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(Spoiler) "Hidden" mount was a mistake and mounts in general need to be toned down.

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Again: have the people who use the nonsense about "skipping content" as an excuse for their hate-on for mounts _ever_ done any of the following:


* Dungeon speedruns.

* Fractal skips.

* Entered another player's mesmer portal in any other situation.

* Received stealth or swiftness from another player in any other situation.

* Sat on their butt while another player did any kind of encounter or puzzle mechanic.

* Slotted portals, blinks, skills or traits that grant swiftness or stealth on their own characters.

* Used teleport to friend.

* Used a city portal.

* Used a waypoint.

* Used a VIP lounge pass.

* Used "travel to guildhall", "leave guildhall" or the PvP area equivalent.


People are "skipping content" left and right all the bloody time. In some cases, you're flat-out expected to do it and abused if you don't want to, don't know how or can't do it 100% perfectly 100% of the time. But somehow it's mounts, whose mechanics _enable and encourage_ new ways of exploration, who are used by at least a part of the playerbase to travel across the maps _more_ because "joy of movement" is a thing for them, are a bad thing and will ruin the game, because -- why again?


> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> The option to avoid everything that anet gave with this expansion is due to the casual community.

> You could, as casual, do not care at all, but since the game is moving toward that direction you can't think on your own and be selfish as a kid.


Ah. Of course. Because of the filthy casuals, greatest evil in gaming, whose mere presence sullies any game with their vile noxious stench. Funny thing is, the person acting selfishly here is you. You're the one insulting others. You're the one demanding that everyone comply with how you think the game must be played instead of being (horror of horrors) "allowed" to move around the world as they want to.


> Except 'cause players like you we'll continue to go toward the casual way.



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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> The Griffon is not a need for every PvE player. If you can get by without it then it is not, by definition, a need.


You save more time than a non griffon player, so it's a need as QoL.

Unless you are saying that taking a different path, switching mounts and maybe got engaged by enemie won't slow you down.

Or that loosing time moving from A to B is ok to you.


If so, hands down.


ps: i can too manage to avoid fights, and optimize mounts switch, but still i have to earn it instead flap over em. Just to make some differences between using a griffon or all 4 mounts combined.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > The Griffon is not a need for every PvE player. If you can get by without it then it is not, by definition, a need.


> You save more time than a non griffon player, so it's a need as QoL.

> Unless you are saying that taking a different path, switching mounts and maybe got engaged by enemie won't slow you down.

> Or that loosing time moving from A to B is ok to you.


> If so, hands down.


> ps: i can too manage to avoid fights, and optimize mounts switch, but still i have to earn it instead flap over em. Just to make some differences between using a griffon or all 4 mounts combined.


Thats not what need means.


"More efficient," or, "more enjoyable," or the like, perhaps. But not a need. Not even a universal need for QoL. If what someone enjoys in game is fighting mobs then the ability to bypass mobs doesnt improve his QoL. The only reason I am intending to get the Griffon is because griffons are my favorite mythical creature. Beyond that I dont actually like gliding or flying in this or other games regardless of the ability to bypass mobs.

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>**Q: What's new and different in Path of Fire that players will not have seen before? Why were these elements included?**


>**O’Brien**: Path of Fire introduces mounts into the game, and it’s a return to the Crystal Desert, one of the most beloved places from the original Guild Wars.


>When we decided to add mounts, we knew that we’d be taking them in a different direction than players had seen before. GW has always had fast travel, so adding mounts as a fast-travel mechanic isn’t particularly exciting.


>Instead, we focused on giving each one a unique personality and way of moving through the world, so they become the ultimate expression of “joy of movement”, a new way to explore the world, and a companion. For example, the Springer and its incredible vertical jump can help you get to the top of a cliff, while the Raptor can cross great distances in a single leap.


