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[Serious Discussion] Why is there so much Mesmer Love from ANET?


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I was told GW2 does not have typical MMORPG's Tank, heal, DPS role in the game. They were right. GW2 has Support Chrono and Banner warrior.

At least other MMORPGs have various classes/builds with tank, heal, dps roles.

Because of the unique and insane boon that can be given by Support Chrono and banner Warrior, they are must in end content PvE.

This is poor game design, bad build diversity, bad PvE balance, or whatever you call it.

And frankly, Anet seems to be totally okay with it.


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> @"Horan.7013" said:

> I was told GW2 does not have typical MMORPG's Tank, heal, DPS role in the game. They were right. GW2 has Support Chrono and Banner warrior.

> At least other MMORPGs have various classes/builds with tank, heal, dps roles.

> Because of the unique and insane boon that can be given by Support Chrono and banner Warrior, they are must in end content PvE.

> This is poor game design, bad build diversity, bad PvE balance, or whatever you call it.

> And frankly, Anet seems to be totally okay with it.



But sure, let's resurrect a 2 month old thread, because We don't know What the F we're talking about. Seems legit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know how long you've been playing but **_every_** class at some point sits at the top of the meta in their respective field.


Back when all we had were dungeons Eles and Wars were the top DPS for speed clears, while in sPvP people were slotting 4 on a team. (cele/valk or hambow respectively)


Difference between when other classes are FOTM(s) they get to contest points 2-3v1 while mesmer just ends up being on par with thief, but instead of stealth it's typically visual noise, portal, and now target drop. Then instead of a multitude of instant gap closers with high quick burst and a ton of dodge on demand, it's decent range pressure with some ramp, and now dodge while casting, all of which players REFUSE to play around and call imba.


One time Mes was sitting contesting a point xv1 being imba was Chronobunk, and that lasted one season before getting gutted a multitude of ways. (justifiably although to this day I still argue that the alacrity nerf was to much, and that quickness stomps compared to quickness rezzes are healthy for conquest.)


A-net has no particular love, most of the people who control balance in this game do not play mesmer **and have historically found it imba _even_ in metas where it was strait up replaced by thief in slot, and any pro mes would run thief for tournaments and matches that mattered.** If you find something IMBA under those standards I don't know what to say. That definitely doesn't sound like favoritism though.


It just feels that way because A-net isn't gutting the profession to be a free kill. Nor should they, when you can kill any mirage by just playing around their mechanics. **Yes they have unique mechanics and you have to approach them somewhat differently than most**, and they still have the tools to play around you playing around them; **meaning you have to KEEP playing around them**. _However that is true balance_; **not** favoritism. Everyone complains "oh you evade so much I can't touch you" so A-net nerfs mirage's evasion when thief and ranger still have more access, which is a pretty telling show on player perspective.


Admittedly Condi has a bit to much synergy with blinds, and can apply stacks on all shatters compared to it's power variant.


Then they go and nerf power instead. So like since release it's not favoritism; It's https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ineptitude.

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Since this thread was necro'ed let's check how much ANet loves mesmer.

Core mesmer - CS gutted, BD nerfed hard, BF on the verge of being useless.

Chrono - all Wells except heal and grav. were gutted, alacrity nerfed, IR gutted, shield 4 and 5 nerfed hard, the first row traits are all useless since Hot released.

Phantasm rework - debatable, I for one like it better the way it was before, you could shatter immensely faster than now.

Mirage - only one good grandmaster now, one of the few specs that doesn't have perma vigor nor endurance regen skills.


For all that's sacred, please ANet stop loving us.

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  • 1 month later...

I always thought (only slightly unironically) it was because the person who designed and balances Mesmer lives in a bubble away from the rest of Anet and is actually really good at balancing Mesmer.


IMO, Mesmer is the standard for how things *should* be. All classes should have META builds across all their specs, and viable builds in all game-modes across all balance patches. Just like Mesmer.


Mesmer isn't broken. It is being handled *correctly* among a sea of other classes being mishandled at times.

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> @"WilnerGW.3275" said:

> I am not asking for nerf or anything. I am just trying to understand.


