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Kung Fu Tea Promotion [Merged]

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Greener.6204" said:

> > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > Kingston blames it being US & Canada only on the General Data Protection Regulation in tweets, which is cute, since the GDPR is there to protect your privacy and your right to have your data forgotten should you request it. I don't quite see why that should make it harder to hold a global giveaway, but I guess they need excuses when they can't own your private data and do with it as they please?


> Companies around the world are still adjusting to GDPR in Europe, and it can be an expensive endeavour. Not only do you need to acquire legal expertise on the subject, but you must ensure that your practices and processes, along with your technology, is able to meet the requirements. Even after acquiring such legal and tech support, you may need to retain them for the duration that the GDPR demands, furthering the expense.


> The cost/benefit analysis for companies outside of Europe may not pan out (re: contests which exclude Quebec).


Yes, no matter the cost it is not like someone provides the service for free. Especially in industries where it is the norm to budget for things far in advance it is often easier just to legally exclude your exposure and fix it later.


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> @"Greener.6204" said:

> > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > Kingston blames it being US & Canada only on the General Data Protection Regulation in tweets, which is cute, since the GDPR is there to protect your privacy and your right to have your data forgotten should you request it. I don't quite see why that should make it harder to hold a global giveaway, but I guess they need excuses when they can't own your private data and do with it as they please?


> Companies around the world are still adjusting to GDPR in Europe, and it can be an expensive endeavour. Not only do you need to acquire legal expertise on the subject, but you must ensure that your practices and processes, along with your technology, is able to meet the requirements. Even after acquiring such legal and tech support, you may need to retain them for the duration that the GDPR demands, furthering the expense.


> The cost/benefit analysis for companies outside of Europe may not pan out (re: contests which exclude Quebec).


I don't know. I don't think it's navigating legal expertise. I think the bottom line is all of these things are entirely about making money on using your information for nefarious purposes. I'm sure part of the GDPR is disclosing 'all' the ways they want to use and sell your information, so you can have a virtual t-shirt and shorts. And some more character slots. As someone covered by GDPR, you'd have full knowledge of the entirety of the scope of how evil it all is, and at 'that' point, get to make an informed decision about whether it's worth it to you to get a few non-tangible things in return.


Now, if they do that, and ya'll tell us in The States all the things they revealed to you, even though we don't have GDPR, we get to say "Wot Da Kitten!" and not do it.


So it would be far better for Whitley and Whitney Whitman, LLC (as an example) to not deal with anyone covered by GDPR for no other reason than to keep the cat in the bag. Just in time for Halloween. :#

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> So it would be far better for Whitley and Whitney Whitman, LLC (as an example) to not deal with anyone covered by GDPR for no other reason than to keep the cat in the bag. Just in time for Halloween. :#


1 - That would make sense if your business is exclusively outside of countries under the GDPR.


2 - But if one third or more of your consumers are in countries covered by GDPR, it's probably better to try and deal with GDPF than to leave them out and try to do damage control afterward.


As I see it, the main trouble here is that company A taking part in the promotion fall under the first point, while company B is falling under the second point; and has much more to loose than company A in the process.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Only 12 days left and still no news. I'm really starting to think the plan is to keep quiet on it until the promotion is over and hope we all forget about it.


I agree it’s been 19 days still no code , no word .

Nothing .

I foresee me not ever purchasing anything from this company KFT ever in the future.

Any news no matter how small is better than nothing .

Keeping the public informed everyday .

But I think I can assume my wife and I will not be getting a code .

But KFT got our info .


Not a good trade off !

Deeply upset now .

Going to make me think twice if another promotion ever comes up if I will participate in it .


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> @"Umire.4596" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > Only 12 days left and still no news. I'm really starting to think the plan is to keep quiet on it until the promotion is over and hope we all forget about it.


> I agree it’s been 19 days still no code , no word .

> Nothing .

> I foresee me not ever purchasing anything from this company KFT ever in the future.

> Any news no matter how small is better than nothing .

> Keeping the public informed everyday .

> But I think I can assume my wife and I will not be getting a code .

> But KFT got our info .


> Not a good trade off !

> Deeply upset now .

> Going to make me think twice if another promotion ever comes up if I will participate in it .



I think overall it's put a sour topping on the 6th Anniversary for some. After the "rando" incident it seemed like a great way for players around the world to get an outfit they wouldn't be able to get otherwise.


11 days left so hopefully they'll extend it for the US players left out at least.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'm really starting to think the plan is to keep quiet on it until the promotion is over and hope we all forget about it.


Usually, aren't that many reasons why a company is silent in the face of a public relations fiasco:

* They partly intended whatever happened and were surprised that people hated it. In that case, it takes them a long time to adapt to the reality. (And some companies never do acknowledge being wrong.)

* They were less prepared for the result than the US Navy at Pearl Harbor in 1941. The reason there's no meaningful response is that they didn't have a cohesive plan in the first place. They have to start from scratch rethinking the project.

