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On branded corruption in Jahai (*spoiler*)


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During the last LW update, we are introduced to Ziya and Vemyin, both djinn. We find out that Vemyin is corrupted and became branded. So far, he is the only djinn that has become branded (known to the player character) and there is an event in which we escort Ziya and fight Vemyin. When talking to Ziya, she doesn't understand how a djinn could become branded, as they should be immune to this. Later on, if you have unlocked her in Sun's Refuge, she mentions that she's researching, trying to figure out how this could have happened. Upon completion of her quest, she rewards you with a buff that partly protects you against branded radiation, but she has found no explanation yet.

I'd like to see if there are any hypothesis we can formulate. Djinn apparantly have a certain innate immunity to become branded (perhaps to other dragon-induced magic as well?), but how does it work exactly? Djinn are elemental based creatures, perhaps they are connected to a source of magic that shields them from dragon based (at least Kralkatorrik's) magic. And how would they lose such protection?

The only other example of immunity in game I can think of, are the sylvari who were immune to Zhaitan's corruption. Once exposed to the influence of Mordremoth, they could become corrupted and become mordrem. I don't necessarily see a direct link between these two forms of immunity, but perhaps there is?

During the quest for Ziya, she sends us to find corrupted sand in Jahai and other areas. This sand is corrupted by Abaddon a very long time ago. Perhaps it is weakened because of the timespan, but apparantly still useable. As I mentioned above, Ziya uses the corrupted sand to provide us with a buff that protects us from branded radiation. I'm deducing from this that djinn have the ability to use remnants of divine magic (or at least derived from a god) to counter the effects of branded (and possibly other forms of dragon magic) radiation.

Furthermore, we know that Kralkatorrik absorbed a large portion of Balthazar's magic. Thus having become more powerful, a cut-off point could have been reached, causing at least one djinn to become susceptible to branded corruption. It is unclear though, if that increase in power is also divine in nature, since Balthazar had been stripped of his godhood by the other gods at the time.

Anyone else have other thoughts on the matter? Please share if you do!

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there isn't a link between djinn and sylvari immunity, sylvari where immune to zhaitan because dragons can't corrupt what already is corrupted by another dragon and sylvari were (in a sense) dragon minions. djinn clearly aren't


personal theory is that the djinn aren't immune to branded magic but rather are difficult to corrupt because 1) they float (which can also be seen when riding a skimmer in some areas) and 2) (this is personal headcanon theory) their bubbles serve as some kinda Faraday cage because it and kralks magic are of the same "sphere of influence" being air magic.


also note that the location you find him in is "claw den" and the giant purple tornado on the map is the claw of kralkatoric. and it's in the part of the brand where "Fury of the Brand" (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fury_of_the_Brand) is active


the corrupted sand seems more tied to the sand jackal pups that appear as you complete the quest.( iirc sand jackals were made from left over abbadon magic or something)


something i did find curios is that there are neutral branded in the map (somewhere east of the heart at the map entrance)

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Djinn are powerful beings of magic and magic itself is difficult to corrupt. Vemyin got corrupted because he was directly exposed to Kralkatorriks power.


> would you be willing to share the evidence to this conclusion


Yes, I forgot to write it 6 times in there that it's my assumption/head canon.


It's safe to assume that while Djinn have a high resistance to that magic, facing the source of it all directly would still be a little tougher to resist, no?

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Djinn are powerful beings of magic and magic itself is difficult to corrupt. Vemyin got corrupted because he was directly exposed to Kralkatorriks power.

> >

> > would you be willing to share the evidence to this conclusion


> Yes, I forgot to write it 6 times in there that it's my assumption/head canon.


> It's safe to assume that while Djinn have a high resistance to that magic, facing the source of it all directly would still be a little tougher to resist, no?


i just wanted to know how you came to that conclusion

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> @"Saltybizkit.7821" said:

> I'd like to see if there are any hypothesis we can formulate. Djinn apparantly have a certain innate immunity to become branded (perhaps to other dragon-induced magic as well?), but how does it work exactly? Djinn are elemental based creatures, perhaps they are connected to a source of magic that shields them from dragon based (at least Kralkatorrik's) magic. And how would they lose such protection?


Ziya the Radiant: We djinn can shield ourselves from the Brand. It's not perfect—I still don't understand what happened to Vemyen—but I want to give others that power as well.

Pact Commander: Can I help?

Ziya the Radiant: I believe the key lies in corrupted sand, and I'll need your help to gather it. Djinn have turned these sands to their own purposes before—creating jackals, for example.


The djinn immunity to becoming branded lies in the sand tainted by Abaddon. It's got nothing to do with their own nature, it was not innate. Had Nightfall not occurred, they would have no protection. And if they don't activate those shields Ziya mentions, they aren't protected.


