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Story elements I want to be done with...


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1. **The Inquest**. Yes, I get it, bad Asura are "so much fun"... until they are not, because it becomes repetitive. They experiment on living beings for their golem technology all the time (on Sylvari, Charr, and what not) - _yawn_. They build their ugly cubes everywhere and are an annoyance that needs to be dealt with - _yawn_. We see them everywhere, in the story, in certain maps, and in fractals. Isn't it enough? Let it go, please.

2. **Elder Dragons**. Please let this story-line finally come to an end by the end of LWS5 the latest, thank you. We keep beating around the bush for years, it is always the same foe in different nuances, it is getting old and boring.

3. **Asuran technology**. Please, tone it down. We have had terminology like "programming" and "hacking" used in dialogue, an internet run by Asura _and_ an ancient race (the Exalted), and all this time our player characters acted like this was the most normal thing in the world and they knew all about it. Seriously? I am _not_ playing a fantasy RPG to be fed contemporary real life content like that, it breaks the immersion.


Thanks for reading.

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I agree with 3, though I find asuras as an entire race annoying. With only a few exceptions, they're just mostly so... samey. They're tiny arrogant geniuses who use needlessly complicated vocabulary and talk down to everyone, like we get it. That's just my personal bias talking though. Wouldn't mind seeing less of them in the game.

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> @"Torzini.1523" said:

> I agree with 3, though I find asuras as an entire race annoying. With only a few exceptions, they're just mostly so... samey. They're tiny arrogant geniuses who use needlessly complicated vocabulary and talk down to everyone, like we get it. That's just my personal bias talking though. Wouldn't mind seeing less of them in the game.


That's called "[Flanderization](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Flanderization "Flanderization")." Most of the races have succumbed to some measure of it - the Norn are also very badly afflicted. It's a result and/or refuge of lazy writers.


The actual Asura lore and background is probably the best in the game, IMO. Unfortunately we havn't seen anything other then "insipid genius hurr" since Metrica Province, so I won't say the complaint is invalid.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Devs, I love the Asura-themed content. Please release more of it! Thanks.


I love the Asuran race as well. :) It's the repetitive way in which the Inquest are being portrayed (boring) and the excessive, overdone level of Asuran technology (immersion-breaking) that I am complaining about.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> 1. **The Inquest**. Yes, I get it, bad Asura are "so much fun"... until they are not, because it becomes repetitive. They experiment on living beings for their golem technology all the time (on Sylvari, Charr, and what not) - _yawn_. They build their ugly cubes everywhere and are an annoyance that needs to be dealt with - _yawn_. We see them everywhere, in the story, in certain maps, and in fractals. Isn't it enough? Let it go, please.


I think you've missed an important point here. With the other 4 PC races, the 'evil' faction is a small part of the population. But the Inquest? They're everywhere, and more populous than the non-Inquest asura. Rata Sum is the asuran Ebonhawke, a city beset on all sides but trying to hold onto something important. It's the last and only bastion for the asura that feel that they need to get along with the other races. And even there, there's Inquest working against them.


The more Inquest we uncover, the more they're setting up for the great asura civil (civility?) war?

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> @"Cevlakohn.2165" said:

> Be done with the Elder Dragons story? What?


C'mon, it is the same-old, same-old every time. I want us to finally find a way to deal with the threat without destroying the world, then move on to more interesting story-lines. Like Joko, who was a much needed, most appreciated, welcome respite from the Elder Dragons, or someone like Shiro Tagashi, Tengu stories, Norn stories, Charr homelands - _anything_ but those "lame old dragons" ;) over and over again.


> @"Palador.2170" said:

> I think you've missed an important point here. With the other 4 PC races, the 'evil' faction is a small part of the population. But the Inquest? They're everywhere [...]


Yes, but they are being portrayed in the same boring way _all the time_. It's recycled content. It's really getting old and annoying, so I'd rather see them make room for something else.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > @"Torzini.1523" said:

> > I agree with 3, though I find asuras as an entire race annoying. With only a few exceptions, they're just mostly so... samey. They're tiny arrogant geniuses who use needlessly complicated vocabulary and talk down to everyone, like we get it. That's just my personal bias talking though. Wouldn't mind seeing less of them in the game.


