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[Suggestion] New Specializations Ideas

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Hello Folks,


This is a rather useless topic just for the joy of discussing Specializations ideas. We will certainly - and hopefully - not have any new specializations any time soon but a new expansion will probably come in a few years if we survive that far. Btw, Kralkatorrik needs to die. =)


Point here is to discuss, theorycraft and suggest interesting specialization options for each class, why they would be great (reason) and what role should they play.

Considering how ANet implements Specializations, we need to consider some "standards" seen in the previous ones so each specialization must:


1. Have ~~fancy~~ name and a target class (obviously);

2. Enable a new Weapon for that class ;

3. Have an Utility Category (new or existing-but-not-for-that-class);

4. Have a main role (Support, DPS, Healer, etc).


With that in mind, here are my two cents:


## Bard

**Class:** Thief or Mesmer (both can apply)

**Weapon:** Warhorn Offhand

**Utility:** Shouts

**Role:** Support / Utility


Bard is one of the most famous classes in RPG and is well known for AoE buffs/Debuffs via songs, which fall absolutely great under the _Shouts_ category already in game. Bard is usually linked towards Thief but the Mesmer theme suits it as well. Purpose of the Bard is to provide party specific buffs and hamper enemies with radius AoE skills. Support Mesmer is already in a good place due to Chronomancer but Thief has no viable option for party support currently. To prevent balance problems due to boon sharing, Shouts could work like traited Soulbeast stances, which are AoE specific effects (not literally boons). The Warhorn and _Shouts_ with an utility-based traitline would fit the specialization just fine, regardless of the class chosen (Thief/Mesmer).


## Trickster

**Class:** Mesmer

**Weapon:** Dagger mainhand

**Utility:** Arcane

**Role:** Damage / Utility


If Bard goes to Thief, we can give Mesmer another option for power DPS instead of the only option since launch which is Sword/GS. If you are Mesmer Power, be it Core, Chrono or Mirage, you have only ONE option for main hand: MH Sword and Greatsword. You have a lot of options for Cond, but Power just remains the same since forever. With **Trickster** we can consider a mind-tricking gameplay focused on engage/disengage techniques and stealth. Trickster is like a Mage/Thief class in D&D. Also, power Mesmer gameplay is very selfish and provides zero utility for your team. With a more Utility-based power spec, we could look forward less spike damage in exchange for a more consistent dps coupled with some party utility skills.


# Swashbuckler

**Class:** Thief

**Weapon:** Shield Offhand

**Utility:** Stances

**Role:** Tank


Thief cant tank. I'm not talking about the cancer Acro evade build based on D/D 3 brainless spamming. I'm talking about proper Bunker/CC builds suited for PvP. Thief never had a place in the Bunker seat. Now that we have boats all around why not consider a Pirate Swashbuckler style focused on sustain and CC? With Stances, Shield offhand and a defensive traitline this could be achieved thus adding a delightful flavor to a "mostly" single role class. My personal favorite of all.


# Arcane Archer

**Class:** Elementalist

**Weapon:** Longbow or Short Bow

**Utility:** Mantras

**Role:** Damage / Utility


Elementalists cannot weapon-swap. That means we are not only stuck in a single battle range but we also only have one weapon option for each (except Melee Weaver): Staff (Long Range), Scepter (Mid Range), Dagger/Sword (Melee). Being able to use either Longbow (for long range) or Shortbow (mid range) would add a second option to one of those categories. The Arcane Archer theme would fit that just fine with Mantras that could have different effects based on the attuned element.


# Lancer

**Class:** Warrior

**Weapon:** Staff

**Utility:** Tricks

**Role:** Damage / Utility


Staff is a melee stick for both Thief (DD) and Rev; why can't it be a Spear in the hands of a Warrior? Btw, there's hype in this since the first wallpapers came out. Also, with Tricks and a CC-based traitline we can grant the Warrior a beautiful and agile gameplay.


# Death Knight

**Class:** Necromancer

**Weapon:** Shield Offhand

**Utility:** Stances

**Role:** Tank / Utility


[On the way]


So, those are some humble options for possible Specializations. As an RPG player myself, I would like to hear what class forks people would like to see in GW2. If you have the time to do so, leave your ideas.


C-ya around!

