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why is there no personal housing in GW2 yet

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they could do something like wildstar did with housing. before it went f2p u could get random drops for things in your house. those drop were just about anything u could think of, chairs, different houses, plants, pipes to put on said house etc. even different actives droped u could do inside your home instance. i'm sure anet could think of plenty of drop items, rewards items, then gem items for ppl to buy. add in invite to my house to come wonder around and play in it. would be a great thing for an x pac.

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > They going to sell furniture? Frankly, that would be rather crap.


> They are already selling chairs...


Yup ... that's probably part of the 'test' to see if such a thing makes sense. You think Anet would just launch into a whole line of GS items without knowing if there is a market for them? I won't pull punches here; I think people purchasing chairs is ridiculous; it's a static item that does nothing other than let you /sit. WTH is that? I'm hoping Anet does better than this. The throne has nothing; no animations, no effects ... I don't get it. You're character doesn't even do anything while in the chair ... you just sit.


Don't get me wrong ... people will buy the thing because they either want to show off or have more gold than they know what to do with but make no mistake, once items like this get stuck behind a personal housing instance, It's going to be a hard sell as a massive money-making opportunity the OP makes it sound like; his is just speculation. There are better ideas for making money than selling static items that have little or no attachment to your character.


People argue that being invited to someone's house would be a great feature ... what makes that so great? What am I going to see in your house I don't see in some else's or my own? What makes THAT item in YOUR house worth me wasting my time to go see it? What's the whole point of just walking around someone's house? It's a left over from RP.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Because it wasn't added to the game yet and the home instances were serving that purpose for the moment while more pressing features were being added.


> Home instances are running out of space now, tho. They are getting crowed. It's time to get a new place to park the mounts.


They could just expand the home instance if they are solving a 'too crowded' problem. It makes no sense for them to create a WHOLE housing system just because of crowding home instances.


Just because something isn't in the game doesn't mean it's a good idea for Anet to add it. YOu actually said it exactly .. if housing is the next 'awesome' feature this game adds, then I'm afraid the devs are at the end of their creative potential.


Alls I can think at this point is that if we get housing, it better not be the stupid kind where you have a personal instance that collects junk with no activities or content.

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> @"bara yaoi.3824" said:> seriously anet u would make a lot of revenue off of this and then ncsoft would be less disappointed by the annual earnings> > lots of players want their own houses and spaces to call their own and housing and decorating would be a good side activity when not farming istan or silverwastes or doing raids and fractals > > please anet add player housing in one of the next living world episodes or in the next expansion we need it and u would make a lot of money!! i think most people dont really give a damn about housing just base on home instance and guild hall usageespecially guild hall, it's player housing on a bigger scale, but look at how much time people spent their time in there? most people go in for daily node farm, guild buff, daily guild credit merchant and runs off; all those chairs, decorations, custom made JP / race race pretty much sits there gathering dustso... you can pretty much call your Guild Hall your own house since it's empty most of the time, anyone from your guild can just pop in to visit

the only player housing in games i've actually spent a lot of time in is Black Desert Online, because there are crafting professions that can only be done inside, and you can leave your toon there all day just crafting all day to make gold while afk 99.99% of the timethe only reason people care about house decorations in BDO is there's a point system attached to it, and the person with the top point of a house gets to access the banking node in the city where they can throw in silver to generate more silver; hence most housings are decorations storage rooms, people throw decorations to every inch of floor space that's available

Remember the name of the game is "Guild Wars", not "Barbie's Doll House"

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:> > @"bara yaoi.3824" said:> > seriously anet u would make a lot of revenue off of this and then ncsoft would be less disappointed by the annual earnings> > > > lots of players want their own houses and spaces to call their own and housing and decorating would be a good side activity when not farming istan or silverwastes or doing raids and fractals > > > > please anet add player housing in one of the next living world episodes or in the next expansion we need it and u would make a lot of money!! > > i think most people dont really give a kitten about housing just base on home instance and guild hall usage> > especially guild hall, it's player housing on a bigger scale, but look at how much time people spent their time in there? most people go in for daily node farm, guild buff, daily guild credit merchant and runs off; all those chairs, decorations, custom made JP / race race pretty much sits there gathering dust> > so... you can pretty much call your Guild Hall your own house since it's empty most of the time, anyone from your guild can just pop in to visit>

> the only player housing in games i've actually spent a lot of time in is Black Desert Online, because there are crafting professions that can only be done inside, and you can leave your toon there all day just crafting all day to make gold while afk 99.99% of the time> > the only reason people care about house decorations in BDO is there's a point system attached to it, and the person with the top point of a house gets to access the banking node in the city where they can throw in silver to generate more silver; hence most housings are decorations storage rooms, people throw decorations to every inch of floor space that's available >

> Remember the name of the game is "Guild Wars", not "Barbie's Doll House"I disagree. Dimensions ( which is Housing in RIft) was a big feature. When the game went F2P I spent most of my money in buying stuff for my House Instances I made. here are video examples of how cool this feature is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsugLrq-lbMprobably a better demonstration

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> > > Because Anet want you out in the cities, not hiding in your home.

