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Hope reaper doesn't get nerfed


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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > nerfing reaper now would kill it and make it trash tier in pve.Its not overpowered in pve, if anything its still slightly below the build dps and still doesn't offer any decent support.It might get nerfed again but if it does, its autokick again.


> maybe they should try buffing support instead of dps then.


reaper doesn't need nerf, its a dps spec that performs well.Its a one trick pony that is slow and easy to cc and easy to kite.It does really hit hard, but he's slow and hits no harder than warrior and others.He hsould stay as dps.


a support buff would be super tacked on, and not every spec of necro can function as support, nor should it.Reaper is power maybe scourge should be.

Reaper should remain strong otherwise it sandwhiches us in a role we don't want to have, and we are still forced to compete with better support classes such as firebrand and mesmer's chronomancer who overperform.Furthermore druid spec who offers more than us.


This is very poorly thought out, and besides:reaper doesn't overperform, in fact it still gets wrecked easy and if you have any pvp experience you can easily kite cc and kill a reaper




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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > nerfing reaper now would kill it and make it trash tier in pve.Its not overpowered in pve, if anything its still slightly below the build dps and still doesn't offer any decent support.It might get nerfed again but if it does, its autokick again.

> >

> > maybe they should try buffing support instead of dps then.


> reaper doesn't need nerf, its a dps spec that performs well.Its a one trick pony that is slow and easy to cc and easy to kite.It does really hit hard, but he's slow and hits no harder than warrior and others.He hsould stay as dps.


> a support buff would be super tacked on, and not every spec of necro can function as support, nor should it.Reaper is power maybe scourge should be.

> Reaper should remain strong otherwise it sandwhiches us in a role we don't want to have, and we are still forced to compete with better support classes such as firebrand and mesmer's chronomancer who overperform.Furthermore druid spec who offers more than us.


> This is very poorly thought out, and besides:reaper doesn't overperform, in fact it still gets wrecked easy and if you have any pvp experience you can easily kite cc and kill a reaper





i was thinking of buffing the support capabilities of core necro since alot of the issues of reaper is the same as core necro. and when i say support i don't mean boons and heals exclusively, i mean just something your allies also benefit from.


actually now that i think about, if they rework/buff DM it might combo well with reaper given it's shroud reliance and the rise! shout.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > nerfing reaper now would kill it and make it trash tier in pve.Its not overpowered in pve, if anything its still slightly below the build dps and still doesn't offer any decent support.It might get nerfed again but if it does, its autokick again.

> > >

> > > maybe they should try buffing support instead of dps then.

> >

> > reaper doesn't need nerf, its a dps spec that performs well.Its a one trick pony that is slow and easy to cc and easy to kite.It does really hit hard, but he's slow and hits no harder than warrior and others.He hsould stay as dps.

> >

> > a support buff would be super tacked on, and not every spec of necro can function as support, nor should it.Reaper is power maybe scourge should be.

> > Reaper should remain strong otherwise it sandwhiches us in a role we don't want to have, and we are still forced to compete with better support classes such as firebrand and mesmer's chronomancer who overperform.Furthermore druid spec who offers more than us.

> >

> > This is very poorly thought out, and besides:reaper doesn't overperform, in fact it still gets wrecked easy and if you have any pvp experience you can easily kite cc and kill a reaper

> >

> >

> >


> i was thinking of buffing the support capabilities of core necro since alot of the issues of reaper is the same as core necro. and when i say support i don't mean boons and heals exclusively, i mean just something your allies also benefit from.


> actually now that i think about, if they rework/buff DM it might combo well with reaper given it's shroud reliance and the rise! shout.


I'm sure you could buff the support area, but the dps needs to be left alone so necros can be offered a role.


A lot of things probably could use rework like death magic, and barriers certainly need buffs.Barriers by themselves as support really don't last long to be that useful.Slower decay or even nerf to cd with decay turned to zero an having a solid amount would fix it.Something akin to.It doesn't decay but you get up to 5k barrier and its got a higher cd to compensate for being that way, so its not overpowered.Necro would have to offer better might support that is comparable to mesmer maybe even quickness.I think stuff like vampire drain and stuff like that, because necro themed stuff and thats the stuff which works best.Things like giving everyone superspeed doesn't really suit necro, thats more of something a revenant would probably do or giving resist, so thats where support should go.In order for it to survive, it needs to be unique enough that it's desired, not unique but not that useful buff.Rez bot that is ultra fast is unique in a way, but if you got a team that can win easily its not that great.

