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No downed WvW... Permanently


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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:

> Isreal, this have nothing to do with being carried or not, and my complains will be about it will promote certain classes/builds I said this before and I will say it again.

> 1. Mesmers

> 2. Thieves

> 3. Engies

> 4. Rangers.

> 5. Warriors possible.


This is already the roaming meta and has been for quite some time.


If you're dying to that stuff now then it'll be harder without downed state for you but that's a l2p issue you will get better over time.


I don't think the zerg meta would change much either tbh.



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If you mean the 5-6 holos, I am okay against them lol but coz my class is capable of fighting them, and coz when I got the right people they were dying "not gonna act like Rambo we were dying before the right people logged and the not right people left".


Nothing seems to be changing for some time now. Zerg meta other meta didn't seem to change much.


but then again I gave the 5-6 holos just for an example that I fought and saw others fighting them and if I saw them again, I will just avoid them coz "the right people" seems to be taking LONG break from this game ^^




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anduriell, maybe in zergs these classes are not there, but other than that they are the ones that are there =p

as for the firebrands, that thing makes me whine more than anything in this game trust me, for me it is worst than getting 1 backstabbed.


And I will leave the zerg talk since I don't really go with zergs but I do know that scourges and firebrands are still a thing =p


And from what you are saying it seems like you want to play those classes and make others who zergs quit? coz then you can make group and just hunt people who follows zerg or try to and just kill them, it is not right. Just try to get a group who are willing to change to some of these classes that are able to run and see for yourself, go to zergs or whatever and just aim for one person and down that target then run "I am saying down and run coz of what you want you can do that and actually kill that person and just run", these classes might have hard time to play in zergs if not impossible but they are not weak at all.


Now imagine if these people got tired and quit, you think you will have anyone to fight?

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> @"Heartpains.7312" said:


> Now imagine if these people got tired and quit, you think you will have anyone to fight?

Actually in WVW i play both "types". Firebrand and scourge(mostly scourge thou) when I have a blob to join or ranger and a DE(mostly ranger thou) when i don't.


I'll give you another point of view: the gamemode will gain more players because they are not forced anymore in one class.

You want to play pewpew DE or Ranger? now you can with the zerg busting havock groups (real ones, not the gankers group we have now which 5 DE/mirage/holo gank one dude) .


Zerg meta will stay the same, with classes with the most aoe access.

But now you'll have smaller groups which are effective against bigger groups and that will bring another meta to the game.


More diversity is always good in any situation, you being able to play with whatever you feel like and still be really useful is a no brainner.


So No-Downed will be good in (in a rough assessment):

* Players will cooperate more between them. As now you can't "F to ress" the fallen when you go for support you will have an active gameplay (right now is very passive) to avoid your team to get under 0. Support will be appreciated and seen.

* The Zerg busting squads will come back. Because bigger zergs aren't hard carried anymore, smaller guilds will have the change to take down blobs if they are better and them. A lot of old WvW guilds will come back at least to try this.

* Now you are free to play what you want (mostly..) all classes now they have an spot, as pewpew killers, zergbusting teamcomp , melee zerg, support group. Now everything can be useful.

* GvG may have a short of a come back. Now small guild can play the game and be truly impactful , it is possible to have opposite servers guilds fights when they are defending, attacking or in the way of another objective.

* As Israel pointed out the players will get better with better understanding of the game which it is always in betterment not only of the community but also of how the community see the company developing the game.

* One shot builds will be toned down. Now Anet devs can't use the reasoning "but you can be ressed" if you get hit by 25K instagib. So eventually due Devs realisation and players complains those builds wll be toned down to a fast combos.


You see, WvW is not PvE it needs other set of rules, it can't use the same. Because it promotes toxicity and annoyance when you can see other players are carried by those.



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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > Please don't make these kinds of polls. They are just going to be skewed. Beyond the fact that one shot is a rampant thing and wvw is dependent on incomming new players to stay afloat.

> > > > >

> > > > > Way more trash than treasure on this forum no downed isn't ever going to win a straw poll here be serious.

> > > >

> > > > Polls are trash.

> > >

> > > Depends on how they're structured this one seems pretty simple to me.

> >

> > The poll is clearly biased towards no down state.

> >

> > There is no vote option of 'leave it as it is, it's fine', rather the leave it option spouts on about being ressed by a zone blob.

> >

> > Removing down state would be fine if you remove one shot builds, completely rework or remove stealth, restrict max damage from skills and reduce condi bombs and rework boons and boon strips. As that's not going to happen, removing downed state will just encourage yet more cheese builds and do nothing for the game mode except make even more gank squads.


