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A Note about Future Raid Rewards

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks,


Just wanted to give you all a heads up about a change that is coming to future raids. With the next raid wing, we will be introducing a new type of Legendary Trophy: Legendary Divinations. These will **replace** Legendary Insights in the new raid wing, as well as in the Hall of Chains instance.


In addition, we will be offering all players the opportunity to exchange up to 168 Legendary Insights for Legendary Divinations if you’ve killed at least one boss in the **Hall of Chains** raid wing. This adds up to 4 Legendary Divinations per week for the 42 weeks that Hall of Chains has been available, and serves as a means through which you can catch up to the maximum possible available Legendary Trophies that would have been available had we shipped with Legendary Divinations back in November 2017.


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Sounds interesting. Wonder for what we gonna be able to use this new currency.


Just a question to clarify something:

Let's assume I never did a boss of Wing 5 at all, but once a friend offered me to join in and get the River event in Wing 5 while they were basically already close to done and I just waited dead at the entrance and grabed my loot after - which obviously is not a problem and legit.

Will I be able to exchange the same maximum amount of Legendary Insights into Legendary Divinations as someone who killed all Wing 5 bosses every week?

I guess, you can see where I am going with that.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Valandor.9506" said:

> Sounds interesting. Wonder for what we gonna be able to use this new currency.


> Just a question to clarify something:

> Let's assume I never did a boss of Wing 5 at all, but once a friend offered me to join in and get the River event in Wing 5 while they were basically already close to done and I just waited dead at the entrance and grabed my loot after - which obviously is not a problem and legit.

> Will I be able to exchange the same maximum amount of Legendary Insights into Legendary Divinations as someone who killed all Wing 5 bosses every week?

> I guess, you can see where I am going with that.


Yes. Everyone who has participated will have the option to exchange up to 168 times.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Kitty.6219" said:

> how would crafting legendary armor work then? I'm like 9 insight shy for my first armor set >.>


You don't immediately have to participate in the exchange. If you're working on your armor right now, you could choose to complete it and then exchange any further insights you acquire at your leisure, provided you've made measurable progress against any one of the encounters in Hall of Chains.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> Won't this make wings 1 to 4 irrelevant? Why not make some sort of Legendary Insight sink instead?


The sink for LIs remains the same - legendary insignias -> precursor armor pieces -> legendary pieces. Either use it as cheap ascended crafting or for more armor sets.

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> @"GalenWolffit.3842" said:

> > @"Byron Miller.4629" said:

> > provided you've made measurable progress against any one of the encounters in Hall of Chains.


> Your initial post said "kill" but here you say "measurable progress". What is the threshold for "measurable progress"?




measureable progress = any w5 achievement is my guess

which coincidentally all require you to kill something in w5


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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > Won't this make wings 1 to 4 irrelevant? Why not make some sort of Legendary Insight sink instead?


> The sink for LIs remains the same - legendary insignias -> precursor armor pieces -> legendary pieces. Either use it as cheap ascended crafting or for more armor sets.


Let me elaborate:


* Veterans only raid 1-4 because LIs were useful for the legendary ring. There's nothing left for you in 1-4 if you already got all the skins and minis.

* If you're a veteran, you're drowning in ascended weapon and armor chests, so you don't need to buy any ascended equipment. Also, you have the legendary armor anyway.

* A possible sink could be converting LIs into magnetite, and then let people buy expensive titles and buffs using magnetite, much like [Fractal God](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_God).

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