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Necromancer Definitely needs a massive buff or Overhaul to Survivability.


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Right now, I dare to tell necro is in good spot if you consider PvP in general(WvW and other) yeah necro isnt god of 1v1 or universal as mesmer can be but have his place and if you have teamates with brains and not 4x oneshot build then you will have a good time. Sure it could be better. It is true that survive as necro is hard. But give it a time and learn how to use your spells in every possible scenario and you will be pretty good. Right you propably dont win against SB from range. But necro is a mainly teamfighter and for me it is best teamfighter in game.


25% movement speed without dagger (Thank you! no need for offhand dagger and can swap it for focus <3)




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> @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> Right now, I dare to tell necro is in good spot if you consider PvP in general(WvW and other) yeah necro isnt god of 1v1 or universal as mesmer can be but have his place and if you have teamates with brains and not 4x oneshot build then you will have a good time. Sure it could be better. It is true that survive as necro is hard. But give it a time and learn how to use your spells in every possible scenario and you will be pretty good. Right you propably dont win against SB from range. But necro is a mainly teamfighter and for me it is best teamfighter in game.


> 25% movement speed without dagger (Thank you! no need for offhand dagger and can swap it for focus <3)





Surviving as a necro isn't hard, it's surviving without being CCd :D



Edit: Praise Abaddon

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:


> I am aware, but the game isn't fun IF you can't do anything and you're just a punching bag, Plus in places where the enemy CAN oneshot death shroud, or do massive this and you have no way to stop it because perma CC, then it's just like sitting still and having someone shoot you constantly.


> I believe the duration -> Stacks change was one of the downfalls of necromancers survivability in CC heavy areas,


I get that and I agree the stability change to stacks was a massive downgrade.. I'd honestly go so far to say that stability as a boon is more or less completely useless because of that change.

Some will argue against that probably but i've heard all those arguments before and I still don't agree.

I more or less ignore stability entirely and would rather focus on making tankier builds or having lots of stun breaks instead.. skills that specifically focus on stability I rarely bother with unless they have secondary effects that are useful to me.. like Strength of the pack which I use for the fury, swiftness and damage buff.

The only skill I do use for stability is Reapers infusing terror, but that's only as a potential safeguard against CC while I unleash a damage barrage, and even then I find it useless against many things since they have more CC than I can defend against anyway.


Power tanks are not entirely useless though.. a Minion Master running soldier stats is still capable of putting out a respectable amount of damage (thanks in part to the minions) considering they can facetank almost anything, you sacrifice most of your crits and crit damage but the trade off in tankyness and sustain is so much more.

My MM tank has 2,376 base power, over 3,000 Armor and almost 30K HP and that's before buffs, sigil enhancements etc plus I have that secondary hp bar with shroud which is like having another 20,550 HP XD

Add to that every attack lifesteals.. both mine and my minions which at the best of times means i am doing damage and stealing health from 12 sources.. Me and 11 minions.. and trust me that does add up to a lot overall :D

It's still not anywhere close to outputting the same as a dps build though but it's tolerable enough imo for both solo and group play as well as my preferred build for fractals and most dungeons.

It's also the reason I laugh when people mock Soldier stats.. I've been using this build since before HoT came out and it's by far one of my favorite and most reliable solo builds.. more so since HoT released and I integrated Reaper into it at the cost of Soul Reaping.. a worthwhile trade-off imo.


Those Hydra's can sure be a pain.. I know how it feels to be caught in CC pincer between two breath attacks.. I refer to it as a rage quit moment xD

And I feel the same way about Scourge too.. loosing the death shroud is a complete deal breaker for me, even on my condi Necro i'd rather run a Dhuumfire Reaper than a Scourge just to have access to a shroud.