> Looks like in every GameMode mesmer is "broken":

> Top Tier in SPvP, the most hated class by far (Mirage just made it worse). Its a joke that the same class can Portal, blink, evade, invulneb, burst, Stealth, etc...

> Amazing and unique tools for organized WvW

> PVE - There is no high level PVE (Raids, Fractals) without the Tank Chrono


> Why does Anet loves Mesmer so much?

> Is it beacause is the only "UNIQUE" GW2 Class?




'When they can't

find anything

wrong with you,

they create it




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> @"Aplethoraof.2643" said:

> I always thought (only slightly unironically) it was because the person who designed and balances Mesmer lives in a bubble away from the rest of Anet and is actually really good at balancing Mesmer.


> IMO, Mesmer is the standard for how things *should* be. All classes should have META builds across all their specs, and viable builds in all game-modes across all balance patches. Just like Mesmer.


> Mesmer isn't broken. It is being handled *correctly* among a sea of other classes being mishandled at times.


... Seriously? They completely broke it with last patch. It's useless in wvw.

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For all the Mesmer complaining here, why not just play a Mesmer? I have played all the classes and been beat by all the classes. Just get better at what you do instead of the jumping on the bandwagon. I seem to recall lots of complaints about Necros a while ago. Just play the game guys.

Also for all the talk about how tuff Mesmers are not one person replied to my post about "Need Power Shatter Mirage Help". So do you guys not know how to play one?

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Like some players said, the mesmer wasn't that great before HoT. It was really fun to play but had serious dps issues in PvE. In PvP it has always been more or less in the same place with a high shatter burst. While in WvW it was an utility toon for zergs and a fun to play roamer.


HoT reinforced the idea of the mesmer being an utility toon. To the point that it became an essential pilar in PvE. Was this over the top? I'd say "no, it wasn't". At that time, we believed that the specializations would sooner or later grant other professions the necessary tools to fill the same role. And in PvP, apart some issues with chronobunker, the mesmer's life was pretty bland.


The point is that until PoF, the mesmer's dps wasn't nearly close to be outstanding while it did still retain the ability to build for a nasty deadly burst in sPvP. And at the same time the utilities granted by the mesmer weren't seen as heavy enough to be a threat for balance.


PoF created disappointment. PoF broke the belief that ANet would introduce a specialization able to take on the mesmer's role in PvE and while mirage was good and fun to play, it didn't change anything for the mesmer in the game as a whole.


It was, thus, time to reform the mesmer so that it could be competitive against other professions in different area while, at the same time, they tried to make it less mandatory in it's own PvE niche.


Now you'll say that the mesmer have to much damage which is, in a way, wrong. The real point is that the mesmer have to much damage and survivability for what he sacrifice. You can build for a lot of survivability while still retaining high damages and that's what is wrong with the current mesmer. However, in no way does it have to much damage or to much defense, The issue is just that it does have the 2 in high amount at the same time. The same way, the mesmer don't have to much utilities, it's just that nobody have the tools to compete against these utilities.


The proper way to adress the mesmer's egemony in PvE wasn't to nerf it, but to make firebrand, renegade or herald grant quickness and alacrity in equal amount. Making it so that the duet is necessary to replace a mesmer and then nerf the mesmer wasn't especially wise.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:


> Now you'll say that the mesmer have to much damage which is, in a way, wrong. The real point is that the mesmer have to much damage and survivability for what he sacrifice. You can build for a lot of survivability while still retaining high damages and that's what is wrong with the current mesmer. However, in no way does it have to much damage or to much defense, The issue is just that it does have the 2 in high amount at the same time. The same way, the mesmer don't have to much utilities, it's just that nobody have the tools to compete against these utilities.



As a dev said. They want mirage to have better sustain throughout the fight.

Damage across the board is too high. If you build for maximum damage on a mirage you aren't building for defense.

You can take defensive utilities ( like every other class) but you wont get the defensive traits AND do maximum damage ( talking about Power, as condi is a different beast with different issues)

Also. From March of 2018 through the end of the year.

Mesmer was nerfed in every major balance patch. The devs specifically targetted the power damage capabilities on mirage for this.

It doesn't do any more than other classes currently when specced for power damage.

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