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Instant revives should not exist in sPVP


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Title says it all. Signet of mercy and the necro revive shouldn't exist in their current state for sPVP. It makes playing offensive specs feel very unrewarding when you outplay your opponent and down them only to have them get up again and kill you. So many of the reworks Anet have been doing have been with the express goal of making the gameplay of certain classes more active. Traits and sills which revive players are REACTIVE gameplay not proactive. This is un-fun.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> I have to admit, the Necro rezz is so fast that they always pull it off even when I interrupt it, and there is other guy cleaving.

> Don't want to say it exactly this way, but .... this really shouldn't _exist_.



It really just is a magnitude issue. That trait(s) in Blood Magic is fine, conceptually, but the magnitude of how fast it allows the necro to rez downs is just too much.

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Since when did people start running Signet of Mercy?


I run it on my Sage Firebrand along with Courage Signet but people give me a lot of flak for gimping my team even though the build is well rounded and holds well.... Each match I usually end up with most damage, healing, kills and revives.

![](https://i.imgur.com/dbmNDdm.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/6nh9H7G.jpg "")




It also has a cheesy blocking build that will stack 3 burns on a block... It's amusing watching people kill themselves :lol:

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > I have to admit, the Necro rezz is so fast that they always pull it off even when I interrupt it, and there is other guy cleaving.

> > Don't want to say it exactly this way, but .... this really shouldn't _exist_.

> >


> It really just is a magnitude issue. That trait(s) in Blood Magic is fine, conceptually, but the magnitude of how fast it allows the necro to rez downs is just too much.


I know, by that I meant it shouldn't exist in its current form. No need to delete that, just adjust.

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The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.


How can you think that running los while casting is bad? Its a skillfull play and used to exist in vanilla gw2 with warbanner. Was high clutch from both sides if u get it or interrupt.


This community jfc

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The amount of pointless whining I see in the PvP-forum makes me angry regularly.


Playing around the ability to res/stomp your allies is an integral part of this games PvP. If we tone down things like this, safe stomps need to go as well. No more shadowstep-stomps for thieves. No more insta-cast Distortion for mesmers. No more stomping while in Elixir S. Signet of Mercy and necros traited Blood Well are counterplay to these things and overall raise up the skill ceiling for the game.


While I'm generally of the opinion that ANet should listen in on their community more, sometimes these incomprehensible brainfarts surface that make me question my own opinion. Is this the kind of feedback ANet should be listening to? Absolutely not.

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I like the way illusion of life works, it a rez but they go back to downstate if a kill not made kind of like warriors vengeance without the insta death for no kill.

but I agree with Yannir the skills are their to save people that are unreachable or getting invul stomped plus most people need sacrifice a utility for these skills so I think it balanced. necros revive on trait is a different issue thou.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.


> How can you think that running los while casting is bad? Its a skillfull play and used to exist in vanilla gw2 with warbanner. Was high clutch from both sides if u get it or interrupt.


> This community jfc


Warbanner warr didn't have multible instances of instant stability on demand, so there was a real chance to get an interruppt on it, with fb that's pretty much impossible due to the mantra. Also the cd on Warbanner is 180 sec which is appropriate for a skill with, while mercy signet is 90 sec. Also the warbanner rez often didnt go through cleave + poison, while mercy signet always works. So banner had numerous possibilities of counterplay despite running los and was high risk due to the cd, while mercy signet can basically be used for any downed and the only counterplay is highly unreliable (launching also doesnt work when the downed lies next to a wall since you dont have the time to reposition yourself).


But thanks for your pointless rant, I hope you're enjoying WoW. :------)

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Why should they remove signet of mercy? All you got to do is pay attention in the FB when downing someone. Interrput him. Ez

Necro ress got hardly nerfed last patch and its easy to cleave it now with poison. Btw, its totally impossible to "normaly" ress someone nowadays with all that damage flying around.

So you want to remove a so different mechanic from the game, the signet resses, just because you cant keep up with it?

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Reviving is really fast compared to stomping/cleaving.


The only problem i see here is that killing dowstead people allows other players to rally .

And the fact that the teamcompositon/builds are determining to get insta/easy rezzes makes this mechanic to snowball fights really quickly.


I dont mind that killing/stomping downed players takes it's time, but why do we need extra rezzing speed in PvP ?

It's fine in WvW and PvE where players need to pass long distances after being killed, but no one actually needs this in PvP.





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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Since when did people start running Signet of Mercy?


> I run it on my Sage Firebrand along with Courage Signet but people give me a lot of flak for gimping my team even though the build is well rounded and holds well.... Each match I usually end up with most damage, healing, kills and revives.




> It also has a cheesy blocking build that will stack 3 burns on a block... It's amusing watching people kill themselves :lol:


Teach me master

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.

> >

> > How can you think that running los while casting is bad? Its a skillfull play and used to exist in vanilla gw2 with warbanner. Was high clutch from both sides if u get it or interrupt.

