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A Note about Future Raid Rewards

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> @"GalenWolffit.3842" said:

> > @"Byron Miller.4629" said:

> > provided you've made measurable progress against any one of the encounters in Hall of Chains.


> Your initial post said "kill" but here you say "measurable progress". What is the threshold for "measurable progress"?




if you havent killed or finish an event like river for example no progress is done and there for cant be messured.


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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > Won't this make wings 1 to 4 irrelevant? Why not make some sort of Legendary Insight sink instead?

> >

> > The sink for LIs remains the same - legendary insignias -> precursor armor pieces -> legendary pieces. Either use it as cheap ascended crafting or for more armor sets.


> Let me elaborate:


> * Veterans only raid 1-4 because LIs were useful for the legendary ring. There's nothing left for you in 1-4 if you already got all the skins and minis.

> * If you're a veteran, you're drowning in ascended weapon and armor chests, so you don't need to buy any ascended equipment. Also, you have the legendary armor anyway.

> * A possible sink could be converting LIs into magnetite, and then let people buy expensive titles and buffs using magnetite, much like [Fractal God](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_God).


woah, easy on the generalisations there.

Alot of veterans (like myself at 1690 LI) couldnt care less about the LI or skins at this point. I raid cause it's fun and pretty much the only challenging content the game offers, but also for a pretty decent amount of gold for the time required. I don't think this change will have any impact at all on W1-4, apart from maybe the encounters people avoid already.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > Won't this make wings 1 to 4 irrelevant? Why not make some sort of Legendary Insight sink instead?

> >

> > The sink for LIs remains the same - legendary insignias -> precursor armor pieces -> legendary pieces. Either use it as cheap ascended crafting or for more armor sets.


> Let me elaborate:


> * Veterans only raid 1-4 because LIs were useful for the legendary ring. There's nothing left for you in 1-4 if you already got all the skins and minis.

> * If you're a veteran, you're drowning in ascended weapon and armor chests, so you don't need to buy any ascended equipment. Also, you have the legendary armor anyway.

> * A possible sink could be converting LIs into magnetite, and then let people buy expensive titles and buffs using magnetite, much like [Fractal God](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_God).


Or just let W1-4 be the starter wings for non-veterans. The introduction of new wings would stretch the time needed to full clear indefinitely otherwise and ANet would need to introduce something to encourage players to drop some wings on a weekly basis anyway.

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> @"Chris McSwag.4683" said:

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > > Won't this make wings 1 to 4 irrelevant? Why not make some sort of Legendary Insight sink instead?

> > >

> > > The sink for LIs remains the same - legendary insignias -> precursor armor pieces -> legendary pieces. Either use it as cheap ascended crafting or for more armor sets.

> >

> > Let me elaborate:

> >

> > * Veterans only raid 1-4 because LIs were useful for the legendary ring. There's nothing left for you in 1-4 if you already got all the skins and minis.

> > * If you're a veteran, you're drowning in ascended weapon and armor chests, so you don't need to buy any ascended equipment. Also, you have the legendary armor anyway.

> > * A possible sink could be converting LIs into magnetite, and then let people buy expensive titles and buffs using magnetite, much like [Fractal God](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_God).


> woah, easy on the generalisations there.

> Alot of veterans (like myself at 1690 LI) couldnt care less about the LI or skins at this point. I raid cause it's fun and pretty much the only challenging content the game offers, but also for a pretty decent amount of gold for the time required. I don't think this change will have any impact at all on W1-4, apart from maybe the encounters people avoid already.


I don't think you are a "lot" of veterans. Most of the raiders I know stopped raiding months ago, and have moved on to fractals or sPvP.

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What is the answer on this topic Byron? [https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9fa0i8/psa_if_you_want_to_maximize_your_legendary/](http://https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9fa0i8/psa_if_you_want_to_maximize_your_legendary/ "https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9fa0i8/psa_if_you_want_to_maximize_your_legendary/")

Are the rewards from Hall of chais getting updated with the weekly reset or after patch? Will we have to delay the wing clear to not be missing on the timegate?

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> Another additional (and stupid) layer to the LI/KP-system to split the playerbase even further...


> Upon release of W6: "W6 - 500 LI + 150 LD - [...]".


Splitting LI/LD between HoT and PoF raids isn't wrong.

