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Could we have some PvE Reward Tracks?

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> @"Rfreak.6591" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > The whole point of them is to just give you a bit of a bonus, not to grind for them. If you take a look at how ANet has built this game over the years, they're actively working towards the point where players don't feel pressured into grinding specific stuff but instead get a bit here and there all over the place, so no matter what they play it'll lead them towards their goal, whatever that is.

> >

> > The point of sPvP and WvW reward tracks is to enable those players to gather resources towards whatever goals they have (skin collections, crafting materials, etc.) at a rate similar to PvE players. PvE already has a ton of rewards, especially if you compare it to sPvP/WvW without reward tracks, and your choice of where and what kind of content to play allows you to influence the rewards you get (map currencies, specific region skins, etc.).

> >

> > Reward tracks in sPvP and WvW are trying to emulate the choice of area to play in and rewards to earn that PvE players have. They aren't made to and (for the most part) don't put the pvp crowd at an advantage loot-wise compared to PvE players. On the contrary, in most cases PvE is still the easiest way to gather whatever shiny you are after, and a lot of stuff can't even be gotten in the pvp modes (legendaries, collection reward skins, minis, etc).

> >

> > If there is "dead" PvE content in the game, then making that content even more obsolete by dropping the materials in other PvE content of choice isn't the way to go. That way you could just cut those maps/events/whatever out of the game right away. I highly doubt that ANet will go and kill their own content that way.


> I get that, I think we should focus on the -why this isn't working as is right now- then, lemme put some down off the top of my head:


> -Reward tracks are core-Tyria only, I think this ends up being a bit confusing, especially seeing how PoF rewards have been standardized with the unidentified items.

> -The PvE bar progression is unclear as to how it fills and, as far as I can remember (I haven't been in core-Tyria much lately) you can't actually check the progress bar like in wvw, can you? It can be rather confusing.


They are not core only. They are on every map. They just get progressively more boring. You get the "Next Item" every two events. They are a bit deceptive since they don't show the quantity for items.


> -Reward tracks are per map, which means that if I wanted to grind a specific item safely I would be stuck in a map of choice as you mentioned, which it shouldn't be the way to go.


Only partially true. They rotate on a weekly basis but ANet stopped doing that starting with LS3. DT and SW doesn't rotate either.




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> @"fixit.7189" said:

> Yea, it's funny...when i need dungeon tokens and infusions I WvW for them.


> This is far less frustrating than trying to do dungeons or fractals: just follow the zerg, throw out aoe, and profit.



What track do you use to get infusions, or are you talking about the +5 stats zero ar ones?

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I understand that reward tracks may seem favourable from a utility perspective, but on the other hand, PvE is about the environment and about earning loot respective to that environment.


In HoT you get the rewards tied and themed to HoT. In PoF you can earn desert themed armor. Like Cultural armor is only available in each of the respective racial cities rather than a possibly much more practical merchant in Lion's Arch.


While it's entirely possible and probably much more practical and nicer to earn what you want where ever you want, the reason that there's no reward tracks in PvE is simply because the rewards are technically tied and themed to their respective zones, coming with their own "story and background" (In the broadest sense, it's more of an experience and more abstract notion).


I personally would be for even more of a sense of realism or faked realism (ish), where nothing is really level bound, but rather tied to the zones or environment. IE. making certain materials available in certain locations rather than simply ordering them according to level. Like Auric basin being known for it's richness in Gold and Silver ore, while Kourna is much more Iron-rich or whatever. Of course at this point that might just upset the current market balance, Idk. But just to illustrate some of the idea.

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What if they replaced part of the reward for doing the dailies with a choice of Potion of PvP/Potion of WvW reward? Do any 3, no matter what modes, and you get the potion for the day.


This would allow a pure PvE player to make slow progress on a PvP/WvW reward track of their choice and eventually get through it. PvP and WvW players could just speed up their current track just that little step more each day. No big changes needed that I can see.


The only downside that I can see is that, yes, this would allow someone to get the Gift of Battle without stepping into WvW. If that's a problem, then make the reward a Potion of PvP reward only, and then add in a merchant that exchanges the potions and a few badges of honor for WvW potions. (Say, 10 PvP potions and 2 BoH for 10 WvW potions.) That way they'd still have to play some WvW to get it, though not as much.

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