> >

> > This excuse is no longer viable after the release of first vip pass, sorry.


> I mean it still kinda is, most of the VIP passes i have and use for crafting when i go them they are completely empty. Especially the airship, i find more people in BC than i do inside any of the passes have access to(3).


Because Mistlock is superior to every single gw2 hub, gemstore or not.

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> @"segman.3560" said:

> > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > > Because, out of everything this game can add and needs, player housing is nowhere near the top of the list.

> >

> > whats at the top of the list? please tell.


> Do you ask about what game needs or what dev priority is?


I just did in the post you quoted.

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> @"segman.3560" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?


> They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.


Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:


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> @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> >

> > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.


> Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> [



It is also written in the wiki:

Personal character instance and content hub.


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> @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> >

> > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.


> Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> [



> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > >

> > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> >

> > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > [



> It is also written in the wiki:

> Personal character instance and content hub.

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun%27s_Refuge




And what does it mean? Because current personal instance is also this. This statement means nothing.

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> @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> please anet add player housing in one of the next living world episodes or in the next expansion we need it and u would make a lot of money!!


I can already see the "decoration packs" with 100 different decorations inside that you only get 1 at random each time you open one. Of course only available on the gem store.

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> @"segman.3560" said:

> > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > >

> > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> >

> > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > [



> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > > >

> > > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> > >

> > > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > > [


> >

> > It is also written in the wiki:

> > Personal character instance and content hub.

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun%27s_Refuge




> And what does it mean? Because current personal instance is also this. This statement means nothing.


I think that It will be an instance which is personal and will be upgraded or changed based on your actions and rearranged with items, inventory and style and who knows what else. This is yet another opportunity to insert something new in the gemstore, and with this unreleased content, ANet is sitting on a gold pile. This is extremely good for the company and is logical, considering we probably won't get another expansion in 2019 and during that time gemstore will be the key. Or even better - with continuous development of such clever monetization methods they may start releasing new expansions every 2 years and make it as a pattern because they will have more resources. For the game to expand faster and to be filled with more quality content, its company must increase their revenue too.

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> @"segman.3560" said:

> > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > >

> > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> >

> > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > [



> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > > >

> > > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> > >

> > > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > > [


> >

> > It is also written in the wiki:

> > Personal character instance and content hub.

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun%27s_Refuge




> And what does it mean? Because current personal instance is also this. This statement means nothing.


Just wait until the next Living World episode and you will see.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > 1) There's already a form of player housing in the game, no @"segman.3560" it's not lounges, those have nothing even resembling player housing since they're public hubs. You have the home instance. Is it the traditional player housing... Well, no, i mean i've played a few dozen MMORPGs in my time, and most didn't have any form of player housing, the few that did, didn't have any one set of defining features, except being an instance that is individual to each player. Some were a land lot you built up with a lot of different things to add (like Wildstar), some were just a generic house in an instance that you could decorate and use it for added storage (Runes of Magic), others have player houses in-game, in landlots, or otherwise, and you can build and/or decorate the house, even add fields or other gathering stuff, and use it for a ton of different things (BDO, Archeage, Runescape). The only consistent aspect it's that its individual to you, and you can change it through your actions.

> > > So Home Instances in GW2 do fit that bill. Is there room for improvement? Immense, but you always had player housing since launch. Might not fit your desires or aspirations, but it fits the definition.

> > >

> > > Also, there's a new version of that upcoming. Not sure it will still fit the expectations of a lot of people though, but we'll have to wait and see.

> >

> > With housing in general, people mean a place that you can decorate yourself. Like interior decorating and even outside. Being able to build your own house as well goes a step further, though I'd like that idea and it fits in a crafting/gathering game like GW2. Either way, you play a vital part in what the place looks like and I think that's key to housing.

> >

> > The home instance is not worth considering housing because what can you do more then place nodes in there? What the place looks like is set as far as I'm concerned. So I don't think it fits the bill at all. You may insist on a technicality of calling it housing but let's just talk about a place that you get to change the looks of albeit decorating an existing place that you can get or a place that you can build from scratch and then decorate. Anything less than that is not worth considering really.


> So if they added the decoration system from guild halls to home instances, allowing you to buy/craft/find decorations and place them wherever you want that would be a good housing system?


I don't know the guild hall decoration system so I can't comment on that. But in general being able to buy/craft/find decorations and place them wherever I want certain sounds like a good foundation, but I'm not sure about the home instances because for example for humans the home instance is more like a small village and not exactly a house. So moving it to home instances sounds less than ideal.


