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why is there no personal housing in GW2 yet

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seriously anet u would make a lot of revenue off of this and then ncsoft would be less disappointed by the annual earnings


im not talking about the home instance players already have thats a horrible form of housing


i mean fully customizable housing where you can personally decorate your house and do things in it like in FFXIV or Runescape


lots of players want their own houses and spaces to call their own and housing and decorating would be a good side activity when not farming istan or silverwastes or doing raids and fractals


please anet add player housing in one of the next living world episodes or in the next expansion we need it and u would make a lot of money!!

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Housing is a pretty vague request, every game I've seen does it differently and players all seem to have their own ideas and expectations for what it should include.


Elder Scrolls Online added housing - instances players could buy and decorate with furnishing and a lot if people were very disappointed because apparently when they said they wanted housing what they meant is they wanted more storage space for items, but separate from their bank. (Which was eventually added, but I'm pretty sure the developers only started working on that after he original version met with so much negative feedback.)


I know you said you want it to be like FFXIV or Runescape but having never played either of those that doesn't mean anything to me.


Would you be happy with just an instance you can decorate or is there more you expect from it? You said "and do things in it" but what things do you mean? What are your "must have" features?


How do you expect Anet to monetise this? What aspects would they sell in the gem store and what would be going too far?


I realise that's a lot of questions but it's in your interest to be specific or you could end up with something that fits your request in name only and even less chance of getting what you actually want because then people can say we have housing so that discussion is done.

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1) There's already a form of player housing in the game, no @"segman.3560" it's not lounges, those have nothing even resembling player housing since they're public hubs. You have the home instance. Is it the traditional player housing... Well, no, i mean i've played a few dozen MMORPGs in my time, and most didn't have any form of player housing, the few that did, didn't have any one set of defining features, except being an instance that is individual to each player. Some were a land lot you built up with a lot of different things to add (like Wildstar), some were just a generic house in an instance that you could decorate and use it for added storage (Runes of Magic), others have player houses in-game, in landlots, or otherwise, and you can build and/or decorate the house, even add fields or other gathering stuff, and use it for a ton of different things (BDO, Archeage, Runescape). The only consistent aspect it's that its individual to you, and you can change it through your actions.

So Home Instances in GW2 do fit that bill. Is there room for improvement? Immense, but you always had player housing since launch. Might not fit your desires or aspirations, but it fits the definition.


Also, there's a new version of that upcoming. Not sure it will still fit the expectations of a lot of people though, but we'll have to wait and see.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> 1) There's already a form of player housing in the game, no @"segman.3560" it's not lounges, those have nothing even resembling player housing since they're public hubs. You have the home instance. Is it the traditional player housing... Well, no, i mean i've played a few dozen MMORPGs in my time, and most didn't have any form of player housing, the few that did, didn't have any one set of defining features, except being an instance that is individual to each player. Some were a land lot you built up with a lot of different things to add (like Wildstar), some were just a generic house in an instance that you could decorate and use it for added storage (Runes of Magic), others have player houses in-game, in landlots, or otherwise, and you can build and/or decorate the house, even add fields or other gathering stuff, and use it for a ton of different things (BDO, Archeage, Runescape). The only consistent aspect it's that its individual to you, and you can change it through your actions.

> So Home Instances in GW2 do fit that bill. Is there room for improvement? Immense, but you always had player housing since launch. Might not fit your desires or aspirations, but it fits the definition.


> Also, there's a new version of that upcoming. Not sure it will still fit the expectations of a lot of people though, but we'll have to wait and see.


With housing in general, people mean a place that you can decorate yourself. Like interior decorating and even outside. Being able to build your own house as well goes a step further, though I'd like that idea and it fits in a crafting/gathering game like GW2. Either way, you play a vital part in what the place looks like and I think that's key to housing.


