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Feedback: Official Path of Fire Feedback Thread

Gaile Gray.6029

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From the comments above, I might be the only one ... but I really hate mounts. Overall - for me - it feels like the mounts are just "kit-like" mastery abilities, what makes them way worse than the HoT mastery stuff. Furthermore, their abilities are plain boring, raptor is just "jump far", bugs bunny is "jump high" and so on. Since they are kit-like, it makes them really annoying to use, I especially felt this when I played a couple of maps for HP or champion runs after finishing the story. The sheer amount of how often you have to switch mounts, get demounted our can't mount up cause infght, is completely destroying mounts for me.


Just as an example (yeye I know more than 100 words now). If the HoT masteries would be implemented like the mounts, you would first have to "mount up" to your glider before gliding, then unequip the glider and finally re-equip the "mushroom jump tool" to use a mushroom and so on. (would that be fun?) Also in HoT you could still glide and use other masteries in combat. I think you only were thrown from the glider when taking damage (not in- or out- combat related).

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Y'all did a great job on mounts and aesthetics.



1) a way to take your alts to the expansion without doing the story instance for each one or requiring a gemstore purchase is needed. The NPC at the ship in Lions Arch could have an option to send a char there once the first story instance has been done.

2) those large empty maps feel empty of content. Maybe a gizmo that a player can have to show all currently active events on the map? The maps could use Harathi type chained events leading to an area boss. The events now seem disconnected from each other. There's no feeling of epic getting together to beat a story line boss.

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Got most of the collection achievements, 257 mastery level (all mounts and masteries), all maps with 100% map completion, all mastery insights, completed all events, killed all bounties (legendary and champion). Can't speak much about the new elite spec, but the weaver. Also, haven't played PvP or WvW yet but these would req more than 100 words and I end here coz I'm already at 200 xD


What I like:

1. Maps are beautiful and interesting. Not exactly multi-layer but still interesting.

2. Mounts are very well done and perfectly fit the new maps. Love everything in them.

3. The story was good.

4. Unidentified gear and bounties are good additions.

5. Open ending.


What I don't like:

1. Bounties are a good addition but shouldn't be a replacement to more challenging meta events. There should be such events which don't gate the map so everyone can be happy. Good example - Tangled Depths.

2. The overall difficulty in PoF is super easy and not challenging at all.

3. No world boss/es.

4. The whole expansion is solo or small group oriented which is bad for an MMO IMO...


6. Ele will wear his staff forever. The sword feels very weak.

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I like the mounts dont know about the griffon though.

I really hope we are looking into add condition defense attribute like armor/toughness. So, that classes that are tanky can have other options then just condi cleanse builds in pvp. I believe that will be a work in the right direction. Yes, I know spell breaker has been created, but i don't believe that having a spec on one class to fight the problem solves the problem , but ill make a post on the topic when i become more educated about the problem in whole.

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-Deadeye feels good, but the results point to it being Dead-weight. The damage for mechanical investment is just not there. In addition to this *Fire For Effect* has an application range of like 240, which is like melee range. If its supposed to hit TEN targets and have an impact on raids I would consider increasing this to 600-900.


-Mounts are awesome. -> Mount Skins.


-Classes are fun -> Make class specific boons hit 10 players across the board so we can see more of them in raids. ex. Empowered Allies, Spotter. A lot of them dont compete well with the existing class utility.


-Meta events in the new maps would be great.


-Braham's Wolfblood Mask as an individual armor skin for light/medium/heavy pls.


Thanks~ <3

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>Y'all did a great job on mounts and aesthetics.



>1) a way to take your alts to the expansion without doing the story instance for each one or requiring a gemstore purchase is needed. The NPC at the ship in Lions Arch could have an option to send a char there once the first story instance has been done.


Yes... this! I don't want to do this story over and over and over. There's no reason. It's just a tedious drag and time-sink. Otherwise, I loved this expansion. Please expedite these waypoint unlocks that everyone has been talking about!!


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Great map design and some good events that I have seen so far. Some good group bosses with the bounty hunts and the landscape and mounts are great.


Need a world boss or some more group content outside of bounties - and improve the mega server or increase population limit on these maps as seem empty but there is people there.


Mounts need a more dye channels.


Work needs to be done to stop mounts going places they shouldn't in the rest of the world.

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Overall PoF is an amazing expansion. The story was really nice, the maps are beautiful. NPC dialogue is really interesting and funny.

I LOVE the kites from the casino! They're so pretty. Will there be more in the future? :D

My biggest critique so far would be the density of mobs / their attack range. I never had any problems with this in the core game or in HoT, but in the desert it can be frustrating if you're trying to activate a mount while being attacked from every side. But all in all it's been a great expansion so far!

