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Could we please enforce higher standards of PvP etiquette?


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I really enjoy the game play of PvP and appreciate constructive feedback that helps me to improve my game. I have an issue however with the amount of rage, hostility, and/or team neglect I see on a regular basis from other players. I have friends who are unwilling to participate in the competitive side of GW2 simply because they rather avoid the large amount of hostility that they have come to expect from other players.

I know there is a reporting system but I do wonder how effective it is seeing as there is still so many people willing to put other players down and make inappropriate comments or just flat out give up on a game and go idle.


If this was an uncommon experience, I would not feel the need to bring this up on the forums. However, this happens so often that when I am considering doing PvP the first thing I think about is whether or not I want to put up with annoying/abusive players.


My request is simple. Please prevent players from being able to participate in team based scenarios if they are unwilling to uphold an etiquette of decency and respect. I've thought long and hard about making this post, but it is because I experience this sort of behavior many times throughout a day that I have decided to make this request.


Thank you.

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Seems like a potential solution would be to have some kind of commend button that gave teammates (as a paltry reward) rank points or reward track progress or something. That way one of two things could happen: players could ask the team for constructive feedback which some people (like myself) enjoy giving and in return could get a commend or something, yet this could be an invitation for some hate to come out as well. Then another possibility, is to have players let their team know that they'd be happy to give constructive feedback and players who want it could ask, get it and then commend those players. With enough commends maybe a title or something could be achieved that let players know that this person is open to help which would make the whole thing easier.


I enjoy this game and would like more players to be skillful at it and a lot of players helped me along the way to make leaps of realizations that really helped me improve. And as some gold players break into platinum and end up on my team, it makes nothing better by flaming them especially when they're likely to end up on my team again. Makes sense to help people out and get some more skillful teammates in return. So this could be a cool idea if it was fleshed out.

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> @"dsundmark.1902" said:

> My request is simple. Please prevent players from being able to participate in team based scenarios if they are unwilling to uphold an etiquette of decency and respect.


the issue with etiquette of decency and respect is that this highly differs between players what they consider respectful.

some see it as disrespectful to play a weak build as it will affect the other 4 aswell, while others see it as perfectly fine to insult the opponent a little to get an emotional reaction that might help in the match.

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If you stay on a treb on the battle of kyhlo for more than 1 minute, you bet I'm going to call you out on being a moron.


I try not to ever blame people, as it always backfires. But sometimes it's so blatantly obvious that someone is doing something wrong and they refuse to listen.


What were you doing when someone was blaming you? Chances are you did not deserve it, but if it was real honest, blunt feedback, you may want to listen.

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You gotta make a difference between " competitive rage " and " salty " to me.

When people keep suiciding mid and refuse to read tactics in chat and watch drawings on map, this gets annoying to me. Feels like i'm useless and i can't do anything else than sit and wait for the lose. Others might consider " you're not the boss ,.. " but still..



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Ignore the chat and just play, though then you gotta figure things out on your own without feedback.

I did this in LoL and improved my own performance a lot, in addition with feeling less angered due the simple lack of saltiness in the chat.


It's just a game, nothing more, so don't let it affect you.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"dsundmark.1902" said:

> > My request is simple. Please prevent players from being able to participate in team based scenarios if they are unwilling to uphold an etiquette of decency and respect.


> the issue with etiquette of decency and respect is that this highly differs between players what they consider respectful.

> some see it as disrespectful to play a weak build as it will affect the other 4 aswell, while others see it as perfectly fine to insult the opponent a little to get an emotional reaction that might help in the match.


even the term GG is found offensive now


> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> Ignore the chat and just play, though then you gotta figure things out on your own without feedback.

> I did this in LoL and improved my own performance a lot, in addition with feeling less angered due the simple lack of saltiness in the chat.


> It's just a game, nothing more, so don't let it affect you.


It's been years since I played but that was the best thing to do when playing Shen Support with shield and taunt spam or killing everyone as Sona/Pantheon Support... I stopped playing shortly after they butchered Shen and Mordekaiser :angry:

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The reason me and a bunch of my old PvP mates left the game mode. We knew as an esport it was going to fail, and as a community it was becoming more and more toxic (which may have helped the death of the gw2 esport). Observing for many years I still think the toxic side of the community is to blame (which funny enough are sometimes the loudest people when fighting to have esport status returned).


