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(Spoiler) "Hidden" mount was a mistake and mounts in general need to be toned down.

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Except... the Griffon requires a massive investment, that equivocates to the cost that goes into making Ascended Armor without time gates.


The griffon is unable to vertically climb higher than it can jump. And if you actually spent more than a few hours in the desert, you'd see people who do have the griffon, having to swap to the other mounts to actually get around.


The circumstances that a griffon is actually able to fly are very very rare.


The griffon is fucking slow on the ground. Yeeeah, try winning a race with it. You can do it, but it takes massive effort. The only thing you will be outrunning are skimmers who are not floating over water.


And lets say you do get to the point of climbing a mountain so the griffon can really shine. You could have already made it to your destination by the time you climb that stupid mountain.


As for skipping content? Anet can just get creative with how they can stop you. Tie Griffons into "No Fly zones". Or place special legendary units that are designed to shoot players out of the air.

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OP’s argument is semantics at this point. The cat’s already out of the bag now. Or rather the griffon is out of the nest. There’s pretty much 0% chance Arenanet is gonna say to everyone who currently has the mount, “all that work you did and price you paid to get that shiny (“feathery”?) new mount? Yeah, our bad. They’re going away now. Sorry ‘bout that, mate.”

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> @"Aurelian Omenkind.2470" said:

> OP’s argument is semantics at this point. The cat’s already out of the bag now. Or rather the griffon is out of the nest. There’s pretty much 0% chance Arenanet is gonna say to everyone who currently has the mount, “all that work you did and price you paid to get that shiny (“feathery”?) new mount? Yeah, our bad. They’re going away now. Sorry ‘bout that, mate.”


Well ocassionally they do nerf whole professions ;D

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Try skip content with the griffon when u start from the ground. The griffon is basically an upgraded glider - you can't fly with it, just the angle of falling is smaller. How can you even compare it with WoW mount that can fly upwards, like forever? Even if you are on a hill you still can't use its speed boost - you need to be a lot higher. So it is even slower than the raptor or the jackal.

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> @TexZero.7910 said:

> Oh look its this post again showcasing the eagle at it's best while not taking into account that even at its best (a 1% scenario) it's objectively the second slowest mount, and has the lowest base health meaning if anything remotely looks at you while riding it and has a tracking projectile you're SOL.


> The raptor is by the way the fastest mount when using skills and traveling in a linear fashion. Yes its even faster than griffon unless A.) The Griffon has jumped to the highest peak possible and B.) The rider has maxed mastery. Only when both conditions are met is it "better".


> The jackal is the fastest in an all purpose scenario where you may have to dodge/jump small gaps. It's run speed is the second fastest.

> The springer is the 3rd slowest mount, tied with the griffon. Like the griffon it excels with vertical movement. Unlike the griffon it requires constant use of terrain.

> The skimmer is the slowest of all the mounts, except on water/hazardous terrain.



why wouldnt you max mastery for griffon? unless masochist, i dont see why, plenty of mastery points since to get mount you need finish story and explore maps

flawed arguement.

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I've been playing in Cursed Shore this evening and watching several people riding around on their griffons.


Sometimes they're able to start from a height and with a careful mix of flapping up and diving to increase speed they can get further than you could simply by gliding, but in most cases it's more like jump, flap, glide, drop, run forward, jump, flap, glide, drop, run forward...And of course any time you're on or near the ground the risen can hit you. Overall I honestly think the people running around on raptors have an easier time.


Of course this is a relatively flat map, so it's probably one of the ones least suited to the griffon, but it's also not that unusual among core maps.

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> @Evolute.6239 said:

> We're past the point of no return here. You can't remove it or change it now because people will endlessly complain, no matter how much better it is or what content it invalidates or how much easier it makes the world and yada yada.


