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Let it flow! New hairstyles please


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It would be quite refreshing to eventually see Newer & great looking hairstyles added for all races.

Long braids/ Curly hair for all races (Except Charr because they always get the ugly stick treatment)

Better Facial hair options for male characters.


Here's a thought- Add the option for Two different Eye colors


More wolf & large Feline like faces for Charr

Options to Add Scars & makeup

Tattoos that are relevant to each race (Racial tattoos basically. nordic/ celtic for Norn etc)

New Ear types for Asura, even shared Ear types. There are ears the female asura have the males don't & Vice Versa. I'd love to have the large bat-ears on my little female Asura!


Long Hair for sylvari. More Floral updo's. Beehive/ Honeycomb Hair with petrified/ dried wax/sap as the bangs & swoops/ Swirls to help define the hairs


Long Hairs for Humans. Male & Female. With actual swaying animations while you run! European inspired hairstyles too. Braids/ Curls/ Fringes


_The following links are to Pinterest which showcase Very Close examples of what I'd like to see ingame variations for all races_ (Except Charr)

Long hair with Ribbon-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/4433299616306540/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4433299616306540/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/4433299616306540/")

Long Braid-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/204421270570632948/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/204421270570632948/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/204421270570632948/")

Buns Updo-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/204421270566440215/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/204421270566440215/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/204421270566440215/")

Long Curls-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/204421270565863260/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/204421270565863260/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/204421270565863260/")

Warrior Braid/ Long Hair-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/204421270570567622/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/204421270570567622/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/204421270570567622/")

Long Double Braid->[https://pinterest.com/pin/AQy_pi6S_IBbPLk7rzl6PyB2tnRugzqsvghLLVlBc4JCZlPIgJF9394/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AQy_pi6S_IBbPLk7rzl6PyB2tnRugzqsvghLLVlBc4JCZlPIgJF9394/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/AQy_pi6S_IBbPLk7rzl6PyB2tnRugzqsvghLLVlBc4JCZlPIgJF9394/")

Long Hair for Men-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/293085888221486680/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/293085888221486680/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/293085888221486680/")

Wind-Blown Hair & Good mustache-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/257197828696966254/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/257197828696966254/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/257197828696966254/")

Male Updo-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/534169205785870229/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/534169205785870229/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/534169205785870229/")

Elegant Facial Hair-> [https://pinterest.com/pin/345792077634551629/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/345792077634551629/ "https://pinterest.com/pin/345792077634551629/")



**No Weeb Hair please**




Charr need a large array of Tribal Hairs/ Manes. The female Charr have been getting an array of silly updo's that aren't so mane-like as they should be.

Maybe even options that node more towards their warbands/ the ash, iron & blood legions

It's safe to stick to more feathered manes, more bones, beads, crystals & stones in their braids & locks.

Give them striped mohawks that don't have the weird lighting effect that some of the newer hairstyles have had.

Their manes should be handled closer to horse like hair, being braids that carry all the way down the neckline.


Bird/ Human/ Grawl skulls sitting atop their crowns in between their horns.


Charr have been getting options that are more 'cute/ silly' & not enough awesome/ fierce like it should be.


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At the risk of repeating myself for the ten kazillionth time: make all norn tattoos available to both genders! My norn lady is in desperate need of the same epic tattoos norn guys can have! :(


...more hairstyles - NOT anime hairstyles - are always lovely, too. Long straight hair for women (and, heck, for guys too). Curly, springy hair for guys and gals, which we got a *little* bit of with Path of Fire hairstyles...sort of. Mid-length/long braids. Decent beards that don't look like a squirrel is attacking one's face (currently, human male player characters have a choice between "nicely trimmed mustache/hints of stubble" and "did you put glue around your mouth and then faceplant into a feather boa?")


Please, ArenaNet? Pretty please with a Taimi on top??

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> @"wickedkae.4980" said:

> Anet has lost it's creative flair. Any new hairstyle will be bland trash. I defy them to prove me wrong however.


Much like their outfits. They can't resist adding some awkward detail that really is not necessary. The Elonian outfit for example, it looks better in GW1 Nightfall but the revised version actually looks more canthan than anything with the celestial scarf that just floats with it. There really is something going on with the design team, they're obsessed with buttcapes & stiff long cloth or balding headpieces.


[Gw1 Nightfall Armor](http://guildwars.wikia.com/wiki/Elementalist_Sunspear_armor "Gw1 Nightfall Armor")


[Gw2 Revised Nightfall outfit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elonian_Elementalist_Outfit "Gw2 Revised Nightfall outfit")

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> At the risk of repeating myself for the ten kazillionth time: make all norn tattoos available to both genders! My norn lady is in desperate need of the same epic tattoos norn guys can have! :(


> ...more hairstyles - NOT anime hairstyles - are always lovely, too. Long straight hair for women (and, heck, for guys too). Curly, springy hair for guys and gals, which we got a *little* bit of with Path of Fire hairstyles...sort of. Mid-length/long braids. Decent beards that don't look like a squirrel is attacking one's face (currently, human male player characters have a choice between "nicely trimmed mustache/hints of stubble" and "did you put glue around your mouth and then faceplant into a feather boa?")


