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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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Mounts: Fun


Zones: Fun


Events: Could be better


Story: Interesting


Eater of Souls Boss: Decidedly not fun


Elite Specs: Mostly fun


Kites: Best toys ever, especially watermelon sandshark


Kites on Mounts: made my day


Mobs: mixed feelings. Branded are a little difficult but the designs on all mobs, from Choya to Hydra, are amazing.


New Armor: the new armor on female Asura (especially light armor top pieces) look bad. Please let us have the female version, not the male.


Overall: Fun

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1. Loving the content delivery. Everything flows so well!

2. Love the lack of grind.

3. LOVE mounts. Movement is a joy.

4. Love the story. There's even an epilogue this time! Awesomely done, guys!

5. Love most of the specs, but...


Needs work:

1. Mirage sucks in PvE. Everything that mesmers use to generate damage is ignored on the spec, and the stuff that does damage is terrible.

2. Tweak the numbers on holosmith in PvE some more. It's really a fun spec, it just needs some love.



1. It's not November yet. Gief more pls

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Great immersive story. Beautiful maps. So many nooks and crannies to explore and discover. I love challenging fights. maps so large and design of goals causes the solo experience again (may be good but also players scattered, no sense of community). Lack of big meta chains and focuses. Bounties are fun for a while but seems repetitive farming. Too many mob swarms with huge aggro range and hard hitting following you everywhere making it difficult to navigate to destinations especially difficult mount based jumping puzzles needing accuracy while being attacked by mobs and trying to consult map. Killing said mob swarms is fine but they respawn almost or actually immediately after, causing frustrating solo experiences. Group play is not an option, people seem to be scattered and at different progress levels esp with such huge maps. All in all great solo world immersion but also too solo focused and frustrating to be solo as it stands. And of course way too many crashes and bugs, despite demos and stress test

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**I like ...**

+ ... the new maps!

+ ... most heart quests and events, because of the different tasks you have to do.

+ ... the mounts! Thank you for adding an option for those players who suffer from motion sickness.

+ ... the story, because it was very exciting and I only had one bug yet.

+ ... the specialisations, especially the Weaver with those cool sword animations.

+ ... the miniatures that can be bought after doing the heart quests.

+ ... the music! And the English and German voice actors, they have done a really good job!

+ ... the unidentified items!



**I don't like ...**

- ... that I didn't get some of the achievements when I entered the story of my brother.

- ... that there is no world boss, which is very disappointing.

- ... that the raptor and skimmer only have one dye channel.

- ... that I have to dismount all the time, for example when I want to talk with an NPC.

- ... that there is no meta event or at least I haven't seen anything like that yet. This makes some maps very empty and I'm afraid that many players won't come back to the POF maps once they have all masteries and achievements. One or two metas would have been nice.


I really like POF so far, in my opinion it's much better than HOT.

Thank you for your hard work!

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Points where PoF really shines:


Incredible production value

Incredibly detailed environments and maps. EVERY SINGLE ZONE was beautiful, unique and a pleasure to navigate and explore. I actually stopped and enjoyed the scenery more than I could count

Wonderful throwback to GW1 and lore in general. Lore is the CenterPoint of this game. Lore is what makes this game stand out from everything else. Lore is amazing. keep it coming

Very good storyline and voice acting

Bounties are unique, rewarding and do not take away from main story, nor from HOT metas.


Overall I think this expansion is AAA and its your best piece of work to date. keep up the good work!




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I would not even bother playing this game with any other profession than my necromancer, which has a high survivability rate. I have trouble staying alive as it is in the instanced story. The gated mastery system makes me want to smash my computer to pieces. It is a frustrating experience to go crazy looking for accessible mastery points that don't require higher mastery points than I already have to acquire more mastery points to basically progress through the story or any map. I haven't even unlocked the springer mount (trying to find one more mastery point to unlock the canyon jumping feature). Very annoying to not be able to progress through the game and desperately search the map over and over and over again only to find out that there's no way to reach the mastery point because I need masteries in other things in order to reach the mastery point. Don't get me wrong, romping through the desert on a raptor is tons of fun and the storyline has improved dramatically, but the whole gated mastery system makes me wanna break out in hives. I am not sure I want to continue. I've done the pot of soup mastery challenge over 20 times and it's majorly bugged... it seems to be my only hope of acquiring one extra mastery point. Unless Anet offers me some light at the end of the tunnel, I'm sorry, this is too frustrating. Reminds me of HOT, which I gave up on. When things are tedious instead of fun, I'd rather be doing something else. I will not consider buying a future expansion.

