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Easiest profession to master as a newcomer ?


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Hey guys. I have a few friends which are willing to start and play the game with me, mainly PvP and WvW (mainly PvP).

Can't give an objective opinion to them as I haven't played all professions long enough to be an even average foe with most of them.

Can you give me your votes and explanation, obviously about good and rewarding, yet easy to master profession in PvP?

Thank you all !!!

P.S Include the name spec/build if possible.

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Warrior in general.

Spellbreaker the most.

It's very simple profession with no complicated rotations and very straight forward gameplay. It is extremely forgiving toward multiple mistakes due to its passive nature of passive dmg mitigation and passive healing.

Deals one of the highest dmg in the game while having one of the highest survivability in the game with very good mobility if using Spellbreaker Metabuild which you can find on the Metabattle website.

All that makes for maybe the best dueler with very low skill ceiling.

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It's mostly warrior.

Warrior is incredibly easy to pick up and master, but at a certain point you will run into people that have fought many, many warriors, and if you aren't creative with mindgames and pressure/baiting dodges and invuls, they will very easily dispatch you.


So Warrior, but keep in mind that you will be easily outplayed and will need more situational awareness than most at higher levels to not be shut down.

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Voted ranger, mainly because of druid. Soulbeast is more complex.


But yeah, I regret it now, should be warrior. The class that allows you to repeatedly screw up while you passively prevent damage, passively heal, passively prevent CC.


ALL of that while having good mobility and superb damage. It is mindblowing how this class is allowed to remain the way it is. It's the epitome of poor design.

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I went with necro, because while warrior is a good choice, it requires learning an actual rotation to chain together a bunch of invulns - a rotation that includes a lot of passive procs.


Necro, on the other hand, has higher damage, and is still quite mechanically simple. You can put on auto-ground targeting and just press buttons, and you'll get enough damage/free procs to kill a lot of newer/lesser skilled players. Necro does take more knowledge when trying to learn positioning, and dealing with burst on you, but as far as being the easiest to pick up and have some success with, I think necro does the best with just pressing skills off-CD.

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I went for ranger, even though I think warrior is indeed more forgiving for a new player.


Rangers can fill a wide variety of roles within the same match, and while you will end up building towards a specific role (as you would on any class), you retain a good variety of options no matter what you end up choosing to focus on. For instance, I main a full glass cannon power soulbeast, but can still get top offense, defense, or heals depending on what my team's needs are in any given match. Having options to stay in the fight in melee, ranged, and mobility mode is key, along with just enough tools to survive and reset fights despite being a damage-oriented character. In my book, rangers allow new players to properly specialize into just one or two tasks, while remaining decent at the rest, allowing for flexibility and adjustment.

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Spellbreaker, Holo, Necro, Core Guard are all fairly straightforward. But play what you like, honestly. if you attempt to get into the higher lvls of pvp the learning curve will be steep anyway, no matter what you play. Some classes might be a bit to pick up than others and forgive more mistakes in the lowers tiers but once you get to a higher level you will need a good level of mechanics, decision making, rotations etc with any class, like Hearteater has pointed out.

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> Din't YOU ALL last season SCREAMED Mesmer mirage chrono is the braindead easiest with no skill's needed?



Make no mistake. Mirage is toxic as it currently stands.

Easy to learn does not mean it's easy to do well with across the board, just like a class that has a higher skill floor is not automatically exempt from being unreasonably forgiving across the board.

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Pretty much all the meta specs except thief & rev are easy spamfest and comparable to each other. Only voted engi because holo has both high damage and sustain on top of having both ranged & melee attacks so it's harder to get kited by enemies than a spellbreaker or core guard. Necro is easy too but you get focused all the time while Firebrand is easy but relies on teammates. Mesmer/Mirage is a whole lot of easy spamming too (at least the condi build) but it's quite clear to see the difference between ones that aren't effective because they spam offense all the time, waste all their bursts within first few seconds of the fight, and just dies compared to the ones that at least know to reset by target breaking and kiting a little (but once you get that it's not difficult at all to be effective).

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It's hard to say because different classes are easier at different skill levels.


Warrior is the biggest example of this. When it's silvers VS other silvers, warrior is hands down the easiest class to master in the game since no one at that level understands positioning so you get really silly scenarios like thieves that think they can fight a warrior on point with nothing but dagger autos and other various newb-mistakes. But in higher skill levels when people actually learn wtf kiting is, Warrior becomes more of a medium skill class. Unskilled players also have no idea how to do burst damage, so Warriors never die at that level since their "sustain over time" method of healing acts as a hard counter against people who are just spamming DPS in their direction at random.


Then you have Mesmer which is very punishing to a new player since a lot of the damage comes from clunky AI that may or may not do what you want it to do, but then once you learn how mirage defensive rotations work it becomes one of the easiest classes to play in the game. 9-12s inv -> shit on somebody while chaining mirage cloak/blur/stealth -> did you win the fight? If yes, grats. If no, jaunt/portal away then come back in 30s for another round of invuln-carried freecasting.



Necro is the only class that basically boils down to "Spam AoE damage" at all skill levels so my vote goes to that.

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I originally voted for necro, and it is quite easy to just press buttons and get lots of kills at low skill-levels, but its easier for other players to learn to counter.


While necro is a good "roll face" profession, Warrior is probably the easiest to get carried the furthest. As MasterKetsu pointed out, it is basically an auto-win at low skill levels b/c it takes at least a medium level of skill to overcome the invulns/blocks/evades and incredibly high passive healing. Combined with high damage, the spec really does almost play itself.


I also agree with Ketsu, saying that mirage is certainly OP, but you need to at least know what some buttons do. Mirage is OP in that a player with medium skill level can perform far above his normal MMR just b/c he is playing an overloaded spec. However, for someone just pressing buttons randomly, warrior wins I think.

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Guard (except fb), Ranger, Warrior are clearly the easiest classes to start with and to master. Necro is mechanically easy too but needs some brain for surviving when get focused by the other team. Because Ele has a lot of buttons ppl think it needs a lot of skill but in fact all played builds are easy to play and very forgiving.

These all goes for class mechanics and the amount of braincells you need for rotations.

Condi/hybrid/bunker mes are kinda easy to play too but the difference between a bad and a good condi/hybrid mes is bigger than between a good or bad core guard, also with portal and as roamer/dueller you need a good map awareness and know a lot about matchups so you can decide where to go fast. Deadeye rifle is ez to play, you only need to know what target to focus and bit of rotation. All these builds are more or less easy on every skill lvl/ pvp rank and are not hard to learn, so good for beginners. Fresh air Ele is easy played in dmg application but like Necro needs some movement, kiting when get focused by the other team. It can facetank less than Necro and is a freekill after chaining the active defense tools like blocks, invuln and blinds, means go for Necro before fresh air Ele (also Necro is meta, fresh air Ele is not).

The only builds i would not recommend for beginners, untalented player or for ppl wanna have an ez life are d/p and s/d Thieves (sd ins't rly hard to play itself but still needs a good knowledge about rotas and a bad one is still an ez kill), Powermesmer, Rev.

Yes i know Rev is rly strong atm and ppl already complain but still a bad Rev is a freekill just like a bad d/p Thief and also a total loss for a team when no clue how to rotate.

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> Deadeye... just go into stealth and press rifle 1 then 3 and profit :)

> If something goes wrong, just dodge to go back to stealth or press your elite and live to do your stealth-1-3 again


Do you think that only would work on average skilled players?

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