Just an observation.

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Tensions will always be high in PvP. To promote the etiquette that you want, you have to work for it. By avoiding PvP altogether, you are just hiding from the problem. You are leaving the playground for the loud guys. Instead, you should play more to show others what you want it to be like and encourage people to reflect your ideals. Lead by example.


What's happening at the moment is that calm players are lying to themselves by saying: "I am going to take the higher ground and walk away". What's happening is that you are letting the loud ones running wild in PvP and making their rules. Stand your ground and show yourself. If your ideal is good, people will flock to it and may outnumber the rest.


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I can assure the OP that using /block - or just right click on the name tag and selecting block - is a highly effective way of removing this toxicity from your game. Takes about 2 to 3 months to weed them out but there really are few toxic players in the game. Frankly if a player is trying then that is fine with me, I have occasionally made negative comments on team chat, but I never never ever direct these at a toon. GW2 PvP just can't be taken seriously.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > Seems like a potential solution would be to have some kind of commend button that gave teammates (as a paltry reward) rank points or reward track progress or something.

> Because that wouldn't get abused/exploited or anything.


> TERRIBLE idea.



Yeah, cause players totally got a farm to make their 1 kittening gazzilionth point to reach dragon rank for the billionth time. Who the hell who would abuse that lol?

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> If players start arguing, tell them, "Stop talking. Focus." This works 95% of the time.


This surprisingly does work. I often tell ppl to focus up and focus on defeating the other team. Sure there are the odd people who continue to rant but tbh with the way placement has gone, I am not surprised to see so much frustration. Sometimes even a simple "stop" will help discourage the rants from even getting past one sentence in team chat. I just wish more players would read team chat and contribute to a strategy discussion before the match.

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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > If players start arguing, tell them, "Stop talking. Focus." This works 95% of the time.


> This surprisingly does work. I often tell ppl to focus up and focus on defeating the other team. Sure there are the odd people who continue to rant but tbh with the way placement has gone, I am not surprised to see so much frustration. Sometimes even a simple "stop" will help discourage the rants from even getting past one sentence in team chat. I just wish more players would read team chat and contribute to a strategy discussion before the match.


Yup. Gotta catch it as soon as it starts.




This idea could potentially lower toxicity. I find a lot of bming stems from players not knowing what to do, and thus making bad decisions. The new scoreboard I propose would give people a very clear picture of exactly what is **helpful** and what **isn't** in Conquest.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > Seems like a potential solution would be to have some kind of commend button that gave teammates (as a paltry reward) rank points or reward track progress or something.

> Because that wouldn't get abused/exploited or anything.


> TERRIBLE idea.



I think it would be great to be honest. A system like League Of Legends.


give a button to honor an enemy and grant them 2 pips or something...

give a button to honor allies too that you arent in party with or 2 pip per honor and 1 per party member.


also give a dishonor for allies so if you get a rage quitter or even just someone raging, you can remove a PIP... doesnt seem like much until you act like a dick and your whole dishonors you for poor behaviour.


it had a tremendous effect to the players in LoL when it was introduced and once it worked they built on it with little icons and banners to represent the sort of player you are.

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You need to have a good game with a decent skill ceiling before you can start talking about potentially policing behavior. As it stands, anyone can hop into GW2 and land on the top 250 leaderboards with some meta/fotm build; that just means that there aren't enough people to form a consistent community. Applying sudden rules to passersby who just happen to be in the area at the moment is going to chase people away more than it will establish some sort of "culture of appropriate behavior" (particularly because one could probably count, with a single hand, the number of people who feel attached to GW2 PvP in any particular way).


All that aside, stop gettin mad at vidya games. And if you really want to improve matches in general, cut the win condition point total from 500 to 250. I swear to you RIGHT NOW, that PvP would IMMEDIATELY improve 500% if people just didn't suffer through the current match length.

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Anet could try profanity filter(implemented in game client rather than server... so it'll be faster and take a load off of the server) in in-game chat like how they do in these forums... thats a start, that won't reduce pvp population... infact, it would bring back the lost population...


and another extra feature would be to auto filter check a particular player's chat if another player has blocked or reported as verbal abuse and if found to be positive, deactivate their ability to post chat as whisper/map/say/team or in any channel... but they can use their team communication like minimap signals warning,alert,and other signals like map draw for teamplay contribution...

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