The endless complaints .... yes ... my gawd can we just skip it all together it really makes me cringe lol


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I fail to see how it would allow you to "skip" content. In story instances you have to do things in a certain order. Even if you were to use a mount to go ahead, you'd still have to backtrack to where you're suppose to be.


Also, as others have said, they could just put the mounts disabled buff in certain areas, and they have. For example, the entire Frost Basin area in southeastern Hoelbrak has the mounts disabled and glider disabled icons. You can't even use a raptor in that area without being dismounted, and before PoF you use to be able to use your glider there (most likely to prevent players from breaking out of the map).


I also fail to see how someone else using a mount bypasses _your_ content. If you don't want the mount, don't get it or use it. Simples.


I haven't gotten far enough yet to get the Griffon mount, but from the looks of other players using it, it's basically just an overpowered glider. It doesn't seem to actually let you hover in the air for as long as you want, or even let you go as high as you want. Basically it seems to have some limitations.


Edit: And if you think about it, you can't use gliders in any story content prior to Heart of Thorns because those maps weren't built with gliding in mind. I imagine it's the same for all story content prior to Path of Fire.


PoF story content was built with gliding and mounts in mind, so there are invisible walls and places that dismount you or prevent you from using mounts to prevent the player from going places they're not suppose to be.

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> @alceste.8712 said:

> I am not a huge fan of how much better the griffon is over the other mounts. I am not sure what the best way to fix the issue is thou.


That's the thing, though - it's not an "issue". There is not a bug causing the Gryphon to be what it is. And other people have pointed out that A) the Gryphon is more difficult to obtain than the others and B) is sub-par when using for ground travel. All mounts have their own pros and cons to balance them out.

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Skip content? What? Nothing requires you to do content while running from place A to place B. You do content if you want to do content. If you want to go to place B from place A, griffon and the other mounts will get you there, just like walking does. It doesn't "allow" players to bypass anything, since players have bypassed everything they want even before the mounts were a thing. It's that simple.


Also, nothing stops you from checking out the marvelous environment and landscapes when you're up high on your griffon. I really can't see what the OP's problem is, why get bothered if other people play as they please?

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I love how that video shows someone taking off from an ideal launch point, and using a fully mastered gryphon to travel across the map, only to land a stone's throw away from a waypoint. A waypoint that anyone could have used, and gotten there as fast if not faster.


The thing about the speed of a gryphon is that it's only going to matter when crossing a very large distance, and if you can get to a really good launch point. But at those distances, even with how spaced out they are in the PoF maps, there's going to be a closer waypoint most of the time. And you're not always going to have a good place to launch from. Even if there is a good launch point nearby, by the time you've gotten up there you can be a good chunk of the way there with a raptor.


Finally, let's look at what happens when you fully master the Jackal. When you do that, ALL of your mounts evade while using their movement abilities. For gryphon, that's... what? One beat of the wings? Now look at the raptor and skimmer. These two are your content skippers, once you master jackal. If this works as advertised, you'll be able to blow right through events on those two.

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There are some jumps the griffon cannot make, so I use the springer. The griffon will ALWAYS lose to the raptor and jackal in terms of speed along flat ground.

Griffons are not able to just jet up into the sky, you HAVE to start from high ground, that means you can either spend time finding and climbing a high point to start from or you can just use the raptor. This post is pointless joy-killery.


PS: Gonna go ahead and say you're wrong on the mounts letting us skip content, if anything the mounts allowing me to haul ass to an event has helped me participate even MORE.


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> @Chickenooble.5014 said:

> This is a kitten thread.


> * People who want to use the Gryphon can get it.

> * If you feel it is going to ruin your experience don't get it.

> * If you got it and found it ruined your experience don't use it.


> Problem solved.


I always hate these types of posts.


When they introduce content that invalidates other forms of content, people always say "just don't use it then". Hello? Why would anyone NOT use it if it makes their life easier?


You're dumb to not use mounts, but that doesn't mean you can't look and notice how much it trivializes some content and how much of a game changer it is.

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