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Reaper doesn't need nerf, it lacks sustain and makes up for it in dmg, its a pure glass cannon.


Outside reaper shroud necros are easy to kill and in reaper shroud its easy to kite.If a non necro needs help how to counter ask someone in the forum area and we would gladly show you how in multiple ways.


Its shroud boons can be corrupted such as quickness and might, or ripped like thieves for instance.


They are easy to cc and kite, such as by rangers and thieves and mesmers, and probably guardians and warriors can beat us too.


If they took away our damage, then we have no sustain and no damage, so we are useless.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Reaper doesn't need nerf, it lacks sustain and makes up for it in dmg, its a pure glass cannon.


> Outside reaper shroud necros are easy to kill and in reaper shroud its easy to kite.If a non necro needs help how to counter ask someone in the forum area and we would gladly show you how in multiple ways.


> Its shroud boons can be corrupted such as quickness and might, or ripped like thieves for instance.


> They are easy to cc and kite, such as by rangers and thieves and mesmers, and probably guardians and warriors can beat us too.


> If they took away our damage, then we have no sustain and no damage, so we are useless.



I'm not asking for a nerf,


its not just the power thats over the top in this game atm, it's the CC


Getting hit by one CC shouldnt give any class, much less a reaper, the ability to complete bend me over from 22k to 0

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Reaper doesn't need nerf, it lacks sustain and makes up for it in dmg, its a pure glass cannon.

> >

> > Outside reaper shroud necros are easy to kill and in reaper shroud its easy to kite.If a non necro needs help how to counter ask someone in the forum area and we would gladly show you how in multiple ways.

> >

> > Its shroud boons can be corrupted such as quickness and might, or ripped like thieves for instance.

> >

> > They are easy to cc and kite, such as by rangers and thieves and mesmers, and probably guardians and warriors can beat us too.

> >

> > If they took away our damage, then we have no sustain and no damage, so we are useless.

> >


> I'm not asking for a nerf,


> its not just the power thats over the top in this game atm, it's the CC


> Getting hit by one CC shouldnt give any class, much less a reaper, the ability to complete bend me over from 22k to 0


Like condi mesmer?

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:


> I'm not asking for a nerf,


> its not just the power thats over the top in this game atm, it's the CC


> Getting hit by one CC shouldnt give any class, much less a reaper, the ability to complete bend me over from 22k to 0


I have to disagree here. If you can't deal with the CC it mean that the player in front of you outplayed you and thus have the right to claim as many of your Health point as he can.


Stability, block, invuln and even dodge will prevent you from being CCed while stun breaks will allow you to react to the threat after being CCed and any interrupt can stop the generally long cast time of necromancer's CC (There is even at least 1 rune set that reduce CC duration on a player). There is so many way to counter reaper's CCs that, when they land, they should reward the reaper with a long enough time to kill their foes.


At this point it's not balance issue, it's L2P issue. Like I previously said, there are some other profession that can do the same thing and are way harder to counter due to invisibility and the fact that their burst is ranged opposed to the melee burst of the reaper.

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It's quite funny how 11.09 we have that thread https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/54640/scourge-mes-sb-de-all-reaper/ where ppl are saying that Reaper needs sustain buffs because its Underpowered compared to other classes and day after (12.09) we have this thread, where ppl wonder whether Reaper is not too OP in ANet eyes with its damage. As I said, Reaper is fine atm, it's glass-cannon but without hyper survivability, so it's not Imba and shouldn't be nerfed (nor buffed).

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People need not to facetank it, that's true.


But you gotta admit do big damage in reaper is the most brainless thing to do, literally every single you pop hit for over 7k, even reaper autos can hit up to 10k crit.


Every single skill in reaper is worth a dodge, a block, an evade, and perma chill weakness and cripple used by a power profession are crazy strong conditions at you disposal.

Especially when you enter reaper mode, it has no animation tells and it's instant and gotta use instinct to avoid it.


It is not overpowered by any mean, but being a pug noob stomper is literally abused by everyone, even mediocre players being immediately champions with it.


You don't need to be a pro to land 10k reaper autos, at least have the honesty to admit that.


And watch out, I am not calling for nerfs or call the class OP.


But yeah it's just like dragonhunter when it was released, easy mode pug stomper build.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> People need not to facetank it, that's true.


> But you gotta admit do big damage in reaper is the most brainless thing to do, literally every single you pop hit for over 7k, even reaper autos can hit up to 10k crit.


> Every single skill in reaper is worth a dodge, a block, an evade, and perma chill weakness and cripple used by a power profession are crazy strong conditions at you disposal.