> Please, ArenaNet? Pretty please with a Taimi on top??


This 100%


The facial hair for the male characters is abysmal.

Here is to hoping when we do get long hairstyles, they're not stiff or anime-like

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> charr and asura get the funny hair styles but humans only have boring hair styles, i want crazy hair styles.

> https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/supermarioglitchy4/images/7/76/Img_MIKU_us.png/revision/latest?cb=20161205233813

> https://orig00.deviantart.net/dd70/f/2013/031/4/b/hatsune_miku__hairstyles_by_criis_chan-d5tcpyb.png


Hopefully we won't get any anime hairstyles!

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> ...more hairstyles - NOT anime hairstyles - are always lovely, too. Long straight hair for women (and, heck, for guys too). Curly, springy hair for guys and gals, which we got a *little* bit of with Path of Fire hairstyles...sort of. Mid-length/long braids. Decent beards that don't look like a squirrel is attacking one's face (currently, human male player characters have a choice between "nicely trimmed mustache/hints of stubble" and "did you put glue around your mouth and then faceplant into a feather boa?")


There is one long straight hairstyle for human females:


![](https://i.imgur.com/J3fIq5v.jpg "")


And I want *this* GW1 beard and hairstyle for human males:


![](https://i.imgur.com/FiLOMnt.jpg "")


And this GW1 armour set. Vabbian Necromancer female.


![](https://i.imgur.com/X9OzP9Z.jpg "")


EDIT: and the hairstyle from that image, too...

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:

> > ...more hairstyles - NOT anime hairstyles - are always lovely, too. Long straight hair for women (and, heck, for guys too). Curly, springy hair for guys and gals, which we got a *little* bit of with Path of Fire hairstyles...sort of. Mid-length/long braids. Decent beards that don't look like a squirrel is attacking one's face (currently, human male player characters have a choice between "nicely trimmed mustache/hints of stubble" and "did you put glue around your mouth and then faceplant into a feather boa?")


> There is one long straight hairstyle for human females:

> ...

> And I want *this* GW1 beard and hairstyle for human males:


Ah! I'd forgotten about that hairstyle for human females. Thanks for correcting me! :D


And that beard is absolutely amazing. That's what I want: it's not just faint hints of stubble, nor is it squirrel-on-face poofy. That would be so *perfect*. As for that human male hairstyle, [we *sort of* have that one...kinda...](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Unique_human_male_hair_side_16.jpg "we *sort of* have that one...kinda...") But the one pictured would also be great.

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> @"Zephyria.6103" said:

> Yes! longtime hope for more hairstyles especially for charr and asura! Human females should not get to have all the fun!

> Have my link of suggestion sketches too for the pile!

> [CLICKY](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")


Holy skritt... ArenaNet should hire you. O_O These are amazing!! All of them! I can't even pick which one's my favorite! :heart:

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> > @"Zephyria.6103" said:

> > Yes! longtime hope for more hairstyles especially for charr and asura! Human females should not get to have all the fun!

> > Have my link of suggestion sketches too for the pile!

> > [CLICKY](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")


> Holy skritt... ArenaNet should hire you. O_O These are amazing!! All of them! I can't even pick which one's my favorite! :heart:


You're very kind, thank you!

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> Options to Add Scars & makeup


The key point on makeup is that, like scars, it should not be part of the "face shape" setting. There's a reason I only use three or four different human female faces, a mix of:

* There's a bunch of face shapes I don't really like.

* There's a bunch of face shapes with weird makeup setups.

* There's a bunch of interesting makeup setups on faces that just don't do it for me.


If they separated makeup, scars, and complexion(1) from face-shape in the same way that SWTOR does, I'd use more variety.


(1) Complexion covers a bunch of things, but is mostly to do with changes in the skin colour relative to the base colour, allowing you to create subtle versions of Dark Side corruption, pale patterns around the eyes like your character's been out in the sun in goggles a lot, and so on.

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> @"Zephyria.6103" said:

> Yes! longtime hope for more hairstyles especially for charr and asura! Human females should not get to have all the fun!

> Have my link of suggestion sketches too for the pile!

> [CLICKY](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")


Hire this person Arena.NET, please!

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> @"Zephyria.6103" said:

> Yes! longtime hope for more hairstyles especially for charr and asura! Human females should not get to have all the fun!

> Have my link of suggestion sketches too for the pile!

> [CLICKY](http://purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox "purpletabby.wixsite.com/clockwork-wolves/sandbox")


They really should hire you!

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