Since W6 will be very new, it's not the case yet, but later -> why should you ask for X LI, if you run Wing 5/6? Why should you ask for LD if you run Wing 2?

Nobody ask for a Deimos Kp if he runs Sabetha, it's the same thing.



> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > Won't this make wings 1 to 4 irrelevant? Why not make some sort of Legendary Insight sink instead?

> >

> > The sink for LIs remains the same - legendary insignias -> precursor armor pieces -> legendary pieces. Either use it as cheap ascended crafting or for more armor sets.


> Let me elaborate:


> * Veterans only raid 1-4 because LIs were useful for the legendary ring. There's nothing left for you in 1-4 if you already got all the skins and minis.

> * If you're a veteran, you're drowning in ascended weapon and armor chests, so you don't need to buy any ascended equipment. Also, you have the legendary armor anyway.

> * A possible sink could be converting LIs into magnetite, and then let people buy expensive titles and buffs using magnetite, much like [Fractal God](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_God).


I unlocked all legendary armor skins and still doing Wing 1-4, so you are just not right on this point. In general you get up to 60g + much other stuff weekly via fullclear and also can salvage your ascended drops to get magentite shards -> ghostly infusions -> gold. Ascended accessoires is a thing too, especialy if you need pof stats, you can buy them with magnetite shards.

All in all there are enough reasons to do Wing 1-4 even if you unlocked all armor skins.

One of my reasons is just that 3 of my 6 chars still don't have a legendary armor yet.

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> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > Another additional (and stupid) layer to the LI/KP-system to split the playerbase even further...

> >

> > Upon release of W6: "W6 - 500 LI + 150 LD - [...]".


> Splitting LI/LD between HoT and PoF raids isn't wrong.

> Since W6 will be very new, it's not the case yet, but later -> why should you ask for X LI, if you run Wing 5/6? Why should you ask for LD if you run Wing 2?

> Nobody ask for a Deimos Kp if he runs Sabetha, it's the same thing.


It's still a problem for the game in general. Raids are already extremely niche and the community of this game is already very fractured to the point where you could argue that there isn't a coherent community in the first place. The small niche which is the raiding-"community" suffers from the same problems of being extremely fractured. W1 to 4 are somewhat acceptable, but it's almost impossible for a new player to ever be able to finish Dhuum in the near future. You even have problems doing statues as new player. The same will most likely happen with W6 - except it will be even harder for new people due to the added layer of LD. While it might be reasonable to create another currency for PoF-raids, it certainly isn't healthy for the game - the whole KP-system isn't for a game as unsocial as GW2.



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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Seems like a pointless change if you can exchange 168 LI for LD unless new rewards require vastly more than 168 LD


They probably have something planned but don't want people who don't do PoF raids to have instant access to it just because they did raid a lot in HoT is my best guess.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > Seems like a pointless change if you can exchange 168 LI for LD unless new rewards require vastly more than 168 LD


> They probably have something planned but don't want people who don't do PoF raids to have instant access to it just because they did raid a lot in HoT is my best guess.


ok so why would they let us convert at all then seems silly dont it?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > Seems like a pointless change if you can exchange 168 LI for LD unless new rewards require vastly more than 168 LD

> >

> > They probably have something planned but don't want people who don't do PoF raids to have instant access to it just because they did raid a lot in HoT is my best guess.


> ok so why would they let us convert at all then seems silly dont it?


Well, considering many people have fully cleared W5 countless times over the last months and just now they change the W5 rewards to the new currency it would be quite unfair to not offer this

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > Seems like a pointless change if you can exchange 168 LI for LD unless new rewards require vastly more than 168 LD

> > >

> > > They probably have something planned but don't want people who don't do PoF raids to have instant access to it just because they did raid a lot in HoT is my best guess.

> >

> > ok so why would they let us convert at all then seems silly dont it?


> Well, considering many people have fully cleared W5 countless times over the last months and just now they change the W5 rewards to the new currency it would be quite unfair to not offer this


but they offer anyone the same amount of conversion, even if they only killed 1 boss. that makes it unfair and pointless

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > Seems like a pointless change if you can exchange 168 LI for LD unless new rewards require vastly more than 168 LD

> > > >

> > > > They probably have something planned but don't want people who don't do PoF raids to have instant access to it just because they did raid a lot in HoT is my best guess.

