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How to spot an axe mirage cheating?


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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> To all my Mesmer buds wondering how to beat the condi bomb, if you’re not running EM, roll with Mantra of Resolve and cleanse smart.


or do what I do and try to use your detargeting and mobility to avoid the bomb. Playing a daredevil before Mirage I understood how mobility can help when you have little to no cleanses lol.


I personally run Axe/Torch + GS DPS mirage. Detargeting/teleports saves my life vs condi bombs vs mirage.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> I am about 400 rank in wvw and I fought many many people and many many mirages of all ranks, some were easy mode to kill, others a bit tough, but it was a fair fight even if I ended up downed at the end I knew he deserved the win.


> But against this guy having literally zero chances, I didn't drop him under 85% health, like kitten.


> Even in 2vs1 we couldn't drop him under 60% health.


First off, rank 400 is still like joining WvW yesterday in the grand scheme of things. Even people that didnt exploit eotm have 5000+.


I only play like 2h a night tops and have 3500ish, play a mirage bruiser hybrid with high toughness and can roflstomp some players, not long ago I killed 2 soulbeasts in a 20s fight or so, 1v2 without loosing any hp and others take me to school (holo stun killing me before I can react, dragonhunter killing me in 0.2s, warriors that cant be beaten, mirages bringing me down, thief backstabbing me to death, take your pick). Skill differences happen no matter the rank.


If the enemy mesmer was a tougher hybrid puking clones and evading like a mofo its highly unlikely that it was a macro user. People only use that for zerk builds, such as the shatter mesmer or guard judge instakill.

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We had a Mesmer in WvW ones that won a 7vs1.

* He took only 3k from my CoR.

* Killed a Full Mintrel Firebrand in under 1 second.

* Had around 75% Mirror Uptime.

* Moved 3k range in 1 second.

* Unending supply of clones.

* He used Sword/X + Staff and Feedback.


Im 100% sure he was cheating because i have never seen something like this before.


And before people tell me im exaggerating. Nope.

It was crazy.

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> And before people tell me im exaggerating. Nope.

> It was crazy.


Then post a video and prove it.


If he was cheating thats a full on hack, not macros. Not even the absolute best macro mesmer can go 1v7 competent people. Vs 7 incompetent players that are afk? Maybe.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > And before people tell me im exaggerating. Nope.

> > It was crazy.


> Then post a video and prove it.


> If he was cheating thats a full on hack, not macros. Not even the absolute best macro mesmer can go 1v7 competent people. Vs 7 incompetent players that are afk? Maybe.


I dont think i will download a Video Programm for something that happends only ones and was obviously cheating.


Also, all 7 player were aktivly trying to kill him because that was not the only fight and we wanted him to get out of our third in EBG.


Like i said. I have never seen something that crazy before.


His Clones respawned the moment i killed them on the same location.

Also his Mirror effect refreshed even when he was not using a skill ( atleast looked like it)

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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > > And before people tell me im exaggerating. Nope.

> > > It was crazy.

> >

> > Then post a video and prove it.

> >

> > If he was cheating thats a full on hack, not macros. Not even the absolute best macro mesmer can go 1v7 competent people. Vs 7 incompetent players that are afk? Maybe.


> I dont think i will download a Video Programm for something that happends only ones and was obviously cheating.


> Also, all 7 player were aktivly trying to kill him because that was not the only fight and we wanted him to get out of our third in EBG.


> Like i said. I have never seen something that crazy before.


> His Clones respawned the moment i killed them on the same location.

> Also his Mirror effect refreshed even when he was not using a skill ( atleast looked like it)


None of this honestly sounds all that strange other than the fact that 7 people died to him. I'm guessing the 7 people were trying to rez one another and repeatedly took 3 staff clone ambushes. 3k CoR against a protection TB condi mirage wouldn't be out of this realm. High mirror use and high clone generation is likely considering a staff build.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> I don't think people understand how bad macros are in GW2 for PvP.


> OP is clearly inexperienced and/or came across a good PvPer and is now trying to blame the fact that he got roflstomped on "cheats" rather than his/her lack of skill.


Yeah lack of skill probably, i saw him dueling more than 15 people and he never die once or ever get close to dying once.


Unfortunately I missed when mudse the deadeye adfirm he killed him.


