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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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Well it's simple then.

No changes means i wont buy mounts anymore and i highly doubt others will buy it at such a price.

We are not cash cows and it does not mean that we can't gamble anymore that we need to pay 3times the normal price.

I also think it's a good rule that Belgium has. Games are losing quality and relay on RNG too much because of lootboxes they put in 90%-95% trash and the good stuff have a very low droprate and prob rigged but we can't proof it. But since it is ment to make much money for the company it probly is rigged just like casino's are. These things are ment to drain you not to make you rich or get your money back from it and the chance to get decent drop for the money you have spend is extreemly low thats why it is gambling also.. And with mounts recycle skins that most people dont even want beside some collectors like me were they just changed the patern. 21 times 1200gems that ain't gonna fly. They should prepare now because chances are very high more EU countries will follow or do they plan to let everyone pay 1200gems for recycle mounts? If people like for example me want all the mounts it is even we even pay 21x3 the normal price. Now they can show they not only care about the cash but also the players and adjust the rules so every country can enjoy the content in a decent way and it also would be good for the gaming community itself to show it can be done in a proper way instead of seeing us a dollar signs.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhh 19G What was that you were saying? The price will go down? It will adjust? Yes darling, it will adjust to how much supply left. This is just awesome. Go on, keep defending them.


> It’s only going up because someone is purposely buying them to make a point.


So now who is theory crafting their opinions without any numbers to back that up or can you prove your claim.. otherwise its just high demand outstripping that small scale resupply borne predominantly through luck.

Pretty sure most sane market flippers wouldn't purposely bite their noses to spite their faces in an attempt to create a second major spike where their profits will likely be less attractive and a lot more volatile...they will need a lot more volume in their stashes to make that a worthwhile venture.

This is nothing more than basic economics.. poor supply high demand and with no real way to change that currently.. best thing now is for players to just move on until stocks replenish sufficiently over time to bring the price down gradually to something less grotesque or wait your turn and bite the bullet, all whilst performing a rain dance to the RNG gods each day and night in the hope you land a few of those nully weapons in your loot bags or the toilet flushes some luck your way.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> I don't exactly get what are people so mad about this time.

> Like, not just a little upset that they can't get their stuff quickly or that they missed out on opportunity to make money, but literally furious because something that's been happening for literally every important update (random demand/supply fluctuation due to added recipe) is now affecting them.


> Did these people get the winter's presence the first year? or the nightfury? Not only did it cause high fluctuation in prices, but some stuff was timegated. You had to either farm non stop or spend (way) more than 300GB. For this... you could be leveling up non stop here and there's no timegate.

> So what happened? Are people no longer able to enjoy the game for the journey, rather than getting everything instantly?


> Also stop getting mad about TP mechanics, you'd have been fast as well you would have also bought more in hope to make a gain. This has been the TP game since the beginning. Can't pretend to find out about it now. Just like everything else that has to do with money: Vote with your vallet, don't buy off the hoarders, and they'll lose money. If people are willing to buy, it means the item was worth it.


> You'll get it in time, and if you really don't want to tp, then just level up characters. There IS a way to get them.


Lol lvling up non stop... you made switching the pc on today all the more worth while :)

Have fun with that..

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhh 19G What was that you were saying? The price will go down? It will adjust? Yes darling, it will adjust to how much supply left. This is just awesome. Go on, keep defending them.

> >

> > It’s only going up because someone is purposely buying them to make a point.


> So now who is theory crafting their opinions without any numbers to back that up or can you prove your claim.. otherwise its just high demand outstripping that small scale resupply borne predominantly through luck.

> Pretty sure most sane market flippers wouldn't purposely bite their noses to spite their faces in an attempt to create a second major spike where their profits will likely be less attractive and a lot more volatile...they will need a lot more volume in their stashes to make that a worthwhile venture.

> This is nothing more than basic economics.. poor supply high demand and with no real way to change that currently.. best thing now is for players to just move on until stocks replenish sufficiently over time to bring the price down gradually to something less grotesque or wait your turn and bite the bullet, all whilst performing a rain dance to the RNG gods each day and night in the hope you land a few of those nully weapons in your loot bags or the toilet flushes some luck your way.


