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Official Bug Report Thread: LWS4 Episode 4

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Palador.2170" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Any release ever. As if that isn't to be expected for any mmo dropping new instances content.

> >

> > When it's the same problem again and again, you do kind of expect them to learn how to work around it somehow.


> Well, it's simply having tens of thousands of people trying to get into the same instance simultaneously that blows up their servers or whatever. Can't really work around that


There is a workaround for Anet, it's called, 'lease additional servers to support demand during a new content release'.

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When using the "Travel to Domain of Kourna" option in the "Living World Season 4 Tome" it took me to the new map. I had NOT started the new story, yet. Just an FYI for the devs.


**SIDE NOTE TO THE COMMUNITY**: Please keep bug reports relevant and to the point so that devs can get the information they need to fix issues. Snide little comments do nothing to help remediate issues. Minor bugs are always expected, and its good that the dev team is quick to respond. Keep reports **_factual and short_**, so the devs can focus on their job. That's the best way for the community to respond to bugs, because it gets us back in the action that much faster. Thanks, all!

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I was in the Crystal Desert map and wanted to hop over to Kourna so I opened my inventory and clicked on my season 4 portal tome, then clicked on the Kourna map and instead of it taking me to Kourna it took me to the new map Jahai Bluffs. To be clear, i have not even started the new episode yet let alone got into the map on any character yet.




If I try the tome in the new map I get a network error and I go back to my character select screen. If I'm in the Kourna map it says I'm already in the Kourna map, but if I'm in any other maps from the looks of it, it still sends me to Jahai Bluffs

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In the point of the story where you need to go into the rift, after doing the protection of the NPC and subsequent running away, the maps kill boundaries never update. While trying to follow the "bouncing glittery ball" it flashes "You are leaving the playable area. Return to the instance or be killed." Since the map shows a big green arrow, and the kill planes very far away, I ignored it, and took one more step and died. I then tried again, thinking it was a bug that may have cleared itself. Even the NPC's chatter was muted even though you should be able to hear them clearly. About 15 times of this, I finally stood still and waited; the event wound up killing my character anyway, since it was a chase.

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Same problem as Skielsthear's: in the "Storm Tracking" mission, after you protect Blish and you are instructed to run from the storm, the instance boundaries update visually on the minimap, but appear to remain the same as the ones during the protection event. As a result, following the green arrow/wings sprite gets you killed; retrying starts the event, but you keep dying as soon as you approach the first building in front of you, with the message saying you're leaving the instance boundaries.


EDIT: It seems to be the case that the playable area is erased entirely the first time you get the message. Even if you turn backwards and jump to where you just came from, the game kills you for going outside the playable area.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Darlgon.9273" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > At least a timely response this time

> >

> > Thanks for letting us know. Too bad they didn't update their "official" forums at the same time.


> They did, but only mentioned the gem store...which is weird given many of us can't even access the game. to get to it...


I apologize. I will point out to the team that we should be communicating better to one another in order to communicate more fully to you.

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Still get disconnected. I can log in but as soon as I double click a character to enter the actual game, it stays on loading screen for a while and then gets disconnected.


The added unfortunate thing is that in the EU zone this is happening during prime time so not only do we have to wait till evening to get the patch, when it goes wrong (again), it's basically no GW2 for today and I have to wait till the next day to play the new content because of the time. I really wish you could let patches go live a couple of hours earlier so we don't get the short end of the stick twice really.


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When I click on Domain of Kourna it takes me to the new E4 map, Jahai Bluffs(I haven't done my personal story yet)


I started the storyline in my hero panel.

Eventually I got to Vehtendi Vineyard and talked to Braham.

I did NOT go in to storyline instance(decided to wait and do it with a friend)

I turned around and did the mastery quiz with High Elder Yitfei the Light(I had already done it)

I then decided to jump to Kourna for half hour.

I opened my S4 portal tome and klicked on Domain of Kourna.

I ended up in Jahai Bluffs(I haven't even got its portal scroll)

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**The WvW Jahai Bluffs Reward Track and the WvW Domain of Kourna Reward Track are missing the 38th reward [Wood Shipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wood_Shipment "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wood_Shipment").**


**Detailed**: The [Jahai Bluffs Reward Track](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jahai_Bluffs_Reward_Track "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Jahai_Bluffs_Reward_Track") was partially copied from the [Domain of Kourna Reward Track](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Domain_of_Kourna_Reward_Track "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Domain_of_Kourna_Reward_Track") where the 38th and the 39th WvW reward aren't correctely adjusted. Instead of changing the 39th PvP reward ([Tome of Knowledge](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_Knowledge "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_Knowledge")) to the 39th WvW reward ([siege Blueprint Case](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siege_Blueprint_Case "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Siege_Blueprint_Case")) the 38th WvW reward got overwritten. Hence the 38th PvP reward is [Wood Shipment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wood_Shipment "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wood_Shipment") while the 38th WvW reward is only a Siege Blueprint Case.


**Compare** with a _correct_ reward track: [sandswept Isles Reward Track](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sandswept_Isles_Reward_Track "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sandswept_Isles_Reward_Track")

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When I open my Season 4 Portal Tome and select "Travel to the Domain of Kourna," it instead sends me to Jahai Bluffs. The only zone where I don't see this behavior in is Jahai Bluffs itself, where attempting to port to Kourna instead forces a disconnect.


I have started "A Star to Guide Us" in the story journal but have done nothing beyond that. My story progress shows "Find a discreet way into Jahai. Meet with Braham at Vehtendi Vineyard." I should not have the Jahai Bluffs portal scroll yet, and have not bought it from any vendor.


I cannot recall exactly, I believe I may have purchased my Domain of Kourna Portal Scroll after the patch became available but before I had relogged to update my own client. It did not occur to me this might cause issues, but now the game seems to think that scroll is a Jahai Bluffs scroll instead, absent the usual protections against porting to a zone you're already in.



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Storm tracking quest instance is bugged, after protecting blish you need to escape the mist but the zone itself did not readjust leading to death if one was to follow the green arrow, the conversation can still be heard but I cannot progress any further because of the insta-kill by leaving the instance even though I’m clearly inside the zone on the mini map

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Hello, I'm not 100% sure what I can post but ill keep it roughly vague to avoid spoilers.


Currently I am stuck in the story instance - Storm Tracking. I have a green tick in the following objectives: (Deliver the news) Travel to Sun's Refuge and Meet up with the group. After completing those steps, the instance does not update. I reported the bug in game and have attempted to repeat the mission but the same problem exist. Apart from speaking to a few members (which I have) there is nothing I can do but sit in the instance.

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