People did 2vs1 3vs1 and he never died once in that scenarios too.


Yeah all those people, some of them really good duelers are all lacking of skill yeah.

Thanks for telling us the real truth.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I don't think people understand how bad macros are in GW2 for PvP.

> >

> > OP is clearly inexperienced and/or came across a good PvPer and is now trying to blame the fact that he got roflstomped on "cheats" rather than his/her lack of skill.


> Yeah lack of skill probably, i saw him dueling more than 15 people and he never die once or ever get close to dying once.


> Unfortunately I missed when mudse the deadeye adfirm he killed him.


> People did 2vs1 3vs1 and he never died once in that scenarios too.


> Yeah all those people, some of them really good duelers are all lacking of skill yeah.

> Thanks for telling us the real truth.


well still 2 days of matchup, if i see him again ill record it for you. if you see him just sent me a message.

the problem is that he is a mirage wich means he has no clear vulnerability windows - his dodge works simply allways as long as he has endurance. ontop he is very tanky so it is for most builds nearly impossible to burst him. when he then gets hit for a little he will kite to heal up again etc.

when fighting a trailblaizer mirage either one has to play too aggressive and neglect the defense giving the opponent a chance to burst, if he is patient he will allways win. the reason as a deadeye the game looks a little different is that malicious backstab can hit for insane damge with 0 tell to the skill itself, he has to guess it he cant avoid it on reaction. so sooner or later ill hit him with it wich drops him near death so then 1-2 'trash dmg' hits might be enough to finish the job. this obviously only works aslong as he remains in area, if he starts running the moment i go into stealth - yeah then we wont be able to kill each other.


but shadowpass is right. you can be stronger without macros than you can be with macros. marcos limit you in gw2, they are stupid to use.

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I have been playing Mirage for all of about...3 months. Yes, you read that right, 3 months. My WvW rank is 7. Yep, you read that right too... 7. I know almost nothing about half of what everyone is talking about here, except that I wanted to put in my two coppers' worth about survivability, damage, and TB "training wheels."


First, in PvE, where I came from, I am amazed at what I am capable of, considering that I played a wet sponge (squishy as hell) Power Weaver before I learned anything about Mirages. I can accidentally thump a champ on the way by not only survive, have a very good chance of soloing it even with my limited experience. I also melt regular mobs with an inspiring number of torment stacks. I run TB armor because until I learn the profession, I need the toughness to keep me alive that one second or two longer that it takes to kill whatever it is that I am fighting.


Here's the interesting part: I am also new at WvW. I am mostly backline roaming and hitting dolyaks. The occasion that I come across a fellow roamer from the other side, I have enough of a backbone that I do ok for myself. I've even killed a number of them whether it be by accident or a slowly improving grasp of the profession. So, what I am saying is that the skillbar itself gives me mobility and ability to damage I never had with other professions. With a press of a button, I can be halfway across the visible area of the screen, pop back to my starting point, and then launch a spinning attack, and I can do it a number of times in a row just based on my skillbar. I can teleport short distances in an almost unending chain that evades pretty much anything, and I can hit for a goodly amount (not godly, just goodly,) and then stack a LOT of condis in the process (love those double-digit stacks of torment.) All the while I am jumping all over, I am creating duplicates of myself that add even more confusion (no pun intended... I'm talking about real confusion here, not the damaging condition) to the mix. Do I win? Yeah, sometimes, but mostly I lose eventually. Why? Because I am not experienced, not because of the profession iteself.


I guess what I am trying to say is that the OP came across an experienced player who knew what they were doing. If I can do what I am doing with what little experience I have, then a veteran Mirage with the right gear, the right skillbar and the right knowledge can kick ass, take names, and leave his/her "victim" thinking that they cheated.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> I don't think people understand how bad macros are in GW2 for PvP.


> OP is clearly inexperienced and/or came across a good PvPer and is now trying to blame the fact that he got roflstomped on "cheats" rather than his/her lack of skill.


Then why does the best mesmer I know in PvP claim that he uses macros, his mentor taught him to use macros, and that "every" good mesmer he knows uses macros? Don't tell me it's stupid to use macros, this guy is one of the best out there (certainly the best in my nearly-full guild), and if he says macros make things easier and are almost required, then I believe him.


Does the mesmer in question use macros? I have no idea. But mesmer usage of macros *is* prevalent.


