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Which type (invisible, oiled, other) of bags are you using and why?

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My standard setup is

* One *full* Invisible on top.

* Starter Backpack

* Olmakhan bag

* Equipment pack

* Oiled

* Craftsman


Not all characters have this, but it's what I'm bildning towards. The only bag bigger than 20 I have is the 32-slot Olmakhan from the achievements.


The Invisible is for gear and things I want regularly during play, and kept full so things don't randomly fill it, but a few items are non-sellable and could just be in a regular bag. That opens to put things in temporarily while playing (such as loot I don't want to accidentally salvage), while not having to check for random stuff after a play session, all while keeping consumables etc at the (practically) top of the inventory.


The Oiled and Craftsman's bag are sometimes reversed in order, doesn't really matter to me.

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I use most of them, and I lay them out in a certain order on each character: normal, equipment, oiled, craftsman, siegemaster, and invisible. The order is so that all my characters' inventories work the same way in practice.


But, only half of my characters have oiled bags 18-slot or higher, mainly due to the price of leather.


Also, a couple of toons have one of the Olmakhan bags as well.

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My great preference is to use all normal bags (as big as possible) with one invisible bag at the bottom for protected items. However, if I get a 20 slot bag that has specific sorting, I'll use it because having those slots matters more than the inconvenience of new items not staying at the top for quick and easy review and management. I do tend to try to pack the sorting bags full of stuff so nothing new ever goes into them, keeping the normal bags at the top of the stack.

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- Shared Inventory Slots: teleport scrolls, revive orbs, repair canisters etc.

- Invisible Bag: converters

- Invisible Bags: consumables

- Starter Backpack: random stuff (that I will sell most likely)

- Ancient Karka Shell Box: random stuff (that I will sell most likely)

- Craftsman's Bag: crafting materials

- Equipment Box: Equipment (armor and weapons)

- Equipment Box: Equipment (armor and weapons)

- Invisible Bag: ...not sure why I have that one...

- Invisible Bag: For stuff I am currently needing for a certain personal quest (like legendary crafting materials etc.)

- Invisible Bag: keys and items that should stay safe

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Default 5 slots:

- 3x [20 Slot Halloween Pail](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Halloween_Pail "3x 20 Slot Halloween Pail") or 3x 20 Slot [Cheapest Non-Special Bags]

(if there are any cheaper to buy/craft depending on the time of year over making a Halloween Pail with candy corn pieces/cobs)

- 1x [18 Slot Oiled Pack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/18_Slot_Oiled_Pack "1x 18 Slot Oiled Pack") for junk loot as the extreme price jump to buy/craft a 20 slot oiled bag is ridiculous for the extra 2 slots it offers.

- 1x [20 Slot Starter Backpack](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Starter_Backpack "1x 20 Slot Starter Backpack")


I have a couple unused extra bag expansions from gem store bundle packs/black lion chests that sit in storage. As I don't really need extra bag slots on any of my 32+ characters, they will likely sit in storage unused until an unlikely but possible future date when I desperately need them on a single character or if the bag slots these items unlock are changed to be account-based and not character-based (as I feel they always should have been).

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If its one of my normal characters I have 1 invisible slot bag, the starter backpack and the rest are fractal 20 slot uncommon bags because they are the cheapest and I have a lot of fractal relics. For my bag opener I use Olmakhan slot bag, 2x32 slot invisible bags and 7x32 slot equipment box. I happen to use equipment box because I crafted them using lvl500 armourer and you need a 500 craft to upgrade bag slots and they become soulbound on use. Totally screwy imo bags should always be account bound.

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I take care to use normal bags only (without any features). Personally, invisible bags and such are just a bother to me, complicating things when I work out my inventory.

Regarding amount of bags and their size: This depends a lot on activities. My WvW char. and the one I use for LS Stories & PvE meta events have the biggest inventory content over all my toons: Each has 3 x 20 + 2 x 18 + 2 x 15. Sufficient for my needs (if close to full, I just sell a bit to TP). My other toons have less than that.

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My usual setup is:

- 1x 20 slot Starter Backpack

- 5x 18 slot regular bag

- 2x 18 slot Craftsman's Bag (seperate out all the mats)

- 1x 20 slot Siegemaster's Satchel (seperate out more junk)

- 1x 18 slot Oiled bag (seperate out more junk)


This way it is nice and easy to find most of the stuff you get while doing things. Personally I dont miss the 16 extra slots I could have by getting 20 slot version. Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic makes life better.

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> I use most of them, and I lay them out in a certain order on each character: normal, equipment, oiled, craftsman, siegemaster, and invisible. The order is so that all my characters' inventories work the same way in practice.


> But, only half of my characters have oiled bags 18-slot or higher, mainly due to the price of leather.


> Also, a couple of toons have one of the Olmakhan bags as well.


I should clarify: all of my mains have at least 2 extra purchased bag slots. So, they all have room for at least one of each type (minus Olmakhan).

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