> That's called "[Flanderization](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Flanderization "Flanderization")." Most of the races have succumbed to some measure of it - the Norn are also very badly afflicted. It's a result and/or refuge of lazy writers.


> The actual Asura lore and background is probably the best in the game, IMO. Unfortunately we havn't seen anything other then "insipid genius hurr" since Metrica Province, so I won't say the complaint is invalid.


I can agree on all points there. I also dislike the generic way in which Norn are portrayed (though I like the Norns as a race), a bunch of overly alcoholic glory hunters.


I want to like the asura, I really do. Like you said their history is interesting, and also their architecture looks fantastic. Rata Sum is a wild-looking city. Unfortunately I just can't stand the personality which it seems the whole race has.

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Accept there is flying craft, helicopters, tanks, wireless energy disribution, rayguns, submarines, computers, teleporters, robots, exoskeletons and forcefields ingame.... Saying technology isn't befitting the game is wanting to go fighting barehanded with rocks and travel, mount only without waypoints, and go back to before gw1's era which was like 250 years before gw2, and even then in gw1's time asura already had golems, M.O.X. the golem is 250+ years old, trust me.... Guild wars 2 is a mix of spears, torches, bows and arrows mixed with "futuretech"...


All races have their counterparts...

Svanir and icebrood for norn; Centaurs, pirates and bandits for humans, flamelegion for Charr, Nightmare court for Sylvari, and Inquest for Asura....


And there are a few races who can stir up trouble or be at risk, being hylek, and other frog races, destroyers, skritt, dredge, krait, quaggans, ghosts, undead, awakened, and lastly there are also minor factions like old races like the dwarves (though scarce at 1,5 total), the exalted, the forgotten, and mursaat...


A lot of these races and factions have passed the stage and some have been out of the picture for a while or just a sidenote in newer content. But it's not ALL inquest... inquest have been working to harness the powers of magic for a very long time now.. the fact the Asura are inquisitive should foretell they'd show up nearly anywhere... It's easy to create acces with teleporters.

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Actually, the Inquest haven't been in the story all that much. They were in some of the asura personal story chapters, pop up once or twice later on in the personal story, and in LS2 and are one of "allies" of the main antagonist in the last couple of LS episodes, but that's basically it. I suppose that, if you dislike them as much as the OP apparently does then that seems like a lot but it's not that much, really. There was no mention of them in HoT or LS3 (edit: oops, episode 5 had them).


Also asuran magitech is as much a part of the world as charr engineering and sylvari plant tech. GW2 is not some bog standard, medieval, magical world, they're at the gunpowder level and far beyond. The technology level is more like "advanced steampunk" than medieval.


That said, although I want the story to follow an asuran story line (not inquest) into the Tyrian Depths sometime, I'd love for the story to give the charr and norn some screen time.

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As an Asura main, yeah, I'd prefer not to have this high fantasy game be filled with a bunch of technology that exists in our world, but just slightly changed in a fantasy kind of way.


The inquest is the generic Asuran bad guys, like the Nightmare Court for sylvari, Sons of Svanir for Norn, etc. so I don't think they need to go exactly, as they're a part of the world. I do think they need to be pulled back from the story a bit... which, now that I think about it, is pretty much exactly what you're saying.


As for the Elder Dragons, they're not going anywhere. They're too big of a plot point, and too tied to the identity of guild wars at this point for them to just disappear from the plot. I feel like they wrote themselves into a corner with that whole "destroying dragons is bad" thing, and I don't know if there's going to be a way to resolve it that will really satisfy many of the story fans.

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It's not that the Inquest or Asura tech has no place in the story; it's more a matter of how it has been done in relation to the rest of the story. Part of the problem with the Inquest as of late has been how they seemingly dilute a lot of otherwise interesting Elonian lore.


Hey, remember Fahranur, The First City in Istan? Well we're going to put a bunch of Inquest stuff in it now. Hey, we have discovered a new colony of charr who broke away from the Flame Legion? Isn't that interesting? Well, let's focus most of the map content on the large Inquest establishment on these islands instead. Hey, remember Kourna? Here's some undead Inquest in the middle with some Inquest turrets all over the place. Want to see what has happened to Gandarra Fortress that belonged to the Ossa Dynasty? It has been Inquested up.