The home instance is not worth considering housing because what can you do more then place nodes in there? What the place looks like is set as far as I'm concerned. So I don't think it fits the bill at all. You may insist on a technicality of calling it housing but let's just talk about a place that you get to change the looks of albeit decorating an existing place that you can get or a place that you can build from scratch and then decorate. Anything less than that is not worth considering really.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > 1) There's already a form of player housing in the game, no @"segman.3560" it's not lounges, those have nothing even resembling player housing since they're public hubs. You have the home instance. Is it the traditional player housing... Well, no, i mean i've played a few dozen MMORPGs in my time, and most didn't have any form of player housing, the few that did, didn't have any one set of defining features, except being an instance that is individual to each player. Some were a land lot you built up with a lot of different things to add (like Wildstar), some were just a generic house in an instance that you could decorate and use it for added storage (Runes of Magic), others have player houses in-game, in landlots, or otherwise, and you can build and/or decorate the house, even add fields or other gathering stuff, and use it for a ton of different things (BDO, Archeage, Runescape). The only consistent aspect it's that its individual to you, and you can change it through your actions.

> > So Home Instances in GW2 do fit that bill. Is there room for improvement? Immense, but you always had player housing since launch. Might not fit your desires or aspirations, but it fits the definition.

> >

> > Also, there's a new version of that upcoming. Not sure it will still fit the expectations of a lot of people though, but we'll have to wait and see.


> With housing in general, people mean a place that you can decorate yourself. Like interior decorating and even outside. Being able to build your own house as well goes a step further, though I'd like that idea and it fits in a crafting/gathering game like GW2. Either way, you play a vital part in what the place looks like and I think that's key to housing.


> The home instance is not worth considering housing because what can you do more then place nodes in there? What the place looks like is set as far as I'm concerned. So I don't think it fits the bill at all. You may insist on a technicality of calling it housing but let's just talk about a place that you get to change the looks of albeit decorating an existing place that you can get or a place that you can build from scratch and then decorate. Anything less than that is not worth considering really.


I..personally dont enjoy building houses, ill spend forever designing them, and i love building spaceships in games like SE and SM, but when it comes to building and decorating a house, i dont enjoy it, so having pre made structures like our player homes, and im hoping even more the sunspear sanctuary thing is housing to me. So to have a space that i needed to build and decorate would mean..nothing to me, and i wouldnt use it.


A premade that allows me to:


1.) Display things ive earned on my account, achievements, items or even rare skins ive unlocked.

2.) Is unique(in whats unlocked) for every person.

3.) can be shown to people.


Thats all i really need, im only hoping in a small amount that they have the nodes inside the sanctuary.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> Do people really want to sit in their ~~garrisons~~ personal housing all day instead of being out in the world and playing? I just never understood the point of it.


Binary thinking doesn't help. It's not one or the other. In fact you spend a lot of time in the world, collecting and crafting items to put in your house. They can do a lot of nice collections and crafting recipes for this to keep a number of people quite busy. Making these items sellable for a good part also makes the drops worthwhile to those who don't care about housing since they can sell those items for gold. So it adds to the loot tables and gives a new reason for doing existing content as well.


And besides, as gamers we spend a lot of time in house instead of being out in the world right? But then perhaps also there it doesn't have to be one or the other... ;)

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> Do people really want to sit in their ~~garrisons~~ personal housing all day instead of being out in the world and playing? I just never understood the point of it.


Considering it's a b2p game that needs to monetize almost every single system to survive, player housing would be like personal gallery for whales to show people how much money they throw on the game.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > 1) There's already a form of player housing in the game, no @"segman.3560" it's not lounges, those have nothing even resembling player housing since they're public hubs. You have the home instance. Is it the traditional player housing... Well, no, i mean i've played a few dozen MMORPGs in my time, and most didn't have any form of player housing, the few that did, didn't have any one set of defining features, except being an instance that is individual to each player. Some were a land lot you built up with a lot of different things to add (like Wildstar), some were just a generic house in an instance that you could decorate and use it for added storage (Runes of Magic), others have player houses in-game, in landlots, or otherwise, and you can build and/or decorate the house, even add fields or other gathering stuff, and use it for a ton of different things (BDO, Archeage, Runescape). The only consistent aspect it's that its individual to you, and you can change it through your actions.