> Especially when you enter reaper mode, it has no animation tells and it's instant and gotta use instinct to avoid it.


> It is not overpowered by any mean, but being a pug noob stomper is literally abused by everyone, even mediocre players being immediately champions with it.


> You don't need to be a pro to land 10k reaper autos, at least have the honesty to admit that.


> And watch out, I am not calling for nerfs or call the class OP.


> But yeah it's just like dragonhunter when it was released, easy mode pug stomper build.


you say braindead, but which class is not completely braindead? perma invul spellbreaker? yolosmith? or pewpew from 2k range with 10k AA soulbeast? or perma invis DE? i mean what is your point?

there is absolutely no class you Need skill to Stomp noobs. and besides, as reaper you Need a lot of skill to not insta die. most necros Need great map awareness using ridges and other stuff to avoid enemies bombs. i hva enever seen that by any warrior (only Standing in 5 enemies and dont getting any dmg, GG), and great class Knowledge. you cant yolopush on reaper because you would only hit in invuls while being terminated by everything. you Need to know how many Sustain skills, dodges, teleports every enemy has to know when the Moment has come to go in.

most necros heavily changing builds in every fight depending on which enemies they are Fighting. but classes like warrior run sicne 6 years the same build against every build. as necro you would never Play greatsword against an deadeye, cause you will never hit a good one with it. so you Play range (axe/stuff). on the other side you would never use staff against Warriors, there you use GS. for every enemy you Need other weapons, utilities, traits. i have never to do that on any other classes. so necro is the least braindead class in this game.

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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > People need not to facetank it, that's true.

> >

> > But you gotta admit do big damage in reaper is the most brainless thing to do, literally every single you pop hit for over 7k, even reaper autos can hit up to 10k crit.

> >

> > Every single skill in reaper is worth a dodge, a block, an evade, and perma chill weakness and cripple used by a power profession are crazy strong conditions at you disposal.

> > Especially when you enter reaper mode, it has no animation tells and it's instant and gotta use instinct to avoid it.

> >

> > It is not overpowered by any mean, but being a pug noob stomper is literally abused by everyone, even mediocre players being immediately champions with it.

> >

> > You don't need to be a pro to land 10k reaper autos, at least have the honesty to admit that.

> >

> > And watch out, I am not calling for nerfs or call the class OP.

> >

> > But yeah it's just like dragonhunter when it was released, easy mode pug stomper build.


> you say braindead, but which class is not completely braindead? perma invul spellbreaker? yolosmith? or pewpew from 2k range with 10k AA soulbeast? or perma invis DE? i mean what is your point?

> there is absolutely no class you Need skill to Stomp noobs. and besides, as reaper you Need a lot of skill to not insta die. most necros Need great map awareness using ridges and other stuff to avoid enemies bombs. i hva enever seen that by any warrior (only Standing in 5 enemies and dont getting any dmg, GG), and great class Knowledge. you cant yolopush on reaper because you would only hit in invuls while being terminated by everything. you Need to know how many Sustain skills, dodges, teleports every enemy has to know when the Moment has come to go in.

> most necros heavily changing builds in every fight depending on which enemies they are Fighting. but classes like warrior run sicne 6 years the same build against every build. as necro you would never Play greatsword against an deadeye, cause you will never hit a good one with it. so you Play range (axe/stuff). on the other side you would never use staff against Warriors, there you use GS. for every enemy you Need other weapons, utilities, traits. i have never to do that on any other classes. so necro is the least braindead class in this game.


Revenant actually is the only class with oneshot burst potential which requires being and thinking fast, requires timing, good energy management or you are screwed, one mistake and you usually die. First week playing rev you will be 90% of the times on downed state constantly before getting results if you never played it before.


I dunno why you attack warrior like that, I am not a warrior main and I agree it's a simple braindead easy mode profession, same as noobeast.


But same as reaper too.


You can and destroy a spellbreaker or warrior and even an holosmith (necro counters engi) as a reaper without problems.


Necro since beta was and is the NOOB friendly pick class of everyone jumping into the game, identical as warrior.

Press few buttons for perma chills and high bombs damage is easy and braindead mode sorry.


Of course ranged pressure counters necro a lot, everyone has an hard counter, but this doesn't make the class less braindead.


As a test I tried not to dodge elite necro skill Chilled to the bone.

This guy with 5 minutes of gameplay on reaper, after landing elite immediately entered shroud, i was cripple chilled and with weakness, landed 2 skills I was already 10% health.