But the Inquest themselves throughout all of this receive barely any real development, lore, or attention. So it all comes across as superficial and disconnected. Palawa Joko uses the Inquest for their portal tech and Scarab Plague research? Okay? But did we really need the Inquest for that story to work within reason? Not really.


So yes, I too am feeling Inquest fatigue.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> 2. **Elder Dragons**. Please let this story-line finally come to an end by the end of LWS5 the latest, thank you. We keep beating around the bush for years, it is always the same foe in different nuances, it is getting old and boring.



There's still Kralkatorrik, Jormag, Primordus (left in pre-awakened state) and probably also Bubbles left. How do you want to end all of them within a single Season without making a terribly rushed story out of it? Sorry sounds like a really bad idea to me.

Sure new story arcs are always interesting, but ending four dragons - beings old and powerful as gods - within a single season? No thx.



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This seems like recency bias. We've had Inquest involvement in LS4. But when was the last time before that? LS1? PoF was human focused. Elonians and human gods. LS3 was pretty human focused too. White Mantle, Shining Blade, Mursaat, and more human gods. I guess Draconis Mons had an Inquest presence, but it received minimal story treatment.


Also, how can Asura tech be immersion breaking if it's been there since the beginning? (The beginning of GW2 at least, I don't know what Asura tech was like in GW1.) This is the world ANet has established, where Asurans have found a way to use magic to mimic our technology. Engineers have missile turrets. Charr have tanks and submarines.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> 1. **The Inquest**. Yes, I get it, bad Asura are "so much fun"... until they are not, because it becomes repetitive. They experiment on living beings for their golem technology all the time (on Sylvari, Charr, and what not) - _yawn_. They build their ugly cubes everywhere and are an annoyance that needs to be dealt with - _yawn_. We see them everywhere, in the story, in certain maps, and in fractals. Isn't it enough? Let it go, please.

> 2. **Elder Dragons**. Please let this story-line finally come to an end by the end of LWS5 the latest, thank you. We keep beating around the bush for years, it is always the same foe in different nuances, it is getting old and boring.

> 3. **Asuran technology**. Please, tone it down. We have had terminology like "programming" and "hacking" used in dialogue, an internet run by Asura _and_ an ancient race (the Exalted), and all this time our player characters acted like this was the most normal thing in the world and they knew all about it. Seriously? I am _not_ playing a fantasy RPG to be fed contemporary real life content like that, it breaks the immersion.


> Thanks for reading.


Agree with everything. The inquest are one of the most annoying foes in the game imo. I don’t fkn need to see them on every new place we just discovered, imo the inquest theme entirely destroyed sandswept isles for me. This beautiful landmark ruined by this ugly ass architecture of this asuran thingys.

Also gosh the elder dragon thing is the most boring story ever. Them as enemies are boring because they are just a force of nature with no relationship at all towards them. Also the bossfights are mad disappointing I mean look at the zhaitan/mordremoth fight most boring story finale of all games I‘ve played. Then also how are you supposed to fight a big ass dragon? You can’t so move on from bosses like this and create characters like shiro tagachi… a foe that has depth to it and is interesting to fight against (him also being a human/humanoid) makes it interesting already. I like Scarlett for example as a foe and not the god balthazar who we easily kill. I struggled in gw1 to defeat shiro with a party of 8 while I had no problem killing the *GOD OF WAR* in a 1v1…

Please give us more humanoids as foes or basically just any foe from our races (excluding asura) but stop this elder dragon mess. It’s getting very boring and repetitive. Gw1 story is iconic and super exciting, I could play the story 10 times over and over again without getting bored. In Gw2 I can’t even play it once without hating every step of it and being bored to death :open_mouth:

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There really is just too much asura stuff happening in the story, but part of the problem is that it's probably harder _not_ to have too much asura stuff because of how powerful and versatile their technology is. If we're not using asura technology to do a whole bunch of things, now we have to deal with the question of, well, why not? What's stopping us? ArenaNet has sort of written themselves into a corner there--either we rely too heavily on asura technology, or we need (likely increasingly convoluted) reasons not to use it each time.


