers have 2 Protection procs btw. Traited Spectral Armor + the utility itself.


> 3-they using axe and staff to get LF(you ll see very few running sword because its require a good sustain to use and without blood magic its hard) staff you dont need to worry about it its just a LF generator but you need to dodge axe 2 [Ghastly Claws](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ghastly_Claws "Ghastly Claws") rest of there weapon skill nothing to worry about


Reapers don't use staff. Certainly not over GS. If they do use it, you basically know they suck anyway.


> 4- they will use [spectral Walk](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk "Spectral Walk") and [summon Flesh Wurm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Summon_Flesh_Wurm "Summon Flesh Wurm") to kit and try to disengaged or confuse you but after they use these you know where they ll go


Can't comment, personally never found these utilities very good.


> 5- if you are using a condi build dont wast you best combo at the start unless the reaper is low on health if not wait for him to exit shourd then burst because he ll have to wait 10 second to re enter his shroud thanks to ANET after they change [speed of Shadows](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Speed_of_Shadows "Speed of Shadows") and mostly they wont use it after they see its compete with [soul Marks](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soul_Marks "Soul Marks") if they are using staff and the reason you dont use your best condi combo because he ll enter shroud and your condi dmg will be mitigate by the shroud LF so its kina a wast of dmg but its up to you


If I am facing a condi opponent as a Reaper, I'll tank with Shroud AND try to save Sigil of Agility to Quickness-cast Consume Conditions. If that fails, I'll likely have Suffer! and Well of Power on my bar to mitigate condi pressure.


> 6- they depend on team fights to survive so if you can burst they first with all your teammates or try to separate them from there teams for an easier kill

> After all that and after they used there 2 dodges they are very glassy and easy to burst down from hero to zero


I personally run a bruisery build that can facetank damage from Spellbreakers and holos but something like a Power Shatter mesmer is my worst nightmare.


> When necro use his shroud

> 1-if you are a very good player you can use a hard CC at the very second they enter shroud because they having used [infusing Terror](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Infusing_Terror "Infusing Terror") yet


Sure but you'll still be hitting Shroud. Which is why the necro is in the Shroud for.


> 2-if you missed the NO. 1 then its the best time to use soft CC they dont have any thing to cleanse that


Death's Charge ignores soft CC aside from Immob.


> 3- if you missed NO. 1 and 2 rip the stab and use hard CC


Most classes don't have the capability to boon rip, so this kinda niche.


> 4- if you dont have all of the above kit and keep a 600 radius from the reaper and dont use your heavy hitting attacks because the 5% LF consumption while in shroud its better that wasting your busrt use ranged auto attacks


This is the correct tactique. If you fight a Reaper, and they Shroud, stay away from them. Most Reapers will drop out of Shroud if they have already used Deaths Charge. In reverse now though, the Reaper will probably kite/LoS you in turn because it's not a smart move to aggress opponents with Shroud on cooldown.


> 5-dodge [Executioner's Scythe](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Executioner%27s_Scythe "Executioner's Scythe") and dont stay in the ice field


It's amazing how many people blow all their dodges before the Reaper even goes into Shroud. But yes, this is good advice.


> 6 run out of [soul Spiral](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soul_Spiral "Soul Spiral") and most professions have an easy access to swiftness and necro dont


Good advice here. Ofc you'll likely be chilled at this point, so you need to be able to deal with that.


> 7- after 7 second its safe to use your hard CC again because they wont have stab anymore


Where do you even get all this CC? I've counted you using it 5 times already. You're out of CC by this point. I wouldn't use any major CC while they are in Shroud. Interrupts are fine but don't blow your Prime Light Beam when they are in Shroud.

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It's amazing that my power build with blood and soul reaping has worked with core necro, reaper and scourge. I don't get why any neco wouldn't run blood since it makes every attack heal. With my power blood wells reaper I went 102-12 in season 3.


Gotta sacrifice some things like over power with the palidin amulet. Before the insane over done condition issue. Core necro with knight ammulet was a lol show. Easy kills everywhere.


Stick with blood and wells with necro and you can heal up with any skill. Throw down a well or put down night fall then go reaper and do soul spiral. That's basically a heal spell on it's own.