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> @"LockeCole.6125" said:

> ## Bard

> **Class:** Thief or Mesmer (both can apply)

> **Weapon:** Warhorn Offhand

> **Utility:** Shouts

> **Role:** Support / Utility


> Bard is one of the most famous classes in RPG and is well known for AoE buffs/Debuffs via songs, which fall absolutely great under the _Shouts_ category already in game. Bard is usually linked towards Thief but the Mesmer theme suits it as well. Purpose of the Bard is to provide party specific buffs and hamper enemies with radius AoE skills. Support Mesmer is already in a good place due to Chronomancer but Thief has no viable option for party support currently. To prevent balance problems due to boon sharing, Shouts could work like traited Soulbeast stances, which are AoE specific effects (not literally boons). The Warhorn and _Shouts_ with an utility-based traitline would fit the specialization just fine, regardless of the class chosen (Thief/Mesmer).



I love the idea of a bard class! I think I've liked the concept ever since I played Ragnarok Online, where you have dancers and bards (and they can do duets together). Nothing like [Loki's Veil](http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=skill_db&skid=311 "Loki's Veil") for guild v. guild.


I don't think this is possible with the engine and such, but I've always thought it'd be cool for a skill-song to be an actual thing you have to play, sort of like the current in-game instruments. Like, the Bard could have a song that stacks might, and to play it, you'd have to do a certain key pattern, like 4-1-2-5. Or, if it were tied to Mesmers, maybe a song that provides quickness, and it has a different key pattern (like 2-7-1-3).

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if i may:

* i don't see the connection between a pirate and a shield

* wouldn't take trickster as a mesmer spec since trickery is a core thief spec.

* if you want new weapons use new weapons, don't have warriors use a staff as a spear/lance that'd just look stupid


bard is probably gonna go to mesmer since it has a connection to bards (mesmer's reveal and some music themes in some skills like trident)

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Oh, it's always great to find a fellow RO fan! Those were definitely the best MMO times of my life. =)


> I don't think this is possible with the engine and such, but I've always thought it'd be cool for a skill-song to be an actual thing you have to play, sort of like the current in-game instruments. Like, the Bard could have a song that stacks might, and to play it, you'd have to do a certain key pattern, like 4-1-2-5. Or, if it were tied to Mesmers, maybe a song that provides quickness, and it has a different key pattern (like 2-7-1-3).


With a little less complexity it sure is! For that we would need a new _Utility_ category like **Tunes** (for example). **Tunes** could work like **Mantras**, but having 3 charges instead of standard 2. We can equip like 3 _Utilities_ at once, which means we have at least 3 different Tunes to combine in a "song".


Let's say we have Tune 1, 2 and 3 equipped ad Utilities. To cast a _Song_ we need to combine 3 _Tunes_ casting them in sequence, like a Power Mesmer chaining Mantras.


So, for example, we can do things like:

1-1-1 = Song A

1-1-2 = Song B

1-2-1 = Song C

2-1-1 = Song D

2-2-2 = Song E

2-2-1 = Song F

2-1-2 = Song G

3-3-3 = Song H

3-1-1 = Song I

1-1-3 = Song J

... and so on...


That alone enables for 27 _Songs_ (skills) with different effects only by combining 3 _Utilities_. If you consider we have 4 Utilities of each type we are talking about 64 possible new skills as a result of _Tune_ combinations. Remember we are not even considering thee _Healing_ and _Elite_ skills as a part of it so you can see where this goes even without adding a new F1/F5 ability mechanic to the class itself.



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> @"LockeCole.6125" said:

> Oh, it's always great to find a fellow RO fan! Those were definitely the best MMO times of my life. =)


> > I don't think this is possible with the engine and such, but I've always thought it'd be cool for a skill-song to be an actual thing you have to play, sort of like the current in-game instruments. Like, the Bard could have a song that stacks might, and to play it, you'd have to do a certain key pattern, like 4-1-2-5. Or, if it were tied to Mesmers, maybe a song that provides quickness, and it has a different key pattern (like 2-7-1-3).


> With a little less complexity it sure is! For that we would need a new _Utility_ category like **Tunes** (for example). **Tunes** could work like **Mantras**, but having 3 charges instead of standard 2. We can equip like 3 _Utilities_ at once, which means we have at least 3 different Tunes to combine in a "song".


> Let's say we have Tune 1, 2 and 3 equipped ad Utilities. To cast a _Song_ we need to combine 3 _Tunes_ casting them in sequence, like a Power Mesmer chaining Mantras.