> > >

> > > ok so why would they let us convert at all then seems silly dont it?

> >

> > Well, considering many people have fully cleared W5 countless times over the last months and just now they change the W5 rewards to the new currency it would be quite unfair to not offer this


> but they offer anyone the same amount of conversion, even if they only killed 1 boss. that makes it unfair and pointless


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > Seems like a pointless change if you can exchange 168 LI for LD unless new rewards require vastly more than 168 LD

> > > >

> > > > They probably have something planned but don't want people who don't do PoF raids to have instant access to it just because they did raid a lot in HoT is my best guess.

> > >

> > > ok so why would they let us convert at all then seems silly dont it?

> >

> > Well, considering many people have fully cleared W5 countless times over the last months and just now they change the W5 rewards to the new currency it would be quite unfair to not offer this


> but they offer anyone the same amount of conversion, even if they only killed 1 boss. that makes it unfair and pointless


Does it though? This is assuming that for whatever is coming you're going to need 200 or 250 of the currency. The ring might just need that. Which means you'd still have to raid and clear Wing 5 and 6 a respectable amount

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I posted this exact question to reddit/Guildwars2, but I realized that this might be a better place for asking the question:


Lets say that I do w5 on Monday next week, I will be awarded with LI's. Then when the patch drops I can convert 168 of my LI to LD. Now, if I wait to clear w5 till after w6 has been released I will presumably get 4 LD's. Now I can covert 168 LI to 168 LD, giving me 4 more LD compared to if I did the clear on Monday instead.

Is this intended? Is there a system to deal with this assuming it is not intended?

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> @"lloydinspace.6579" said:

> I posted this exact question to reddit/Guildwars2, but I realized that this might be a better place for asking the question:


> Lets say that I do w5 on Monday next week, I will be awarded with LI's. Then when the patch drops I can convert 168 of my LI to LD. Now, if I wait to clear w5 till after w6 has been released I will presumably get 4 LD's. Now I can covert 168 LI to 168 LD, giving me 4 more LD compared to if I did the clear on Monday instead.

> Is this intended? Is there a system to deal with this assuming it is not intended?


This way, there will be those new raiders who hasn't even achieved their 1st set of legendary armor but already have the legendary ring providing the following assumptions to be true;

1st - the new legendary ring from Coalescence will be introduced

2nd - the new currency is used to make Coalescence into the legendary ring

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> @"lloydinspace.6579" said:

> I posted this exact question to reddit/Guildwars2, but I realized that this might be a better place for asking the question:


> Lets say that I do w5 on Monday next week, I will be awarded with LI's. Then when the patch drops I can convert 168 of my LI to LD. Now, if I wait to clear w5 till after w6 has been released I will presumably get 4 LD's. Now I can covert 168 LI to 168 LD, giving me 4 more LD compared to if I did the clear on Monday instead.

> Is this intended? Is there a system to deal with this assuming it is not intended?


How does this even matter in the long run? Just like LI less than 0.1% of the raiders will even be close to the cap after a year

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> @"Byron Miller.4629" said:

> Hey folks,


> Just wanted to give you all a heads up about a change that is coming to future raids. With the next raid wing, we will be introducing a new type of Legendary Trophy: Legendary Divinations. These will **replace** Legendary Insights in the new raid wing, as well as in the Hall of Chains instance.


> In addition, we will be offering all players the opportunity to exchange up to 168 Legendary Insights for Legendary Divinations if you’ve killed at least one boss in the **Hall of Chains** raid wing. This adds up to 4 Legendary Divinations per week for the 42 weeks that Hall of Chains has been available, and serves as a means through which you can catch up to the maximum possible available Legendary Trophies that would have been available had we shipped with Legendary Divinations back in November 2017.





Thank you for taking the time to advise us of this. Last week I submitted a support ticket due to a problem with my account LI. I am wondering if you could take a look at it so I have the LI back in time for the exchange next week?




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I just want to second the problem with this update to already existing content not being synchronized with raid reset, and people who will be doing w5 before patch hits missing out 4 LDs compared to people who awill be doing it after. It already causes a lot of confusion in monday clear groups. How is this going to be adressed?


Ideally w5 should start dropping LDs right from the monday reset.

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