>**_Another cool thing about the mounts is that you can take them back to other open-world zones that weren’t ever designed for mounts. You can leap up to the top of a tower that was never supposed to be climbable. You can cross over hills that were supposed to be impassable. You could find a brand new way to get to some of your favorite places too._**


>**_It feels almost overpowered, and it could take you to places that weren’t intended to support player exploration, but it’s just fun. It’s a whole new way to see the world._**




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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > The Griffon is not a need for every PvE player. If you can get by without it then it is not, by definition, a need.

> >

> > You save more time than a non griffon player, so it's a need as QoL.

> > Unless you are saying that taking a different path, switching mounts and maybe got engaged by enemie won't slow you down.

> > Or that loosing time moving from A to B is ok to you.

> >

> > If so, hands down.

> >

> > ps: i can too manage to avoid fights, and optimize mounts switch, but still i have to earn it instead flap over em. Just to make some differences between using a griffon or all 4 mounts combined.


> Thats not what need means.


> "More efficient," or, "more enjoyable," or the like, perhaps. But not a need. Not even a universal need for QoL. If what someone enjoys in game is fighting mobs then the ability to bypass mobs doesnt improve his QoL. The only reason I am intending to get the Griffon is because griffons are my favorite mythical creature. Beyond that I dont actually like gliding or flying in this or other games regardless of the ability to bypass mobs.




I mean, i didn't Say that players can't have their personale reasons, to buy or do something.

So do I.


But the fact that you skip and semplificazione content is real. It also affects old zones.

As somebody said it is amazing to reach places you couldn't befofe, but it also semplifies content ( currently ie ppl are doing old jp with mounts, for achiements, chests or daily quest ).


Should or shouldn't that concern me?

I just don't really like where gw2 is going.

Let's see how ls4 will proceed.

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> It ~~feels almost~~ **certainly is** overpowered, and it could take you to places that weren’t intended to support player exploration, but it’s just fun. It’s a whole new way to see the world.


Fixed it for him.


Also here's a video of someone unlocking every waypoint in Queensdale without touching the ground once:

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> @Tekey.7946 said:

> > It ~~feels almost~~ **certainly is** overpowered, and it could take you to places that weren’t intended to support player exploration, but it’s just fun. It’s a whole new way to see the world.


> Fixed it for him.


> Also here's a video of someone unlocking every waypoint in Queensdale without touching the ground once:



Totally not a flying mount. Totally doesn't change the game, other mounts do the same things! Totally doesn't invalidate content.


People can make an argument that it's a good or bad thing, but it definitely changes the game a l o t.

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> @"Manimarco Devil.1790" said:

> It skips content in the sense that there are obstacles; terrain, enemies, traps added to the game to challenge the player. It allows players to bypass all of that.


Yes it does, and it is intended since HoT. It is called a Metroidvania game-style. check: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metroidvania


> If that sort of thing doesn't interest you they should simply add a instant waypoint to where you would like to be since you do not want to deal with the actual game itself.


If you do not want this sort of thing and you do not want to "skip blocks/obstacles", no one forces you to do.


> It severely diverges from GW1 game design where even small maps felt vast.


A surprise for you: GW2 is not an expansion of GW1. GW2 is a totally different game with a different game design. GW2 is just in the same world and uses the same lore as GW1.


I understand, you do not like it. That is a valid opinion. But (most) others like it and I am pretty sure it will stay in the game. So get used to it.


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You need a high ground to fly though and the time you'd take to reach said high ground so you can fly is basically the time you could've used to just cross the map normally.


Other than that, the griffon is kind of a jack-of-all-trades-mount. The Griffons Jump->Wingflap->Glide can cross obstacles that other mounts were "designed" for, but it can't do it nearly as good as each individual mount can. If you want to, you can just permanently be on your griffon, yes, but it's your own disadvantage then.




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My thoughts on this are simple. In an area where I want to get to a high area quickly ill use bunny to get me up. If I want to say glide over a horrible terrain ill use skimmer. Jackle I feel is going to be a highly used mount later due to the sand portals. I can see areas we can normally reach with even the griffin accessible by sand portal. I still feel as raptor is the fastest mount. Its long jump skill is great.