> So, for example, we can do things like:

> 1-1-1 = Song A

> 1-1-2 = Song B

> 1-2-1 = Song C

> 2-1-1 = Song D

> 2-2-2 = Song E

> 2-2-1 = Song F

> 2-1-2 = Song G

> 3-3-3 = Song H

> 3-1-1 = Song I

> 1-1-3 = Song J

> ... and so on...


> That alone enables for 27 _Songs_ (skills) with different effects only by combining 3 _Utilities_. If you consider we have 4 Utilities of each type we are talking about 64 possible new skills as a result of _Tune_ combinations. Remember we are not even considering thee _Healing_ and _Elite_ skills as a part of it so you can see where this goes even without adding a new F1/F5 ability mechanic to the class itself.


> ;)


you might want to remember gw2's target demographic

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> if i may:

> * i don't see the connection between a pirate and a shield



> * wouldn't take trickster as a mesmer spec since trickery is a core thief spec.

You want the full name? Is **Arcane Trickster** good enough for you?


> * if you want new weapons use new weapons, don't have warriors use a staff as a spear/lance that'd just look stupid

You use [THESE](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_staves "THESE") as Bo. You tell me that again.


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> @"LockeCole.6125" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > if i may:

> > * i don't see the connection between a pirate and a shield

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swashbuckler


> > * wouldn't take trickster as a mesmer spec since trickery is a core thief spec.

> You want the full name? Is **Arcane Trickster** good enough for you?


> > * if you want new weapons use new weapons, don't have warriors use a staff as a spear/lance that'd just look stupid

> You use [THESE](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gallery_of_staves "THESE") as Bo. You tell me that again.



you could just have said you weren't interested in criticism and i would've left you alone, no need to get angry

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> @"LockeCole.6125" said:

> > you could just have said you weren't interested in criticism and i would've left you alone, no need to get angry


> Who said that? Criticism is always welcome; unfounded cussing in the other hand...


> Btw, only angry face I see is in your avatar.



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i have a spec in mind for quite some time that is quite wanted in a certain point of view.




**class:** necromancer

**weapon:** longbow

**utility:** exploitation/condition counters

**role:** control


the banshee uses corpses to aim their power and empower their attacks, they can also shield allies against conditions and use the enemy's conditions to control the battlefield.

their true power comes from banshee shroud, when in their shroud they can target multiple enemies and shoot them down on several different places at ones. (similar to the rev skill unrelenting assault only instead of attacking each enemy in turn several dark clones appear next to the enemies attacking at the same time, the damage is shared the more enemies targeted. (so the more enemies the lower the damage))

they can use corpses to ether heal allies while damaging enemies or enhance the power of the banshee and it's allies, the more corpses the more powerful the banshee becomes.

a known skill returns from the GW1 era, aura of the lich, which doesn't need a corpse but does utilize it to spawn (max 6) bone minions.

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Class: necro

Weapon: mace

Utility: spirits

Mechanic: possesions

Role: cc?


the ensalaver is a necromancer who has mastered the art of domination and control over many of the demons that roam the mists. Since the demons won't obey any they consider weak or mercyfull, many enslavers choose to wield a mace in combat to display their strenghth and brutality in battle.

The demons can be ordered to posses both allies, foes or even the enslaver himself at the cost of some life force for the demon to feed on. Possesed characters will carry an AOE around them for the duration of the possesion, the effect of wich depends on the command the enslaver gives.

Demons who've failed in their duty to the enslaver are turned into spirits, their sorry state will scare any ally straight and make every enemy think twice before engaging in combat. If the enslaver chooses to release these spirits they'll fight for the enslaver as minions before seeking their escape in death.

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Sorry but I don’t get why you want thief to get a bunker role. Thieves are just not supposed to play bunker and it’s alright this way. Not every class needs to be able to play every role. Thief doesn’t fit to the tank/bunker role and they also don’t need shields. I really like the bard idea though and I think if it goes to the Mesmer a shortbow as new weapon could fit as well.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> Sorry but I don’t get why you want thief to get a bunker role. Thieves are just not supposed to play bunker and it’s alright this way. Not every class needs to be able to play every role. Thief doesn’t fit to the tank/bunker role and they also don’t need shields. I really like the bard idea though and I think if it goes to the Mesmer a shortbow as new weapon could fit as well.


a dodge/blind bunker thief might work

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> @"derd.6413" said:


> the ensalaver is a necromancer who has mastered the art of domination and control over many of the demons that roam the mists. Since the demons won't obey any they consider weak or mercyfull, many enslavers choose to wield a mace in combat to display their strenghth and brutality in battle.

