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PVP game mode is too spammy, too fast, and too visually busy.


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It's really a mess to play. TTK is too low, lock down combos are too easy to pull off (ex: holo).


I cant really say this enough, in fact ive been saying it for years, and its only gotten worse. Devs need to stop throwing caution to the wind and start redesigning.


As a rev lately.. theres not a moment in a fight that if i dont spam as fast as possible, it becomes a game of who can press the buttons randomly fastest.

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Too spammy > If you are "spamming" at spvp, you may be gold or less. Good players never spam randomly.

Too fast > This is the best attribute of GW2 combat system. But yes, Herald is faster because of tiny casts and perma quickness. Is not your intention but you just proved that herald deserves nerf.

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I find funny because I play Core Guard and sometimes I wish my skills had shorter cooldowns.


To many wasted time kitting and poking and not enough time spamming stuff.


> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> It's really a mess to play. TTK is too low, lock down combos are too easy to pull off (ex: holo).



And easy to break. Welcome to the only MMoRPG in the market that has a proper stunbreak system.

You do have to learn how to use in the right moment tough.


> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> I cant really say this enough, in fact ive been saying it for years, and its only gotten worse. Devs need to stop throwing caution to the wind and start redesigning.


Redesign what?


> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> As a rev lately.. theres not a moment in a fight that if i dont spam as fast as possible, it becomes a game of who can press the buttons randomly fastest.


Herald is currently a DPS class specialized in Hit&Run tactics and deals massive single target damage but melts in seconds.

If the enemy actually grant you the time to casually walk in the battlefield and spam skills, be my guest, you should really make use of it.



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Thing is though, how? If the game's combat was reworked from the ground up, what would you do? have you ever played an MMO like this one that successfully pulled this off? Every MMO I've seen has this sort of critical mass level of zerg tactics in open world pvp, where the fight becomes a whirlwind of photon soup, and mostly your only directive is stay the hell away while throwing out attacks from as far as possible.


This 'melting point' as i like to call it, where the fight has gotten significantly advanced to the point it con no longer be fully followed by the human capacity, is usually quite low, with casual players losing track at even 1v1 fights, and average players capping out at about a 3 man fight. How can you keep the game you're supposed to be playing for years on end interesting while avoiding the photon soup problem? You'd have to limit everyone to like three or so skills just to raise the melting point for goodish players in spvp, cant imagine that going over too well. I dont see how gw2 can keep it's current intricacy while becoming a readable game.

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> @"breno.5423" said:

> Too spammy > If you are "spamming" at spvp, you may be gold or less. Good players never spam randomly.

> Too fast > This is the best attribute of GW2 combat system. But yes, Herald is faster because of tiny casts and perma quickness. Is not your intention but you just proved that herald deserves nerf.



i didnt know that there is a player like me who think herald need some nerfz (off hand sword mainly)

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> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> It's really a mess to play. TTK is too low, lock down combos are too easy to pull off (ex: holo).


> I cant really say this enough, in fact ive been saying it for years, and its only gotten worse. Devs need to stop throwing caution to the wind and start redesigning.


> As a rev lately.. theres not a moment in a fight that if i dont spam as fast as possible, it becomes a game of who can press the buttons randomly fastest.


When you first play PvP or if you're getting back from a break it feels that way but it becomes more clear as you understand everything. Other than that lag makes it so you can't react properly, which leads to everyone spamming in a rotation. And because spamming works against lower skilled players since they don't know how to sustain properly. Once you have a better connection and know what you're doing you spam less as you can do more by being reacting.


Use a stun break to get out of a combo. If it's on cooldown play more defensively and try not to get stuck in one.

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> @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > i find it too fast too.... the devs need player neverwinter pvp.


> Honestly the pvp in that game was so good. Many people have suggested that if neverwinter combined gw2 combat it would be perfect


> Only thing that plagued neverwinter pvp was the gear grind.


And by far the most pvp friendly to newbs i have seen, if the GW2 devs spend some time studying it, it would produce the most perfect pvp.


aside that, the PWE games bussness model in general are horrible because is almost based on gear grind/pay to win. .....

the perfect dream was Neverwinter come to Anet hands and their bussness model,.

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