> > So Home Instances in GW2 do fit that bill. Is there room for improvement? Immense, but you always had player housing since launch. Might not fit your desires or aspirations, but it fits the definition.

> >

> > Also, there's a new version of that upcoming. Not sure it will still fit the expectations of a lot of people though, but we'll have to wait and see.


> With housing in general, people mean a place that you can decorate yourself. Like interior decorating and even outside. Being able to build your own house as well goes a step further, though I'd like that idea and it fits in a crafting/gathering game like GW2. Either way, you play a vital part in what the place looks like and I think that's key to housing.


> The home instance is not worth considering housing because what can you do more then place nodes in there? What the place looks like is set as far as I'm concerned. So I don't think it fits the bill at all. You may insist on a technicality of calling it housing but let's just talk about a place that you get to change the looks of albeit decorating an existing place that you can get or a place that you can build from scratch and then decorate. Anything less than that is not worth considering really.


So if they added the decoration system from guild halls to home instances, allowing you to buy/craft/find decorations and place them wherever you want that would be a good housing system?

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Considering they already have an instance than is individual for yourself and an instance that is individual for guilds, I would have much prefered if they had put more work in those two existing instances than to indroduce yet another one. There are tons of things that could be fleshed out and worked on, but instead of improving what we already have we get yet another new thing. Let's hope that one is actually what many people wanted.

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I don't get these ideas that housing would make Anet lots of money. Anet makes money from the Gemstore ... what would they sell in the GS that would make them lots of money related to housing? I don't see that happening. They going to sell furniture? Frankly, that would be rather crap. I get selling skins and personal items, but stuff for a house sits in a house ... that's not much value to a player.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get these ideas that housing would make Anet lots of money. Anet makes money from the Gemstore ... what would they sell in the GS that would make them lots of money related to housing? I don't see that happening. They going to sell furniture? Frankly, that would be rather crap. I get selling skins and personal items, but stuff for a house sits in a house ... that's not much value to a player.


Elder Scrolls Online sells both the houses themselves and furniture.


With a few exceptions houses can be bought with gold, and most furnishings can be bought, found or crafted in-game but some people just prefer to buy them in the cash shop because it's quicker or easier for them.

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> @"segman.3560" said:

> > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > Because Anet want you out in the cities, not hiding in your home.


> This excuse is no longer viable after the release of first vip pass, sorry.


I mean it still kinda is, most of the VIP passes i have and use for crafting when i go them they are completely empty. Especially the airship, i find more people in BC than i do inside any of the passes have access to(3).

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Why It hasn't been implemented yet?

Because it costs a quaggan ton of resources which most people will consider wasted only like a few tens or hundred of people will actually use.


The majority will only use it if it means cramming all your home instance nodes in one corner and even then.


Don't get me wrong, its a type of content I'd like to have, but not at the cost of anything else on their production table


I always thought the easiest way would be to add the GH decoration interface to the home instances we already have.

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Why would I want my own personal house in GW2...I would never be home enough to even use it, sort of like my home racial city and home instance. I'm to damned busy out in the world to ever spend time in my own house, so I wouldn't even bother with one until I retired from adventuring and being the Commander.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get these ideas that housing would make Anet lots of money. Anet makes money from the Gemstore ... what would they sell in the GS that would make them lots of money related to housing? I don't see that happening. They going to sell furniture? Frankly, that would be rather crap. I get selling skins and personal items, but stuff for a house sits in a house ... that's not much value to a player.


Something to ponder: You can now buy a chair in the Gem Store. An indication of things to come?

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