I really hope the next Necro spec has a new shroud and doesn't follow the Scourge's example and replace it with something new again.. nothing can top having a second health bar.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > Honestly i think you are being too drastic in comparison to other professions. You are matching traits to skills and skills to traits and thats never a good way to look at it. If you do that you will always name some of the worst things no one uses on necro and name some of the better tools of other professions.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > First off the one thing you did right was compare necro to only other scholar professions. At base it is a caster type and thus its tools should be some what similar or less of the other types. My reasoning for saying "lesser" comes down to the fact that shroud at a core perspective protects your hp and the other professions at base do not have this option. Instead they have boon spam and invulns or stealth.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Honestly about the only thing you can hope they do is buff death magic its traits have potential and its minors can easily be replaced by just about any mechanic you can think off and they be better than they are now.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I think anet has to be very careful about how they buff necro sustain because then it means currently necro can opt for building in a way that it does not require precision or toughness while still having high crit chance, crit damage, and being tanky as hell without the proper investment. Although if anet never plans to give necro hard defenses then this is not a bad way to offset that choice. Right now its kind of like they dont know which they want to do.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's not the fact "no-one uses it" it's "they have access to it, so can use it if they have to", necros cannot do this even if they wanted, and now thanks to the most recent patch they have even less mobility.

> > > >

> > > > Necromancer is a very tricky thing to handle because necro is naturally tanky by the way of its mechanics and design. It simply cant just be given more survivability without considering the effects that will drip down the lines through the elite specs.

> > > >

> > > > The recent patch done nothing to change mobility in a negative way lol. Im not sure where you are getting that idea from cause no movement skills got their cooldowns changed.

> > > >

> > > > Honestly I prefer the high damage high kill potential meta we have right now over the boon tank/support 1v3 me metas we use to have that are slowly being phased out. I would rather see death magic reworked in a way that it can provide better tools and mechanics to moderately improve sustain but not in such a drastic way that it causes everyone to feel like they HAVE TO USE it. The last thing we need is a necormancer that has high sustain, high damage, without having to invest in offensive stats and minimal defensive stats. That will lead to the biggest cry in the community that will take us 3 steps forward and 7 steps back some months later.

> > > "Quickening Thirst " is a movement speed trait, 25% while above 75% health, Meaning in combat unless you are constantly above 75% you are stuck in fights whereas before you had 25% with dagger at all times. it's less combat mobility, paired with low stability and only Two dodges mean if someone can move 25% speed, or apply swiftness they can outrun you, if they hit you, they can outrun you.

> > >

> > > Edit: Necromancer does not have high damage, It has average to high tankiness depending on how much you are CCd, but the Damage is VERY sub par

> > >

> > So let me ask you this...

> > With the previous trait what happens when you swap weapons or activate shroud (which is a weapon swap) did you still complain about the loss of speed under those conditions?

> > If Yes then its the same thing now the condition is just different

> > If No then ideal this is the same thing different stipulation. Honestly you are being so nit picky on this note thats not a real loss of mobility lol.

> > Why dont you have swiftness?

> > Locust signet?

> > Speed of shadows?

> > Runes that provide perma speed boost?

> > Swiftness from party members?

> >

> > Did you even realistically run the dagger trait? specifically for movespeed? Even so if its average to high in tankyness why are you asking for improved sustain.... why cant you keep your hp above the 75% easily?

> >

> > There are some really conflicted things here. Just saying...


> yes I ran the dagger trait as I like dagger due to life steal being one of the primary reasons I went to necromancer in the beginning,

> Regarding swiftness = Sure I can get swiftness from Trail of anguish for 6 seconds, Sure I can use Warhorn offhand, Sure I could use Speed of Shadows, But - taking speed of shadows hampers my Life force generation, They removed a Dagger requirement from a Dagger trait so now it's a weird functioning trait, I don't Use warhorn as I usually use focus to strip boons, I don't use a full set of Perma speed runes because - Why would I when I had a trait to move 25% faster constantly, I occasionally did swap out dagger for Scepter or Axe and took Signet of the Locust. But back to the point of this post = it was - Necromancer has VERY LOW Mobility, Stability/Anti-Stun and Damage, I pointed out a trait change that Previously let you run around 25% with dagger is either offhand or mainhand, meaning condition or power builds, Now it is above 75% so you either have to keep yourself above 75%, or go slower in combat, OR use a slot to take the place of a trait you used because you used it for BOTH benefits.

> I don't understand why people are unable to see why this is a nerf? You can get swiftness and movement speed form other places, yes, You also could get them form those places when the trait was dagger exclusive, Now it's above 75% which means you either take the trait, and suffer in combat, take the trait and use some other form of speed boost in combat such as trail of Anguish, Don't take the trait and stay slow, or don't take the trait and use some other form of speed boost. the Trait got Nerfed, that is a fact, You have more "variety" for only 25% of your health. as opposed to more Movement speed for 28.5% of the time ( based on Amount of Weapons necromancer has at base), an if in an elite spec, it's 25%, as it currently is. This is Clearly a nerf and yet No-one seems to see this, and I don't know why.