I escaped a bit, he turned off shroud, axe2 at 900 range, I was dead. 22k hp in about 2-3 seconds of fight. I know my mistakes for not dodging.


This to explain how every single skill in reaper is worth dodging, and that's why even a noob can be a champion with it immediately.


Again I repeat I am not calling for nerfs or calling it OP, but it's just another noob friendly braindead spec same as noobreaker, noobeast, noobeye, scourge etc.


From what I see everyone just run greatsword + axe/wh, I don't see that crazy build switching you are talking to.

It's just the usually build since reaper was released, now it shines because of the recent quickness rework, but nothing new under the sun.


Almost anyone can do nothing against deadeye, so you run gs anyway, deadeye is your hard counter anyway, you don't have much options.

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Reaper isn't braindead.Easy? not really because they are super glassy and have to be carried and run away to not be focused.They don't have much in terms of escape or mobility, and can be killed fairly easy.Good at stomping people who don't know how to play against them, but there is still a lot of switching between modes.


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with the amount of people asking for nerfs , of course anet will listen to that majority. Easy wins? No problem, just ask for a nerf and anet will grant that wish. Other classes and spec with epic builds that seem out of this world, nobody bats an eye, with necro getting buffs everybody loses their minds!

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > nerfing reaper now would kill it and make it trash tier in pve.Its not overpowered in pve, if anything its still slightly below the build dps and still doesn't offer any decent support.It might get nerfed again but if it does, its autokick again.


> maybe they should try buffing support instead of dps then.


Ideally both should be viable.


Your group needs a bit more sustain? Swap Soul Reaping for Blood Magic for a dps loss for yourself, but more dps and sustain for your subsquad.

Your group has plenty of sustain? Rock full dps traits, gear, and go ham.

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> @"Fatalyz.7168" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > nerfing reaper now would kill it and make it trash tier in pve.Its not overpowered in pve, if anything its still slightly below the build dps and still doesn't offer any decent support.It might get nerfed again but if it does, its autokick again.

> >

> > maybe they should try buffing support instead of dps then.


> Ideally both should be viable.


> Your group needs a bit more sustain? Swap Soul Reaping for Blood Magic for a dps loss for yourself, but more dps and sustain for your subsquad.

> Your group has plenty of sustain? Rock full dps traits, gear, and go ham.


Reaper support is minute hardly would call it hardcore for fractals.We can take wells and such for better buffs, but reaper is more about dmg.Doesn't mean we should automatically gut the dmg and take away its quickness which is allowing it to land more hits, nor would i say that scourge is in a great place for pve or fractals.It was nerfed in support and nerfed in damage, leaving it in a limbo state.


Reaper is actually in a very good spot right now.


I would hardly say support wise of necro is comparable to mesmers or firebrands, and certainly not enough to nerf the dmg.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Fatalyz.7168" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > nerfing reaper now would kill it and make it trash tier in pve.Its not overpowered in pve, if anything its still slightly below the build dps and still doesn't offer any decent support.It might get nerfed again but if it does, its autokick again.

> > >

> > > maybe they should try buffing support instead of dps then.

> >

> > Ideally both should be viable.

> >

> > Your group needs a bit more sustain? Swap Soul Reaping for Blood Magic for a dps loss for yourself, but more dps and sustain for your subsquad.

> > Your group has plenty of sustain? Rock full dps traits, gear, and go ham.


> Reaper support is minute hardly would call it hardcore for fractals.We can take wells and such for better buffs, but reaper is more about dmg.Doesn't mean we should automatically gut the dmg and take away its quickness which is allowing it to land more hits, nor would i say that scourge is in a great place for pve or fractals.It was nerfed in support and nerfed in damage, leaving it in a limbo state.


> Reaper is actually in a very good spot right now.


> I would hardly say support wise of necro is comparable to mesmers or firebrands, and certainly not enough to nerf the dmg.


Reaper was never really about support. At conception it was described as a bruiser, feels like it is more an assassin/bursty dps type now.


Scourge support is really good, even in PvE, but it was never meant to compete with Firebrands or Chronos. I also don't think it was meant to compete directly with full heal specs.


Problem with Scourge support, is that it's best support relies on you basically carrying people who are learning (ie - going down a lot or use of barrier to help absorb hits), and it goes down in efficiency the better the group is. It still provides some support even kitted out with full dps, enough that it is good in groups who are in transition to only using one healing druid or even no healing druid. It has a low cool down condi cleanse, can still provide out some barrier, not that you would be intended to spam them, but to help out as needed.