> All the people claiming to be consistently dying to so called "one shot" builds are bad players imo they're going to get rolled no matter what until they l2p.


> I spent probably 6 hrs a day fighting non stop during no downed state week with 150+ ping on eu servers and I got 100-0d maybe 6 or 7 times total on a rev and it was always my fault.


> Most of the people left playing this game are so bad that they can't deal with simple mmo things like burst or stealth and no downed state just filters them out faster because they can't get carried by resses when they fail a dodge or don't los properly or waste defensives etc.


> If you're worried about not being able to compete without downed state that is a reflection on your own skill level not a problem with the game itself.


I can roll around on my warrior or guard or indeed rev all day and not worry about being one shotted. That's not the issue. Fail a dodge? Right. Because you can know EXACTLY when that attack is coming from stealth or other classes that don't have as many instant defences against the one shot builds (and which is why they travel in packs...).


Nothing to do with skill. Some classes just handle the inst-gib mechanics much better than others.


But sure, scrap downed state- and let me know which server you're fighting against, tag up and see how fast your dead as pin sniping reaches new levels.


Personally I hardly ever get ressed from down state- mainly because I'm one of the last left standing in most fights which we're losing, so maybe scrap down state and bring in snipe wars and more focus groups.


Wonder how the long range meta with instant build ballistas would suit. Just drag your blob into 3 of them, fire and half your numbers including most of core are downed, oh wait now they are all dead. Would you enjoy that meta? Distance would be key- as as soon as your invuln drops you're spiked.

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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> I can roll around on my warrior or guard or indeed rev all day and not worry about being one shotted. That's not the issue. Fail a dodge? Right. Because you can know EXACTLY when that attack is coming from stealth or other classes that don't have as many instant defences against the one shot builds (and which is why they travel in packs...).


Alright here's the thing: the whole point of stealth is the element of surprise. That's literally the entire point of stealth. Once you understand that you know that you have to keep your head on a swivel and be paranoid if you're roaming or running back to your group solo because you can always get opened on. I've made some common sense suggestions for stealth in other threads but in principle you're not supposed to see the hit coming so you have to anticipate it maneuver around the map carefully and react quickly if you get jumped.


Rev doesn't really have much in the way of o shit buttons except for glint heal and that's not gonna do much except give you a few extra seconds to contemplate how badly you fucked up if you eat an big opener from a thief or a mesmer because they're just going to stow and wait and then burst you again and now you don't have the big heal.


I definitely got 100-0 solo a few times during no downed state week but quite frankly the fight would've been the same with downed state because I didn't see the hit coming and that's my fault.


> Nothing to do with skill. Some classes just handle the inst-gib mechanics much better than others.


Yes and no. The auto procs dont require mechnical skill to help you survive a stealth opener this is true. But quite often the difference between getting jumped and not getting jumped is just being able to quickly identify audio cues or noticing some purple mesmer bullshit out of the corner of one eye and that's all part of awareness. I consider awareness to be an aspect of game knowledge which in turn is a big part of what makes a good player imo.


> But sure, scrap downed state- and let me know which server you're fighting against, tag up and see how fast your dead as pin sniping reaches new levels.


Perhaps. But what if downed state has been carrying pins and the way pins play this whole time? This is the only game I've ever played where it's not always a terrible idea to walk out in front of everyone else all the time. Perhaps the usual lead from the front approach would have to change if pins couldn't rely on illusion, mi and chain ressing whenever they overextended. Food for thought.


> Personally I hardly ever get ressed from down state- mainly because I'm one of the last left standing in most fights which we're losing, so maybe scrap down state and bring in snipe wars and more focus groups.


I get ressed all the time because I go ham because I know I can.


> Wonder how the long range meta with instant build ballistas would suit. Just drag your blob into 3 of them, fire and half your numbers including most of core are downed, oh wait now they are all dead. Would you enjoy that meta? Distance would be key- as as soon as your invuln drops you're spiked.


If I ever die to something that dumb then I deserve to die.



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> @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Baldrick.8967" said:

> > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > > > > > Please don't make these kinds of polls. They are just going to be skewed. Beyond the fact that one shot is a rampant thing and wvw is dependent on incomming new players to stay afloat.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Way more trash than treasure on this forum no downed isn't ever going to win a straw poll here be serious.

> > > > >

> > > > > Polls are trash.

> > > >

> > > > Depends on how they're structured this one seems pretty simple to me.

> > >

> > > The poll is clearly biased towards no down state.