Read subsequent posts...

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> @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> Well it's simple then.

> No changes means i wont buy mounts anymore and i highly doubt others will buy it at such a price.

> We are not cash cows and it does not mean that we can't gamble anymore that we need to pay 3times the normal price.

> I also think it's a good rule that Belgium has. Games are losing quality and relay on RNG too much because of lootboxes they put in 90%-95% trash and the good stuff have a very low droprate and prob rigged but we can't proof it. But since it is ment to make much money for the company it probly is rigged just like casino's are. These things are ment to drain you not to make you rich or get your money back from it and the chance to get decent drop for the money you have spend is extreemly low thats why it is gambling also.. And with mounts recycle skins that most people dont even want beside some collectors like me were they just changed the patern. 21 times 1200gems that ain't gonna fly. They should prepare now because chances are very high more EU countries will follow.



The thing is every one of those gamble skins is worth the money, just because the result isn't what some people might have wanted doesn't mean the price isn't warranted. Black Lion Chests show the odds of you getting an item, uncommon, rare, super rare. We don't know the percentages, but even then the contents are cosmetic or convenience only. They are literally intended to fund the further development of the game


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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> I don't exactly get what are people so mad about this time.

> Like, not just a little upset that they can't get their stuff quickly or that they missed out on opportunity to make money, but literally furious because something that's been happening for literally every important update (random demand/supply fluctuation due to added recipe) is now affecting them.


> Did these people get the winter's presence the first year? or the nightfury? Not only did it cause high fluctuation in prices, but some stuff was timegated. You had to either farm non stop or spend (way) more than 300GB. For this... you could be leveling up non stop here and there's no timegate.

> So what happened? Are people no longer able to enjoy the game for the journey, rather than getting everything instantly?

It's the inequity of opportunity, some players holding other players' chance to complete the content for ransom at a price they can set bc the inventory is so low it is in the hands of only a few ppl . . .


The other collections you mentioned were a bear to grind, but everyone had the same opportunity to grind or spend, as they saw fit. Idr if I got winter's presence first year, but I know I got it through opening presents bc I'm a jp fiend, yo :p Other ppl got it through the tp bc that was their choice. Here, no real choice exists, very few players have that many tomes just lying around and not everyone has a toon they can delete just to level a new one . . .


It's important to remember what makes this time different, so I'm glad you brought it up again :)

> Also stop getting mad about TP mechanics, you'd have been fast as well you would have also bought more in hope to make a gain.

This is a popular misconception among ppl who enjoy the economic aspect of the game. There are many, many players who do not care in the least about flipping product on the tp. I'd be tempted to say the vast majority but I don't have actual numbers. It's what makes tp flipping so profitable -- most ppl don't use the tp to make money, they use it to get rid of things they don't want and buy things they do. It's a gw2 adage: "What's the best way to farm x? Farm gold and buy it on tp." That's what makes those tp margins so fat, most players don't give a flip (nyuk, nyuk) about spending their time to get max profit out of every trade . . .


What happened here is that normal and healthy part of the economy was subverted by a staggering error when designing this collection . . .

>Vote with your vallet

I sent my valet to vote for me, but they told him he needed a photo id :p

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > Well it's simple then.

> > No changes means i wont buy mounts anymore and i highly doubt others will buy it at such a price.

> > We are not cash cows and it does not mean that we can't gamble anymore that we need to pay 3times the normal price.

> > I also think it's a good rule that Belgium has. Games are losing quality and relay on RNG too much because of lootboxes they put in 90%-95% trash and the good stuff have a very low droprate and prob rigged but we can't proof it. But since it is ment to make much money for the company it probly is rigged just like casino's are. These things are ment to drain you not to make you rich or get your money back from it and the chance to get decent drop for the money you have spend is extreemly low thats why it is gambling also.. And with mounts recycle skins that most people dont even want beside some collectors like me were they just changed the patern. 21 times 1200gems that ain't gonna fly. They should prepare now because chances are very high more EU countries will follow.