Also what @"Ashabhi.1365" relates is very illustrative of how OP the class itself is. Rank 7 and regularly beating higher ranks simply because the class is so powerful compared to others?


In any given 1v1 involving a mesmer and a player of another class of equal skill level, I will always bet on the mesmer.


Someone should put together a tournament in wvw with the "best" players of each profession going at it. I'd put my money on the mesmer 100% of the time.



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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I don't think people understand how bad macros are in GW2 for PvP.

> >

> > OP is clearly inexperienced and/or came across a good PvPer and is now trying to blame the fact that he got roflstomped on "cheats" rather than his/her lack of skill.


> Then why does the best mesmer I know in PvP claim that he uses macros, his mentor taught him to use macros, and that "every" good mesmer he knows uses macros? Don't tell me it's stupid to use macros, this guy is one of the best out there (certainly the best in my nearly-full guild), and if he says macros make things easier and are almost required, then I believe him.


> Does the mesmer in question use macros? I have no idea. But mesmer usage of macros *is* prevalent.


> Also what @"Ashabhi.1365" relates is very illustrative of how OP the class itself is. Rank 7 and regularly beating higher ranks simply because the class is so powerful compared to others?


> In any given 1v1 involving a mesmer and a player of another class of equal skill level, I will always bet on the mesmer.


> Someone should put together a tournament in wvw with the "best" players of each profession going at it. I'd put my money on the mesmer 100% of the time.




Using macros on mesmer only signals to me that the user hasn't bothered to change their keybinds to optimize mesmer gameplay. I've built muscle memory on almost exclusively playing mirage since mirage was released so using a macro is only going to hinder me by taking away a key I can use for something else. The class is definitely exceptionally strong in a cage match where one person has to win but that's not what WvW gameplay is about.


Not saying your PvP friend is bad, just saying that they are hindering themselves unless they have physical reasons that prevent them from playing without macros or they haven't invested in a gaming mouse at all. A mesmer has to press maybe 5 keys in quick succession in a so called macro burst. Are you capable of typing "afv" along with 2 buttons on your mouse in less than a second? Then you are capable of a mesmer burst, you just have to figure out the rest of your key setup.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I don't think people understand how bad macros are in GW2 for PvP.

> >

> > OP is clearly inexperienced and/or came across a good PvPer and is now trying to blame the fact that he got roflstomped on "cheats" rather than his/her lack of skill.


> Yeah lack of skill probably, i saw him dueling more than 15 people and he never die once or ever get close to dying once.


> Unfortunately I missed when mudse the deadeye adfirm he killed him.


> People did 2vs1 3vs1 and he never died once in that scenarios too.


> Yeah all those people, some of them really good duelers are all lacking of skill yeah.

> Thanks for telling us the real truth.


I'm not talking about good duelers. I'm talking about an actual top PvPer.


Top PvPers will have superior 1v1 and 1vX skills compared to regular "good players." It's no surprise that one of them won't lose in those scenarios.

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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > I don't think people understand how bad macros are in GW2 for PvP.

> >

> > OP is clearly inexperienced and/or came across a good PvPer and is now trying to blame the fact that he got roflstomped on "cheats" rather than his/her lack of skill.


> Then why does the best mesmer I know in PvP claim that he uses macros, his mentor taught him to use macros, and that "every" good mesmer he knows uses macros? Don't tell me it's stupid to use macros, this guy is one of the best out there (certainly the best in my nearly-full guild), and if he says macros make things easier and are almost required, then I believe him.


> Does the mesmer in question use macros? I have no idea. But mesmer usage of macros *is* prevalent.


> Also what @"Ashabhi.1365" relates is very illustrative of how OP the class itself is. Rank 7 and regularly beating higher ranks simply because the class is so powerful compared to others?


> In any given 1v1 involving a mesmer and a player of another class of equal skill level, I will always bet on the mesmer.


> Someone should put together a tournament in wvw with the "best" players of each profession going at it. I'd put my money on the mesmer 100% of the time.




Because he's lazy and instead of actually learning how to play his class like a good player, he resorted to using macros. Macros are bad. They will do the same thing EVERY time. Thus, if the situation changes and requires you to use your skills in a different order, you won't know what to do.


