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Why ANet knows how to buff other class's elites but not ele's?


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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Ele elite skills have never been that strong but there normal utility often feel more like elite skills. Ele realty needs a good one shot elite skill that dose not put the ele in a state of not being an ele or that requires them to give up skills use have the full effect of such an elite skill. Ele needs an arcain elite skill badly. A good one shot aoe burst dmg with a knock back on a some what low cd that hits 10 targets.


So you basicly want an oneshot 10 target aoe with hard cc and low cooldown? Maybe 10 Charges on a 5 sec recharge time and 0.5 sec internal cooldown? Sure, would be great. Also make it instant, 2.500 range and 1200 aoe radius. I think you get where I'm going. No, just no. Ele doesn't need another oneshot gimmik, give it a useful elite. Useful doesn't mean op. This would only hurt the profession.



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> @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Ele elite skills have never been that strong but there normal utility often feel more like elite skills. Ele realty needs a good one shot elite skill that dose not put the ele in a state of not being an ele or that requires them to give up skills use have the full effect of such an elite skill. Ele needs an arcain elite skill badly. A good one shot aoe burst dmg with a knock back on a some what low cd that hits 10 targets.


> So you basicly want an oneshot 10 target aoe with hard cc and low cooldown? Maybe 10 Charges on a 5 sec recharge time and 0.5 sec internal cooldown? Sure, would be great. Also make it instant, 2.500 range and 1200 aoe radius. I think you get where I'm going. No, just no. Ele doesn't need another oneshot gimmik, give it a useful elite. Useful doesn't mean op. This would only hurt the profession.




Another one shot gimmick? What was the first one?

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

> > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > Ele elite skills have never been that strong but there normal utility often feel more like elite skills. Ele realty needs a good one shot elite skill that dose not put the ele in a state of not being an ele or that requires them to give up skills use have the full effect of such an elite skill. Ele needs an arcain elite skill badly. A good one shot aoe burst dmg with a knock back on a some what low cd that hits 10 targets.

> >

> > So you basicly want an oneshot 10 target aoe with hard cc and low cooldown? Maybe 10 Charges on a 5 sec recharge time and 0.5 sec internal cooldown? Sure, would be great. Also make it instant, 2.500 range and 1200 aoe radius. I think you get where I'm going. No, just no. Ele doesn't need another oneshot gimmik, give it a useful elite. Useful doesn't mean op. This would only hurt the profession.

> >

> >


> Another one shot gimmick? What was the first one?


The pre nerfed fresh air build. I still think it's too much (there should be no oneshot builds) but much more manageable.

At least until last patch... I don't know about how it is now, haven't encountered a fresh air build since the last patch but I also haven't played an awful lot since in WvW.

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> @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

> > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

> > > > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > > > Ele elite skills have never been that strong but there normal utility often feel more like elite skills. Ele realty needs a good one shot elite skill that dose not put the ele in a state of not being an ele or that requires them to give up skills use have the full effect of such an elite skill. Ele needs an arcain elite skill badly. A good one shot aoe burst dmg with a knock back on a some what low cd that hits 10 targets.

> > >

> > > So you basicly want an oneshot 10 target aoe with hard cc and low cooldown? Maybe 10 Charges on a 5 sec recharge time and 0.5 sec internal cooldown? Sure, would be great. Also make it instant, 2.500 range and 1200 aoe radius. I think you get where I'm going. No, just no. Ele doesn't need another oneshot gimmik, give it a useful elite. Useful doesn't mean op. This would only hurt the profession.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Another one shot gimmick? What was the first one?


> The pre nerfed fresh air build. I still think it's too much (there should be no oneshot builds) but much more manageable.

> At least until last patch... I don't know about how it is now, haven't encountered a fresh air build since the last patch but I also haven't played an awful lot since in WvW.


FA builds arent one shot since you need to cast at least 5 damaging skills.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> FA builds arent one shot since you need to cast at least 5 damaging skills.


I know. Oneshot is commonly used for such builds as the timeframe for those skill chains is small. Just terminology. You wouldn't call every build which can kill you in like 2 sec by the correct number of skills required to do this (as this also depends on the enemy build).

So, my point still stands.



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> @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > Ele elite skills have never been that strong but there normal utility often feel more like elite skills. Ele realty needs a good one shot elite skill that dose not put the ele in a state of not being an ele or that requires them to give up skills use have the full effect of such an elite skill. Ele needs an arcain elite skill badly. A good one shot aoe burst dmg with a knock back on a some what low cd that hits 10 targets.