> >


> The thing is every one of those gamble skins is worth the money, just because the result isn't what some people might have wanted doesn't mean the price isn't warranted. Black Lion Chests show the odds of you getting an item, uncommon, rare, super rare. We don't know the percentages, but even then the contents are cosmetic or convenience only. They are literally intended to fund the further development of the game



Which is understandable they need to get money in. But if a game income is so much focused on RNG items it does not sound very stable and they would have die anyway as soon more countries add the RNG rule. Having extreemly high prices will just scare people away to buy so that ain't gonna solve it.

And gamble skins worth the money i have a total other opinion about that one.

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> @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > Anet now is the time to rethink the mount license system.

> > > Now that Belgium can't gamble anymore which is a good thing.

> > > This is now the moment to redo it in a way that also players from Belgium can still buy mounts unless you want to leave us out?

> > > Lets be honest 1200gems for a recycle skin is not gonna happen.

> > > And no way people are gonna buy all the skins for 21,600gems or so.

> > > There are plenty of ways to do it in a way Belgian players can still buy it. For example make a license ticket that just unlock all the mounts.

> > > I'm sure players from other countries will be happy to see that coming.

> > >

> >

> > You are wrong about people buying all the skins, thats for sure.



> Much ppl buy all the skins as a Belgian player you pay 1200gems for each skin thats way too much.

> Also the 1200gems for a recycle skin is way too much.

> The system needs to be rethinked or they gonna leave us out? Or they are gonna milk us even harder now because we finally got the RNG on gemstore items to go away in a way as punishment?



Nobody at Arenanet is trying to “milk” their customers. Skins are optional items that do not provide any advantage in the game.


I hate this attitude from anyone who complains about optional items made by game developers who don’t charge you a monthly fee to play the game, and who also happen to give out a ton of free content updates.


You can exchange gold for gems to obtain them over time... You’ve been given a cashless route to these items, so use it if you don’t want to spend the rl money.

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Depending on how low the incoming supply is, cornering the market is actually a short term possibility. That is associated with a lot of risk though:


- you have to buy up all incoming stock and hope to push the price up high enough

- hope that there is enough demand at your set price to liquidate part of your stock to make up for losses while not being able to buy up future supply at your chosen price

- not have Arenanet intervene in the short term (which they likely will not, but with a 2nd patch next Tuesday you are running a risk of a recepie getting added earlier than anticipated)


This will become interesting in the short term. Long term as mentioned, once people are unwilling to pay for expensive Sigils, the price will drop. Obviously if people are buying Sigils for use at 20+ gold (not as flippers) demand is still there.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > Anet now is the time to rethink the mount license system.

> > > > Now that Belgium can't gamble anymore which is a good thing.

> > > > This is now the moment to redo it in a way that also players from Belgium can still buy mounts unless you want to leave us out?

> > > > Lets be honest 1200gems for a recycle skin is not gonna happen.

> > > > And no way people are gonna buy all the skins for 21,600gems or so.

> > > > There are plenty of ways to do it in a way Belgian players can still buy it. For example make a license ticket that just unlock all the mounts.

> > > > I'm sure players from other countries will be happy to see that coming.

> > > >

> > >

> > > You are wrong about people buying all the skins, thats for sure.

> >

> >

> > Much ppl buy all the skins as a Belgian player you pay 1200gems for each skin thats way too much.

> > Also the 1200gems for a recycle skin is way too much.

> > The system needs to be rethinked or they gonna leave us out? Or they are gonna milk us even harder now because we finally got the RNG on gemstore items to go away in a way as punishment?

> >


> Nobody at Arenanet is trying to “milk” their customers. Skins are optional items that do not provide and advantage in the game.


> I hate this attitude from anyone who complains about optional items made by game developers who don’t charge you a monthly fee to play the game, and who also happen to give out a ton of free content updates.


At such prices it does feel like milking. There just need to be a solution but not the one that there is now. RNG system is suppose to die off anyway and every company that uses it has to prepare or they gonna shut off whole europe and if you want it you need to pay a extreem high price while there are other solutions? Pretty sure the income would be lowered a lot of that would happen then finding a solution so it get available at decent price for others also.

Then it is very clear they want to keep RNG in the game at all cost for me.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhh 19G What was that you were saying? The price will go down? It will adjust? Yes darling, it will adjust to how much supply left. This is just awesome. Go on, keep defending them.