I'm not saying mesmer isn't strong, but it isn't due to macros. WvW rank doesn't matter. I'm only rank 40 ish I believe but I'd beat pretty much everyone I come across.


Okay. I won't always bet on the mesmer. That's just your personal choice.

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I was in a squad of 5-6 people who fought equally against one power (hybrid?) mirage. He spiked, downed 1-2 people instantly with the spike and disengaged. I had trouble on my spellbreaker even when I knew what was coming and I have all kinds of defensive tools. The more inexperienced players were probably completely puzzled what the hell was going on. We killed him a few times, but since we were near the enemy spawn, he always returned almost instantly and the dance continued. I got bored very fast.



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> @"Traveller.7496" said:

> I was in a squad of 5-6 people who fought equally against one power (hybrid?) mirage. He spiked, downed 1-2 people instantly with the spike and disengaged. I had trouble on my spellbreaker even when I knew what was coming and I have all kinds of defensive tools. The more inexperienced players were probably completely puzzled what the hell was going on. We killed him a few times, but since we were near the enemy spawn, he always returned almost instantly and the dance continued. I got bored very fast.



If more than 1 person get instantly spiked by one mesmer you might as well turn around and run away cause you're gonna loose that fight.


Well unless you see a mesmer go 1v4 and about to win, wonder wtf they are doing and proceed to 1v1 against the same mesmer and roflstomp him with ease.


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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > I don't think people understand how bad macros are in GW2 for PvP.

> > >

> > > OP is clearly inexperienced and/or came across a good PvPer and is now trying to blame the fact that he got roflstomped on "cheats" rather than his/her lack of skill.

> >

> > Then why does the best mesmer I know in PvP claim that he uses macros, his mentor taught him to use macros, and that "every" good mesmer he knows uses macros? Don't tell me it's stupid to use macros, this guy is one of the best out there (certainly the best in my nearly-full guild), and if he says macros make things easier and are almost required, then I believe him.

> >

> > Does the mesmer in question use macros? I have no idea. But mesmer usage of macros *is* prevalent.

> >

> > Also what @"Ashabhi.1365" relates is very illustrative of how OP the class itself is. Rank 7 and regularly beating higher ranks simply because the class is so powerful compared to others?

> >

> > In any given 1v1 involving a mesmer and a player of another class of equal skill level, I will always bet on the mesmer.

> >

> > Someone should put together a tournament in wvw with the "best" players of each profession going at it. I'd put my money on the mesmer 100% of the time.

> >



> Because he's lazy and instead of actually learning how to play his class like a good player, he resorted to using macros. Macros are bad. They will do the same thing EVERY time. Thus, if the situation changes and requires you to use your skills in a different order, you won't know what to do.


> I'm not saying mesmer isn't strong, but it isn't due to macros. WvW rank doesn't matter. I'm only rank 40 ish I believe but I'd beat pretty much everyone I come across.


> Okay. I won't always bet on the mesmer. That's just your personal choice.


You know how macros works sir?

Seems you all don't know how they works, mudse as well.


He binded one key on the mouse or keyboard which allow him to do the max combo burst possible.


During the fight he chained evades, did some dodge and autoattack to bait dodges and stunbreaks, then he kited, shattered some clone.


Then when I didn't have any dodge left, any stunbreak or defense left, and instead he "refreshed" with kiting all his skill, he teleports near to you, press that binded macro key and boom, full combo instagib burst in less than 1 second.


This is how people use macros.


You are talking like i was saying he pressed one key only for all the fight over and over.


Obviously he was good at baiting dodges and make me waste or use stunbreaks.


He kited, he used heal skill with normal keybinds, nothing suspicious here, the suspicious part is the instagib burst combo he pulled off perfectly on rotation, and that was definetely a macro.


A power mirage with greatsword is so kinda slow with animations, but an hybrid mirage is another story.


But yeah keep saying it's a l2p issue.


So far didn't encountered that guy again, and he was always online at the same hour past days, maybe the report worked who knows.

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macros are not really rocket sience, i mean you press one key and it will do a set of actions.

that still is pretty stupid for most parts in gw2 combat.

macros are only an improvement if they let you fight faster than physically possible pressing the keys, but its not like that mesmer used 20 instant cast skills on you that need to be cast in a specific order.


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> You know how macros works sir?

> Seems you all don't know how they works, mudse as well.