> So you basicly want an oneshot 10 target aoe with hard cc and low cooldown? Maybe 10 Charges on a 5 sec recharge time and 0.5 sec internal cooldown? Sure, would be great. Also make it instant, 2.500 range and 1200 aoe radius. I think you get where I'm going. No, just no. Ele doesn't need another oneshot gimmik, give it a useful elite. Useful doesn't mean op. This would only hurt the profession.




Na more like holo elite or even obritail strike. Long cast time but on the move.

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"lLobo.7960" said:

> > > > @"Zelse.9780" said:

> > > > can we just have the tornado elite an aoe summon spell? Just summon a massive tornado in one spot? Because, why not?

> > >

> > > Tornado is a cantrip. Those are usually self-effects.

> > > Id much rather have tornado work a bit like a shroud, where you get a secondary HP while in tornado mode.

> >

> > I dunno the tornado idea as an AOE would be nice to have, maybe its time to change it from a cantrip, i dont know. Way back when the game first came out i thought *tornado* was going to be an elite AOE spell, and..it was a transformation that was just..awful...

> >

> > I *really* wish we had an AOE like the hydras do.


> Imagine if the Tornado elite skill was changed to an AoE spell where 2-3 tornadoes wreaked havoc in the user's chosen location, knocking back foes while doing an insane amount of damage. That would be way better than what we have now.


Sounds awsome and would totally consider running it over Rebound...


Rebound is good for that one extra aura, the life saving part is too weak in the current META as 1 auto attack after the proc will end up killing you anyway...


Maybe I'm just a fan of this because Zephyr is my main in Warframe.



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> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> From Rampage to now Daggerstorm, Chaotic Release, and Signet of Courage. Meanwhile, our class are stuck with mediocre to trash elites. FGS is on irreducible 180s cd for some reason when all that weapon is good for is running away, cleaving downs, or filler for pve rotations. Weave self is only good because of condi conversion from Leadership rune and Stability from Bolstered Elements. Rebound just for one extra aura or to buy a little bit of time to not die because every other elites suck on tempest.


> The only other class I can find that has mediocre elites is ranger, but at least none of them are sitting at some absurd 180s cd.


> Couldn't even get our FGS cast time and/or pick up time to be reduced from 1s to 0.75s, much less taking a look at Tornado and the Pet Glyph.


> I'm just really fed up with the clear balancing bias from ANet against eles that they like to deny doing, especially with the must preemptive nerf when buff thing.


I'm still waiting for tempest to get buffed in its aura or something, so its more competitive in pve.

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I'm all for elite changes but:

- Tornado: As a "transform elite skill" hater I support your idea of anything different, however, is everybody ready to give up on the juicy stability on this skill? I believe that the same basic tornado effect without locking the elementalist out of it's weaponskills and utility skill should be worth being an elite. 10 second of relative safety thanks to stab and knock back with a whirl finisher and on a 90 seconds cool down, I buy this any time on any profession.

- Fiery GS: The issue of this skill lie more in how conjure skills work than a matter of power output. As a Kit FGS is already perfect, the problem is, like with every conjure weapon, that it is a sharable kit that you don't want to share...

- Glyph of elementals: I believe the main issue is that the cool down of the glyph start after the elemental death. This is something that I find illogic since the glyph is only used to summon the elemental not to maintain it. Otherwise it's a skill with a strength that can easily rival necromancer's golem (what's lost in CC is gained on versatility). A nice change could be to make the elemental's active skill also grant an aura to the elemental and it's summoner based on the elemental type (could also be done on glyph of lesser elemental, that might lead to interesting builds).

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Things to do to make elementalist elite appealing:

* Change the baseline lesser glyph of elemental skills to be more appealing (give fire ele burn, earth ele bleed, water ele cleanse, air ele quickness), as those skills are used on cd by the elite elementals without further interaction. Make them do cool stuff and scale them with gear.

* FSG: Rewamp the whole conjure thing to be like a weapon set you have access to, with a smaller cd when you leave. This pickup stuff is clunky as fuck.

* Weave Self: Make entering weave self instant cast. Just add 10s to the existing buffs when entering perfect weave, instead of just reducing the remaining time to 10s. It's strange that you can switch atunements fast but have to time it to make perfect use of it. Ele has enough stuff to time already.

* Introduce a cool elite signet skill.

* Introduce a cool arcane signet skill.

* Rebound is fine as it is.

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