> >

> > This community jfc


> Warbanner warr didn't have multible instances of instant stability on demand, so there was a real chance to get an interruppt on it, with fb that's pretty much impossible due to the mantra. Also the cd on Warbanner is 180 sec which is appropriate for a skill with, while mercy signet is 90 sec. Also the warbanner rez often didnt go through cleave + poison, while mercy signet always works. So banner had numerous possibilities of counterplay despite running los and was high risk due to the cd, while mercy signet can basically be used for any downed and the only counterplay is highly unreliable (launching also doesnt work when the downed lies next to a wall since you dont have the time to reposition yourself).


> But thanks for your pointless rant, I hope you're enjoying WoW. :------)


I agree mercy should have counterplays as in poison however only point you made in ur original post was LOS being an issue which is retarded. War had 2x sources of stab if they picked it so no. 90s is fine which warbanner should have had as well.

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I think Necro and Ranger (also Scrapper) resses are too fast, also there seems to be something bugged about resses since a while now, when i get ressed it seems i sometimes just skip the last 10-20% of downstate hp and rally too soon without being fully ressed. I also have the feeling from the other side that sometimes it looks like targets get up too fast, they get ressed from 50 to 80% downstate hp and then are instant up to 100% and rally. Or do i miss some traits causing this (ofc there is no kill that made them rally or something like that, there is no other good reason why they skip the last up to 20% from what i could see)?

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > > The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.

> > >

> > > How can you think that running los while casting is bad? Its a skillfull play and used to exist in vanilla gw2 with warbanner. Was high clutch from both sides if u get it or interrupt.

> > >

> > > This community jfc

> >

> > Warbanner warr didn't have multible instances of instant stability on demand, so there was a real chance to get an interruppt on it, with fb that's pretty much impossible due to the mantra. Also the cd on Warbanner is 180 sec which is appropriate for a skill with, while mercy signet is 90 sec. Also the warbanner rez often didnt go through cleave + poison, while mercy signet always works. So banner had numerous possibilities of counterplay despite running los and was high risk due to the cd, while mercy signet can basically be used for any downed and the only counterplay is highly unreliable (launching also doesnt work when the downed lies next to a wall since you dont have the time to reposition yourself).

> >

> > But thanks for your pointless rant, I hope you're enjoying WoW. :------)


> I agree mercy should have counterplays as in poison however only point you made in ur original post was LOS being an issue which is kitten. War had 2x sources of stab if they picked it so no. 90s is fine which warbanner should have had as well.


It is the combination of low cd, stab on demand, the fact that cleave/poison doesn't work and LoS that makes it op imo. Warr had the double stab in theory only, since meta specs like shoutbow relied on other utility skills to be viable, while the mantra elite for FB is pretty much a nobrainer.

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> @"Falan.1839" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

> > > > > @"Falan.1839" said:

> > > > > The cooldown reduce on mercy signet was one of the worst changes in recent PvP history. The fact that the FB can just start casting it and the then run to Narnia (no 2. LoS check) just makes it more ridiculous. I basically try to launch every downed enemy asap when the enemy has a FB, but often it still isn't enough because I have cds, the fb still gets the rez after launch or I just dont get it done in time. Ruptingh the FB itself is most likely impossible anyway if you don't have access to a lot of boon corrupt instantly.

> > > >

> > > > How can you think that running los while casting is bad? Its a skillfull play and used to exist in vanilla gw2 with warbanner. Was high clutch from both sides if u get it or interrupt.

> > > >

> > > > This community jfc

> > >

> > > Warbanner warr didn't have multible instances of instant stability on demand, so there was a real chance to get an interruppt on it, with fb that's pretty much impossible due to the mantra. Also the cd on Warbanner is 180 sec which is appropriate for a skill with, while mercy signet is 90 sec. Also the warbanner rez often didnt go through cleave + poison, while mercy signet always works. So banner had numerous possibilities of counterplay despite running los and was high risk due to the cd, while mercy signet can basically be used for any downed and the only counterplay is highly unreliable (launching also doesnt work when the downed lies next to a wall since you dont have the time to reposition yourself).

> > >

> > > But thanks for your pointless rant, I hope you're enjoying WoW. :------)

> >

> > I agree mercy should have counterplays as in poison however only point you made in ur original post was LOS being an issue which is kitten. War had 2x sources of stab if they picked it so no. 90s is fine which warbanner should have had as well.


> It is the combination of low cd, stab on demand, the fact that cleave/poison doesn't work and LoS that makes it op imo. Warr had the double stab in theory only, since meta specs like shoutbow relied on other utility skills to be viable, while the mantra elite for FB is pretty much a nobrainer.


Shoutbow relied on other utilities for stability while Firebrand relies on the elite skill, I fail to see your point. The game is power crept, so Firebrands res is obviously stronger than the 2012 equivalent.

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