> The demons can be ordered to posses both allies, foes or even the enslaver himself at the cost of some life force for the demon to feed on. Possesed characters will carry an AOE around them for the duration of the possesion, the effect of wich depends on the command the enslaver gives.

> Demons who've failed in their duty to the enslaver are turned into spirits, their sorry state will scare any ally straight and make every enemy think twice before engaging in combat. If the enslaver chooses to release these spirits they'll fight for the enslaver as minions before seeking their escape in death.


I really like this one. Mace fits very well in the theme and the mechanics are very interesting. The *Defiler* name you used before is also great; I think it has more of an impact.


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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> Sorry but I don’t get why you want thief to get a bunker role. Thieves are just not supposed to play bunker and it’s alright this way. Not every class needs to be able to play every role. Thief doesn’t fit to the tank/bunker role and they also don’t need shields. I really like the bard idea though and I think if it goes to the Mesmer a shortbow as new weapon could fit as well.


How is a bunker Thief more alien than a bunker Rev, or Elementalist, or Mesmer? Isn't GW2 proposition that "every class can play any role"? It doesn't need to be the best bunker around, but needs to be capable of it somehow.

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> @"LockeCole.6125" said:

> > @"Nash.3974" said:

> > Sorry but I don’t get why you want thief to get a bunker role. Thieves are just not supposed to play bunker and it’s alright this way. Not every class needs to be able to play every role. Thief doesn’t fit to the tank/bunker role and they also don’t need shields. I really like the bard idea though and I think if it goes to the Mesmer a shortbow as new weapon could fit as well.


> How is a bunker Thief more alien than a bunker Rev, or Elementalist, or Mesmer? Isn't GW2 proposition that "every class can play any role"? It doesn't need to be the best bunker around, but needs to be capable of it somehow.


Maybe because it’s the squishiest class ingame? The others make somewhat sense because they are magicians and well can use magic to enhance their tankiness. Also rev makes sense because it’s a soldier class and also has access to magic. Thief however simply doesn’t make sense. And no not every class can play every role, this is just meant as there is no holy trinity.

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> @"LockeCole.6125" said:

> ## Bard


I would like to see Bard be a Longbow class for thief because every time I think of Bards, I think of their instruments and Longbows. I don't really want Bard to be a shout class because they don't really shout. Instead, have their utility skills is based around "music." They play a 3 second music for stronger buffs.



> # Arcane Archer

> **Class:** Elementalist

> **Weapon:** Longbow or Short Bow


I would like to see Elementalist gets a Rifle because they can have four different kinds of guns such Shotgun, Gatling Gun, assault rifle, etc. Other than the sniper rifle that dead eye uses, rifles don't have high automatic fire rate. I would really like to see that in GW2.


> # Death Knight

> **Class:** Necromancer

> **Weapon:** Shield Offhand

> **Utility:** Stances

> **Role:** Tank / Utility


I would like to see Necromancer become a Vampire Count/Blood mage Elite spec that centers around life stealing. Their mechanic is that they no longer uses Death shroud form but instead they have a larger health pool(50% more hp). However, their f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 cost health to use. It will be a high risk high reward kind of class or it can be a tanking class due to their high hp.


Their weapon will be a sword because Vampire Counts look cool with swords.

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> @"LockeCole.6125" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> >

> > the ensalaver is a necromancer who has mastered the art of domination and control over many of the demons that roam the mists. Since the demons won't obey any they consider weak or mercyfull, many enslavers choose to wield a mace in combat to display their strenghth and brutality in battle.

> > The demons can be ordered to posses both allies, foes or even the enslaver himself at the cost of some life force for the demon to feed on. Possesed characters will carry an AOE around them for the duration of the possesion, the effect of wich depends on the command the enslaver gives.

> > Demons who've failed in their duty to the enslaver are turned into spirits, their sorry state will scare any ally straight and make every enemy think twice before engaging in combat. If the enslaver chooses to release these spirits they'll fight for the enslaver as minions before seeking their escape in death.


> I really like this one. Mace fits very well in the theme and the mechanics are very interesting. The *Defiler* name you used before is also great; I think it has more of an impact.



finding themes around mechanics is fairly easy if you know the class well enough, it's comming up with a central mechanic that's the hard part

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