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Less than 100 words? OK.


**Maps:** Freaking Incredible

**Artwork:** Amazing. Keep finding awesome things.

**Story:** Engaging and flowed nicely. Fun instances if you are the commander. If you are not…

**Mounts**: Jury is still out for me.

**Tihark Orchard:** Sucked

**Garden of Seborhin:** OMG! Incredible!

**Kodash Bazaar:** Great job. Wish it was easier to explore.

**Junundu, Jacaranda, and Iboga:** Too small.

**GW1 Awakened:** Where are they? Undead don’t go “extinct.”

**Hydra:** Finally! Great revamp.

**Djinn:** Love them! And all four elements! Again, great revamp.

**Places:** Can’t tell you how much it means to recognize places from GW. Thank you.


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I'm liking the new maps and story. Hope you add meta events to these areas as the story goes, because the zones cannot be sustained with only bounties.


Thank you for making it smooth to unlock new elites, made my time going through the zone much more enjoyable.


Some new legendary weapons would have been nice. A redo of the medium legendary armor would have been great.


Soulbeast dagger, off hand dagger and Soulbeast slot skills leave a whole lot to be desired.


There was an opportunity to bring us a much needed profession and combat mechanics and skills and roles... 2.0 revamp, but here we are. Yes, it was, and still is, sorely needed.

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Trying to give balanced feedback :)


The good:

+ Love the story (good writing, voice acting, no slow down, difficulty is balanced enough to still be simple but not too easy).

+ Mounts are very enjoyable.

+ Map design is great for relaxing gaming.

+ The music... keep these guys and release ost please!

+ Bounties are a great idea.

+ No need for stupidly slow grinding



The less good

- One or two big meta to keep everyone happy would have been nice.

- Story a bit on the short side.

- No end game hard content (coming with raids I know, but I still regret the disparition of dungeons)

- WvW would benefit from having one (only one) mount friendly map.



The absolutely ugly!

- No Samarog mount, Aurene mount or prenium mounts, I need more Samarog in my life. Please let me spend gems ~

- Where are my margonites :'(

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**Maps** are really cool and so it's the exploration part.

**Mounts** was better than expected, and masteries are simple and nice.

**Story** is good ( happy for canach return ).

**World events** would have been nice to me, but personally i didn't dedicate time to PvE farm and just enjoyed maps and exploration ( i need domains of Vabbi to complete all the maps ).


The **things i really didn't appreciate** is the griffon mount, as gold sink and mechanics, and the low number of WP.

But i will probably play only LS/SPvP/WvW, so it won't be a big deal.


It was indeed worth the money, as HoT.


edit: i forget... hearts are repetable, ok... but why many of em are slow as 10/15 min? like the one "help the living and the deads at the necropoli" ... please consider to tone down em.

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*Amazing, entertaining, incredibly well done x-pack.

* As well e-spec (soulbeast at least) storytelling, enviroment, exploration, the feeling of being on a different continent, Mounts.... most elements are 10/10!!!

* There are no annoying massive meta-events! There is enough to do anyway!

* This x-pack Will keep me busy for many, many hours!!



* Only humans got lots of faces, hairs and beards (racial feature non the less!!) with this x-pack. Whatabout the other races!!!!???? We want New, Good looking things too.


Thanks A-net!!!


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* Story

* Visuals

* Music

* Random fun places like dwarven minidungeon


Needs work:


* Replayability of new content

1. No meta events with good rewards to draw large number of people

2. Large maps spreading population too thin

3. No world bosses

* Class balance

1. As expected the elite specs are all over the place on the power curve. A lot of work needed here.

* Mounts

1. Some mounts are largely useless with exception of some very niche cases

2. Handling of the mounts can be better. I understand why the skimmer handles like it does but its a real pain in a "jumping puzzle" areas of the brand where you need it to avoid lightning storm

3. Dye channels, different skins, etc...although I suspect this will be gemstore fodder.

* Storage

1. I understand the need for money sinks, but isn't 200+g per bag a bit of an overkill, especially for those unfortunate of us with 10+ characters?

2. Please add more ways to get the high-capacity bags. If I need to spend 200 pristine fractal relics per bag, fine. At least I'll have a use for them.


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I liked the maps and the mounts. The specializations are ok-ish. Music was unremarkable, in comparison to HoT.


What I really hated is that you effectively eliminated a big part of the traditional GW1 lore.