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I've not managed to play any of the new stories without encountering one bug or the other - this is especially shocking, when in HOT I think I've encountered two. It's either client crashing in the middle of the quest, making you do the quests again, or trigger points not triggering, making you do the quests again or one thing or the other preventing you from getting the achievements, and again making the quests again. It would be good, if I've done the story already, to start from a certain point, but no - I have to see the cinematic I've seen already, or go through the same dialog options for no reason at all, but just wasting time.


I won't go into PVE - there're +/- there, but the story has been an especial pain for me.


I liked to play this game - at this point though I'm effectively being discouraged to do any additional stuff, just because, I don't know - the expansion was rushed? Which is a shame, as I've been a fan for a long time, find the game interesting and pretty, and unique and instead of enjoying what you guys have created I'm just fed up.


edit: even with the last quest, where all you have to do is talk to all people - I can't talk to Canach, thus preventing me from getting the achievement...

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Hi there i would like to add my experience from new Expansion.


- Something new

- New Elite spec (For some people)



- Mounts rely clunky and mastery's are made only for them. (Too much hype about mounts but there nothing to get hyped about).

- Mastery's... only 4 mastery type per mount. ( In HOT Gliding - 6 mastery's, Itzel Lore - 6 mastery's, Exalted lore - 5 mastery's, Nuhoch lore - 6 masterys !! Creators slaked off)

- Maps are large and everything is spread out and because of that maps feels empty. ( In HOT everything is pact and always something is going on, also exploration is alot

entertaining because of horizontal progression.) Great example ''Quantity over Quality'' Creators slaked off again.

-Story is short same as in HOT.

-Core and first elite specializations could haw been reworked for some classes to make them more versatile to increase learning curve. (Guardian for example).

-Not much changed in PVP department rather than new Elites.

-Bounty runs are linear and easy ! just follow Commander and kill mob ( In HOT you haw META EVENTS where to complete it you haw to do many smaller tasks and at the end bid boss fight like in Dragon stand... that was epic)


In conclusion Creators made big Hype but in reality there is nothing much to see. Disappointing.

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Heres my feedback: Everything is great, lack of meta/s and wbs kinda ruins it. More story next expac kay thnx bye.


(Edit: ppl will tell u that they hated events on a timer but i cannot tell u how much i miss knowing when an event will take place and have the players there to do it. Again not saying having only that was better, but a good balance of both)

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Just finished the game and I really liked the expansion. IMHO there are many improvements over HOTs but at least 1 backsteps too.


The best:

- The MAPS: They ALL look amazing and have sooo much love put into them. They really feel better designed this time: There is no tangled dephts maze-madness but there is still lots of verticallity and secret parts to explore and have fun with the pets and sometimes the glider. (but I still regret that there are not other uses to HOTs masterys). And the size. They really really feel larger if you dont use a mount.

- Pets are FUN, heck even with the monster bunny I can have fun (sorry I cant find it cute) and give depth to exploring and the experience in general

- Progress with the story/masterys is FAR better paced too but without loosing the chalenge. I never felt the need to grind to continue the story.

- The story: Yes it may still be a clasic hero story with some strange parts (dont want to make spoilers) but it had some really interesting lore parts even for people not that wise on lore things and SPECIALLY in the way of mechanics: optional jumping puzzle, strategic command of units, the "race". and SPOILER (maybe) even playing with the "reforged" sword were really fun. (And I wonder why its owner doenst 1hit NPCs like you do) +It has an epilogue to wrap things better.

- Hearths are more interesting with the karma minis (more good ideas like that), and the good choya villages is pure genius (even if it is a little steal from FF)


The worst:

- Lack of Map meta events (as others allready pointed) in large maps with not that high population

IMHO Meta events were one of the best things in HOTs: 1) they narrate other parts/views of the personal story, making the lore deeper for those who like it. 2) They help and incentivate people to group and do the more complex but fun non-solo content, making players help others 3) Make the maps feel more dynamic and alive 4) Usually have better rewards if you invest the time and 5) Make the maps more replayable

- Some insta respawns in The Desolation / Mob density that remembers me of Orr (shivers)


If I remember something more Ill edit it.


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The mob density is way too high. There's a tipping point where mobs every few yards (truly not exaggerating about this) makes one's gaming experience VERY tedious and frustrating. It's not fun. (I've almost wondered if its some weird 'double spawn' bug, because it just doesn't seem 'intended' in its current state.)