> > >

> > > There is no vote option of 'leave it as it is, it's fine', rather the leave it option spouts on about being ressed by a zone blob.

> > >

> > > Removing down state would be fine if you remove one shot builds, completely rework or remove stealth, restrict max damage from skills and reduce condi bombs and rework boons and boon strips. As that's not going to happen, removing downed state will just encourage yet more cheese builds and do nothing for the game mode except make even more gank squads.

> >

> > All the people claiming to be consistently dying to so called "one shot" builds are bad players imo they're going to get rolled no matter what until they l2p.

> >

> > I spent probably 6 hrs a day fighting non stop during no downed state week with 150+ ping on eu servers and I got 100-0d maybe 6 or 7 times total on a rev and it was always my fault.

> >

> > Most of the people left playing this game are so bad that they can't deal with simple mmo things like burst or stealth and no downed state just filters them out faster because they can't get carried by resses when they fail a dodge or don't los properly or waste defensives etc.

> >

> > If you're worried about not being able to compete without downed state that is a reflection on your own skill level not a problem with the game itself.


> I can roll around on my warrior or guard or indeed rev all day and not worry about being one shotted. That's not the issue. Fail a dodge? Right. Because you can know EXACTLY when that attack is coming from stealth or other classes that don't have as many instant defences against the one shot builds (and which is why they travel in packs...).


> Nothing to do with skill. Some classes just handle the inst-gib mechanics much better than others.


> But sure, scrap downed state- and let me know which server you're fighting against, tag up and see how fast your dead as pin sniping reaches new levels.


> Personally I hardly ever get ressed from down state- mainly because I'm one of the last left standing in most fights which we're losing, so maybe scrap down state and bring in snipe wars and more focus groups.


> Wonder how the long range meta with instant build ballistas would suit. Just drag your blob into 3 of them, fire and half your numbers including most of core are downed, oh wait now they are all dead. Would you enjoy that meta? Distance would be key- as as soon as your invuln drops you're spiked.


Can you guys perhaps edit down your responses and remove all the nested quoted text? Your response has nothing to do with what I wrote.

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Downstate is fine, it was put in the game because this game does not have healers nor is it meant to be Counterstrike (especially given applying damage in this game is so easy in comparison).


I found no DS made the game lower skilled and more brainless / shallow (this is apparently what some like) in that you didn't need to pick skills or classes for stomps/rezzes, that there were no plays like banish into mesmer blink stomp, less decision making and it also put less pressure on your cooldowns.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > because this game does not have healers

> (ignoring the fact support guard with healing power is meta as is dedicated zerg healbots)


Not ignoring anything, this game does not have real healers, the "healbots" in this game heal like support classes.

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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> I found no DS made the game lower skilled and more brainless (this is apparently what some like) in that you didn't need to pick skills or classes for stomps/rezzes, that there were no plays like banish into mesmer blink stomp and it also put less pressure on your cooldowns.


I genuinely do not understand how anyone could have played no downed state week and walked away thinking it took less skill to win fights instead of more. I found the game to be much much much more difficult than usual because I could make far fewer mistakes than i normally can as i couldn't fall back on resses and rallies to carry me when a fight went sideways.


I also think you're as wrong as wrong can be about cd pressure because when you go down your cds keep ticking so the proper way to play gw2 with downed state is to go ham and blow your cds every chance you get because it's very likely that you will kill someone and get a rally if you do go down and most if not all of your stuff will be off cd again and your support will heal you to full. The absolute wrong way to play this game normally is to hold your cds and risk going down without pressing all your buttons at least once.


You're right that there would be no more fancy stomps though. A small price to pay imo.

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Nvm the pin sniping, focus on "players sniping xD

Sometimes it is just a matter of "we can do" so why not, some classes can down something and get away with it, and if they are group it can easily be done.


As for bringing back players ... no it won't, and if it did, you think people will want to learn? I am sure people usually choose the easier thing to do which is not learning how to play "and sometimes it can be coz of classes", they will just quit, and then your "zerg busters" who came back will have no one to "bust" and they will quit too.


Sorry if I am too focused on the quitting part but if that no down state happened expect that many people will leave and then you guys who wanted it will also leave coz you don't have anyone to fight.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > I found no DS made the game lower skilled and more brainless (this is apparently what some like) in that you didn't need to pick skills or classes for stomps/rezzes, that there were no plays like banish into mesmer blink stomp and it also put less pressure on your cooldowns.


> I also think you're as wrong as wrong can be about cd pressure because when you go down your cds keep ticking so the proper way to play gw2 with downed state is to go ham and blow your cds every chance you get because it's very likely that you will kill someone and get a rally if you do go down and most if not all of your stuff will be off cd again and your support will heal you to full. The absolute wrong way to play this game normally is to hold your cds and risk going down without pressing all your buttons at least once.


