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I Know Why Legend Skills Reorder Now, Not Random


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So after several hours of testing I think I finally figured out what is causing revenant utility skills to change "random" order.

For whatever reason legend swapping during a utility skill with cast time takes its default counter part and drags it to its slot.


For example, Riposting Shadows is default skill 1 for Shiro and Facet of Darkness is for Glint. If I cast Riposting Shadows from any skill slot and legend swap during, it will drag Facet of Darkness to that same skill slot. If I cast Burst of Strength and swap during animation it will drag Impossible Odds to that slot.


This goes for any Utility Skill with a cast time. The default 7/8/9 skills are linked to each other respectively across legends. This is why some of us are experiencing it a little occasionally and some are experiencing it A LOT.


I suspect this still has something to do with how they handled the hero panel update that allowed people to directly place their skills from their land and water sets.

A temp solution to prevent skill reordering atm is to either make sure your 2 legends 7/8/9 utility skills are "default paired" back to back (they can be in any of the 3 slots, just need to be paired) in their respective slots OR don't legend swap during a utility skill cast animation. ~~Note that this does not affect instant cast times and is unlikely to affect 1/4 sec casts so you can attempt to work around that.~~ I was able to bug with 1/2 sec Kalla skills though.


Ug what a mess.




The skill pairings are (tested in game),



* Facet of Darkness/ Riposting Shadows/ Inspiring Reinforcement/ Pain Absorbtion/ Protective Solace

* Facet of Elements/ Phase Traversal/ Forced Engagement/ Banish Enchantment/ Natural Harmony

* Facet of Strength/ Impossible Odds/ Vengeful Hammers/ Unyielding Anguish/ Purifying Essence

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The skill pairings are (tested in game),



* Facet of Darkness/ Riposting Shadows/ Inspiring Reinforcement/ Pain Absorbtion/ Protective Solace

* Facet of Elements/ Phase Traversal/ Forced Engagement/ Banish Enchantment/ Natural Harmony

* Facet of Strength/ Impossible Odds/ Vengeful Hammers/ Unyielding Anguish/ Purifying Essence

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Thanx for the effort. Makes sense why was having the bug so often in PvP, because swapping legend is one of the few cleansings I have, and swapping during a cast to either get the cleanse, break a stun or just reset the energy happens all the time.


Now Arenanet, please, a fix. I'm on the verge of quitting PvP (which means most of my time with the game); already bought For Honor and intend to play that one and SC VI if this crap keeps kicking...

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> @"Artemis Thuras.8795" said:

> so, if i'm understanding this correctly:

> because I've left the legend utility skills in their default positions, I wouldn't notice this because they are "paired" anyway?


> AKA each legends skill could be thought of as "skill 7/8/9".


It depends on the order you place them on your bar because you have to equip each utility skill after unlocking them. At least that is how it is now as I just checked. If you are not experiencing this bug then you have nothing to worry about. If you were running into this bug you would know it for certain already.

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> @"Artemis Thuras.8795" said:

> so, if i'm understanding this correctly:

> because I've left the legend utility skills in their default positions, I wouldn't notice this because they are "paired" anyway?


> AKA each legends skill could be thought of as "skill 7/8/9".


That is exactly the case. This bug people keep talking about is how the revenant utilities have always worked for me. When I first got HoT ages ago I thought it was just another of those idiosyncrasies of the class. Since it has always worked that way for me, I kind of still do.

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Happened many, many times to me Friday (10/5) while in wvw. I haven't joined a squad since because I don't want to feel like a liability with me partially losing control of my character mid-combat. I don't intend to join a squad with my Revenant until this is fixed. You swap, try to use the utility skill you want, and, oops, it's moved, and you're dead. The problem persisted through the weekend. I, like others, arrange utility skills in some logical order across multiple characters and trying to set up a default pairing after so many months...


ANet, could you **please** just fix this? This, paired with other recent Revenant changes, leads me to believe the Revenant profession does not see a lot of testing with any bugs being placed very low on the priority list. (Sorry, I'm not trying to be mean, but that is my impression.)

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