The only real nerf I'm seeing is that you loose the dagger skill recharge bonus.. I quite like the fact that the 25% buff applies to all weapons now so I don't have to suffer a movement penalty when running around with a greatsword or any other weapon.

the loss of movement speed in combat isn't a big deal for me and if it was I'd just run Signet of the Locust for perma 25% mobility boost and swap the trait out for more life steal or rez well.

You could argue that the health threshold should be lower.. 50% or 60% which would be fair for some builds but anyone running a reasonably tanky Necro build isn't likely to see their health drop that low half the time anyway and would still be making the Locust sigil more or less useless as it was previously for Necros running a main hand dagger.


We're talking 25% movement speed 1,5k healing from 5 targets and 600+ dmg give or take from the signet that has a 30 second cooldown..

Compared to 25% movement speed 465 healing + dmg per tick from 1 target that triggers 9 times.. and if you happen to be bleeding healing and dmg increases by 20% and only a 10 second cooldown.


Suffice to say Life Siphon completely destroys Signet of Locust.. specially since that 25% movement speed is the main reason people use the signet.

I think this change is very fair overall and gives a lot more room to play for lifesteal builds.. tanky ones and non tanky ones alike without locking you into using a dagger to get the movement buff.. plus it applies to shroud as well now and it counts your HP not your life force which also gives more room to play for shroud focused builds.

If your far more interested in the perma 25% movement buff then it's definitely more worthwhile to run the Signet of the Locust instead.

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  • 5 months later...

> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > > > > > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > > > > > Honestly i think you are being too drastic in comparison to other professions. You are matching traits to skills and skills to traits and thats never a good way to look at it. If you do that you will always name some of the worst things no one uses on necro and name some of the better tools of other professions.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > First off the one thing you did right was compare necro to only other scholar professions. At base it is a caster type and thus its tools should be some what similar or less of the other types. My reasoning for saying "lesser" comes down to the fact that shroud at a core perspective protects your hp and the other professions at base do not have this option. Instead they have boon spam and invulns or stealth.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Honestly about the only thing you can hope they do is buff death magic its traits have potential and its minors can easily be replaced by just about any mechanic you can think off and they be better than they are now.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I think anet has to be very careful about how they buff necro sustain because then it means currently necro can opt for building in a way that it does not require precision or toughness while still having high crit chance, crit damage, and being tanky as hell without the proper investment. Although if anet never plans to give necro hard defenses then this is not a bad way to offset that choice. Right now its kind of like they dont know which they want to do.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It's not the fact "no-one uses it" it's "they have access to it, so can use it if they have to", necros cannot do this even if they wanted, and now thanks to the most recent patch they have even less mobility.

> > > > >

> > > > > Necromancer is a very tricky thing to handle because necro is naturally tanky by the way of its mechanics and design. It simply cant just be given more survivability without considering the effects that will drip down the lines through the elite specs.

> > > > >

> > > > > The recent patch done nothing to change mobility in a negative way lol. Im not sure where you are getting that idea from cause no movement skills got their cooldowns changed.

> > > > >

> > > > > Honestly I prefer the high damage high kill potential meta we have right now over the boon tank/support 1v3 me metas we use to have that are slowly being phased out. I would rather see death magic reworked in a way that it can provide better tools and mechanics to moderately improve sustain but not in such a drastic way that it causes everyone to feel like they HAVE TO USE it. The last thing we need is a necormancer that has high sustain, high damage, without having to invest in offensive stats and minimal defensive stats. That will lead to the biggest cry in the community that will take us 3 steps forward and 7 steps back some months later.

> > > > "Quickening Thirst " is a movement speed trait, 25% while above 75% health, Meaning in combat unless you are constantly above 75% you are stuck in fights whereas before you had 25% with dagger at all times. it's less combat mobility, paired with low stability and only Two dodges mean if someone can move 25% speed, or apply swiftness they can outrun you, if they hit you, they can outrun you.

