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please never do an event like this again


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If they wanted us to fight over ruins all they had to do was include that task in the Objective Defender list and give wxp for defending them. As it stands now (and even some occasions before this event) you get nothing for de-capping except an almost certain death in most cases and the opportunity to try and de-cap again in 5-10 minutes, it's a time waster if you're trying to keep up participation and it's an impossibility to attain and or maintain for some servers, it's just not a very fun event.

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People always cry about how WvW is stale, dead, ruined by imbalance and go on to make extensive change requests that more often than not would effectivly kill the game with their own version of downed state, their own idealized model of server matchups and transfer restrictions, remake stealth, delete the mesmer, change WvW entirely and what have you... yet at the same time, people have a hissy fit over a weeks worth of an event that doesnt really change anything.


Its a curious thing.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> People always cry about how WvW is stale, dead, ruined by imbalance and go on to make extensive change requests that more often than not would effectivly kill the game with their own version of downed state, their own idealized model of server matchups and transfer restrictions, remake stealth, delete the mesmer, change WvW entirely and what have you... yet at the same time, people have a hissy fit over a weeks worth of an event that doesnt really change anything.


> Its a curious thing.




I may be projecting here but, I feel some people might be upset over these events thinking ANet might make the changes permanent. I often have those concerns and feel that what these events really are are beta tests to see how the community reacts and how the game handles the changes. But, because I have enough faith in ANet not to implement certain things that are very clearly broken, I don't get all bent out of shape over it.


I'm definitely on board with the "this event sucks" crew but, it's only a week. People gotta remember there are other things to do if they're not enjoying what's happening in GW2. Walk your dog, play Donkey Kong, open a kissing booth. Like, the world's you're oyster people. You know GW2 is extremely casual friendly, it's not like it's going to set you back to not play for a week.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> People always cry about how WvW is stale, dead, ruined by imbalance and go on to make extensive change requests that more often than not would effectivly kill the game with their own version of downed state, their own idealized model of server matchups and transfer restrictions, remake stealth, delete the mesmer, change WvW entirely and what have you... yet at the same time, people have a hissy fit over a weeks worth of an event that doesnt really change anything.


> Its a curious thing.


Ever offered to take a finnicky person to a restaurant?

"Where you wanna go?"

"Oh, I don't know..."

"" K let's go here"

"Oh no, not there"

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> People always cry about how WvW is stale, dead, ruined by imbalance and go on to make extensive change requests that more often than not would effectivly kill the game with their own version of downed state, their own idealized model of server matchups and transfer restrictions, remake stealth, delete the mesmer, change WvW entirely and what have you... yet at the same time, people have a hissy fit over a weeks worth of an event that doesnt really change anything.


> Its a curious thing.


Those things people "demand" to see are game changers, this event just adds to the existing power creep and make strongest servers only stronger, which is a problem since day 1 and anet tried to cull it by cutting down the 10/20/30% of bl to what it is now, unlike this event where they simply put in the old numbers. Meaningless event imo.

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I've not had as much of a problem with this event as compared to the other event we had. And no I haven't been playing with the Major Bloodlust on our server all the time either. I like this event better because it makes people think more than just blob up and kill. Now you have to play a little more strategically. You have to decide if you want to have some of your group go capture and defend the ruins. It means that more than just one play style is actually wanted and needed in WvW. I hear more cries for classes that have been shunned to go and capture ruins. It actually encourages them to team up more. I find it rather refreshing. But then I can understand why those with Zerg mentality hate it. It means that they have to sacrifice space on their server for those less desirable classes and fewer zerglings to follow comm on a rolling killing spree.

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The thing is.. people that complain about having 0 chance of winning fights because of "30% more stats" never had any chance of winning them anyway. Bloodlust is the definition of "win more".


I guess I am just lucky to play on a high tier server, but I have yet to see enemies hold tier 3, even while pushing us around on the maps.

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Overall I'm enjoying it- even though it's made cheesy stealth builds even less fun to run across on my ranger and made my staff tempest impossible to play, on ranger it's been fun and on SB I didn't really notice the difference.


The one downside was with staff tempest and over 3k armor it was impossible to play support as the massive damage ate my HP instantly or the degen from all those condis wiped me and no way to clear fast enough. But then staff tempest was nerfed to the ground anyway with changes so that weavers were preferred.


Might try my power necro later but the problem there is the huge nerf to shroud they did makes it very hard to stay alive in the shroud fest.


If they want bloodlust as a thing then they need to include wvw for capping it.