> The price will go down in the long term. The price will continue to rise in the short term while impatient players with lots of available cash buy up the limited stock.


> Because players only need 25 sigils ONCE, over time demand will continue to FALL while the rate of new sigils being created remains CONSTANT (since they randomly enter the game, outside of a single targeted source via leveling).


> Once the players who are WILLING to pay these current prices have all acquired their sigils, the price will continue to FALL as sellers keep adjusting downward until someone actually BUYS it.


> Based on my estimation of the rate at which these sigils are created, I'd say prices will continue to rise for the next week or so, then plateau at around 25g each for about 2 months. After that, the price should slowly fall and will likely end up around 6-8g as the new normal equilibrium price.


That would be a negative outcome. Assuming Halloween has attractive new content -- giving the benefit of the doubt on that one, but I'm hopeful :) -- this collection will be forgotten by most players unless progression has become more practical by then. And content players don't complete is wasted development dollars . . .

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Some players try to lower the price by selling at lower prices sigils they haven't understand... They gain less benefits, they are sold faster and accelerate the process of destocking. We will surely have 0 available sigils around midnight or tommorow. Like some of my guildies said, you need 35 sigils per set so 105, multiply that by the number of players...


No you don't.. you need 25 for the first set.. the second and third set only costs mistonium and ecto from the NPC


But the game still needs to find a hell of a lot of sigils from somewhere or players will just have to wait it out ...

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> @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > > Anet now is the time to rethink the mount license system.

> > > > > Now that Belgium can't gamble anymore which is a good thing.

> > > > > This is now the moment to redo it in a way that also players from Belgium can still buy mounts unless you want to leave us out?

> > > > > Lets be honest 1200gems for a recycle skin is not gonna happen.

> > > > > And no way people are gonna buy all the skins for 21,600gems or so.

> > > > > There are plenty of ways to do it in a way Belgian players can still buy it. For example make a license ticket that just unlock all the mounts.

> > > > > I'm sure players from other countries will be happy to see that coming.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > You are wrong about people buying all the skins, thats for sure.

> > >

> > >

> > > Much ppl buy all the skins as a Belgian player you pay 1200gems for each skin thats way too much.

> > > Also the 1200gems for a recycle skin is way too much.

> > > The system needs to be rethinked or they gonna leave us out? Or they are gonna milk us even harder now because we finally got the RNG on gemstore items to go away in a way as punishment?

> > >

> >

> > Nobody at Arenanet is trying to “milk” their customers. Skins are optional items that do not provide and advantage in the game.

> >

> > I hate this attitude from anyone who complains about optional items made by game developers who don’t charge you a monthly fee to play the game, and who also happen to give out a ton of free content updates.


> At such prices it does feel like milking. There just need to be a solution but not the one that there is now. RNG system is suppose to die off anyway and every company that uses it has to prepare or they gonna shut off whole europe and if you want it you need to pay a extreem high price while there are other solutions?


No, if Anet were milking they would be changing a monthly fee to play and having mounts on the store that have advantages over other mounts found in-game... You’ve been given a free path by exchanging gold to gems so use it.



Edit- you just told me that you couldn’t purchase the mount adoption licenses when I asked if they were blocked... so why are you complaining about rng?


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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > I don't exactly get what are people so mad about this time.

> > Like, not just a little upset that they can't get their stuff quickly or that they missed out on opportunity to make money, but literally furious because something that's been happening for literally every important update (random demand/supply fluctuation due to added recipe) is now affecting them.

> >

> > Did these people get the winter's presence the first year? or the nightfury? Not only did it cause high fluctuation in prices, but some stuff was timegated. You had to either farm non stop or spend (way) more than 300GB. For this... you could be leveling up non stop here and there's no timegate.

> > So what happened? Are people no longer able to enjoy the game for the journey, rather than getting everything instantly?

> It's the inequity of opportunity, some players holding other players' chance to complete the content for ransom at a price they can set bc the inventory is so low it is in the hands of only a few ppl . . .


> The other collections you mentioned were a bear to grind, but everyone had the same opportunity to grind or spend, as they saw fit. Idr if I got winter's presence first year, but I know I got it through opening presents bc I'm a jp fiend, yo :p Other ppl got it through the tp bc that was their choice. Here, no real choice exists, very few players have that many tomes just lying around and not everyone has a toon they can delete just to level a new one . . .