Generally speaking you'll see that existing content is not something developers like to change too much, especially if it has a specific function already. In SWTOR for example we had personal starships and when housing was introduced a lot of people wanted housing to be added to their starships. Never happened but they made like 7 housing instances where people could decorate. SWTOR has done a decent job of it, but there are 2 elements where they really screwed it up with. First of all, the vast majority of decorations come via their cash shop. That makes it a very expensive hobby as it will run you about 150 bucks a month to keep up. Secondly, they use a hook system instead of free placement. That would've been ok but the designers have no clue about how and where to place what type of hook and this makes it very hard to decorate. In fact the newer housing instances are the worst.


Those are two big reasons why I stopped decorating in SWTOR and is also a part of the reason why I quit SWTOR altogether.


So for me I would find it not only better but also more likely that they would create new instances for housing rather than adding it to existing areas and I hope that and suspect that ArenaNet will allow a much larger percentage of decorations to be found/crafted in game. Being able to build your own house adds an entirely different dimension to it but I think that in an upcoming MMO like Ascend: Infinite Realm this is what they are planning to do. I think that could be extremely cool but I don't think that's for everybody so I would think it's best to make that optional, but it could be an entirely new crafting profession of Builder to do that. Maybe even a Wood Crafter, Stone Crafter and a Metal Crafter to build house elements. Tailors can make drapes and curtains, jewelers can make chandeliers and chalices etc. Just some random ideas that could be explored to add to the total of crafting.


And you see, no matter what content you bring in, it won't be for everyone. Not everyone likes PvE or sPvP or WvW. Not everyone likes to collect or even get a legendary. Not everyone likes fractals or raiding or dungeons. Not everyone likes crafting etc.


The point is, there is a good variety of things to do in GW2 and it makes sense to widen that variety so that new content isn't just more of the same. The advantage of something like housing though is that it's useful also for non-decorators as it adds a new branch of sellable loot to loot tables and crafting. Some people might not care about it at all but can sell decorations for gold, others might like to move into an existing house instance to decorate the house and garden and others might like to show off their design skills by building the entire house themselves on a vacant plot instance.


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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > > >

> > > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> > >

> > > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > > [


> >

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > > > >

> > > > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> > > >

> > > > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > > > [


> > >

> > > It is also written in the wiki:

> > > Personal character instance and content hub.

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun%27s_Refuge

> >

> >

> >

> > And what does it mean? Because current personal instance is also this. This statement means nothing.


> I think that It will be an instance which is personal and will be upgraded or changed based on your actions and rearranged with items, inventory and style and who knows what else. This is yet another opportunity to insert something new in the gemstore, and with this unreleased content, ANet is sitting on a gold pile. This is extremely good for the company and is logical, considering we probably won't get another expansion in 2019 and during that time gemstore will be the key. Or even better - with continuous development of such clever monetization methods they may start releasing new expansions every 2 years and make it as a pattern because they will have more resources. For the game to expand faster and to be filled with more quality content, its company must increase their revenue too.


This is all speculations.

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> @"Zok.4956" said:

> > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > > >

> > > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> > >

> > > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > > [


> >

> > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> > > > > @"segman.3560" said:

> > > > > > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > > > > > Isn't the new Sun Refuge instance similar to housing?

> > > > >

> > > > > They said nothing about what it is. People are already jumping into conclusions that it's player housing as a preparation for disappointment.

> > > >

> > > > Actually, in video they said it is a personal character instance:

> > > > [


> > >

> > > It is also written in the wiki:

> > > Personal character instance and content hub.

> > > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun%27s_Refuge

> >

> >

> >

> > And what does it mean? Because current personal instance is also this. This statement means nothing.


> Just wait until the next Living World episode and you will see.


I'd recommend the same to people who already claim it's player housing and are hyping themselves only to end up disappointed.

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> @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> Do people really want to sit in their ~~garrisons~~ personal housing all day instead of being out in the world and playing? I just never understood the point of it.


Actually, player housing fits GW2 very well imo.. it's predominantly an extension of the fashion wars the game is geared to (no pun intended, at least not this early in the morning). Allowing players to take their fashion sense into decorating mode can lead to some interesting and fun things, but sure it won't suit everyone.

SWTOR has a pretty decent player housing system and is a great extension to good gameplay. Yes sure it could take players away from major cities and it could make some maps feel a little less populated, but that's something that ANET can address in otherways.

Player housing should not be looked at or targeted to be new content, more filler content, but when the players open the floodgates to their creative juices... who knows what might unfold. Personally I think of the fun I've had decorating my properties in SWTOR, but then think of the GW2 Guild Hall debacle and hope that if they do introduce some player housing , not to even go near the same concept they used with GH.

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