This is yet another case of divine magic counteracting dragon magic. This makes instance number... five? Divine Fire of S2, the Exalted/Forgotten's magic and their ties to the gods. Balthazar wading through hordes of destroyers untouched. Bloodstones, made of [divine sources](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Study_in_Gold) by the Seers, seemingly invisible to dragons. Kormir's Fire protecting against Kralkatorrik's rift opening abilities in Sun's Refuge. And now the djinn's immunity coming from Abaddon's magic. And also possibly the Foefire magic, which may even have been [the ingredient](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Phantasmal_Residue) that freed Mawdrey, and had [a strong effect on risen](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Armor_Guard); though that's still speculative.


However, it tells us that the remnant magic of a god is not enough to protect from Kralkatorrik's corruption after Path of Fire, while it was before. Or that Vemyen didn't get a chance to activate those protections.


> @"Saltybizkit.7821" said:

> The only other example of immunity in game I can think of, are the sylvari who were immune to Zhaitan's corruption. Once exposed to the influence of Mordremoth, they could become corrupted and become mordrem. I don't necessarily see a direct link between these two forms of immunity, but perhaps there is?

> @"derd.6413" said:

> there isn't a link between djinn and sylvari immunity, sylvari where immune to zhaitan because dragons can't corrupt what already is corrupted by another dragon and sylvari were (in a sense) dragon minions. djinn clearly aren't


False. Sylvari were immune due to their connection to the Dream of Dreams. It has nothing to do with being a dragon minion - as proof by Subject Alpha, Kudu's Monster, and Subject Beta. It is stated that their immunity comes from the Pale Tree [twice](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rallying_Call) in [season 2](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hidden_Arcana), and [in HoT promotions like this](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/points-of-interest-episode-18-summary/) which negates the argument of "their origins weren't revealed, the protection coming from the Pale Tree was a lie to cover it up".


And sylvari were never corrupted by Mordremoth either. As proven in [buried Insight](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Buried_Insight) and by the [solitary Sylvari](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Solitary_Sylvari), as well as various dialogue throughout HoT like [Occams' during Prisoners of the Dragon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prisoners_of_the_Dragon#Saving_the_Smiths) (which matches Scarlet's and Aerin's situation) and the aforementioned HoT promotions, the sylvari were subject to bombardments of telepathy which were catered to each individual sylvari; those who fell could still recover later on, if given the chance to recover (separation from the voice, and no pressuring back into that mentality). Their physical change is a part that any sylvari could do, as we see Canach, Caithe, and Scarlet Briar all change their appearance (though to a far lesser degree); there was even dev confirmation on that [here](https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/lore/Lore-Q-A/page/2#post6175329): "It is related to/a dark mirror of a sylvari’s ability to change their own appearance, but in this case it’s being directed by Mordy and not the individual."


> @"derd.6413" said:

> something i did find curios is that there are neutral branded in the map (somewhere east of the heart at the map entrance)

I think this is more of a bug. I've seen neutral Earth Elementals in the same position that I later see neutral Branded Earth Elementals. Suggesting that they're the same NPCs, getting corrupted after an event I don't see (perhaps being struck by the branded lightning).


If so, then they likely forgot to flip the switch that sets NPCs as neutral or hostile.


> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:


> > iirc sand jackals were made from left over abbadon magic or something


> Margonite souls to be precise. But the Margonites were corrupted over time by Abaddons magic in the Realm of Torment, so kinda yeah.


Got a source on the souls bit, because I've gone over the area dozens of times. The only times Margonites are mentioned are these two:


Champion Runesmith Kamor: In the eyes of the jackal, you see all that remains of their Margonite forebears.

Champion Runesmith Kamor: The rest comes from the workings of our magic. Both form and function.

Champion Runesmith Kamor: As they are composed of the sand, we give them a shape indigenous to the desert.


Veteran Jackal Trainer (1): It resonates with the fury of the Margonites.

Veteran Jackal Trainer (2): Hmm, yes. I fear it will never be swayed.


Neither dialogue suggests the souls of the Margonites. And talking to Drojkor:


Abaddon is long dead, but his corruption seeped into the sands. When a jackal is forged, what remains of him is given new purpose.


Which tells us that the jackals are formed from Abaddon's remnant magic, not human-turned-demon souls. They're the last of the Margonites' legacy, but not their souls.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Djinn are powerful beings of magic and magic itself is difficult to corrupt. Vemyin got corrupted because he was directly exposed to Kralkatorriks power.


This is probably right. Even in his corrupted state, Vemyin was able to resist to a remarkable degree and even communicate his sorrow as to his condition. The branded Forgotten display similar behavior, to a much lesser degree.


Sadly Vemyin was fully aware of what has happened to him as himself but powerless to do anything about it. Given time he'd probably even lose that bit of awareness.


Killing him was both an act of mercy toward him and probably a setback to Kralkatorrik figuring djinn out.

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> @"Fleebag.1384" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Which tells us that the jackals are formed from Abaddon's remnant magic, not human-turned-demon souls.