As for the Inquest, yeah, I think they could use a break. Maybe Joko dealt a serious blow to them and now their numbers are so significantly depleted that we won't see them again for a while.


Anyway I hope we go to charr lands next. With the exception of Rytlock, the charr have been relegated to the background for the majority of GW2's lifespan. We had a big focus on sylvari in Heart of Thorns and humans in Path of Fire, and asura are a major presence in every story arc, so I think it's someone else's turn for the spotlight. Though if we go up to the Blood Legion Homelands in the next season and/or next expansion, the norn could be a part of it, too, given that the region neighbors the Far Shiverpeaks. That'd be a nice change of pace.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > 1. **The Inquest**. Yes, I get it, bad Asura are "so much fun"... until they are not, because it becomes repetitive. They experiment on living beings for their golem technology all the time (on Sylvari, Charr, and what not) - _yawn_. They build their ugly cubes everywhere and are an annoyance that needs to be dealt with - _yawn_. We see them everywhere, in the story, in certain maps, and in fractals. Isn't it enough? Let it go, please.

> > 2. **Elder Dragons**. Please let this story-line finally come to an end by the end of LWS5 the latest, thank you. We keep beating around the bush for years, it is always the same foe in different nuances, it is getting old and boring.

> > 3. **Asuran technology**. Please, tone it down. We have had terminology like "programming" and "hacking" used in dialogue, an internet run by Asura _and_ an ancient race (the Exalted), and all this time our player characters acted like this was the most normal thing in the world and they knew all about it. Seriously? I am _not_ playing a fantasy RPG to be fed contemporary real life content like that, it breaks the immersion.

> >

> > Thanks for reading.


> Agree with everything. The inquest are one of the most annoying foes in the game imo. I don’t kitten need to see them on every new place we just discovered, imo the inquest theme entirely destroyed sandswept isles for me. This beautiful landmark ruined by this ugly kitten architecture of this asuran thingys.

> Also gosh the elder dragon thing is the most boring story ever. Them as enemies are boring because they are just a force of nature with no relationship at all towards them. Also the bossfights are mad disappointing I mean look at the zhaitan/mordremoth fight most boring story finale of all games I‘ve played. Then also how are you supposed to fight a big kitten dragon? You can’t so move on from bosses like this and create characters like shiro tagachi… a foe that has depth to it and is interesting to fight against (him also being a human/humanoid) makes it interesting already. I like Scarlett for example as a foe and not the god balthazar who we easily kill. I struggled in gw1 to defeat shiro with a party of 8 while I had no problem killing the *GOD OF WAR* in a 1v1…

> Please give us more humanoids as foes or basically just any foe from our races (excluding asura) but stop this elder dragon mess. It’s getting very boring and repetitive. Gw1 story is iconic and super exciting, I could play the story 10 times over and over again without getting bored. In Gw2 I can’t even play it once without hating every step of it and being bored to death :open_mouth:


So you ate the god of war my character dident do that.

Do you have any stomach pains?

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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> Also, how can Asura tech be immersion breaking if it's been there since the beginning? (The beginning of GW2 at least, I don't know what Asura tech was like in GW1.) This is the world ANet has established, where Asurans have found a way to use magic to mimic our technology. Engineers have missile turrets. Charr have tanks and submarines.


For me, it's less about breaking immersion and more about its omnipresence. Asura technology basically defines how we solve problems in GW2--it's _everywhere_.


Part of the reason I think people feel like the Inquest has been in the spotlight longer than they actually have is because asura technology has been in the spotlight for so long and the Inquest are an extension of that. Even if the Inquest didn't also have a big presence in Season 3, they'd still feel like something we've seen a whole lot of because they're part of that always-the-main-focus asura tech aspect.

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> @"Agent Noun.7350" said:

> Part of the reason I think people feel like the Inquest has been in the spotlight longer than they actually have is because asura technology has been in the spotlight for so long and the Inquest are an extension of that. Even if the Inquest didn't also have a big presence in Season 3, they'd still feel like something we've seen a whole lot of because they're part of that always-the-main-focus asura tech aspect.

LWS3, where every episode feels like it starts with Taimi summoning you to Rata Novus. Hey, look. Even Balthazar will invade Rata Novus too.

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