Aggro range on some mobs is in the "absurdly long" range like some of them used to be in Bloodstone Fen.


Mobs have a much longer leash, takes a distance of probably 2 to 4 times farther to lose aggro. (Which means you've then run into another dozen or so mobs, resulting in a seemingly endless chain of aggro.)


And the respawn timer on mobs is bizarrely fast.


As it stands currently, I'm not sure how appealing trudging through dense herds of mobs will be for players in relation to replayability in these zones over time.


I truly hope ANet will tone down some of these issue with mobs, just as they did in the Heart of Maguuma zones shortly after HoT launched.

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its pointless expansion,its just mounts add-on.after week of playing im pretty much done,there is nothing to do here.its even worse because u destroyed market so its not even worth doing anything.meta map would mask this problems but u didnt make not one,this vanilla events hunt are not substitute for that.im sure u are waiting ls4 for meta,but thats like at least 6months away.idk about specializations,i made all but i dont care much about that...im always for mastering your class then completely changing every year.extra util slot or few skills would be enough.....

maps are i guess ok,i know thats the theme but desert and wasteland are worst combo,u should made some green oaza map...dont make expansions without green map.stuff u do good like story,presentation....are good here also.....

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the story is okay, so are the new elites are good. What stands out at being terrible is the new map design. Grand but empty. Lots of spectacle and little substance.


Why did not you guys stick with LS3 map designs while adding meta events is beyond me. That was already determined to be idle though 5 years of testing.

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I'll start with criticism:


-Without going into spoilers, I think some plot points were robbed of their power by pacing issues


-I would have liked to see the inclusion of HoT masteries in the new maps so there isn't a sense of loss of progression and that there is variety when traversing the new maps



Overall, the expansion is the best work you guys have put out, including the base game, and it is miles ahead of HoT.

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Love the maps and mounts. Shame there are no meta events as I loved them in Hot. Was really looking forward to some new armor as most of the armor on my toons are from armour sets I have bought from the gem store. Now there are only outfits coming out and they are useless as u cant mix and match. Being female I would have liked some sexy not slutty armor but was so disappointed with the look of the armor. Most of them are way to busy. Having goals is important to keep me playing but now those goals to get all the new armor are gone.


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Just finished the story, so here goes.


The Good: I really like the maps and environments, the mounts, the elite specs (that I've tried), the running around all over the place exploring and doing events. Woo hoo. That's my kinda thing.


The Bad: I hate that the hearts won't stay full. Hated it in LS3. Hate it here. Please stop doing that. Why do you do that? What purpose does it serve? I feel the soundtrack of the game should include that old Janet Jackson song. You know the one. Dat Da-dah, Dat! What have you done for me lately? Also: so many of the boss fights/story missions. Or, as I like to call them, Marathons of Misery. The final fight is a good example. Even though I got through it, albeit with every piece of armor broken (even though I went in with two repair canisters), I felt no sense of accomplishment whatsoever, I was just glad to be done with it. Much like that damned silly chef, these curious injections of un-fun and frustrating activities that always, always, seem to drag on and on and on really brought down my enthusiasm for this expansion. Ugh. Just one more thing: the story. While I appreciated the somewhat more, I don't know, sober, I guess, tone, it was still... well... you know how in the movie 'Hush', when the neighbor is banging on the door of the deaf woman's house, begging to be let in, alas! and then in the next scene the deaf woman is dashing to and fro locking all the other doors, and we realize the poor neighbor had the misfortune to run to the one and only door in the whole house that was already locked? Yeah. Kinda like that. Others here on the forums have pointed out specific examples. Seek and ye shall find.


The Do Not Want: It would be really cool if, for example, the epilogue turned out to be a really bad dream caused by a clash of awakened strawberry pie and branded cactus brandy, or hey! You know how eating too much turkey at Thanksgiving dinner can make you, you know, sleepy? That! Because I really, really, really times infinity do not want to go there and do that. Not again. Ever again. Really.


Ai, gods, Rytlock, it ain't rinsing I'm talking about, it's repeating!

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I think the new elite specialization weapon collection have improved compared to HoT, though there is still the “drop randomly from one enemy” item, even if in most cases the enemy in question is rather common, so it’s going to drop quite fast, there are some cases where the enemy in question is less common, such as for the soulbeast weapon where it’s junundu, which are rarer, and since the drop is random it means you’ll have to spend presumably a lot of time slaughtering junundu, so it might take few minutes or hours, and in any cases it’s tedious and mindless work.

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