>!Creating a world that is traditionally heavily influenced by gods and then putting these gods out of every reach is just wrong. It is also a disgracefull departure. Now they really left humans alone - willingly, hardcore. They even left their most trusted subjects in the afterlife ... That is as if you kill off every god in the Forgotten Realms or Elder Scrolls. Suddenly the lore becomes bleak. Why you are so afraid of your own creation is far beyond me. Meddling gods do not threaten, but enrich the world and the lore. I hoped for the gods to be more palpable in the future. Now that the opposite happened, I lost much interest in this franchise. Disappointing, really.

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* Exciting

* Good variety of tasks (not just fighting all the time)

* Well put together (with the exception of the usage of Vlast, finding Kesho)

* Can get lost the first time trying to find the Springer village

* Coherent flow without jarring disconnects (ie the switch from "let's escape" to "let's go kill Mordy" between VB and AB)

* Many of the timed achievements are on too short a timer to be done solo

* Many achievements can only be gained by the instance owner, which discourages cooperation when you are having a bad time

* Too many encounters require high levels of durability, because there is too much going on for dodging alone to make them survivable

* Forcing people to use Sohothin on characters who are geared for ranged combat can make the last instance irritating




* Varied & Useful

* Need better interface for switching mounts

* Hard to position Springer precisely for sensitive jumps due to movement windup

* Jackal is VERY prone to sliding, which makes precise movement, often needed for Jackal puzzles, difficult

* The Griffin feels like it was added for the sole purpose of mitigating how some players will lack gliding due to the separation of HoT; not separating HoT would have been a better solution

* Dismount throws you slightly forward, which can throw you off cliffs




* Generally good design

* The closet we get to confusing is the Desolation, with having to avoid so much lethal sulfur and the twisting paths

* Some areas can be a bit too isolated (ie the Palace of Abhan)

* Some areas don't have enough going on and become dead space once you are done with the story and/or map completion (ie Prophet's Fall)

* Enemy aggro range can be too high in places, resulting is swarms or blocking you from getting places because you need to mount swap





* No build templates

* Bounties are interesting but annoying since they always require a group but you generally can't gather one until AFTER you have proced the bounty and started the timer

* Bounties feel like they should be guild missions

* It's a shame that most of the mastery events can only be done once account-wide

* Canach didn't feel like he had a reason to be in the story over other characters

* Lily of Elon is too spread out, inefficient, particularly the mystic forge; the much smaller version shown in the demo would have been better from a usage standpoint, though this is much prettier

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I really, really like PoF. The maps beg to be explored, it has those little out of the way spots that are there for no reason other than to be there. I like how it's people have different struggles and different goals than those in Tyria. If I could change anything it would be; give dialog to more NPCs in the various settlements, most of them have absolutely nothing to say about their unfortunate situation and to address the aggro distance/spawn rate of some of the mobs, I'd like to have time between encounters to explore the beautiful maps you have created.

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OK here goes. [spoiler ALERT]

First lets start with a disclaimer. I don't generally post things and don't keep up with the forums, but I felt I needed to get something off my chest. I finally finished the Path of Fire story plot and it's both good and bad. First 2 arcs were amazing. The pacing was decent the story was progressing fine and I actually had to work to progress the story. The 3rd arc felt kind of rushed ... to put it mildly. It's almost insulting to be honest. The whole part about convincing lower ranked military personnel that they need to follow the orders of a superior officer made me absolutely lose all connection from the entire plot up to that point. And after/because of that I started noticing stuff I had disregarded up to that point like :

1. There was no real way to interact with your guildmates from Dragon's Watch and in general their part was just to stand about and fill out some time talking and ultimately being insignificant. I finished the story 10 min ago and already forgot all about what Canach even did in all of the expansion. Kas had a purpose in the last arc to change my appearance. Rythlock gave me the sword. Canach ... what the hell did Canach even do, he kind of stood around being Canachy all the time? Taimi was just some random noise in the background and the rest of Dragon's Watch didn't seem interested in the supposed end of the world, cause they didn't even try to do anything. Generally it's all just the PC doing everything alone while listening to Canach and Rythlock talk at the beginning of every quest line without giving any kind of useful input. 2. Vlast was underrepresented and Aurene was only ever present in the last fight, outside of a cinematic in another fight.

3. All other story arcs so far made the PC move around the world - go to the Priory, go to Lions Arch, seek guidance from the Pale Tree, look for information somewhere on a different part of the world, go to some random island, etc. This entire expansion takes place in 3 areas which makes it feel insignificant or should I say inconsequential up until the final reveal after you kill Balthazar even compared to Living World stories. From the whole thing I learned that Rythlock is WEAK, cause he cant kill anything with his sword to save his life, while I dropped mobs in 2 hits.

4. The whole story felt like it's a big set up for an expansion only it is the expansion and costs 30€ and all it really does is fill the role of Living World season 2. What i mean is LWS2 did for the Mordremoth arc of the full game story what PoF did for the Kralkatoric part and PoF is about as big as the LWS2 part.


