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Revenant: New legend come next expansion...gonna be big

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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Check [weapon availability for each profession](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Weapon#Acquisition "weapon availability for each profession") and then decide what to unlock next.


Looking at what weapons characters used historically could be a clue as to what legends could be unlocked with them.


Jora used a sword and shield, both of which revs already have.

Trahearne only used Caladbolg as a plot device, so I wouldn't count him for greatsword.



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Another point is that it would have to be somebody that we don't meet alive in the game story, given how most people level up to 80 and finish their elite specs well ahead of the story. Imagine channeling Joko while you're fighting him in the story...yeah, awkward for many reasons. So we're generally limited to figures from the past, like GW1 past most likely.



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> We dont need Greatsword, its just all the twilight edgelords desiring it. Try to have some uniqueness among classes.


Yep. Part of why revs don't have greatsword is because the devs wanted it to be different from the other heavy classes. I believe they actually said as much in Q&A somewhere.

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I would like to see Varesh Ossa as a legend that the revenant can channel (perhaps introducing a skill with a powerful whirlpool that pulls players in and torments them at the same time - perhaps a grandmaster/tier 3 trait could make this whirlpool 'unblockable'?) - with this, Anet could introduce the Scythe as a new weapon. I'd imagine this whirlpool skill being slot #5 on the Scythe (as with most major two-handed weapons, like meteor, on staff for ele)


This way, they could also incorporate the scythe into a new Necromancer specialization (would make perfect sense, right?), as well as perhaps a new Dervish-y profession. I think the scythe has great potential.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Please bring back the Ritualists and make Sceptor the main Hand . Thanks!!


if they put that on the rev it would dishonor the rit by allot, weakening it's whole purpose.

we have the necro for that, that should always the prof to be for death stuff.


anyway, i think they already made a huge mistake by adding abbadon, you can't use essence from something that isn't available.

kormir is abbadon but contained, you're pretty much using the powers of one of the gods.

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