Support is much more than just boonbot and healbot, PvE has just yet to fully realize all of it.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> >

> > I'm not asking for a nerf,

> >

> > its not just the power thats over the top in this game atm, it's the CC

> >

> > Getting hit by one CC shouldnt give any class, much less a reaper, the ability to complete bend me over from 22k to 0


> I have to disagree here. If you can't deal with the CC it mean that the player in front of you outplayed you and thus have the right to claim as many of your Health point as he can.


> Stability, block, invuln and even dodge will prevent you from being CCed while stun breaks will allow you to react to the threat after being CCed and any interrupt can stop the generally long cast time of necromancer's CC (There is even at least 1 rune set that reduce CC duration on a player). There is so many way to counter reaper's CCs that, when they land, they should reward the reaper with a long enough time to kill their foes.


> At this point it's not balance issue, it's L2P issue. Like I previously said, there are some other profession that can do the same thing and are way harder to counter due to invisibility and the fact that their burst is ranged opposed to the melee burst of the reaper.


Using your same reasoning, one longbow 4 should give a Ranger the ability to take you to zero.







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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > >

> > > I'm not asking for a nerf,

> > >

> > > its not just the power thats over the top in this game atm, it's the CC

> > >

> > > Getting hit by one CC shouldnt give any class, much less a reaper, the ability to complete bend me over from 22k to 0

> >

> > I have to disagree here. If you can't deal with the CC it mean that the player in front of you outplayed you and thus have the right to claim as many of your Health point as he can.

> >

> > Stability, block, invuln and even dodge will prevent you from being CCed while stun breaks will allow you to react to the threat after being CCed and any interrupt can stop the generally long cast time of necromancer's CC (There is even at least 1 rune set that reduce CC duration on a player). There is so many way to counter reaper's CCs that, when they land, they should reward the reaper with a long enough time to kill their foes.

> >

> > At this point it's not balance issue, it's L2P issue. Like I previously said, there are some other profession that can do the same thing and are way harder to counter due to invisibility and the fact that their burst is ranged opposed to the melee burst of the reaper.


> Using your same reasoning, one longbow 4 should give a Ranger the ability to take you to zero.








But there are certain builds that can with rapid fire directly after? Also has a smaller reuse window.

Same with warrior stun builds that used long stuns followed up by hundred-blades and arcing slice / arc divider.

In fact there are a log of stun->huge damage combos for almost all classes.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > >

> > > I'm not asking for a nerf,

> > >

> > > its not just the power thats over the top in this game atm, it's the CC

> > >

> > > Getting hit by one CC shouldnt give any class, much less a reaper, the ability to complete bend me over from 22k to 0

> >

> > I have to disagree here. If you can't deal with the CC it mean that the player in front of you outplayed you and thus have the right to claim as many of your Health point as he can.

> >

> > Stability, block, invuln and even dodge will prevent you from being CCed while stun breaks will allow you to react to the threat after being CCed and any interrupt can stop the generally long cast time of necromancer's CC (There is even at least 1 rune set that reduce CC duration on a player). There is so many way to counter reaper's CCs that, when they land, they should reward the reaper with a long enough time to kill their foes.

> >

> > At this point it's not balance issue, it's L2P issue. Like I previously said, there are some other profession that can do the same thing and are way harder to counter due to invisibility and the fact that their burst is ranged opposed to the melee burst of the reaper.


> Using your same reasoning, one longbow 4 should give a Ranger the ability to take you to zero.



It is possible, longbow#4 exist to keep the foe out of melee range so that you can pew pew it all you want afterall and ranger can be pretty deadly from afar. Afterall, rangers can traits to have bonus damage after a CC. The only flaw in your reasoning is that you are comparing a melee spec with low disengage ability to a range spec with high disengage ability.

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> > >

> > > I'm not asking for a nerf,

> > >

> > > its not just the power thats over the top in this game atm, it's the CC

> > >

> > > Getting hit by one CC shouldnt give any class, much less a reaper, the ability to complete bend me over from 22k to 0

> >

> > I have to disagree here. If you can't deal with the CC it mean that the player in front of you outplayed you and thus have the right to claim as many of your Health point as he can.

> >

> > Stability, block, invuln and even dodge will prevent you from being CCed while stun breaks will allow you to react to the threat after being CCed and any interrupt can stop the generally long cast time of necromancer's CC (There is even at least 1 rune set that reduce CC duration on a player). There is so many way to counter reaper's CCs that, when they land, they should reward the reaper with a long enough time to kill their foes.

> >

> > At this point it's not balance issue, it's L2P issue. Like I previously said, there are some other profession that can do the same thing and are way harder to counter due to invisibility and the fact that their burst is ranged opposed to the melee burst of the reaper.