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It's just that ... 15 and 30% ... ? A bit too much.

And it should be a timed buff, like you take the ruins you have bloodlust for 10 minutes with a little CD and "reset" of ruins after that or allow captur only in timed moment; It should allow more "lightning captur" rather than just ganking people on them when you have the numbers, and already the bloodlust.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> I've not had as much of a problem with this event as compared to the other event we had. And no I haven't been playing with the Major Bloodlust on our server all the time either. I like this event better because it makes people think more than just blob up and kill. Now you have to play a little more strategically. You have to decide if you want to have some of your group go capture and defend the ruins. It means that more than just one play style is actually wanted and needed in WvW. I hear more cries for classes that have been shunned to go and capture ruins. It actually encourages them to team up more. I find it rather refreshing. But then I can understand why those with Zerg mentality hate it. It means that they have to sacrifice space on their server for those less desirable classes and fewer zerglings to follow comm on a rolling killing spree.


It's not just those with zerg mentality hating this event. Try roaming in a matchup where populations are not even remotely even. In such a matchup, the event does not promote the non-zerg classes as they die horribly like everyone else when faced with guild groups of 5-15 camping the bloodlust on every map with a 30% boost to all their stats.

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> @"Shadowcat.2680" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > I've not had as much of a problem with this event as compared to the other event we had. And no I haven't been playing with the Major Bloodlust on our server all the time either. I like this event better because it makes people think more than just blob up and kill. Now you have to play a little more strategically. You have to decide if you want to have some of your group go capture and defend the ruins. It means that more than just one play style is actually wanted and needed in WvW. I hear more cries for classes that have been shunned to go and capture ruins. It actually encourages them to team up more. I find it rather refreshing. But then I can understand why those with Zerg mentality hate it. It means that they have to sacrifice space on their server for those less desirable classes and fewer zerglings to follow comm on a rolling killing spree.


> It's not just those with zerg mentality hating this event. Try roaming in a matchup where populations are not even remotely even. In such a matchup, the event does not promote the non-zerg classes as they die horribly like everyone else when faced with guild groups of 5-15 camping the bloodlust on every map with a 30% boost to all their stats.


I actually do roam. I play a Sic'em Soulbeast Roamer. I find that my odds are still pretty much the same. Let's face it, most of the time you will die by Insta-gib Thief or Mesmer and that would happen regardless of what boosts to stats there may be. Numbers will always favor those with the more numbers. It's not because of the boost, not that it doesn't help because it can carry some of the more bad players in that group, but simply because you are out-manned to begin with.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> The thing is.. people that complain about having 0 chance of winning fights because of "30% more stats" never had any chance of winning them anyway. Bloodlust is the definition of "win more".


Yea, that's some of what I've also been seeing. That deadeye last night doing little damage wasn't going to stop me from contesting his point with my firebrand even with the major bloodlust he had. But what do most WvW players (and the PvE players who are trying out the event) know of sPvP style fights?

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> @"godofcows.2451" said:

> Don't like it. It just bloated up the power creep. It's something new, yes, it added a factor to the mostly ignored bloodlust positions but...i'm not for the extra powercreep. make some adjustments first, then bring this in.


Actually this isn't new at all. When anet slapped the ruins on the place where the good ole lake was it used to be 10/20/30% stats increase, depending how many maps you controlled them on. This event is just a revert to that state.

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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> everything in wvw favors nos.

> 1. party synergy

> 2. food

> 3. gear

> 4. traits

> 5. skills

> 6. roles

> 7. siege

> 8. capture targets


> everything is based on population so those who have fewer population will always feel the pain.


> but that doesnt mean, you just give up. just try.


At least with no downstate, skill was more important. Small groups could wipe large, bad groups because they couldn't just insta-res each other to win. This event is a purely numbers wins everything.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > everything in wvw favors nos.

> > 1. party synergy

> > 2. food

> > 3. gear

> > 4. traits

> > 5. skills

> > 6. roles

> > 7. siege

> > 8. capture targets

> >

> > everything is based on population so those who have fewer population will always feel the pain.

> >

> > but that doesnt mean, you just give up. just try.


> At least with no downstate, skill was more important. Small groups could wipe large, bad groups because they couldn't just insta-res each other to win. This event is a purely numbers wins everything.


right now small groups can still wipe large bad groups. just the right build.


but it will end soon.


i do remember why the old bloodlust was removed = orbs, simply because one group, especially the many had such an advantage over the few.


thats just how wvw is. everything is beneficial to the team.

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