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OP or not, rifle DE that camps stealth at 1500 range is simply not fun to fight. The odds of 1) finding them, 2) pinning them down, and 3) getting enough damage on them at once while they are pinned down, are simply unrealistic. Even if you can find the sniper with their tells, they're just going to restealth, reposition, repeat. The best option is to just avoid fighting them at all.

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> @Hackuuna.4085 said:

> I guess the patch today reflects what is intended or not intended.




>@eyestrain.3056 said:

>OP or not, rifle DE that camps stealth at 1500 range is simply not fun to fight. The odds of 1) finding them, 2) pinning them down, and 3) getting enough damage on them at once while they are pinned down, are simply unrealistic. Even if you can find the sniper with their tells, they're just going to restealth, reposition, repeat. The best option is to just avoid fighting them at all.


They'll have 1 stunbreak, and 1 stealth usable while stunned. *If they even take those skills.* Though they usually do. Once stunned most power builds will delete them in seconds.


But refusing the fight and walking in another direction is also a valid option. DE Rifle has awful chase potential. The same strategy is currently used by a majority of other professions/builds when faced with a Scourge or Spellbreaker.

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> @Hackuuna.4085 said:

> I guess the patch today reflects what is intended or not intended.




It is a good change. It doesn't nerf the damage of players running lower risk gear and it rewards the higher risk players who are able to pull off the shot with the more obvious tell while also bringing relevance to the bonus damage from malice.

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> @MUDse.7623 said:

> > @primatos.5413 said:

> > Still delaing was too much dmg .. the fact they´ve been ignoring rhis like a lot of other broken issues doesn´t mean it´s ok ... f***ing joke patch imo .. sad company and sad way to treat players ..


> you still get hit by it after the patch?


This. You have 15-21 seconds to figure out and be ready for the laser beam.

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Still no one of the one shot heroes get that i am not talking about 1on1 but zerg situations blabla i said: DEALING WAY TOO MUCH DMG .. IF it hits .. that there are ways to avoid incoming dmg by block / dodge (every skill can, except unblockable can´t be blocked O.o) doesn´t xplain why a skill can hit that hard .. just complete bs but i see .. it is like talking to anet developers beads in front of the sow.. get well soon i´m out

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> @primatos.5413 said:

> Still no one of the one shot heroes get that i am not talking about 1on1 but zerg situations blabla i said: DEALING WAY TOO MUCH DMG .. IF it hits .. that there are ways to avoid incoming dmg by block / dodge (every skill can, except unblockable can´t be blocked O.o) doesn´t xplain why a skill can hit that hard .. just complete bs but i see .. it is like talking to anet developers beads in front of the sow.. get well soon i´m out


The reality is, people aren't going to play it. Few will make it work, and few will be willing to take the significant risk involved for the very limited benefit.

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to land the shot on the marked target in a zergfight is like really hard, if the marked target just stops jumping ahead and stays in his guys someone else will get shot and they wont take serious damage cause not marked so you dont even need to evade or block or what ever just hug your mates and the DE is useless. if its just for the POTENTIAL damage, i am yet to see you comment on cellofrags vids he posts on the forums, just one new today- those kills are also only against noobs or distracted targets and its highly telegraphed... oh and he somtimes even oneshots multiple targets with one skill. i dont have any problem with that ele skill but right now it has even way more potential than DJ :D

if now they made DJ ignore other enemies on the way to the targeted one, then it still could be used even in a zergfight for lets say a range focus party in a pirateship meta :D

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> @primatos.5413 said:

> doesn´t xplain why a skill can hit that hard


Because the high damage of that skill is now better balanced by the tell from being marked. If you get hit by it, the high numbers are most certainly justified because you've had more than enough time to do something about it.

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