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Dyes not displaying correctly


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So as you can see I used the same colors for all my armor parts for comparison sake, and it's oblivious that they are not displaying correctly. This bug has been lasting for more than a year I believe. On my last color combination it was not that noticeable, but I wanted to use the "sand" color for my current armor and it looks horrible.





Anyone else having this bug and can offer a solution? I tried changing colors but the bug persists for all colors I have tried.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Have you tried a -repair of the client? Contacted the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below for assistance?


> Good luck.


Oh you think that only I have this bug? I wanted to check if anyone else has this problem before I contact support or repair the client.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> Looks like a typical case of differences in lighting.


Really? Have you seen the other picture link? The colors are obviously the same shade in the coloring interface and when i apply them on my character it is like they are completely different colors, not shades, colors.

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It looks like you have pieces of different armour sets in there, and that's a recipe for odd dye behaviour, especially when the lighting where your character is does not match the lighting in the dye panel, which is _**everywhere**_. Armour dye zones have properties like "material" = what they are made of and "base colour" = the set of brightness values in different parts of the armour, and those interact with the "material" property of the dye = what the dye is best suited for dyeing and the ambient light. You're advised to put your character somewhere where the lighting is "typical" of your play-time and try out the dye at different moments of in-game time (notably night and day).


The medium "Heritage" set that you can unlock in the Hall of Monuments if you have enough HoM points from GW1 is (or should be) notorious for this - most interesting dyes come out much lighter than you'd expect, and the patterns (stripes) of lighter and darker areas are clearly visible on the dyed pieces.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217"

Actually the colors looked just fine when I first dyed my set and then after playing my character it just got more and more messed up. Yesterday I tried restarting all colors and dying again and it was fine for the 1st couple of minutes, then it started getting darker again. This was the case when I used the same types of armor as well, it just didn't bother me as much because I used shades of gray.


I just logged in into my character again today, and the colors that were on him yesterday when I logged out and the colors he has now are completely different.



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Look at it now, its completely different color even though I used the same color again



Are you telling me its all about luck whether I can use dyes that they implemented correctly or not?

I can't imagine how frustrating it is for the colors that are more expensive and when people work for hours and days to buy dyes they want only to find out that it looks completely different when they actually use it?

I am sorry but that is not acceptable in my opinion...

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234"

I have tried that. The same thing happens. Maybe it is just the problem with Mistward Legguards, because I have never used any other. But if that is the case, then they should fix it, because it's really difficult to find leggings that look good on a Charr.



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As was already mentioned above, lighting can make a huge difference in how a dye looks. Another thing to keep in mind is that the chest/shoulders you're using are the Nightmare set, and that set has components that glow. So, any pieces that aren't from that set are always going to look more dull in appearance when compared to the Nightmare pieces.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> As was already mentioned above, lighting can make a huge difference in how a dye looks. Another thing to keep in mind is that the chest/shoulders you're using are the Nightmare set, and that set has components that glow. So, any pieces that aren't from that set are always going to look more dull in appearance when compared to the Nightmare pieces.


and as is also mentioned above, that is not the problem since the same bug occurred when I used chest piece from the Mistward set. The leggings always lose their original color overtime and become darker shades of the original color.

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> @"corwin.3495" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > As was already mentioned above, lighting can make a huge difference in how a dye looks. Another thing to keep in mind is that the chest/shoulders you're using are the Nightmare set, and that set has components that glow. So, any pieces that aren't from that set are always going to look more dull in appearance when compared to the Nightmare pieces.


> and as is also mentioned above, that is not the problem since the same bug occurred when I used chest piece from the Mistward set. The leggings always lose their original color overtime and become darker shades of the original color.


Gotcha. I can't say I ever had that happen when I was using the Mistward set pieces on my Warriors and/or Guardians. A repair might be worth trying.

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It looks like you changed your graphical configuration. I had the same problem with a metallic shoulder armor: I wanted to pick a dye with the highest graphical settings and then when I switched to the "best performance" option It totally looked different and hideous.


Try to play with **Shaders on high, Shadows on at least medium**, and everything else on low (totally put post processing on None), this will greatly improve your armor textures and dyes without overloading your game with processes. And you should always pick dyes with this graphical configuration.

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> @"corwin.3495" said:

> > @"Wolfb.7025"

> Tried that just now, still the problem persists (https://prnt.sc/kvi23e)

> @"RoseofGilead.8907"

> Well I made a ticket yesterday, I wanted to talk to ANET team before I do that... still waiting for their response. If they don't reply until the end of the week I will try repair.


The gold dye looks the same from your previous screenshot for me (not counting the brown dyes, you changed them didn't you?)

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> The gold dye looks the same from your previous screenshot for me (not counting the brown dyes, you changed them didn't you?)


It is a different shade, and I changed the settings just as you suggested, but the difference is still there (once I applied them on my character) as you can see. I used "sand" color this time, but the same thing occurs. It looks like I have not used the same color for the upper and the bottom part, but I have.


And also the brown parts from the chest armor and the leggings is the same brown, but you can clearly see its completely different when it is applied. The same happens with all colors. I tried shades of blue, red, brown, yellow, gray and so on...



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You're dealing with some skins that have luminescence to them. For the Mistward Leggaurds are quite apparant with the accents, but the Nightmare Court Breastplate the entire piece glows the color of the dye. For all Nightmare Court armor weights that is true, but it isn't full birghtness, adding to the regular lighting from the world.

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> @"DrakoRoma.4167" said:

> You're dealing with some skins that have luminescence to them. For the Mistward Leggaurds are quite apparant with the accents, but the Nightmare Court Breastplate the entire piece glows the color of the dye. For all Nightmare Court armor weights that is true, but it isn't full birghtness, adding to the regular lighting from the world.


So, you are saying that the colors are displayed as they should? Because as you can see, in the preview they look normal, the change appears only after some time, it is not instant. It's like it becomes darker and darker as I play. It might be that some spells make it become darker :\

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