> So riding a Jackal ought to protect us from the K-riks lightning while in the brand then?




Well, I've never been branded while riding a Jackal in the brand, so I guess that's solid proof that it provides immunity to Kraalkatorik's corruption.


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> @"Fleebag.1384" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Which tells us that the jackals are formed from Abaddon's remnant magic, not human-turned-demon souls.


> So riding a Jackal ought to protect us from the K-riks lightning while in the brand then?


If we rode under them, perhaps. The djinn's protective magic is that bubble we see; the bubble blocks branding and lightning. The jackals don't produce a bubble, so it doesn't offer protection to those nearby.


This means that the jackal itself should be immune - or at least highly resistant - to dragon corruption (not just Kralkatorrik's corruption), but the rider won't be unless the jackal is between the rider and the corruption.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Fleebag.1384" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > Which tells us that the jackals are formed from Abaddon's remnant magic, not human-turned-demon souls.

> >

> > So riding a Jackal ought to protect us from the K-riks lightning while in the brand then?


> If we rode under them, perhaps. The djinn's protective magic is that bubble we see; the bubble blocks branding and lightning. The jackals don't produce a bubble, so it doesn't offer protection to those nearby.


> This means that the jackal itself should be immune - or at least highly resistant - to dragon corruption (not just Kralkatorrik's corruption), but the rider won't be unless the jackal is between the rider and the corruption.


They look so good though. ?



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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Fleebag.1384" said:

> > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > Which tells us that the jackals are formed from Abaddon's remnant magic, not human-turned-demon souls.

> > >

> > > So riding a Jackal ought to protect us from the K-riks lightning while in the brand then?

> >

> > If we rode under them, perhaps. The djinn's protective magic is that bubble we see; the bubble blocks branding and lightning. The jackals don't produce a bubble, so it doesn't offer protection to those nearby.

> >

> > This means that the jackal itself should be immune - or at least highly resistant - to dragon corruption (not just Kralkatorrik's corruption), but the rider won't be unless the jackal is between the rider and the corruption.


> They look so good though. ?


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_Jackal_Skin


They're probably like the djinn; incredibly difficult to corrupt but not entirely impossible.


Though to be sure the branded mount package is just Black Lion Aesticians having fun and being artsy. Your branded mounts aren't actually branded. There's no evidence of sand jackals getting corrupted as of present.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > @"Fleebag.1384" said:

> > > > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > > > Which tells us that the jackals are formed from Abaddon's remnant magic, not human-turned-demon souls.

> > > >

> > > > So riding a Jackal ought to protect us from the K-riks lightning while in the brand then?

> > >

> > > If we rode under them, perhaps. The djinn's protective magic is that bubble we see; the bubble blocks branding and lightning. The jackals don't produce a bubble, so it doesn't offer protection to those nearby.

> > >

> > > This means that the jackal itself should be immune - or at least highly resistant - to dragon corruption (not just Kralkatorrik's corruption), but the rider won't be unless the jackal is between the rider and the corruption.

> >

> > They look so good though. ?

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_Jackal_Skin


> They're probably like the djinn; incredibly difficult to corrupt but not entirely impossible.


> Though to be sure the branded mount package is just Black Lion Aesticians having fun and being artsy. Your branded mounts aren't actually branded. There's no evidence of sand jackals getting corrupted as of present.


The jackal actually makes more sense on being branded and tameable since it’s resistance to the corruption. The other creatures make less sense, but like you said they are only skins.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> The jackal actually makes more sense on being branded and tameable since it’s resistance to the corruption. The other creatures make less sense, but like you said they are only skins.

I would argue that it makes less sense, given their resistance to corruption means they shouldn't be corruptible at all (djinn are only resistant due to what makes up a jackal, after all). This is just another part where the branded mount pack are lore-breaking for players to have them (still the first real lore-breaking unless we force the headcanon of "they're just mimicking illusions made to look like branded" or something).


Though just as I am disappointed there's no awakened using the outfit or mounts, I remain disappointed there are no branded riding the branded mounts out there.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > The jackal actually makes more sense on being branded and tameable since it’s resistance to the corruption. The other creatures make less sense, but like you said they are only skins.

> I would argue that it makes less sense, given their resistance to corruption means they shouldn't be corruptible at all (djinn are only resistant due to what makes up a jackal, after all). This is just another part where the branded mount pack are lore-breaking for players to have them (still the first real lore-breaking unless we force the headcanon of "they're just mimicking illusions made to look like branded" or something).


> Though just as I am disappointed there's no awakened using the outfit or mounts, I remain disappointed there are no branded riding the branded mounts out there.


Probably why they are just for fun. Though, I get your point. It irks me as well when I play the Beastmarshall mission in Vabbi and the awakened are riding on live raptors, when the awakened mount, although coming out after PoF, make way more sense.

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