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Suggestion: Make PoF Metas that reward Amalgamated Gemstones.


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> @"dani.4398" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:


> > So how should someone take being called a "brainless farmer" when playing the game the way they like if not as an insult?


> Man, you are more than welcomed to feel insulted if it suits you. I'm not trying to insult, I'm just saying that you can literally watch TV while doing those profitable metas.


Calling people who's playstyle doesn't align with yours "brainless" is absolutely insulting.

Backpeddaling now does not make it less so. If you were not trying to be insulting, you certainly would have chosen a different word.

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> @"dani.4398" said:

> You've been introducing new legendaries, but no new ways of getting the materials.

I like the idea of making PoF metas more rewarding, but I don't like the reason.

The statement "new legendaries, but no new ways to get mats" ist just wrong. Remember, all generation 2 Legendaries are still HoT Legys. They are the same as Nevermore and HOPE and they have the same way to get materials.

Precoursers aside (you don't even need amalgamated gems here) it doesn't matter if you craft Nevermore or the Claw of Khan-ur, you need the same amount of gemstones and you have the same sources.

Remember, we don't get "new" legendaries (actually they are new, I know), we only get the legendaries that come delayed with HoT release (and then were attached to LS episodes).

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> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > @"dani.4398" said:

> > You've been introducing new legendaries, but no new ways of getting the materials.

> I like the idea of making PoF metas more rewarding, but I don't like the reason.

> The statement "new legendaries, but no new ways to get mats" ist just wrong. Remember, all generation 2 Legendaries are still HoT Legys. They are the same as Nevermore and HOPE and they have the same way to get materials.

> Precoursers aside (you don't even need amalgamated gems here) it doesn't matter if you craft Nevermore or the Claw of Khan-ur, you need the same amount of gemstones and you have the same sources.

> Remember, we don't get "new" legendaries (actually they are new, I know), we only get the legendaries that come delayed with HoT release (and then were attached to LS episodes).


I can agree with this. You are right about the delayed legendaries and the AGs, they go hand in hand, but I still think that having the versatility of choosing which meta to do (implying that we get a cap on how many AGs we get to loot per day) in order to get rewarded is important.


Look at it this way: the game promotes horizontal progression after reaching max level. Then you go venture in the HoT and PoF maps. Every time Anet releases new content they somehow always make you go back to the HoT maps, via a legendary, via an achievement, etc. But what about the PoF? What are they making you go back to? If we talk about legendaries, you can map complete PoF, but you still have the option of map completing HoT instead. So why don't we copy the map completion option that the game allows and give players the option to chose in which maps and metas (HoT or PoF) they want to get their currencies.

It would be like: If you want to craft your legendary using HoT, you got to do these maps: blah blah blah. But if you want to craft the same legendary using PoF, you got to do these maps: bleh bleh bleh.


I don't know, tell me what you think.

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> @"dani.4398" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:.

> >

> > Because having a healthy economy actually matters and as i've already showcased in the other thread with just 4 "new sources" the priced tanked 50%. Arguably people only do 3 of the 4 because the 4th is Dragon Stand and that "takes to long". Given that very simple information it's pretty easy to make an educated guess what will happen by introducing "1 or 2" more sources. That nice "valuable" reward you added just became yet another useless reward. You're not solving the problem and you're actually just inadventnly pushing more people to go farm gold.

> >

> > Additionally, it's not like AG's are without a way to craft them and if you want "more things to do" then they can increase the end of jumping puzzle T6 Gem rewards so you're more incentivized to craft them.


> Lad, if you are so worried about the economy you can add a cap to how many AGs you can loot per day. Let's say you can only loot 4 a day... problem solved. The economic side is not my point, my point is arguing for the introduction of new metas with valid or unique materials and relevant currencies, like AGs and HoT currencies.


Lass, if you add unique crafting materials to everything you deem relevant, they will quickly cease being such. Learn to craft them instead. Additionally, these meta's for PoF do not need crafting materials to be the go to shiny reward. New rewards unique to those meta's do the job infintely better than adding a pittance of gold in the form of materials.

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> @"dani.4398" said:

> > @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > > @"dani.4398" said:

> > > You've been introducing new legendaries, but no new ways of getting the materials.

> > I like the idea of making PoF metas more rewarding, but I don't like the reason.

> > The statement "new legendaries, but no new ways to get mats" ist just wrong. Remember, all generation 2 Legendaries are still HoT Legys. They are the same as Nevermore and HOPE and they have the same way to get materials.

> > Precoursers aside (you don't even need amalgamated gems here) it doesn't matter if you craft Nevermore or the Claw of Khan-ur, you need the same amount of gemstones and you have the same sources.

