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Is reaper OP or UP?


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I'd say reaper is good but needs a few changes still to improve it and bring it up to line in pve.For pvp i need to play more.


31k is very good, but most classes can reach 33-34k dps


Reaper doesn't offer support because its a selfish class and can heal some but its more of a dps class.


Thing is though it needs rework a bit more to be competitive vs other dps classes.

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It depend on the point of view, the gamemode and the skill-level.

From a necromancer's point of view, the reaper is full of hole, so he is not OP but maybe not totally UP either.

From someone that play all profession point of view, the reaper might very well be slightly UP.

From someone that don't play reaper's point of view, they don't really care about whether reaper is UP or OP unless they get reckt by one in a PvP/WvW.


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In HoT I had a very effective Reaper build that was almost invincible. I took a year off and came back and the Reaper seemed squishy to me, I chalked it up to being rusty at first but eventually tried Condi Minion Scourge. As Scourge my survivability went back to where it was in HoT as a Reaper and my damage increased.


I think based on the mobs you are fighting in PoF and the new build that Scourge is the better option. It is monumentally stronger than Reaper imo.

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> @"Muusic.2967" said:

> In HoT I had a very effective Reaper build that was almost invincible. I took a year off and came back and the Reaper seemed squishy to me, I chalked it up to being rusty at first but eventually tried Condi Minion Scourge. As Scourge my survivability went back to where it was in HoT as a Reaper and my damage increased.


> I think based on the mobs you are fighting in PoF and the new build that Scourge is the better option. It is monumentally stronger than Reaper imo.


Its because duration is less, and other classes have more cc and condi spam, and with the duration nerf and cc spam it lasts even less, but if you can land a hit and not have it drained, you can wreck them.heart of thorns had its stuff, but it got a lot of changes.


not sure but its probably best to change up your strategies and your probably very rusty like i am.

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> @"Muusic.2967" said:

> In HoT I had a very effective Reaper build that was almost invincible. I took a year off and came back and the Reaper seemed squishy to me, I chalked it up to being rusty at first but eventually tried Condi Minion Scourge. As Scourge my survivability went back to where it was in HoT as a Reaper and my damage increased.


> I think based on the mobs you are fighting in PoF and the new build that Scourge is the better option. It is monumentally stronger than Reaper imo.

Right after HoT release you could even play a full melee reaper. I did roam on GS+D/Wh @ 7s Speed of Shadows @ 2% LF degen @ full berserk @ Soldier Runes @ full shouts (Rise! did reduce inc. damage by 50% on ~30s traited cooldown) and it worked great. The class balance was totally different to today. On such a build you can't kill anything now and that's not just because of reaper changes. There was no soulbeast and no deadeye.


Everyone that says reaper is OP now never learned how to counter it (that's a proof that the class was too weak in the past). I don't even notice the quickness most of the time when I fight other reapers as I immediately kite when they are about to enter shroud - it's a reflex and a bit like predicting Full Counter. Everyone can learn that. With proper kiting a reaper that does not run Blighter's Boon has extremely poor healing and LF generation - it's a one trick pony. Spectral Mastery becomes useless when you just kite.


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Reaper is UP in pvp contexts for a variety of reasons. A mixture of nerfs to Shroud and power creep during POF mean that Reaper doesn't have the tools needed for modern PVP.


In PVE it's just fine, with the latest patch it's creeping back towards where it was during HoT primetime. I have no idea why they nerfed it in one area only to buff it in another area later on to counteract the original nerfs, instead of just reverting the nerfs the caused the problem in the first place, but there we are.

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Reaper's huge strength is being very self sufficient in open world and bad raid groups. Normally to reach max dps you need tons of boons and buffs from other professions. After recent buffs however, reaper not only has very easy might and vulnerability generation, but also access to good quickness. That alows him to reach a large portion of his raid damage without need for a team. On top of that the usual good aoe and being beefy that are hallmarks of necro.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> Reaper's huge strength is being very self sufficient in open world and bad raid groups. Normally to reach max dps you need tons of boons and buffs from other professions. After recent buffs however, reaper not only has very easy might and vulnerability generation, but also access to good quickness. That alows him to reach a large portion of his raid damage without need for a team. On top of that the usual good aoe and being beefy that are hallmarks of necro.


Which leads to this conclusion:


Reaper is very bad designed.


Here's why:

Gw2 is a mmo. So it wants Teamplay. And it should support Teamplay.

But reaper does the exact opposite.

1.Just look at Condi reaper, it's still highly dependant on the ice finishers. But in groups there will always be other combo field overriding the icefields.

2.power reaper is the same. It can get 25might, can easily stack vulnerability,gets access to 100%quickness in shroud, doesn't need fury. So no teammates needed.


Sure it's always nice to have something selfish. But then the class should also have something for Teamplay.

Now people might come up with healscourge. But yeah.... It's not a wanted build in most content.


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > Reaper's huge strength is being very self sufficient in open world and bad raid groups. Normally to reach max dps you need tons of boons and buffs from other professions. After recent buffs however, reaper not only has very easy might and vulnerability generation, but also access to good quickness. That alows him to reach a large portion of his raid damage without need for a team. On top of that the usual good aoe and being beefy that are hallmarks of necro.


> Which leads to this conclusion:


> Reaper is very bad designed.


> Here's why:

> Gw2 is a mmo. So it wants Teamplay. And it should support Teamplay.

> But reaper does the exact opposite.

> 1.Just look at Condi reaper, it's still highly dependant on the ice finishers. But in groups there will always be other combo field overriding the icefields.

> 2.power reaper is the same. It can get 25might, can easily stack vulnerability,gets access to 100%quickness in shroud, doesn't need fury. So no teammates needed.


> Sure it's always nice to have something selfish. But then the class should also have something for Teamplay.

> Now people might come up with healscourge. But yeah.... It's not a wanted build in most content.



I don't like how wells aoe radious i can never get people a lot of times to stand in it.I try to do healing with blood healing wells being so short cd it makes for constant healing.Sometimes i can get them in a spot but if they are moving around a lot like in i forget the name but its the one with that guy called the caller who keps destroying the floor and you keep having to rebuild it, it makes healing impossible.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> It performs extremely well in pvp at low levels of play, but is completely outclassed at high levels of play due to it's inability to consistently hit anything.

Exactly. Reaper might seem godlike in low tier PvP matches but in higher levels he suffers from the good old 'kite the reaper's shroud /bleed him from distance'.

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In PvP, (Power Reaper, the version that got buffed) the problem still remains that we have low access to teleportation/long-range-grabs. As long as either of these remain true, it's impossible for PR to become anything more than a noob smasher. The fact that Reaper fulfills the HoT trailer intention of being a slow, lumbering, murdering machine of doom if it catches you is great. That's what the entire specialization (and in retrospect, the build currently in Spvp) does. It massacres melee targets. Again, the drawback being once you break 900 range Reaper is pretty weak. Tag onto that, low stability access and it becomes apparent that Reaper still can't compete with Spellbreaker, Boonshred Condi Scourge, or a half-decent Holosmith let alone Soulbeast, Deadeye, or any version of Mesmer.



At best, this allows Reaper to become a "bruiser" rather than a steadfast assassin or a front line tank.

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In truth Reaper is "ok" its not really OP or UP by very much it also depends on where and what you are using it for. It wont ever be OP for the lack of boon spam it does not have or the lack of insanely high damage but its not as UP any more from the recent patches.


it still has weaknesses that should be there but it now has the power to punish better in close range with the new quickness to RO

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