* There was actually a plan to take advantage of their customers. In which case, they almost always have a plan for how to handle "getting caught."


The second turns out to almost always be the reasons, because there are simply so many ways for things to go wrong. Companies that think things through in the first place don't have disasters.


Besides, let's not forget that even before we learned the details of the promotion, a lot of us were certain about how it couldn't work, because what sensible company would ever: give away free copies of a game without any checks & balances, offer a promotion with unclear rules about eligibility, offer a promotion that required proof of purchase, set up a requirement to use a specific app without thoroughly testing said app.


And guess what: KFT did all those things, that we, as amateurs recognized off the top of our head as bad ideas.


The two things I didn't see speculation about were also no-brainers: testing the app/network to handle a sudden surge of traffic & handling robo-applications. Because, of course you want your promotion to work, so of course there are going to be way more people interested tomorrow after it starts. And of course, if there's something free involved, there will be people trying to milk that for all it's worth.


tl;dr never ascribe to conspiracy what can readily be explained by lack of competence (or lack of planning). It shouldn't be surprising how many businesses aren't prepared when it comes to doing something outside their core money making activity.

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Straight from their website!


> UPDATE 2 Guild Wars 2 DLC Promotion

> Thank you for your patience and understanding! We’re resuming the Kung Fu Tea x Guild Wars 2 Promotion on Thursday, September 20th @ 9 AM PDT/12 PM EDT.

> After resuming, please go to Kung Fu Tea App > Social Rewards and claim the Guild Wars 2 rewards if you haven’t already done so. You will then receive the codes through the email you used to register for the Kung Fu Tea App.

> Please note you can redeem only one Heroic Edition Code and one Dragon Emblem Outfit Code. If you previously redeemed any of the codes, you won’t be eligible for the promotion again.

> Anyone who received a code that subsequently was disabled will need to reclaim the reward in the app to receive one set of replacement codes.

> Note: This campaign is limited to those located in the U.S. only.





I am just annoyed (well worse than that but trying to use polite language!) that I am in Australia and added my social media prior to them pausing the promotion. Looks like despite fitting within the stipulated rules at the time, I now will not get the code for the outfit. They really made a mess of this one. I like so many others was excited to see that at least part of the promotion was not US restricted!


I hope most of you see your drama sorted when it re-launches. For now I am going to enjoy the new story and map and try and forget this whole thing ever happened!!!! Feeling extremely let down and disappointed by the poor planning, execution and problem solving of this whole thing. I hope Anet are more vigilant in their choice of partner in the future!!!!




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I did a trade with a friend for her half of a working t-shirt code, in trade for my heroic code.


I am still completely unsure how I feel about some of Anets choices lately, but I am pretty pissed how they think they can leave half the playerbase, if not more, out of any promotions involving items that are not obtainable in game. Their advertisement and business team need to re-think customer appreciation a bit better.



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They're still holding strong on their US-only promotion terms, without a single apology for the mess they created (and they think location services are going to prevent the bots that was a big part of creating the problem with the app in the first place. Yeah, good luck with that.) Good job partnering with a complete disaster, ArenaNet, and thanks for not doing anything about it after their bait and switch terms change. That totally made me feel like you care about us as **your** customers. It's always nice to feel like second-rate customers after all. This whole thing has been one massive fiasco and it feels as if ArenaNet has done nothing to rectify the issue they initially created by sending us over to their partnered third-party company for this promotion under false terms. At least KFT have added a FAQ that states you can contact them to have your data deleted, though I don't know how honest that is, as I have no trust in what I only perceive as an incredibly unprofessional company at this point. KFT will never see me step into their establishments when I am back in the states. I'll re-iterate this one more time btw., to make it clear again that even though I am frustrated and angered by ArenaNet the company; I am not angry with any employee who has worked- or are working at ArenaNet, and I have nothing but the utmost respect and highest regard for the fantastic people who has worked- and are working on the game I've loved and enjoyed for over 6 years now. Any anger I am venting is directed at the company itself.


If you're from EU and thus protected by the General Protection Data Regulation and want to mail them about erasing collected personal data, but aren't sure about what to write, I sent another mail today to the marketing e-mail address linked on their blog (I don't know if I can link it here), using a template that were posted to Reddit a while back which I've slightly edited;


> To Whom It May Concern:


> As what became misleading terms set forth by the 'Kung Fu Tea x Guild Wars 2 Promotion' were changed a few days in after I had signed up, resulting in me being made ineligible to participate due to residing outside of US territory, I am hereby requesting immediate and complete erasure of any collected personal data concerning me, referencing Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); 'The right to be forgotten'. Kindly erase all personal data concerning me as defined by Article 4.1 of the GDPR. I believe the requirements set forth within Article 17.1 of the GDPR are fulfilled and I am in my right to request full erasure.


> It is my opinion that the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose which you originally collected- or processed it for, and you are currently processing the personal data for direct marketing purposes where the individual objects to that processing.