> It's important to remember what makes this time different, so I'm glad you brought it up again :)

> > Also stop getting mad about TP mechanics, you'd have been fast as well you would have also bought more in hope to make a gain.

> This is a popular misconception among ppl who enjoy the economic aspect of the game. There are many, many players who do not care in the least about flipping product on the tp. I'd be tempted to say the vast majority but I don't have actual numbers. It's what makes tp flipping so profitable -- most ppl don't use the tp to make money, they use it to get rid of things they don't want and buy things they do. It's a gw2 adage: "What's the best way to farm x? Farm gold and buy it on tp." That's what makes those tp margins so fat, most players don't give a flip (nyuk, nyuk) about spending their time to get max profit out of every trade . . .


> What happened here is that normal and healthy part of the economy was subverted by a staggering error when designing this collection . . .

> >Vote with your vallet

> I sent my valet to vote for me, but they told him he needed a photo id :p


I'm sorry, I don't think you're explaining how this time is different. Every major update that adds recipes adds fluctuation to TP prices. The first people to understand how and why make profit of it. If this time is any different, it's because this time, everyone wants this skin. But I fail to see how that's philosophically different from any other time.

And okay, maybe winter/nightfury were bad examples. Although I -try- to quickly forget everytime I get screwed by the TP :) I know it happened more than once. Was it during the chinese new year that an item price exploded because of Drooburt ? Wasn't there something with memory of battle too?


It seems that the only problem that people have isn't much that it costs a lot, but rather than some people initially got it cheaper... I mean... isn't that how the market works IRL too? It'd only be a problem if they were told -before- the update that they could capitalize on a specific item (IRL it would be illegal as it would be selling/buying based on information not yet public). But that's not the case here. Everyone gets the same chance to play the TP game: When the content releases. And no, "having work" during release cannot count, you'll never find a proper time for release that fits with every player's schedule.


As for the economy of the game, I don't think it's in any way healthy - because - we always run out of things to craft. Mats that are supposed to be of value are now very cheap, there is no "mid tier loot" since the items from the treasure hunter collection. It's either super common/cheap, or just for lotto winners (infusions/invisible boots).

And this... is another attempt at patching the economy. Very awkward and short term I'll agree, but in now way different than any other attempt they've made, except maybe this time they aren't adding yet another mat that does exactly the same thing as other already existing mats.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > > > Anet now is the time to rethink the mount license system.

> > > > > > Now that Belgium can't gamble anymore which is a good thing.

> > > > > > This is now the moment to redo it in a way that also players from Belgium can still buy mounts unless you want to leave us out?

> > > > > > Lets be honest 1200gems for a recycle skin is not gonna happen.

> > > > > > And no way people are gonna buy all the skins for 21,600gems or so.

> > > > > > There are plenty of ways to do it in a way Belgian players can still buy it. For example make a license ticket that just unlock all the mounts.

> > > > > > I'm sure players from other countries will be happy to see that coming.

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > You are wrong about people buying all the skins, thats for sure.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > Much ppl buy all the skins as a Belgian player you pay 1200gems for each skin thats way too much.

> > > > Also the 1200gems for a recycle skin is way too much.

> > > > The system needs to be rethinked or they gonna leave us out? Or they are gonna milk us even harder now because we finally got the RNG on gemstore items to go away in a way as punishment?

> > > >

> > >

> > > Nobody at Arenanet is trying to “milk” their customers. Skins are optional items that do not provide and advantage in the game.

> > >

> > > I hate this attitude from anyone who complains about optional items made by game developers who don’t charge you a monthly fee to play the game, and who also happen to give out a ton of free content updates.

> >

> > At such prices it does feel like milking. There just need to be a solution but not the one that there is now. RNG system is suppose to die off anyway and every company that uses it has to prepare or they gonna shut off whole europe and if you want it you need to pay a extreem high price while there are other solutions?


> No, if Anet were milking they would be changing a monthly fee to play and having mounts on the store that have advantages over other mounts found in-game... You’ve been given a free path by exchanging gold to gems so use it.