> Using your same reasoning, one longbow 4 should give a Ranger the ability to take you to zero.


You have soulbeast and druid spec to fall back on.


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > People need not to facetank it, that's true.

> > >

> > > But you gotta admit do big damage in reaper is the most brainless thing to do, literally every single you pop hit for over 7k, even reaper autos can hit up to 10k crit.

> > >

> > > Every single skill in reaper is worth a dodge, a block, an evade, and perma chill weakness and cripple used by a power profession are crazy strong conditions at you disposal.

> > > Especially when you enter reaper mode, it has no animation tells and it's instant and gotta use instinct to avoid it.

> > >

> > > It is not overpowered by any mean, but being a pug noob stomper is literally abused by everyone, even mediocre players being immediately champions with it.

> > >

> > > You don't need to be a pro to land 10k reaper autos, at least have the honesty to admit that.

> > >

> > > And watch out, I am not calling for nerfs or call the class OP.

> > >

> > > But yeah it's just like dragonhunter when it was released, easy mode pug stomper build.

> >

> > you say braindead, but which class is not completely braindead? perma invul spellbreaker? yolosmith? or pewpew from 2k range with 10k AA soulbeast? or perma invis DE? i mean what is your point?

> > there is absolutely no class you Need skill to Stomp noobs. and besides, as reaper you Need a lot of skill to not insta die. most necros Need great map awareness using ridges and other stuff to avoid enemies bombs. i hva enever seen that by any warrior (only Standing in 5 enemies and dont getting any dmg, GG), and great class Knowledge. you cant yolopush on reaper because you would only hit in invuls while being terminated by everything. you Need to know how many Sustain skills, dodges, teleports every enemy has to know when the Moment has come to go in.

> > most necros heavily changing builds in every fight depending on which enemies they are Fighting. but classes like warrior run sicne 6 years the same build against every build. as necro you would never Play greatsword against an deadeye, cause you will never hit a good one with it. so you Play range (axe/stuff). on the other side you would never use staff against Warriors, there you use GS. for every enemy you Need other weapons, utilities, traits. i have never to do that on any other classes. so necro is the least braindead class in this game.


> Revenant actually is the only class with oneshot burst potential which requires being and thinking fast, requires timing, good energy management or you are screwed, one mistake and you usually die. First week playing rev you will be 90% of the times on downed state constantly before getting results if you never played it before.


> I dunno why you attack warrior like that, I am not a warrior main and I agree it's a simple braindead easy mode profession, same as noobeast.


> But same as reaper too.


> You can and destroy a spellbreaker or warrior and even an holosmith (necro counters engi) as a reaper without problems.


> Necro since beta was and is the NOOB friendly pick class of everyone jumping into the game, identical as warrior.

> Press few buttons for perma chills and high bombs damage is easy and braindead mode sorry.


> Of course ranged pressure counters necro a lot, everyone has an hard counter, but this doesn't make the class less braindead.


> As a test I tried not to dodge elite necro skill Chilled to the bone.

> This guy with 5 minutes of gameplay on reaper, after landing elite immediately entered shroud, i was cripple chilled and with weakness, landed 2 skills I was already 10% health.

> I escaped a bit, he turned off shroud, axe2 at 900 range, I was dead. 22k hp in about 2-3 seconds of fight. I know my mistakes for not dodging.


> This to explain how every single skill in reaper is worth dodging, and that's why even a noob can be a champion with it immediately.


> Again I repeat I am not calling for nerfs or calling it OP, but it's just another noob friendly braindead spec same as noobreaker, noobeast, noobeye, scourge etc.


> From what I see everyone just run greatsword + axe/wh, I don't see that crazy build switching you are talking to.

> It's just the usually build since reaper was released, now it shines because of the recent quickness rework, but nothing new under the sun.


> Almost anyone can do nothing against deadeye, so you run gs anyway, deadeye is your hard counter anyway, you don't have much options.


1.) Revenant has with Shiro, stuff and Sword a huge amount of dodges, and while you are dodging you are attacking your Opponent. so where does it require skill? herald has great mobilty, burst and survivability. you can use glint heal if you are under pessure and getting full life again, so no way to insta die on rev.


2.) i dont know what you were testing there, but not dodging necro elite skill that has huge telling is not a test, its like you are telling me "i tested not dodging a mesmer shatter, i died instantly." sry, but not dodging enemies attacks kills you? no wonder…


3.)you Need a lot of skill to managing your lifeforce on necro cause you only have 1 good skill for that and thats spectral armor. besides that you have to land A LOT of weapon skills until you get a serious amount of lifeforce from weapon skills against nearly perma invul enemies, good luck with that.