And I disagree, if 3 of us go roaming as a small group and we end up in say 3v5, then if we focus one guy I might pull him before he goes down to get distance from the other 4 so there is more time to stomp, then use elixir S to stomp him to avoid getting interrupted.


So I've just blown two cooldowns, one of which is my major defensive cooldown to stomp the guy, if there was no downstate then I wouldn't need to use those cooldowns, nor have had to engaged my brain to bother pulling him to make the likelihood of the stomp more successful, nor would I have had to communicate with the other two members of my group on Discord to hold off a little a bit before I pulled him, because we didn't want the guy to go down where he was right next to the other 4 players for a better chance of them rezzing. Nor communicate to know when my fellow player had boonstrip ready so we could do that just before the pull just to make near certain, this is why you don't randomly smash your skills off cooldown.


Downstate increases the skill cap by adding depth, teamwork and decision making to what in some ways is a relative shallow game and certainly a shallow game mode in WvW, it rewards better players. (or at the minimum better organised ones)




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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> The no downed weekend made the game mode so much better . I could even see a shy comeback of the zerg busters guilds having fun while destroying full map blob of pugs.

> For me it was a fun weekend.


> And for you?


Do you feel the below was fun? Because what you are asking for makes wvw 10x worse with all things considered... However, if your goal is to make long term retention for wvw worse than it is... by all means keep advocating for it...


> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Yep apparently this balance patch is becoming a meme...

> The damage is done against 2800 armor. Reveal didn't do anything as it stealthed back almost instantly and stayed like that for good >30 seconds .




> What do you think? is this the objective of this game?



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> @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > I found no DS made the game lower skilled and more brainless (this is apparently what some like) in that you didn't need to pick skills or classes for stomps/rezzes, that there were no plays like banish into mesmer blink stomp and it also put less pressure on your cooldowns.


> > I also think you're as wrong as wrong can be about cd pressure because when you go down your cds keep ticking so the proper way to play gw2 with downed state is to go ham and blow your cds every chance you get because it's very likely that you will kill someone and get a rally if you do go down and most if not all of your stuff will be off cd again and your support will heal you to full. The absolute wrong way to play this game normally is to hold your cds and risk going down without pressing all your buttons at least once.


> And I disagree, if 3 of us go roaming as a small group and we end up in say 3v5, then if we focus one guy I might pull him before he goes down to get distance from the other 4 so there is more time to stomp, then use elixir S to stomp him to avoid getting interrupted.


> So I've just blown two cooldowns, one of which is my major defensive cooldown to stomp the guy, if there was no downstate then I wouldn't need to use those cooldowns, nor have had to engaged my brain to bother pulling him to make the likelihood of the stomp more successful, nor would I have had to communicate with the other two members of my group on Discord to hold off a little a bit before I pulled him, because we didn't want the guy to go down where he was right next to the other 4 players for a better chance of them rezzing. Nor communicate to boonstrip the target pre-pull just to make near certain, this is why you don't randomly smash your skills off cooldown.


> Downstate increases the skill cap by adding depth, teamwork and decision making to what in some ways is a relative shallow game and certainly a shallow game mode in WvW, it rewards better players.





Ah ok I see what you mean.


I wasn't trying to suggest that under normal playing conditions players should "randomly" use skills simply that if they see an opportunity to use something that can lead to an enemy kill that they should precisely because it can lead to a kill and a kill can lead to a rally and any time you spend downed is time you actually get back on your cds and you can rally multiple times in a fight without going full dead so the opportunity cost for using cds is actually fairly low particularly on 10-15s cds as long as they are used to generate kills.


You see what I'm saying?


One of the most common mistakes I found myself making during no downed state week was overspending cds precisely because I'm so used to being able to make the cd time back in downed state. Like I didn't even realize I was doing it at first but after six years of gw2 i instinctively know to play for the rally and it got me killed a lot during no downed state week because I'm so used to being able to be so careless with cds.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

> > > > I found no DS made the game lower skilled and more brainless (this is apparently what some like) in that you didn't need to pick skills or classes for stomps/rezzes, that there were no plays like banish into mesmer blink stomp and it also put less pressure on your cooldowns.

> >

> > > I also think you're as wrong as wrong can be about cd pressure because when you go down your cds keep ticking so the proper way to play gw2 with downed state is to go ham and blow your cds every chance you get because it's very likely that you will kill someone and get a rally if you do go down and most if not all of your stuff will be off cd again and your support will heal you to full. The absolute wrong way to play this game normally is to hold your cds and risk going down without pressing all your buttons at least once.