Monthly fee would have scared away most of the playerbase. Specially those that made Anet grow. Then they probly had way less players to start with also and couldn't grow since it was a very big amount of players that came from gw1.

It seems you also forgot that kids play the game also and in Europe kids are not allowed to gamble. Then they should have changed the age range of the game. But that would have limit the places they could sell the game which would . It is also clear for a while now that the rule Belgium has made would hit them also and it will spread over europe also. With the trade money to gems you would not even be able to buy with these prices and how high gems are going now.



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> @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > > > > Anet now is the time to rethink the mount license system.

> > > > > > > Now that Belgium can't gamble anymore which is a good thing.

> > > > > > > This is now the moment to redo it in a way that also players from Belgium can still buy mounts unless you want to leave us out?

> > > > > > > Lets be honest 1200gems for a recycle skin is not gonna happen.

> > > > > > > And no way people are gonna buy all the skins for 21,600gems or so.

> > > > > > > There are plenty of ways to do it in a way Belgian players can still buy it. For example make a license ticket that just unlock all the mounts.

> > > > > > > I'm sure players from other countries will be happy to see that coming.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You are wrong about people buying all the skins, thats for sure.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Much ppl buy all the skins as a Belgian player you pay 1200gems for each skin thats way too much.

> > > > > Also the 1200gems for a recycle skin is way too much.

> > > > > The system needs to be rethinked or they gonna leave us out? Or they are gonna milk us even harder now because we finally got the RNG on gemstore items to go away in a way as punishment?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Nobody at Arenanet is trying to “milk” their customers. Skins are optional items that do not provide and advantage in the game.

> > > >

> > > > I hate this attitude from anyone who complains about optional items made by game developers who don’t charge you a monthly fee to play the game, and who also happen to give out a ton of free content updates.

> > >

> > > At such prices it does feel like milking. There just need to be a solution but not the one that there is now. RNG system is suppose to die off anyway and every company that uses it has to prepare or they gonna shut off whole europe and if you want it you need to pay a extreem high price while there are other solutions?

> >

> > No, if Anet were milking they would be changing a monthly fee to play and having mounts on the store that have advantages over other mounts found in-game... You’ve been given a free path by exchanging gold to gems so use it.

> >

> >


> Monthly fee would have scared away most of the playerbase. Specially those that made Anet grow. Then they probly had way less players to start with also and couldn't grow since it was a very big amount of players that came from gw1.

> It seems you also forgot that kids play the game also and in Europe kids are not allowed to gamble. Then they should have changed the age range of the game. But that would have limit the places they could sell the game which would . It is also clear for a while now that the rule Belgium has made would hit them also and it will spread over europe also. With the trade money to gems you would not even be able to buy with these prices and how high gems are going now.




Then the kids can farm gold and exchange for gems and get mount skins for FREE.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhh 19G What was that you were saying? The price will go down? It will adjust? Yes darling, it will adjust to how much supply left. This is just awesome. Go on, keep defending them.


> The price will go down in the long term. The price will continue to rise in the short term while impatient players with lots of available cash buy up the limited stock.


> Because players only need 25 sigils ONCE, over time demand will continue to FALL while the rate of new sigils being created remains CONSTANT (since they randomly enter the game, outside of a single targeted source via leveling).


> Once the players who are WILLING to pay these current prices have all acquired their sigils, the price will continue to FALL as sellers keep adjusting downward until someone actually BUYS it.


> Based on my estimation of the rate at which these sigils are created, I'd say prices will continue to rise for the next week or so, then plateau at around 25g each for about 2 months. After that, the price should slowly fall and will likely end up around 6-8g as the new normal equilibrium price.

This would be correct, if the playerbase was static. It isn't - new players continue to joint the game on a regular basis, and some number of them will add to the demand. It's entirely possible that the number of new players trying to complete the collecion (@ 25 sigils each) could continue to outstrip the rate at which new sigils are created, and thus, the demand could actually continue to climb indefinitely. Another possibility is that the number of new players doing the collection reaches a balance point with the new sigils, leading to an equilibrium.