> > Remember, we don't get "new" legendaries (actually they are new, I know), we only get the legendaries that come delayed with HoT release (and then were attached to LS episodes).


> I can agree with this. You are right about the delayed legendaries and the AGs, they go hand in hand, but I still think that having the versatility of choosing which meta to do (implying that we get a cap on how many AGs we get to loot per day) in order to get rewarded is important.


> Look at it this way: the game promotes horizontal progression after reaching max level. Then you go venture in the HoT and PoF maps. Every time Anet releases new content they somehow always make you go back to the HoT maps, via a legendary, via an achievement, etc. But what about the PoF? What are they making you go back to? If we talk about legendaries, you can map complete PoF, but you still have the option of map completing HoT instead. So why don't we copy the map completion option that the game allows and give players the option to chose in which maps and metas (HoT or PoF) they want to get their currencies.

> It would be like: If you want to craft your legendary using HoT, you got to do these maps: blah blah blah. But if you want to craft the same legendary using PoF, you got to do these maps: bleh bleh bleh.


> I don't know, tell me what you think.


I agree with the point that PoF metas need better rewards (I guess I always wrote that, however), but I think it don't have to be AGs. I think other unique rewards would be better (Casino Blitz with its coins is fine imo).

About Legendaries idk. In my opinion they are still HoT content and it's just a nice addition that you also craft them with PoF, because some of them were released with LS4 maps.

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I think it would be good if they added both Amalgamated Gemstones _and_ Mosaics to the Daily Chests for the PoF metas. You choose one item from those chests, after all, it's not like they couldn't add both.


That's why those chests offer a choice of reward: so people can get what they want as a reward for playing the event. Sure, farming Istan or the Silverwastes may be more profitable but it's not always about what's quickest, or most efficient and some people prefer to get the items themselves rather than farm gold and buy on the TP.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> We already can farm AmGems quickly: run Istan or Silverwates, convert all the drops/currency to coin, use those funds to buy gems directly (or buy orbs to forge into AmGems). I'd rather see more mosaics or unique skins or infusions than something readily available from other sources.


It is nice to be able to acquire things directly from the game though, not through an exchange. My first legendary I farmed each individual material, small steps and different tasks to get each type required. It felt like a journey or hunt more than just farming events until I could buy materials which for the other ones I've made definitely didn't feel like an achievement at the end, more like just thankful the SW farming was over.

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> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > We already can farm AmGems quickly: run Istan or Silverwates, convert all the drops/currency to coin, use those funds to buy gems directly (or buy orbs to forge into AmGems). I'd rather see more mosaics or unique skins or infusions than something readily available from other sources.


> It is nice to be able to acquire things directly from the game though, not through an exchange. My first legendary I farmed each individual material, small steps and different tasks to get each type required. It felt like a journey or hunt more than just farming events until I could buy materials which for the other ones I've made definitely didn't feel like an achievement at the end, more like just thankful the SW farming was over.


So what's stopping you from doing jumping puzzles and crafting the AG's ?

Still earning them directly, moreso infact.

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Some items are stupidly hard to get and limited to 1 single boring event, when some cool meats are totally ignored because of à lack of rewards...


I think we have it here... Make those incredibly rare infusions as a very rare drop in not played metas to attract people.


Concerning Amgems I agree that they shouldn’t be timegated by the same events. I think we could make them drop as map reward in a given rotation (one rotation in Istan, then Vabbi, then Maw’s map, etc). Map rewards from expansions’ maps are total trash currently. I think it would also revive LW maps when good map rewards are on them.


But I believe Amgems are for Anet a bit like Icy runestones, just a good sink with a minimal invitation via meta events...

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> We already can farm AmGems quickly: run Istan or Silverwates, convert all the drops/currency to coin, use those funds to buy gems directly (or buy orbs to forge into AmGems). I'd rather see more **mosaics** or unique skins or infusions than something readily available from other sources.


And it wouldn't surprise me if the new Elegy armour sets required a substantial number of Elegy Mosaics somewhere along the line...

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Pomdepin.7068" said:

> > Concerning Amgems I agree that they shouldn’t be timegated by the same events.


> They’re not. You can get as many as you need from the Mystic forge guaranteed recipe


My bad, I forgot the magic recipe of trading hundreds of orbs for few gemstones.


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> @"Pomdepin.7068" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > @"Pomdepin.7068" said:

> > > Concerning Amgems I agree that they shouldn’t be timegated by the same events.

> >

> > They’re not. You can get as many as you need from the Mystic forge guaranteed recipe


> My bad, I forgot the magic recipe of trading hundreds of orbs for few gemstones.



by a few you mean a guarentee of 10 and upwards of 25 which everything after 10 is profit ?

I see why you''d forget that.

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These types of suggestions really dont make much sense other than I want to devalue a particular commodity so its easier to make something that needs that commodity.

