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What did you like most about LS1: Scarlet's War


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Molten core and aether blades refuge were a fresh air since the vainila dungeons were getting old. They give the dungeon runner community new elements to play with (remember that before there were more people playing group instance content in gw2).


The down side was that they weren't permanent.

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> @"Robj.6815" said:

> Given that I wasn't around for it, I can't say. But I do wish they would make it available for release in the gemstore.


Pretty much this yea, i was here for bits and pieces of it, the molten alliance was neat, shame i missed out on quite a bit of who they really where.

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I've always been mainly interested in the story and exploration in GW2 (and most other games) so the story was what interested me in Season 1. I liked that it changed the maps too, but to me that's a sub-set of the story it was telling.


I actually felt like the releases were a bit too quick, especially since you could never go back to it once it was gone. I can't play as much as some people (been here since launch and 'only' played for about 4,000 hours in total) so Season 1 typically meant rushing through a checklist of stuff I wanted to get done before it was removed forever and hoping there might be some time left afterwards to do the bits I enjoyed at a more relaxed pace, or maybe play some of the base game stuff I hadn't done yet before the next release came along. I don't miss that at all.


On the plus side I suppose it did stop stuff getting too familiar. People go on about how great the Marionette fight was but the Vinewrath is almost identical, it's just that the Marionette was removed when it was starting to get to the point were most attempts would succeed and the Vinewrath stayed until it became routine to succeed because most people know what to do. But given the choice I'd rather have content I can play as and when I want than something I have to do on someone else's schedule.

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Battle for Lions Arch for being prob the most epic release in any season in terms of scope. For all of LS1's many, many faults, where it got things right the team should be looking back for inspiration. For all the build for Joko's invasion and the scarab plague, none of it felt world threatening like Scarlet's invasion did. Battle for LA, Tower of Nightmares (the original not the fractal which is not close to it at all) and Marionette are gameplay highlights which have never quite been matched.

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When it was over.


eta: I actually quit the game until HOT because it was so bad. Which is a shame, cause LS2 looks like it would have been pretty cool . I missed all the Zephyrite events and stuff because Scarlet's Retcons ruined the game so bad that I never bothered came back to check on it. The story was terrible (Scarlet = Plot Driven Mary Sue 10x), the content was boring (Old Faction X invades Y zone, random events spawn in Y zone that drop Z currency, farm currency to buy miniatures of X, repeat for every single release), and the rush to log in and do it in the two weeks before it vanished forever was exhausting. I hope to never see anything like it in the game again.

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