I think anet did a good job with designing these mounts to not be one and done mysteries like in lws3 or HoT example is flame of loss and sirens call...map locked masteries was a fail and a waste of points. I like what they are doing and I really think some are over thinking this.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > @Vladish.3940 said:

> > > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > > @"Aurelian Omenkind.2470" said:

> > > > OP’s argument is semantics at this point. The cat’s already out of the bag now. Or rather the griffon is out of the nest. There’s pretty much 0% chance Arenanet is gonna say to everyone who currently has the mount, “all that work you did and price you paid to get that shiny (“feathery”?) new mount? Yeah, our bad. They’re going away now. Sorry ‘bout that, mate.

> > >

> > > Would be appreciated.

> > > When People do it wrong and then Fix and Say ''we are sorry for the inconvinience'', there's nothing wrong.

> > >

> > > And after have read things like ''Cause i paid 250g then i have the right to skip things'' i do really hope they are going to nerf it to the ground.

> > >

> > > But Since the game is getting year after year more casual, i really doubt they'll do something which could cost em additional earnings.

> > >

> > > And really it's a Shame.

> >

> > Skip what things? Mobs? What is the difference between me flying over bunch of mobs and me just blatantly ignore them while running past them? The Danger of interaction? There are very few mobs that I can't get past with ease on my foot already. The amount of dodges, heals and defensive utilities we have, I chuckle to myself at any 80 dying to mobs. It makes your travel faster? So what, please relate to my previous post on that.

> >

> > And it isn't gold they spent on the Griffon that gives them right to use it. Not even work they've put into obtaining it. It is an item that is their property, that doesn't affect other players (unless you are talking about those poor players' envy, jealousy, hate). What gives them the right is that they WANT TO use it, as it is an option available to them.

> >

> > I am a casual player, sometimes I can't play for days, so it will be months before I personally can afford it. Does it look cool when people soar over me on griffons? Yes. Does it make me little jelly? Yes. But seeing those players gives me something to look forward to as well (if I choose to buy it in the end anyway), and if I continue to like how they look, etc., it gives me something to strive for. It's just a goal for some, it's not necessary for story progression (which was always the main selling point of GW2, because quite frankly events/farming/dungeons/raids/mounts... all that stuff is just standard now across the board for almost all MMOrpgs on the market. We play it because we like the world, griffons are part of it).

> >

> > Sorry you are jaded because you are dirt poor. So am I, but I don't take out that little frustration on others. I play at my own pace and WORK for that gold, just like they did. It's not like Anet came and just gave them mountains of gold or the mount itself. They worked for it (be it from time investment and in-game farming or real life work and gem conversion.

> >

> > Give me more gold or nerf the griffon... ridiculous.


> Try again dude ( maybe read it better before, it could really help ).


> The option to avoid everything that anet gave with this expansion is due to the casual community.

> You could, as casual, do not care at all, but since the game is moving toward that direction you can't think on your own and be selfish as a kid.


> The proposal was Less WP and Mounts to move through all the new zones ( different mounts, in order to pass through different terrains ), and the griffon destroyed everything they set the expansion for.

> It's not a gold issue ( i made around 500g in the first 5 hours i played the expansion, just by TP ), and if you see like this or "Envy" for the players who has a griffon listen to me, then it's something that concerns yourself and the way you pretend to play a game.

> But that's, fortunately, not my problem.


> Except 'cause players like you we'll continue to go toward the casual way.

> And there will be issues for me too.


> ps: And if you also are not able to see that using a griffon incrases the QoL and would be a need for every PvE players, then i should really give up. With you i mean.


Avoid everything Anet gave with this expansion? You going to avoid nodes and farming spots? Good for your income. Avoid content you essentially had to finish/already experience just to get the griffon in the first place? LULZ.


I am a casual player with thousands of hours in this game, so I use this term loosely.


Griffon didn't destroy shit. The only thing it did, is put more pressure on their map design team to create better maps. That is something they CHOSE to put on themselves as a company. Oh right, gliders did that already. Griffon isn't necessity, sorry to burst your bubble.