If you look at how many Legendaries are currently for sale on the TP, the last thing thats needed is to make them easier to make.

Theres no problem with suggesting new ways to get particular items , provided that balance is retained, and that means making existing ways to get them harder or non existant.


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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> These types of suggestions really dont make much sense other than I want to devalue a particular commodity so its easier to make something that needs that commodity.

> If you look at how many Legendaries are currently for sale on the TP, the last thing thats needed is to make them easier to make.

> Theres no problem with suggesting new ways to get particular items , provided that balance is retained, and that means making existing ways to get them harder or non existant.



you can't sell 2nd gen legendaries that require AMGs> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > there, new leg incoming that WILL need AMG yet no new ways to get those and PoF metas are still dead content


> mine all the mithril and orichalcum nodes in the pof maps then mystic forge the orbs you get pof you got more amgs then the hot events dailys.


isn't it true for all the maps, regardless of expac?


We are talking about 2 problems PoF has and put together that just might solve it. Dead Metas and no AMG. Make dead metas drop AMGs and see what is happening.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> We are talking about 2 problems PoF has and put together that just might solve it. Dead Metas and no AMG. Make dead metas drop AMGs and see what is happening.

What will happen is you create a 3rd problem: amalgamated gemstones becoming worthless.


I've crafted HoT legendaries without running a lot of HoT metas (I just don't enjoy meta events). Most of my gems did come out of the forge thanks the the number of orbs and crests I had accumulated in my material storage, and a good number of them did in fact come from harvesting orichalcum and ancient wood on PoF maps. Getting gems isn't nearly as bad a problem as you make it out to be.


As for the PoF metas, they could indeed use some extra incentive to get more people to try them, although I still believe a good part of the problem is not the metas but more the community that as a whole never got used to them (much like the Chak Gerent was in the first few months of HoT, or Tequatl after the revamp). What's needed is really more of a marketing campaign for those metas so people stop believing they're impossible and start getting the mechanics spread. Interesting loot could help that process along, but something as unexciting and (thanks to the forge recipies) fairly easy to aquire like amalgamated gemstones isn't really the right way to do it.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > We are talking about 2 problems PoF has and put together that just might solve it. Dead Metas and no AMG. Make dead metas drop AMGs and see what is happening.

> What will happen is you create a 3rd problem: amalgamated gemstones becoming worthless.


> I've crafted HoT legendaries without running a lot of HoT metas (I just don't enjoy meta events). Most of my gems did come out of the forge thanks the the number of orbs and crests I had accumulated in my material storage, and a good number of them did in fact come from harvesting orichalcum and ancient wood on PoF maps. Getting gems isn't nearly as bad a problem as you make it out to be.


> As for the PoF metas, they could indeed use some extra incentive to get more people to try them, although I still believe a good part of the problem is not the metas but more the community that as a whole never got used to them (much like the Chak Gerent was in the first few months of HoT, or Tequatl after the revamp). What's needed is really more of a marketing campaign for those metas so people stop believing they're impossible and start getting the mechanics spread. Interesting loot could help that process along, but something as unexciting and (thanks to the forge recipies) fairly easy to aquire like amalgamated gemstones isn't really the right way to do it.


What makes you believe it will devaluate so badly? With quantity of legendarily that ask for it, it would never go low . On the other hand you might be right AMG might not revive dead metas. But we have a problem Huston and its a big one.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > We already can farm AmGems quickly: run Istan or Silverwates, convert all the drops/currency to coin, use those funds to buy gems directly (or buy orbs to forge into AmGems). I'd rather see more mosaics or unique skins or infusions than something readily available from other sources.

> >

> > It is nice to be able to acquire things directly from the game though, not through an exchange. My first legendary I farmed each individual material, small steps and different tasks to get each type required. It felt like a journey or hunt more than just farming events until I could buy materials which for the other ones I've made definitely didn't feel like an achievement at the end, more like just thankful the SW farming was over.


> So what's stopping you from doing jumping puzzles and crafting the AG's ?

> Still earning them directly, moreso infact.


Nothing. And I didn't say there wasn't a way to obtain them directly, just that it is nice to be able to have that option over relying on TP drops.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> What makes you believe it will devaluate so badly? With quantity of legendarily that ask for it, it would never go low . On the other hand you might be right AMG might not revive dead metas. But we have a problem Huston and its a big one.


Stats and Trends. Numbers never lie and if you just go scroll back to the link earlier in this thread to a duplicate topic i've already covered why adding them is a bad idea.


> @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> Nothing. And I didn't say there wasn't a way to obtain them directly, just that it is nice to be able to have that option over relying on TP drops.


Just wanted to make sure, because while you haven't others certainly have.


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