4.) if you are just ONE TIME out of Position ur dead as necro/reaper. how many mistakes can a Mirage have until he get punished? 10 times? everytime you stun that class or attacking it it spamms their invulns. spiking a warrior as reaper JUST by Pressing f1 and 4 and it will proc Auto invul while the warrior Massacres you with his greatsword and full counter while you cannot Pressing anything while casting RS4. and in WHICH world does necro counter engi/holo? holo is perma CC ing you while reaper has nearly no Access to stabi. reaper elite for stabi? oh sry just 600 range. holo already stunns you with rifle from 1200 range, also with his elite he stunns you. while you are stunned he leaps to you continue to stunn you with forged form. if you go to shroud he leaps away from you. i have never seen a warrior that cant get heales while endure pain or loosing 1k life per second for using endure pain like reaper in shroud. i have never seen a reaper that is low life and healing full life in just a few seconds like FB, engi, ele… sry but you are just Focusing on the ONE Thing necro has, its dmg. but how much skill you Need to stay alive on a class without invuls, blocks, dodges until the end of world, and invis you ignore.


The Definition of overpowered mechanics are mechanics that dont have a counter. but anything the necro does can at least get countered by invulns,dodges,range and mobilty. and EVERY other class has Access to those mechanics.


in all discussions i just see people have two measures. 1 for necro that is not allowed to do anything.

and 1 for every other classes.


just remember how much People complained About "out of nowhere burst from scourge" so anet implemented the red circles.

but out of nowhere burst on thief and Mirage are fine…


like i said in another thread, if you want to discuss About balancing you have to see the WHOLE Performance of a class. and there is reaper still minor to warrior, thief, mesmer, guard,ranger, holo….because no other class has so huge tellings for their skills, low mobility, low Access to stability, no heal and no Sustain. other classes hit like reaper but with 10 times more survivability.


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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > @"Zero.3871" said:

> > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > People need not to facetank it, that's true.

> > > >

> > > > But you gotta admit do big damage in reaper is the most brainless thing to do, literally every single you pop hit for over 7k, even reaper autos can hit up to 10k crit.

> > > >

> > > > Every single skill in reaper is worth a dodge, a block, an evade, and perma chill weakness and cripple used by a power profession are crazy strong conditions at you disposal.

> > > > Especially when you enter reaper mode, it has no animation tells and it's instant and gotta use instinct to avoid it.

> > > >

> > > > It is not overpowered by any mean, but being a pug noob stomper is literally abused by everyone, even mediocre players being immediately champions with it.

> > > >

> > > > You don't need to be a pro to land 10k reaper autos, at least have the honesty to admit that.

> > > >

> > > > And watch out, I am not calling for nerfs or call the class OP.

> > > >

> > > > But yeah it's just like dragonhunter when it was released, easy mode pug stomper build.

> > >

> > > you say braindead, but which class is not completely braindead? perma invul spellbreaker? yolosmith? or pewpew from 2k range with 10k AA soulbeast? or perma invis DE? i mean what is your point?

> > > there is absolutely no class you Need skill to Stomp noobs. and besides, as reaper you Need a lot of skill to not insta die. most necros Need great map awareness using ridges and other stuff to avoid enemies bombs. i hva enever seen that by any warrior (only Standing in 5 enemies and dont getting any dmg, GG), and great class Knowledge. you cant yolopush on reaper because you would only hit in invuls while being terminated by everything. you Need to know how many Sustain skills, dodges, teleports every enemy has to know when the Moment has come to go in.

> > > most necros heavily changing builds in every fight depending on which enemies they are Fighting. but classes like warrior run sicne 6 years the same build against every build. as necro you would never Play greatsword against an deadeye, cause you will never hit a good one with it. so you Play range (axe/stuff). on the other side you would never use staff against Warriors, there you use GS. for every enemy you Need other weapons, utilities, traits. i have never to do that on any other classes. so necro is the least braindead class in this game.

> >

> > Revenant actually is the only class with oneshot burst potential which requires being and thinking fast, requires timing, good energy management or you are screwed, one mistake and you usually die. First week playing rev you will be 90% of the times on downed state constantly before getting results if you never played it before.

> >

> > I dunno why you attack warrior like that, I am not a warrior main and I agree it's a simple braindead easy mode profession, same as noobeast.

> >

> > But same as reaper too.