> > > >

> > > > Edit: Necromancer does not have high damage, It has average to high tankiness depending on how much you are CCd, but the Damage is VERY sub par

> > > >

> > > So let me ask you this...

> > > With the previous trait what happens when you swap weapons or activate shroud (which is a weapon swap) did you still complain about the loss of speed under those conditions?

> > > If Yes then its the same thing now the condition is just different

> > > If No then ideal this is the same thing different stipulation. Honestly you are being so nit picky on this note thats not a real loss of mobility lol.

> > > Why dont you have swiftness?

> > > Locust signet?

> > > Speed of shadows?

> > > Runes that provide perma speed boost?

> > > Swiftness from party members?

> > >

> > > Did you even realistically run the dagger trait? specifically for movespeed? Even so if its average to high in tankyness why are you asking for improved sustain.... why cant you keep your hp above the 75% easily?

> > >

> > > There are some really conflicted things here. Just saying...

> >

> > yes I ran the dagger trait as I like dagger due to life steal being one of the primary reasons I went to necromancer in the beginning,

> > Regarding swiftness = Sure I can get swiftness from Trail of anguish for 6 seconds, Sure I can use Warhorn offhand, Sure I could use Speed of Shadows, But - taking speed of shadows hampers my Life force generation, They removed a Dagger requirement from a Dagger trait so now it's a weird functioning trait, I don't Use warhorn as I usually use focus to strip boons, I don't use a full set of Perma speed runes because - Why would I when I had a trait to move 25% faster constantly, I occasionally did swap out dagger for Scepter or Axe and took Signet of the Locust. But back to the point of this post = it was - Necromancer has VERY LOW Mobility, Stability/Anti-Stun and Damage, I pointed out a trait change that Previously let you run around 25% with dagger is either offhand or mainhand, meaning condition or power builds, Now it is above 75% so you either have to keep yourself above 75%, or go slower in combat, OR use a slot to take the place of a trait you used because you used it for BOTH benefits.

> > I don't understand why people are unable to see why this is a nerf? You can get swiftness and movement speed form other places, yes, You also could get them form those places when the trait was dagger exclusive, Now it's above 75% which means you either take the trait, and suffer in combat, take the trait and use some other form of speed boost in combat such as trail of Anguish, Don't take the trait and stay slow, or don't take the trait and use some other form of speed boost. the Trait got Nerfed, that is a fact, You have more "variety" for only 25% of your health. as opposed to more Movement speed for 28.5% of the time ( based on Amount of Weapons necromancer has at base), an if in an elite spec, it's 25%, as it currently is. This is Clearly a nerf and yet No-one seems to see this, and I don't know why.

> >


> The only real nerf I'm seeing is that you loose the dagger skill recharge bonus.. I quite like the fact that the 25% buff applies to all weapons now so I don't have to suffer a movement penalty when running around with a greatsword or any other weapon.

> the loss of movement speed in combat isn't a big deal for me and if it was I'd just run Signet of the Locust for perma 25% mobility boost and swap the trait out for more life steal or rez well.

> You could argue that the health threshold should be lower.. 50% or 60% which would be fair for some builds but anyone running a reasonably tanky Necro build isn't likely to see their health drop that low half the time anyway and would still be making the Locust sigil more or less useless as it was previously for Necros running a main hand dagger.


> We're talking 25% movement speed 1,5k healing from 5 targets and 600+ dmg give or take from the signet that has a 30 second cooldown..

> Compared to 25% movement speed 465 healing + dmg per tick from 1 target that triggers 9 times.. and if you happen to be bleeding healing and dmg increases by 20% and only a 10 second cooldown.


> Suffice to say Life Siphon completely destroys Signet of Locust.. specially since that 25% movement speed is the main reason people use the signet.

> I think this change is very fair overall and gives a lot more room to play for lifesteal builds.. tanky ones and non tanky ones alike without locking you into using a dagger to get the movement buff.. plus it applies to shroud as well now and it counts your HP not your life force which also gives more room to play for shroud focused builds.

> If your far more interested in the perma 25% movement buff then it's definitely more worthwhile to run the Signet of the Locust instead.


Sorry for the Mega Long wait for my reply, But I wanted to clarify that the movement speed is now ONLY about 75%, not 100% of the time with a dagger on.