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Depending on how low the incoming supply is, cornering the market is actually a short term possibility. That is associated with a lot of risk though:


> - you have to buy up all incoming stock and hope to push the price up high enough

> - hope that there is enough demand at your set price to liquidate part of your stock to make up for losses while not being able to buy up future supply at your chosen price

> - not have Arenanet intervene in the short term (which they likely will not, but with a 2nd patch next Tuesday you are running a risk of a recepie getting added earlier than anticipated)


> This will become interesting in the short term. Long term as mentioned, once people are unwilling to pay for expensive Sigils, the price will drop. Obviously if people are buying Sigils for use at 20+ gold (not as flippers) demand is still there.


Absolutely and the risk will increase because as prices get higher those players who have manipulated the market early or try to do so now are met with more volatility in the market. With only smaller levels of stock coming in, buying it all up at these inflated prices just opens up the possibility of having to sell at a loss.. so nah they wont be buying up stock in this depleted market, they will however keep trickle feeding the market with what they have and pick off any chancers seeking a quick sale at much lower prices.


I am of the mind that demand will slow naturally now because 1 - players are being put off by the price 2 insufficient supply means players having to wait around too long... this is that perfect storm moment I tried to highlight last night.

People can throw science and numbers around all they like but the fact is the market has seen its initial surge, followed by the flip and the second surge by players unwilling to wait has now eroded that stock that was flipped. Now what we are seeing is the demand outstrip what little supply can be generated in game naturally, or is trickle fed into the market by those flippers... but imo it will not be anywhere near enough for some time or unless some market correction is pushed through by ANET or flippers with a soul... so players wanting to still do this face waiting around for a whiles and still be prepared to bite the bullet in regards to prices.


So..as far as ANET is concerned - WORKING AS INTENDED.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > Anet now is the time to rethink the mount license system.

> > Now that Belgium can't gamble anymore which is a good thing.

> > This is now the moment to redo it in a way that also players from Belgium can still buy mounts unless you want to leave us out?

> > Lets be honest 1200gems for a recycle skin is not gonna happen.

> > And no way people are gonna buy all the skins for 21,600gems or so.

> > There are plenty of ways to do it in a way Belgian players can still buy it. For example make a license ticket that just unlock all the mounts.

> > I'm sure players from other countries will be happy to see that coming.

> >


> You are wrong about people buying all the skins, thats for sure.


Gotta catch 'em all!

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> @"Kalendraf.9521" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > @"Nunna.6413" said:

> > > Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhh 19G What was that you were saying? The price will go down? It will adjust? Yes darling, it will adjust to how much supply left. This is just awesome. Go on, keep defending them.

> >

> > The price will go down in the long term. The price will continue to rise in the short term while impatient players with lots of available cash buy up the limited stock.

> >

> > Because players only need 25 sigils ONCE, over time demand will continue to FALL while the rate of new sigils being created remains CONSTANT (since they randomly enter the game, outside of a single targeted source via leveling).

> >

> > Once the players who are WILLING to pay these current prices have all acquired their sigils, the price will continue to FALL as sellers keep adjusting downward until someone actually BUYS it.

> >

> > Based on my estimation of the rate at which these sigils are created, I'd say prices will continue to rise for the next week or so, then plateau at around 25g each for about 2 months. After that, the price should slowly fall and will likely end up around 6-8g as the new normal equilibrium price.

> This would be correct, if the playerbase was static. It isn't - new players continue to joint the game on a regular basis, and some number of them will add to the demand. It's entirely possible that the number of new players trying to complete the collecion (@ 25 sigils each) could continue to outstrip the rate at which new sigils are created, and thus, the demand could actually continue to climb indefinitely. Another possibility is that the number of new players doing the collection reaches a balance point with the new sigils, leading to an equilibrium.



The playerbase growth (or decline, as the case may be) will certainly have an effect, though it will be muted. Modifiers include:

1. Some percent of new players are being offset by old players who quit playing before getting the sigils

2. New players have less gold, and are thus less able/willing to spend that much for sigils which should result in a lowering of the overall price over time.

3. New players are less likely to be working on collection achievements until after they have been playing for a while, so their impact will be delayed.

