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so how long will i not be able to play my main in GW2?


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I main a condi necro and until it becomes somewhat fun to play again and viable I have taken a big break for quite a few months already and will continue until the class I have invested over 2k hours on, has all my legendaries, ascended armor, etc on. it is not fun to play with all the nerf to condi and nerf nerf nerf, and I don't just want to use power reaper and spam gravedigger all day, condi necro was FUN but no they nerfed the fun out of it and when you think they nerfed it to much THEY NERF IT AGAIN. they need to fire the balance team and hire new ones at least the ones in charge of condi necro

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Wasn't condi reaper viable? i mean i used to raid as a condi reaper and there is still some nice applications of condi.


it was very viable and fun to play but about 50+ nerfs later it is garbage and a Mesmer with clones is able to easily out condi a class that edges on death and decay itself

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> when i look at pugs dps numbers, condi necro should be more then viable, exept you really suck with it.


I don't even really play the game anymore raid wise since PoF release due to all the nerfs and pretty much every other class easily able to out DPS condi necro in everyway, right now if you try to join a raid group from what I have seen and talked to people about people just ask you to go like condi warrior or something instead, condi necro is garbage atm

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> @"Aslakh.3072" said:

> These days most people run scourge as power rather than condition. Kind of ironic that people complained about reaper being run as a condition class and now scourge is run as a power class.


People just didn't want conditions to be viable. So here we are as most things using power/hybrid builds in large scale .

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u cant compare mesmer to scourge... its not any secret, necromancer is just punching bag, that sucks without any support, bu ur much more usefull than mesmer in group fights... u just complain without using ur parts of brain responsible for critical thinking... yea necro was nerfed a lot of times ,cuz it needed those nerfs

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Last i heard scourges are still viable.I heard some even go as blood scourges because scepter 3 got buffed in boon corrupts.If thats true, then that makes scepter scourges a huge benefit for spvp.


yeah yet PVP is not the focus of the game PVE is and where 1 most of the content is and 2 where most people play, nerfing condi necro 500 times because of PVP complains is stupid and yes scepter 3 got nerfed/buffed, its a buff if the enemy has boons nerf if they don't, and most PVE adds don't have enough constant boon application to make condi necro viable at all

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> @"Xxnecroxx.4039" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > Last i heard scourges are still viable.I heard some even go as blood scourges because scepter 3 got buffed in boon corrupts.If thats true, then that makes scepter scourges a huge benefit for spvp.


> yeah yet PVP is not the focus of the game PVE is and where 1 most of the content is and 2 where most people play, nerfing condi necro 500 times because of PVP complains is stupid and yes scepter 3 got nerfed/buffed, its a buff if the enemy has boons nerf if they don't, and most PVE adds don't have enough constant boon application to make condi necro viable at all


Well actually the scepter 3 boon corrupt could be useful in fractals tier 2 and up believe it or not.


Reaper hits viable levels of damage in raids and fractals on condi and power.



almost 31k is really good, but its still arouond 2-3k below average


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in PvP ok i get it not everyone likes to be a teamfighter with babysitter,

But WvW and PvE is fine for necro. If you find guild you dont even need to run meta build.. and necro has good Metabuilds. Right he inst best. on Benchmark he is low. But we all know how realisticaly fights work. Just play it. Meet ppl that arent dumb and arent elitist. With friend we run Heal tempest, Herald/renegade, and me SR reaper with vampiric signet or blood reaper with vampiric presnece if Tempest wanna play DPS so wee have some life leech. and Its fun. I so bored about meta, cuz other specs make every round totaly diferent :) Only things that matters to me if Im pugging is if you know what to do. Even bring core necro I dont care. If you can use it to maximize its potencial I dont care.


There are few tips for necro players how to enjoy the game.

-Dont visit this forum that much and avoid toxic ppl. Well I wasnt different. (Sure there are thing that need our voice Focus#4 and other, but this hate spreading is laughable)

-Met better ppl,guilds that dont care what class U running

-Focus on your pros not cons.


Right know Im running mostly renegade(or pReaper) and in any comp I love to have necro on my team. Cuz toxic trail, and other anoying things are then ez mode.

Peace fellaz


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If you are doing scourge at PvP or wvw it really sucks I get it,,,prior to the nerf I love playing PvP and wvw with my scourge, now I can’t even have 1 sand shade up all the time so I’m left with no shades and die because my skill on CD. I would suggest abandon PvP if you main scourge and use reaper instead, same goes to wvw because scourge is not viable to PvP atm.

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Power Reaper: 31k DPS - reliable rotation

Condi Reaper: 30k DPS - problematic rotation, because a good part of the bleed stacking is connected to RS5 ice field + RS4 whirl combo which is often overwritten by other fields or the target just moves out of the field


In theory both are pretty equal.

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> @"Tom Hsiao.9705" said:

> If you are doing scourge at PvP or wvw it really sucks I get it,,,prior to the nerf I love playing PvP and wvw with my scourge, now I can’t even have 1 sand shade up all the time so I’m left with no shades and die because my skill on CD. I would suggest abandon PvP if you main scourge and use reaper instead, same goes to wvw because scourge is not viable to PvP atm.


I saw someone streaming as a scourge in WVW so yeah its still viable.You got good aoe power dmg and you still have plenty of boon corrupts.

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Didn't Necro just get a buff? How are we back to it's been nerfed to death again? I took a break from the forums with the start of the semester but I could have sworn that Necromancer wasn't as bad off as it was a month or so ago. I still see Necro's running in all 3 modes of play. Though I'd love to see some numbers that indicate that PvE is where the game is supposed to be about.

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> @"Dace.8173" said:

> Didn't Necro just get a buff? How are we back to it's been nerfed to death again? I took a break from the forums with the start of the semester but I could have sworn that Necromancer wasn't as bad off as it was a month or so ago. I still see Necro's running in all 3 modes of play. Though I'd love to see some numbers that indicate that PvE is where the game is supposed to be about.


I posted above one guy showing being able to get around 30850 DPS.Thats a pretty good position to be in no? and no its not as bad off as the guy is saying.


The sky isn't falling.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > Didn't Necro just get a buff? How are we back to it's been nerfed to death again? I took a break from the forums with the start of the semester but I could have sworn that Necromancer wasn't as bad off as it was a month or so ago. I still see Necro's running in all 3 modes of play. Though I'd love to see some numbers that indicate that PvE is where the game is supposed to be about.


> I posted above one guy showing being able to get around 30850 DPS.Thats a pretty good position to be in no? and no its not as bad off as the guy is saying.


> The sky isn't falling.


That's good to know, as I was under the impression that condi Scourge was still a viable and strong option for Necro players. At least in PvP and WvW.

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