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> I personally run a bruisery build that can facetank damage from Spellbreakers and holos

when i play reaper in PvP i have no problem at all with holo and power Shatter mesmer in 1VS1 but good spellbreakers is my worst nightmare. so i want to know how you can deal with them

> but something like a Power Shatter mesmer is my worst nightmare.

you mean like this


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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> It's amazing that my power build with blood and soul reaping has worked with core necro, reaper and scourge. I don't get why any neco wouldn't run blood since it makes every attack heal. With my power blood wells reaper I went 102-12 in season 3.


> Gotta sacrifice some things like over power with the palidin amulet. Before the insane over done condition issue. Core necro with knight ammulet was a lol show. Easy kills everywhere.


> Stick with blood and wells with necro and you can heal up with any skill. Throw down a well or put down night fall then go reaper and do soul spiral. That's basically a heal spell on it's own.


see the video above ^^

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > I personally run a bruisery build that can facetank damage from Spellbreakers and holos

> when i play reaper in PvP i have no problem at all with holo and power Shatter mesmer in 1VS1 but good spellbreakers is my worst nightmare. so i want to know how you can deal with them

> > but something like a Power Shatter mesmer is my worst nightmare.

> you mean like this


Pretty much. With no passive defenses, a Blood Reaper is a free kill for Power Shatter mesmer if they get the jump on you. It's less of a problem when running SR because of the passive Spectral Armor proc. Together with Paladin Amulet, the Protection mitigates just enough damage so you don't die outright after getting stunlocked and bursted. I've been "1-shotted" from 100% health and about 90% shroud, when in shroud as a Blood Reaper, suddenly bursted by a Power Shatter mes. Usually they +1 a fight you're alrdy in.

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> @"BlackBeard.2873" said:

> You also don't want to burst in shroud b/c they get 50% damage reduction standard for direct damage only. Shroud is one of the best times to dump condis on them for this reason, as condi damage is a lot more effective in shroud vs. not.


Just an FYI but shroud will have all dlincoming damage regardless of type. This includes falling damage. It's been proven by the necro community several times whenever someone has asked.


The most effective damage against reaper shroud is time.

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What I like is that if you play predictable, it's irrelevant what you play. That's not just a GW2 thing ... that works for EVERY game I've ever played.


So it goes without saying that if you play the typical Reaper builds that just use the best stuff and all your good enemies have seen before, you're going to get creamed by good players. If you can actually think strategically and put your opponent off their game a bit, give you and edge and take advantage of it. Things the Reaper have access to makes them well within the capability to do that.


So bottomline; if you play what everyone knows and expects from a Reaper, no, you won't last long ... and nor should you.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > all I want to say is dagger > gs

> > >

> > > main hand or off hand because off hand is some how good

> >

> > main


> i can see that play well with blood magic


it works but its not necessary

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> What I like is that if you play predictable, it's irrelevant what you play. That's not just a GW2 thing ... that works for EVERY game I've ever played.


> So it goes without saying that if you play the typical Reaper builds that just use the best stuff and all your good enemies have seen before, you're going to get creamed by good players. If you can actually think strategically and put your opponent off their game a bit, give you and edge and take advantage of it. Things the Reaper have access to makes them well within the capability to do that.


> So bottomline; if you play what everyone knows and expects from a Reaper, no, you won't last long ... and nor should you.


Well said. Any build can be good if used right. My soul reaping , blood, and reaper trait necro with axe/horn and GSM took me to 102-12 in season play. When I played lol, not that ranked is a cesspool I haven't touched it.


> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > > > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > > all I want to say is dagger > gs

> > > >

> > > > main hand or off hand because off hand is some how good

> > >

> > > main

> >

> > i can see that play well with blood magic


> it works but its not necessary


Dagger main is good on scourge but with reaper having a axe/horn with gs combo is just too fun to play.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > Dagger main is good on scourge but with reaper having a axe/horn with gs combo is just too fun to play.


> I like gs in wvw zergs but I cant bring myself to rely on it in pvp. I don't like the way it functions in small scale.


you mean the long long casting time


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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > > Dagger main is good on scourge but with reaper having a axe/horn with gs combo is just too fun to play.

> >

> > I like gs in wvw zergs but I cant bring myself to rely on it in pvp. I don't like the way it functions in small scale.


> you mean the long long casting time



yeah basically. if its aa was better I would consider using it.

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