Now moving away from the many issues I have with the plot line:

General likes:

1. New specializations. For me at least that alone is worth the money for the expansion. Will surely make PvP and WvW more interesting. Can't wait to get into it with my other champs.

2. Extra maps and more content to explore and just wander around. Always good to have (after you actually put more content in).

No third thing really I think that about covers the likes.


General dislikes:

1. Materials I cant store in material bank. Big F....ING problem there guys. I've been at war with the inventory since I started the game and this is almost a tipping point, it's almost unbearable.

2. Map design. I don't mean the actual design as much as just the fact that we have large maps and little of any way-points. I get it you want to make us use the mounts, but it's just punishing after the initial fun from the mounts fades, I wont comment on the maps further, because I generally don't like desert maps, they are just to bland for me, but I made my point I hope. The maps are flat. No layers, for all the problems some people had with HoT maps I enjoyed the multi-layer thing, this feels more 2012 GW2 with flat WoW-like maps.

3. Which brings me to the 3rd problem. Mounts, good spin on the general mount systems of other games to have different mounts do different things and so one, BUT and maybe I'm the idiot here. The current way to change mounts is driving me up the walls nuts. There is no fluid way to switch mounts, the fact i need to click the arrow above the small icon shortcut is ridiculous and it literally makes me sick to my stomach every time i need to do it. I cringe so hard every time i need to switch from raptor to skimmer I've just Alt+F4 the game because of it at least 5 times so far. It's quite possibly the most annoying mechanic I've seen in any game ever. I get actual heartburn thinking of it.

4. There's really not much to do in the new maps as far as I can figure. I have spent so far around 15-16h in the maps just running around and finishing the main story and so far I saw no META map-wide events or anything remotely resembling a World Boss. You really need to fix that. How can Kralkatorik be shitting all over the crystal desert and there not be a single big Minion spawning every 3-4h to wreak havoc and make people just visit the areas.

5. The whole bounty system has a major flaw. All the above dislikes make the maps not fully populated most of the time and the HP of bounty champions is too high to be brought down by 5-7 people in the designated time unless they all start from the beginning and are not new players (have optimized gear/skills). I just not even bother to stop and waste time fighting them anymore.

6. There are no new stuff from the old kind. No new instances, Raids or Fractals from what I saw. And I expected something like the Auric skins but I don't think there is any(please correct me if I'm wrong), there are just the generic weapons no epic looking things. I expected after putting Balthazar down I'd get some flaming monster of a weapon choice but I got a boring back thingy that is so-so.

7. After I finished HoT and any of the other story plots I reran them with my other 6 champions. I dread the idea of putting myself through the giant mostly empty and boring desert maps again (that could just be me though).

8. There is really no point to get anyone else involved in your play-through any of the PoF maps. It's just a solo experience and that's just not very MMO-like. The Hero Challenges aren't really challenging and are all (as far as I saw) normal mobs with slightly more HP, no Champions, no real challenge.

9. Flying. There is none. No soaring in the skies. Everything is firmly grounded. You wont be gliding much, because you are forced to use mounts. Mounts in the areas literally killed the glider and gutted it's creator, then hung them both to dry in the desert sun. I feel stuck to the ground, there are no mushrooms, no wind streams, no high cliffs. It's all just one big flat desert with some buildings. Kind of makes it boring to play in my book.

10. The mount conditional skill. The thing that pops up when you ride the Raptor where you throw a chain to bring down a flying mob or pull a veteran Skritt to the ground. That skill has some serious range consistency problems. Also on Necro it reappears after the 1st use if you go in a shroud. It's generally a buggy skill. I cant figure the range it has. Sometimes i need to be on top of the Skritt to use it. Sometimes I can use it from really far away. Out of range of all skills.


I think I made this long enough so I'll leave it at this.

PS: Make a faster/more fluid mount change way. *HINT* You have many empty skill slots when mounted *HINT* use them *HINT*HINT*. PLEASE! The mount switching is killing me!

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Appreciate the lack of waypoints, makes the maps less themepark and a bit more adventure.

Mixed feelings about instantly unlocking Elite Specialization. Balance of enemies good, challenging but manageable when soloing.

Nice throwbacks to old lore. Unfortunately so far nowhere the original feeling of the Crystal Desert (deserted, harsh).

Story started out nice but pacing accelerated too much after 'Facing the truth'. Dislike forced exploration for story continuation (The Sacrifice, Way Forward). Would have appreciated character / profession specific dialogue / mechanics. First combat in 'Beast of War' disappointing, should be more massive.

(Amount of) collections looks promising, dislike the 'no-lore-until-complete' principal.

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