You are obviously nothing more than a troll. I am done with you.

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> @Ashen.2907 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > > @Ashen.2907 said:

> > > The Griffon is not a need for every PvE player. If you can get by without it then it is not, by definition, a need.

> >

> > You save more time than a non griffon player, so it's a need as QoL.

> > Unless you are saying that taking a different path, switching mounts and maybe got engaged by enemie won't slow you down.

> > Or that loosing time moving from A to B is ok to you.

> >

> > If so, hands down.

> >

> > ps: i can too manage to avoid fights, and optimize mounts switch, but still i have to earn it instead flap over em. Just to make some differences between using a griffon or all 4 mounts combined.


> Thats not what need means.


> "More efficient," or, "more enjoyable," or the like, perhaps. But not a need. Not even a universal need for QoL. If what someone enjoys in game is fighting mobs then the ability to bypass mobs doesnt improve his QoL. The only reason I am intending to get the Griffon is because griffons are my favorite mythical creature. Beyond that I dont actually like gliding or flying in this or other games regardless of the ability to bypass mobs.


He obviously never heard of the HoT expansion and gliders. I have been gliding over content for like 2-3 years now?

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> @Evolute.6239 said:

> > @Tekey.7946 said:

> > > It ~~feels almost~~ **certainly is** overpowered, and it could take you to places that weren’t intended to support player exploration, but it’s just fun. It’s a whole new way to see the world.

> >

> > Fixed it for him.

> >

> > Also here's a video of someone unlocking every waypoint in Queensdale without touching the ground once:

> >


> Totally not a flying mount. Totally doesn't change the game, other mounts do the same things! Totally doesn't invalidate content.


> People can make an argument that it's a good or bad thing, but it definitely changes the game a l o t.


It still doesn't allow him to participate in any content. He can travel faster than others? So what. He had to go out of his way in the first place to be able to use that ability in the first place. He still can't use it for hearts or vistas, and he more likely than not will not be able to do that trick again after initial heart/vista unless he actually goes out of his way again for that sort of elevation. That sounds more redundant than not. Not only that, there are many places that are underground/instanced/etc. rendering Griffon useless for that content. Its funny how someone unlocking WPs or PoIs can ruin your game, doesn't ruin mine or makes me feel like it's overpowered. It only puts more pressure on GW2 team for better map design down the line that takes that feature under consideration, nothing more.

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So, griffon is "OP", what is the problem. It can't do combat, nor can it "fly" without starting from a high elevation, and last I checked most things that give you (meaningful) stuff require combat.


You can break out of maps with it, these will likely be addressed with invisible walls or adding kill triggers at map boundaries, if the devs feel that the breaks are a big enough problem.


The devs basically said during mount live streams that people will be able to go to unintended places in core maps using the mounts, particularly they noted that players will hit invisible walls with the Springer. So, let's get rid of that now too (after all Springer is basically what enables Griffon to fly in many old maps to begin with).

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> @"Manimarco Devil.1790" said:

> The griffon mount needs to be removed.


Yeah no...

I hate these kinds of threads. _"Please take something away from players against their will that they love and worked for, just because I don't like it and think it will destroy the game, kthxbye."_ I find it incredibly arrogant. If you value ground obstacles so much, then feel free to just stay on the ground.



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Ah here we go, I found a perfect visual representation of this thread.




On a serious note: Mounts are doing nothing but making the game more fun to move around in AND giving the devs more options for fun maps they could make in the upcoming living story releases. You must LITERALLY hate fun if you're against that.

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but the griffon is only semi-flying mount, I have it, and still use

- gliding (for precision landing, updrafts, leylines)

- jackal (portals)

- raptor (flat parts of maps, old maps)

- bunny (jumps)


Everything is ok. It doesn't invalidate other mounts or gliding. I can't wait for mounts to appear in WvW, probably the same way gliding is. I bet a lot of people will start going there more often. Right now WvW is mostly running from point to point, and with mounts it will much more dynamic (battles will be way often)


Edit: I can't even believe people could complain about this. So well-thought and implemented...

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