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Fireworks runes solve the movement speed problem. Knowing you will have 6 seconds Fury for your initial burst when entering combat is icing on the cake.


The only decent defensive skills Necro has are Well of Darkness and Corrosive Poison, but both of those depend on staying in one spot. Bad practice in PVE, absolutely impossible in competitive play. I'd like to see CPC be a "personal cloud" that affects a 180 radius around the caster and move with him.

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How about the skills that give necro stability give more stacks of stability?

Seems like most classes are able to give themselves multiple stacks easily. Looking at you ranger. (+10)


Give trail of anguish 2-3 stacks

Foot in the grave 2-3

Well of Power pulsing stab every second


And necro is now even better.

Someone mentioned above, necro doesn't need stability because they have high damage.

This is really dumb to say because every class does insanely high damage. Way more than necro.

Hence why necros aren't even wanted in PvE raids.

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> @"Psaro.6178" said:

> How about the skills that give necro stability give more stacks of stability?

> Seems like most classes are able to give themselves multiple stacks easily. Looking at you ranger. (+10)


> Give trail of anguish 2-3 stacks

> Foot in the grave 2-3

> Well of Power pulsing stab every second


> And necro is now even better.

> Someone mentioned above, necro doesn't need stability because they have high damage.

> This is really dumb to say because every class does insanely high damage. Way more than necro.

> Hence why necros aren't even wanted in PvE raids.


Fun fact. You will only get swiftness and stab once from trail of anguish.

People walking on it get these boons multiple times.



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I feel like design wise you want to give a profession either high mobility and evade uptime maybe with tools like stealth etc., so it's hard to pin them down, but little ways to shrug off CC, so that when you do, it's satisfying to land.

Or you give a profession low mobility, but a lot of ways to shrug off CC and ways to stall a fight/punish a focus, such as invulnerability, tools like reflect or duration blocks, making them easy to kite around but hard to insta burst.

Or some hybrid of the two extremes, with the tools being weaker/less frequent, but having some of both.



With Necro they pretty much went for non of that and pretended extra health is a valid defense, which makes for a pretty frustrating gameplay experience at times.

You don't have mobility, making it extremely hard to kite enemies while they can kite you around and disengage with ease, while also being locked down by CC like no other profession, making it quite common to get perma CC'ed from 100% Health to 0, even with full Shroud and multiple stunbreaks up, as there are just no practical tools to force a reset, to stall or to disengage.


Without blocks and invulnerabilities or even just a high Stab count Necro is just a sitting duck, and it really shows with focus priority in PvP.

If the enemy team has a Necro in it, you just CC and burst them instantly, since they barely have any tools to escape/stall, flipping the fight heavily in your teams favour.

There is a reason for why in competitive play Necro only comes with a personal support babysitter and why that always is a Firebrand.

It's simply because Necro needs blocks, stab, reflects, better condi clear etc., to be truly viable.

Considering they keep taking away the tools that make Necro unique, like massive corrupt capability, they might as well give them proper defensive tools like all other professions have access to as well.

Especially when considering the damage output of most of these hyper mobile and evasive or defensive specs out there, high damage really isn't an excuse for Necro not to have any of these tools, making it the automatic focus of everybody.

Either that, or massively tune down the damage pretty much everything else does, so Health becomes a defense that actually means something.


It's not completely awful right now, and you can definitely do okay with Necro some of the time, but depending on the enemy comp, you may just get smeared into the ground over an over due to high CC and burst like nothing else.

It does get frustrating to look at all the skills and Traits you have available after such matches an realize that you are already running all the tools the profession has to defend itself against that, and it's just not enough at all, not even close.


When Anet says they want Necro to feel like one of those slow but extremely dangerous monsters from a horror movie, it's just kind of funny, because you rarely see those getting knocked around like a ping pong ball.

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> @"Kuulpb.5412" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > well lets nerf the amazing damage it brings then :-)

> >

> > As for Armour of Earth, I see 0 eles using it because of it's long cooldown and awful use (In WvW atleast) Necros in PvP and WvW hit like a truck, perhaps its the stat your using..