4. At this point in the game's lifecycle, you are not going to see large, steady influxes of new players over time. You will primarily be either maintaining/losing active players and gaining batches of players whenever an expansion is released.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Depending on how low the incoming supply is, cornering the market is actually a short term possibility. That is associated with a lot of risk though:


> - you have to buy up all incoming stock and hope to push the price up high enough

> - hope that there is enough demand at your set price to liquidate part of your stock to make up for losses while not being able to buy up future supply at your chosen price

> - not have Arenanet intervene in the short term (which they likely will not, but with a 2nd patch next Tuesday you are running a risk of a recepie getting added earlier than anticipated)


> **This will become interesting in the short term. Long term as mentioned, once people are unwilling to pay for expensive Sigils, the price will drop. Obviously if people are buying Sigils for use at 20+ gold (not as flippers) demand is still there.**


From an academic standpoint, this is a very interesting real-time experiment to determine whether player demand for new skins (& corresponding achievement) is elastic or inelastic. We may not have the necessary visibility to buy/sell actions to accurately measure demand, but ANet likely does. Hopefully, this whole situation isn't just a result of an ANet employee trying to gather data for a research paper.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Merc The Forgotten.5610" said:

> > > > > > > > Anet now is the time to rethink the mount license system.

> > > > > > > > Now that Belgium can't gamble anymore which is a good thing.

> > > > > > > > This is now the moment to redo it in a way that also players from Belgium can still buy mounts unless you want to leave us out?

> > > > > > > > Lets be honest 1200gems for a recycle skin is not gonna happen.

> > > > > > > > And no way people are gonna buy all the skins for 21,600gems or so.

> > > > > > > > There are plenty of ways to do it in a way Belgian players can still buy it. For example make a license ticket that just unlock all the mounts.

> > > > > > > > I'm sure players from other countries will be happy to see that coming.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > You are wrong about people buying all the skins, thats for sure.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Much ppl buy all the skins as a Belgian player you pay 1200gems for each skin thats way too much.

> > > > > > Also the 1200gems for a recycle skin is way too much.

> > > > > > The system needs to be rethinked or they gonna leave us out? Or they are gonna milk us even harder now because we finally got the RNG on gemstore items to go away in a way as punishment?

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Nobody at Arenanet is trying to “milk” their customers. Skins are optional items that do not provide and advantage in the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > I hate this attitude from anyone who complains about optional items made by game developers who don’t charge you a monthly fee to play the game, and who also happen to give out a ton of free content updates.

> > > >

> > > > At such prices it does feel like milking. There just need to be a solution but not the one that there is now. RNG system is suppose to die off anyway and every company that uses it has to prepare or they gonna shut off whole europe and if you want it you need to pay a extreem high price while there are other solutions?

> > >

> > > No, if Anet were milking they would be changing a monthly fee to play and having mounts on the store that have advantages over other mounts found in-game... You’ve been given a free path by exchanging gold to gems so use it.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Monthly fee would have scared away most of the playerbase. Specially those that made Anet grow. Then they probly had way less players to start with also and couldn't grow since it was a very big amount of players that came from gw1.

> > It seems you also forgot that kids play the game also and in Europe kids are not allowed to gamble. Then they should have changed the age range of the game. But that would have limit the places they could sell the game which would . It is also clear for a while now that the rule Belgium has made would hit them also and it will spread over europe also. With the trade money to gems you would not even be able to buy with these prices and how high gems are going now.

> >

> >


> Then the kids can farm gold and exchange for gems and get mount skins for FREE.


No matter how you spin it this system does not belong in a game. Games now are all about lootboxes aiming to milk us dry instead of proper content. Even in gw2 the focus is more on gemstore then content. Sure we get "free content" But it's also a way to keep us logging in. If you did not login it was not free content for you and you need to pay gems. So not exactly free content. Now it just become normal because we see it all the time and it is specially targetted towards childeren. Anyway we will see how this develops and it will show how much Anet really cares about the players and not just see us as dollar signs and if it really need this gambling in a game to stay alive it would have died anyway as soon more countries will implent the rule which is gonna happen anyway.

This is a discussion that can go on forever and will have 2 sides anyway.

If they dont proof they have a healthy solution then i just dont buy things anymore and like i said i doubt others will with such high prices.

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