> If you have disclosed the affected personal data to any third parties, such as LevelUp and Popdeem, not including ArenaNet, you have to communicate my request for erasure of the affected personal data collected by you, as well as any references to it, to each recipient, not including ArenaNet, as laid down in Article 19 of the GDPR. I request that you also inform me about any such recipients.


> If you object to the requested erasure, I request justification for this decision.


> My request explicitly includes any other services and companies for which you are the controller, not including ArenaNet, as defined by Article 4.7 of the GDPR.


> As laid down in Article 12.3 of the GDPR, you have to confirm the erasure to me without undue delay, and in any event within one month of receipt of this request.


> I am including the following information necessary to identify me:


> Name: **((NAME))**

> Email: **((E-MAIL))**


> If you do not answer my request within the stated period, I reserve the right to take legal action against your company and lodge a complaint with the responsible supervisory authority.






> Sincerely,

> **((NAME))**


Don't forget to edit the ((NAME))'s and ((E-MAIL)) if you want to use the template as well, and send it from the e-mail associated with your social media account. I forgot who posted it on Reddit, but whoever you were, thanks for making it easier to send a mail citing our rights. If you're not from EU, I guess the template is of little help, but maybe you can use it as a basic guideline to write your own without citing the GDPR?

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> @"DkzAngelfire.7586" said:

> Straight from their website!


> > UPDATE 2 Guild Wars 2 DLC Promotion

> > Thank you for your patience and understanding! We’re resuming the Kung Fu Tea x Guild Wars 2 Promotion on Thursday, September 20th @ 9 AM PDT/12 PM EDT.

> > After resuming, please go to Kung Fu Tea App > Social Rewards and claim the Guild Wars 2 rewards if you haven’t already done so. You will then receive the codes through the email you used to register for the Kung Fu Tea App.

> > Please note you can redeem only one Heroic Edition Code and one Dragon Emblem Outfit Code. If you previously redeemed any of the codes, you won’t be eligible for the promotion again.

> > Anyone who received a code that subsequently was disabled will need to reclaim the reward in the app to receive one set of replacement codes.

> > Note: This campaign is limited to those located in the U.S. only.

> >


> >


> I am just annoyed (well worse than that but trying to use polite language!) that I am in Australia and added my social media prior to them pausing the promotion. Looks like despite fitting within the stipulated rules at the time, I now will not get the code for the outfit. They really made a mess of this one. I like so many others was excited to see that at least part of the promotion was not US restricted!


> I hope most of you see your drama sorted when it re-launches. For now I am going to enjoy the new story and map and try and forget this whole thing ever happened!!!! Feeling extremely let down and disappointed by the poor planning, execution and problem solving of this whole thing. I hope Anet are more vigilant in their choice of partner in the future!!!!





I expect to see a workaround on the reddit forum. It's not even U.S. residents. And they still have that misleading image for the blog entry....


> @"TheThirdDoor.6380" said:


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/4RMlpoF.png "")



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> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> Was there any information released about whether people outside of the US would still be eligible to get the outfit? That's really all I'm concerned about. The bonus armor skin, bag and boosters would be nice, but I've already got the 3 armor skins and I can live without the other goodies.


Read the update KFT put out, that has been posted here in the previous page...

**“Note: This campaign is limited to those located in the U.S. only.”**


Redditors will more than likely find a work around for it.*



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> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> Was there any information released about whether people outside of the US would still be eligible to get the outfit? That's really all I'm concerned about. The bonus armor skin, bag and boosters would be nice, but I've already got the 3 armor skins and I can live without the other goodies.


It still says US only and the app will require locational services to be turned on in order to check if you're currently in the US. The way around this is spoofing your gps location to be somewhere in the US. So while this change excludes less tech-savy non-US players, it doesn't help at all against the bots.

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Lol, some guys really know how to mess up situations.


Just to put this straight: I'm not good enough to receive a lousy T-Shirt, but still good enough so they can take my money? Interesting.

Maybe it's time to make this level of appreciation mutual.


Nice Bait and Switch, btw.


Edit: This one is disappointed, to say the least.

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Well that is quite literally the least the could do. The 30 day promotion for anyone who downloads the app becomes a 10 day promotion for people in the USA only. (And those with enough tech knowledge to make a faulty app think they're in the USA.)


In a way it's kind of impressive that something so simple could become such a mess. KFT have never responded to my request that they delete my data either so I'm going to have to keep chasing that up.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> > Was there any information released about whether people outside of the US would still be eligible to get the outfit? That's really all I'm concerned about. The bonus armor skin, bag and boosters would be nice, but I've already got the 3 armor skins and I can live without the other goodies.


> Read the update KFT put out, that has been posted here in the previous page...

> **“Note: This campaign is limited to those located in the U.S. only.”**


> Redditors will more than likely find a work around for it.*


> *Maybe.


Trivial. Just use a VPN to the US. If you want to go for extra points put your location as the US in your linked account this month.


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