> He binded one key on the mouse or keyboard which allow him to do the max combo burst possible.


> During the fight he chained evades, did some dodge and autoattack to bait dodges and stunbreaks, then he kited, shattered some clone.


> Then when I didn't have any dodge left, any stunbreak or defense left, and instead he "refreshed" with kiting all his skill, he teleports near to you, press that binded macro key and boom, full combo instagib burst in less than 1 second.


> This is how people use macros.


> You are talking like i was saying he pressed one key only for all the fight over and over.


> Obviously he was good at baiting dodges and make me waste or use stunbreaks.


> He kited, he used heal skill with normal keybinds, nothing suspicious here, the suspicious part is the instagib burst combo he pulled off perfectly on rotation, and that was definetely a macro.


> A power mirage with greatsword is so kinda slow with animations, but an hybrid mirage is another story.


> But yeah keep saying it's a l2p issue.


> So far didn't encountered that guy again, and he was always online at the same hour past days, maybe the report worked who knows.


There are few players that are really good at their class. Unless you have some video proof, just accept and move on.

If you are in NA and your group runs into Tubby's Rev or Xan and gang from vT, i wonder what you will think then.

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Although, it is one way to spot the macro user. They only ever insta-burst or run away. Never anything else, and always die with they don't down someone with the burst combo. Kind of lets you know they aren't very good and are just using a macro for the combo.


That said, I have seen a few mesmers who were incredibly good, and 99.9% sure they don't use macros. They can fight outnumbered often, constantly winning. Most roaming builds can fight outnumbered if the player is really good, because most of what they fight is rallybots and zerg builds who can't handle the CC and burst. And, wvw is full of rallybots.


> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> If you are in NA and your group runs into Tubby's Rev or Xan and gang from vT, i wonder what you will think then.


I'm like 1 for 20 vs his Rev. And, iirc, it was because I was late to the fight and he had like 20% health already. I have beaten the reaper a number of times though. vT are very competent, although I rarely ever see a solo one, it's almost always havoc size farming rallybots.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > You know how macros works sir?

> > Seems you all don't know how they works, mudse as well.

> >

> > He binded one key on the mouse or keyboard which allow him to do the max combo burst possible.

> >

> > During the fight he chained evades, did some dodge and autoattack to bait dodges and stunbreaks, then he kited, shattered some clone.

> >

> > Then when I didn't have any dodge left, any stunbreak or defense left, and instead he "refreshed" with kiting all his skill, he teleports near to you, press that binded macro key and boom, full combo instagib burst in less than 1 second.

> >

> > This is how people use macros.

> >

> > You are talking like i was saying he pressed one key only for all the fight over and over.

> >

> > Obviously he was good at baiting dodges and make me waste or use stunbreaks.

> >

> > He kited, he used heal skill with normal keybinds, nothing suspicious here, the suspicious part is the instagib burst combo he pulled off perfectly on rotation, and that was definetely a macro.

> >

> > A power mirage with greatsword is so kinda slow with animations, but an hybrid mirage is another story.

> >

> > But yeah keep saying it's a l2p issue.

> >

> > So far didn't encountered that guy again, and he was always online at the same hour past days, maybe the report worked who knows.


> There are few players that are really good at their class. Unless you have some video proof, just accept and move on.

> If you are in NA and your group runs into Tubby's Rev or Xan and gang from vT, i wonder what you will think then.


You're not basing your opinion on edited youtube vids, are you? I've fought vT. They're your typical gank squad (typically multiple power heralds and holos running together). Xan was an easy kill solo when I encountered him on my soulbeast back before the recent buffs to beastmastery.

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> @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > There are few players that are really good at their class. Unless you have some video proof, just accept and move on.

> > If you are in NA and your group runs into Tubby's Rev or Xan and gang from vT, i wonder what you will think then.


> You're not basing your opinion on edited youtube vids, are you? I've fought vT. They're your typical gank squad (typically multiple power heralds and holos running together). Xan was an easy kill solo when I encountered him on my soulbeast back before the recent buffs to beastmastery.


We fought them a lot when they were on the link server to NSP.

He would run with atleast 1-2 others with him when we saw in SEA/OCX time.

That being said, Im just trying to use those 2 to explain to OP that there are players in this game that know their classes inside out and are damn good at it.


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