> >

> > And I disagree, if 3 of us go roaming as a small group and we end up in say 3v5, then if we focus one guy I might pull him before he goes down to get distance from the other 4 so there is more time to stomp, then use elixir S to stomp him to avoid getting interrupted.

> >

> > So I've just blown two cooldowns, one of which is my major defensive cooldown to stomp the guy, if there was no downstate then I wouldn't need to use those cooldowns, nor have had to engaged my brain to bother pulling him to make the likelihood of the stomp more successful, nor would I have had to communicate with the other two members of my group on Discord to hold off a little a bit before I pulled him, because we didn't want the guy to go down where he was right next to the other 4 players for a better chance of them rezzing. Nor communicate to boonstrip the target pre-pull just to make near certain, this is why you don't randomly smash your skills off cooldown.

> >

> > Downstate increases the skill cap by adding depth, teamwork and decision making to what in some ways is a relative shallow game and certainly a shallow game mode in WvW, it rewards better players.

> >

> >

> >


> Ah ok I see what you mean.


> I wasn't trying to suggest that under normal playing conditions players should "randomly" use skills simply that if they see an opportunity to use something that can lead to an enemy kill that they should precisely because it can lead to a kill and a kill can lead to a rally and any time you spend downed is time you actually get back on your cds and you can rally multiple times in a fight without going full dead so the opportunity cost for using cds is actually fairly low particularly on 10-15s cds as long as they are used to generate kills.


> You see what I'm saying?


> One of the most common mistakes I found myself making during no downed state week was overspending cds precisely because I'm so used to being able to make the cd time back in downed state. Like I didn't even realize I was doing it at first but after six years of gw2 i instinctively know to play for the rally and it got me killed a lot during no downed state week because I'm so used to being able to be so careless with cds.


By your description it sounds like you spend a lot of time in downed state...must be a L2p issue!

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I dont mind down state but there needs to be more penalties when you get back up. Always found it odd you could get back up and just fly straight into the combat with everything off CD like nothing had happened.


No down state made those massive bursts from stealth too rewarding in the WvW setting. Burst from stealth, re enter stealth, rinse repeat. Stealth in PvP is balanced well, you cannot cap. Stealth in WvW is borderline broken, it's why it seems 80% of roamers are thieves or mesmers, or the elite specs thereof.


Roamed for the first time today for ages in a three man, the amount of mesmers/thieves was insane. Even some small groups were just all mesmers/thieves. Maybe a SB occasionally, the usual pop all stances do DPS, pop Full Counter, GS away into the sunset! Duels you would see a bit of diversity, people hanging about on varying specs, but not roaming.

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The game would be way more fun without the downed state. Small groups can actually beat larger ones. The downed state only helps the larger groups which already have an advantage.


If you're going to keep the downed state then add a HUGE penalty for being rezzed. It's absurd that we outplay a larger group, down someone, and they dogpile them for an instant rez and now we lose. Why is this a thing?

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The meta is simple, all legit commanders already adapt such meta before it even listed on metabattle, it is really a obvious playstyle. In such a meta, the outcome is obvious, a zerg/blob that has 10 or more than your zerg/blob, the bigger group chance of winning increased tremendously. Thus in WvW now, even by having 10 more than others already considered as blobbing others down, nowadays guild leaders know this thus they bandwagon and stack on servers. Is a sad meta, anet pushed for such meta.


No down state is really the only way for smaller group to fight with bigger group. Otherwise, you need a exceptionally skilled small group to beat a average big group, let alone a skilled big group.

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There was a no down state in WvW? I just learned today. I missed it, but i watched a video and I like it.

In WvW there should not be a down state. Once you are dead you are dead!

In PVE down state is a handicap for noobs and casual players and I agree that in PVE downstate should be a thing, but in a competitive match like WvW or PvP no no no no!

Get rid off the down state in WvW and PvP.

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Do you really think ANet will care about this in any way, lol? No downed state was fun, especially for 1vX fights and would love to see that again and if not, then just f.e. first time you go downed state you can be ressed, but 2nd time you are instantly dead. I think that would be fair and compromiselikely.

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It was fun as an event. Bring it back every now and then to keep it interesting. Its been the best event so far however I'm not a fan of keeping it that way all the time. Lots of 1-pushing, cheese builds, and pirate shipping because people were afraid to die. It was basically normal WvW on steroids when it comes to the fighting. Not bad but not great either.

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