> Amazing Damage? On Snowcrows every other profession has one or more builds that deal more damage ( as a benchmark)


DPS (damage per second) and Burst damage (dmg one single hit can do) are very different things. Necros are great for burst dmg especially reaper. But necro dps is not as great because you are out of steam quickly.

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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> Rework death magick and add decent traits.

> Like make it so unholy sanctuary gives us 2 seconds of invulnerability upon entering shroud and **actively** leaving it.


Rework death magic and add decent traits

Just make the trait heal like a proper grand master sustain trait while in shroud :/ Dont really need the invuln if anything the game needs less amounts of that (looking at you mesmer)


Make traits bolster the "Soak damage via Hp mentality" such as less direct damage against foes inflicted with conditions a set % per unique condition.

Hp restoration, damage reduction, Possibly rework minions and their traits make them more active and less passive / allow them to be viable in pvp.


Necro sustain is already high but sustain in this game vs burst damage does not work without damage reduction mechanics to make it viable which necor has some of the least of considering its suppose to be all about soaking damage rather than evading or blocking it. You can have all the toughness in the world and be burst to the point that you cant really recover like at all and in some cases you still get 1 shot.


If we get traits to help negate burst damage meta aka % damage reduction, better traits for restoring lost hp aka Unholy Sanctuary. Necros sustain would likely be some of the strongest in the game despite not being able to avoid or evade tons of damage.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Psaro.6178" said:

> > How about the skills that give necro stability give more stacks of stability?

> > Seems like most classes are able to give themselves multiple stacks easily. Looking at you ranger. (+10)

> >

> > Give trail of anguish 2-3 stacks

> > Foot in the grave 2-3

> > Well of Power pulsing stab every second

> >

> > And necro is now even better.

> > Someone mentioned above, necro doesn't need stability because they have high damage.

> > This is really dumb to say because every class does insanely high damage. Way more than necro.

> > Hence why necros aren't even wanted in PvE raids.


> Fun fact. You will only get swiftness and stab once from trail of anguish.

> People walking on it get these boons multiple times.


> WHY????


Have you tried walking back over your own trail though? :sunglasses:

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I'd like Well of Power to convert 2 conditions to 1 boon per pulse instead of 1 to 1 and WoD to apply 0.5 sec of resistance per pulse to allies.


These are solid buffs to an already strong Necro support but I would like to see the less used wells tweaked up just a bit to help them compete for slots and make elite builds less mandatory.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Psaro.6178" said:

> > > How about the skills that give necro stability give more stacks of stability?

> > > Seems like most classes are able to give themselves multiple stacks easily. Looking at you ranger. (+10)

> > >

> > > Give trail of anguish 2-3 stacks

> > > Foot in the grave 2-3

> > > Well of Power pulsing stab every second

> > >

> > > And necro is now even better.

> > > Someone mentioned above, necro doesn't need stability because they have high damage.

> > > This is really dumb to say because every class does insanely high damage. Way more than necro.

> > > Hence why necros aren't even wanted in PvE raids.

> >

> > Fun fact. You will only get swiftness and stab once from trail of anguish.

> > People walking on it get these boons multiple times.

> >

> > WHY????


> Have you tried walking back over your own trail though? :sunglasses:


Erm... Yes?!?!


Doesn't work.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Psaro.6178" said:

> > > > How about the skills that give necro stability give more stacks of stability?

> > > > Seems like most classes are able to give themselves multiple stacks easily. Looking at you ranger. (+10)

> > > >

> > > > Give trail of anguish 2-3 stacks

> > > > Foot in the grave 2-3

> > > > Well of Power pulsing stab every second

> > > >

> > > > And necro is now even better.

> > > > Someone mentioned above, necro doesn't need stability because they have high damage.

> > > > This is really dumb to say because every class does insanely high damage. Way more than necro.

> > > > Hence why necros aren't even wanted in PvE raids.

> > >

> > > Fun fact. You will only get swiftness and stab once from trail of anguish.

> > > People walking on it get these boons multiple times.

> > >

> > > WHY????

> >

> > Have you tried walking back over your own trail though? :sunglasses:


> Erm... Yes?!?!


> Doesn't work.


Scourge confirmed trash please move to recycle bin and empty immediately. Lol

Well i just dont know I guess anet felt it was too strong to allow scourge to get those boons multiple times per 1 use but fine if it gives them to other classes running on the trail.

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