> >

> > You can and destroy a spellbreaker or warrior and even an holosmith (necro counters engi) as a reaper without problems.

> >

> > Necro since beta was and is the NOOB friendly pick class of everyone jumping into the game, identical as warrior.

> > Press few buttons for perma chills and high bombs damage is easy and braindead mode sorry.

> >

> > Of course ranged pressure counters necro a lot, everyone has an hard counter, but this doesn't make the class less braindead.

> >

> > As a test I tried not to dodge elite necro skill Chilled to the bone.

> > This guy with 5 minutes of gameplay on reaper, after landing elite immediately entered shroud, i was cripple chilled and with weakness, landed 2 skills I was already 10% health.

> > I escaped a bit, he turned off shroud, axe2 at 900 range, I was dead. 22k hp in about 2-3 seconds of fight. I know my mistakes for not dodging.

> >

> > This to explain how every single skill in reaper is worth dodging, and that's why even a noob can be a champion with it immediately.

> >

> > Again I repeat I am not calling for nerfs or calling it OP, but it's just another noob friendly braindead spec same as noobreaker, noobeast, noobeye, scourge etc.

> >

> > From what I see everyone just run greatsword + axe/wh, I don't see that crazy build switching you are talking to.

> > It's just the usually build since reaper was released, now it shines because of the recent quickness rework, but nothing new under the sun.

> >

> > Almost anyone can do nothing against deadeye, so you run gs anyway, deadeye is your hard counter anyway, you don't have much options.


> 1.) Revenant has with Shiro, stuff and Sword a huge amount of dodges, and while you are dodging you are attacking your Opponent. so where does it require skill? herald has great mobilty, burst and survivability. you can use glint heal if you are under pessure and getting full life again, so no way to insta die on rev.


> 2.) i dont know what you were testing there, but not dodging necro elite skill that has huge telling is not a test, its like you are telling me "i tested not dodging a mesmer shatter, i died instantly." sry, but not dodging enemies attacks kills you? no wonder…


> 3.)you Need a lot of skill to managing your lifeforce on necro cause you only have 1 good skill for that and thats spectral armor. besides that you have to land A LOT of weapon skills until you get a serious amount of lifeforce from weapon skills against nearly perma invul enemies, good luck with that.


> 4.) if you are just ONE TIME out of Position ur dead as necro/reaper. how many mistakes can a Mirage have until he get punished? 10 times? everytime you stun that class or attacking it it spamms their invulns. spiking a warrior as reaper JUST by Pressing f1 and 4 and it will proc Auto invul while the warrior Massacres you with his greatsword and full counter while you cannot Pressing anything while casting RS4. and in WHICH world does necro counter engi/holo? holo is perma CC ing you while reaper has nearly no Access to stabi. reaper elite for stabi? oh sry just 600 range. holo already stunns you with rifle from 1200 range, also with his elite he stunns you. while you are stunned he leaps to you continue to stunn you with forged form. if you go to shroud he leaps away from you. i have never seen a warrior that cant get heales while endure pain or loosing 1k life per second for using endure pain like reaper in shroud. i have never seen a reaper that is low life and healing full life in just a few seconds like FB, engi, ele… sry but you are just Focusing on the ONE Thing necro has, its dmg. but how much skill you Need to stay alive on a class without invuls, blocks, dodges until the end of world, and invis you ignore.


> The Definition of overpowered mechanics are mechanics that dont have a counter. but anything the necro does can at least get countered by invulns,dodges,range and mobilty. and EVERY other class has Access to those mechanics.


> in all discussions i just see people have two measures. 1 for necro that is not allowed to do anything.

> and 1 for every other classes.


> just remember how much People complained About "out of nowhere burst from scourge" so anet implemented the red circles.

> but out of nowhere burst on thief and Mirage are fine…


> like i said in another thread, if you want to discuss About balancing you have to see the WHOLE Performance of a class. and there is reaper still minor to warrior, thief, mesmer, guard,ranger, holo….because no other class has so huge tellings for their skills, low mobility, low Access to stability, no heal and no Sustain. other classes hit like reaper but with 10 times more survivability.



You know glint heal is one of the most easy to counter heals?


If you spam your skills and fully heal the enemy rev that's a l2p issue.


Difference is, with rev any skill you use must be timed right or one mistake and you die.


Try it yourself.


With necro you can afford many many mistakes same as warrior and still get away with it and win.


Revenant always was the class who attracted people who wanted a skill level to play it at hos max.


Necro warrior ranger are the easy pick of starters because they are easy mode braindead professions.


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