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Siege, Golems and Capture-Point Contribution


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > Thats why most servers zerg, and only leave a few scouts scattered near key areas. Because its too hard to respond to an enemy that has the element of surprise, and gets to pick the engagements.


> Responding to threats is part of the game - maybe you wont save that sentry, or that camp, or that tower or even that keep. But if you see a zerg starting at the sentry... Yeah. That the entire point and it has nothing to do with siege golems being used to contest camps just because its easier than map awareness and heaven forbid, trying to fight.


No point should ever change hands, ever.

5 people with an arrowcart should bring the game to a halt all week.

Nobody should need guilds or a commander or good forbid, the tiniest amount of orginazation to win

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

> A disabled golem shouldn't be able to contest, even if there is someone in it. I think that would be a fair middle ground, since the golem driver can block the disable as well.


I do like this idea, but the disable duration isn't that long and the cooldown between being able to disable again for one person too short. Another one might be to limit it to some combinations of towers/keeps or T2+ structures that aren't camps or some scaling mechanic (25 players).


This change could be really good for small scale roaming to discourage zerging. It would be more rewarding to take on a camp full of siege and multiple opponents (usually the people doing this are average/below average skill). I am not sure why people think this is easy because it's not. It's only easy if you zerg. If the person taking the camp is outnumbered and is able to win the fights with superior skill, should they not deserve the cap?


In terms of balance, it's like invulnerable dolyaks, Mist Form, Elixir S, Renewed Focus contesting the point, except exaggeratingly more unbalanced with that health pool + having to fight the player after getting ejected.

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> @"Julius Seizure.4985" said:

> I am usually ok with the practice of golems camp guarding. However, last week I saw the practice of flipping the entire opposing borderlands during off hours and maintaining camps/supply and tier 3 structures by having 12+ Omega golems stationed in in each camp.


During off hours? At least it wasnt primetime then, when you make 3-4 attemps at taking that camp and noting its defended by golems and 10+ enemies coming in seconds while the commander with a 70 man zerg kept going "OMG can 1 roamer cap that camp now, its easy!!!".



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Nothing wrong with sitting a golem in camps, it's there to delay taking the camp till you get some help. Even a single roamer can have it flipped before you can react or white swords appear.


I do it all the time on alpine NC, never on desert tho, and seen it on virtually every other server on EU. Same with Lords room golems

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It's fine as is.


Don't fight in a camp if there are players and golems in it and you're alone or only with a couple friends. Yes it can cause frustration if you're not with a moderate/large group, but that's the only time it's an issue.


I do certainly agree that it's cheesy but there are times it's necessary. In the match I'm currently in, FA + SOR versus us on Kaineng, we're getting heavily double teamed. A lot of fair weathers have decided not to participate so often times we don't have enough people to fight back. I haven't witnessed anyone using golems to defend camps so far, but it may be something we'll need to do after recapturing our keep to defend our camps from the constant stream of players coming through our side. Therefore in matches like this, it's extremely helpful.

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