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what class counters ranger in 1v1 pvp

cptn skyz.8706

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Well, there isn’t really a profession that counters ranger as such. The question you should rather ask is “what build counters what build?” Or “what mechanic counter what mechanic?”


But you did ask the question, and my best guess for a ranger counter would be Mesmer, because it uses a lot of displacement, punishes skill usage, and confuses the pet as well as the ranger with clones. Thief might also be a good choice because of the mobility and high burst potential.

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Depends on what build they're running.


If it's core ranger, then professions with reflects like Scrapper, mesmer with their clones/phantasms, daredevil thieves utilizing stealth, warriors with shields are good picks. If it's soulbeast or boonbeast then s/d thief or necromancer with Corrupt Boon should do the trick.

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From what I've discovered, both holo and rev can do a good job of countering ranger. Depends a lot on what build is vs what build. Prot holo with S/S can turn LB fire back on the ranger pretty handily, works against MH axe too. Rev can get on the rangers face and burst them pretty easily. They are also pretty vulnerable to CC, so generally classes with a lot of it will do well.

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Mesmer/mirage is as close as you get to a "counter" to soulbeast. revenant is countered by soulbeast, warrior is countered by soulbeast, necro, ele loses fight unless he has a loot of healing power so that's a stalemate, guardian is countered with a singlr trait that gives 40% unlockable uptime..

if a good theif catches you when you're not prepared you could die fast, but in a prepared 1v1 it's either stalemate or win for soulbeast. holo shoould lose vs soulbeast but not every time... that leaves only mesmer/mirage.


it's usually the condition builds that are troubling in spvp. ranger relies on its boons to sustain the condi dmg from mesmer but boons have lower duration in spvp so that is one of the reasons. in WvW you can easily create builds that can win vs condi mirages though.... but then you're a bit more vulnerable to burst power dmg.


so basically, with a few statswaps, a rune swap and trait swaps within the same traitlines ranger can essentially win against everything 1v1. but then if you get 1+ by an enemy, ranger dies rather quickly.. so.. yea.




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People keep mentioning reflects in this forum, just remember that if the ranger makes his attacks unblockable they will ALSO pierce reflects, so don’t waste your reflects when they’ve popped their unblockable stuff.


But for the most part the main things that’ll take down a ranger is going to depend pretty heavily on what build the ranger is playing, but for the most part Mesmer and thief don’t do too well vs rangers because rangers very good at sustain damage and the pet will go back onto the thief/Mesmer as soon as they come out of stealth and won’t fall for the clones unless the Mesmer uses one of the mirage skills that forces a new target.

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