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[Suggestion] Racial Elite specs


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I don't see why this thread needed to be necro'd back from October.


Especially since it is _never ever going to happen_ - why do you think Anet has nerfed all racial skills to the point of absurdity to begin with?


They don't want race to be anything but an aesthetic choice.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Because I just got notifications for some responses, and because if it needs to die let a A-net employee come and close it down. Until then it can stay up along with all the other worthless threads on here kitten about something, rather then offer some constructive Ideas.


Relax, you're not the naughty thread-necromancer here.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Because I just got notifications for some responses, and because if it needs to die let a A-net employee come and close it down. Until then it can stay up along with all the other worthless threads on here kitten about something, rather then offer some constructive Ideas.


> Relax, you're not the naughty thread-necromancer here.


> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Because I just got notifications for some responses, and because if it needs to die let a A-net employee come and close it down. Until then it can stay up along with all the other worthless threads on here kitten about something, rather then offer some constructive Ideas.


> Relax, you're not the naughty thread-necromancer here.


> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Because I just got notifications for some responses, and because if it needs to die let a A-net employee come and close it down. Until then it can stay up along with all the other worthless threads on here kitten about something, rather then offer some constructive Ideas.


> Relax, you're not the naughty thread-necromancer here.


It was weird that I got the notifications now, but I feel this could still be discussed and expanded upon and made into a solid Idea that is not like an Elite spec. I honestly like the suggestion above that it merely changes the aesthetics and gives you more race based customization, I Feel that could be a huge quality of life thing. That would make it more fun to have multiple of one class, merely because of the cosmetic and theme changes due to their standard race spec.

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Honestly, a better (and more feasable/realistic) option to add more racial diversity would be Anet adding more Cultural arms and armour skins to the game.


Since it is just visual, there'd be no balance issues you'd have to take into consideration or anything like that.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Honestly, a better (and more feasable/realistic) option to add more racial diversity would be Anet adding more Cultural arms and armour skins to the game.


> Since it is just visual, there'd be no balance issues you'd have to take into consideration or anything like that.


I suppose that is true too... I Feel the aesthetics for each class should change from race to race as is...


That way your engineer could be a cool charr one who uses sprockets and gears, while an asuran one can be like tony stark with nano-machines and shit.

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Truth be told, that specific case with the Engineers have always bugged me since launch. My pet Engineer alt is Charr specifically for that reason: all Engineer tech looks distinctly Charr(ian?) in nature. I originally wanted an Asura, but it looks so stupid to see them use such crude-looking tech.


In an ideal world, you'd have Asuran engineers use laz0r turrets and the like and Sylvari ones literally growing their turrets from the ground etc.

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I like the idea...i think that they would probably have to make all the traitlines available for all races for people not to complain about balance....which might not be a bad idea...people can pick up the flavor traitline for their race and have the option to pick the meta traitline for their profession #shrug

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Racial Elites will take the way of racial skills. Being deliberately worse that other alternatives to make race a merely cosmetic choice. And it's good like that. If the Havroun would be better at anything in the current meta, the Havroun would become the meta and you'd find yourself in a world full of "W4, Exp, Havroun or kick" lfg's. Sucks if you don't have a Norn, right...So no, let's not go there.

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> @"Rika.7249" said:

> Racials will never and should never be on par with normal builds, as it pushes people to play a certain race-profession combination that they might not like. Let's not become World of Warcraft where humans were absolutely required for PvP for 5 years.


> By the way, it's "elite" not "eliet".


You make Mark Twain sad: "I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way."


But really the people do the "ideal" build anyway. Lots of people Google builds before even making a class. That's why raids expect specs before you can play with them. I personally find it sad and unimaginative, cause it leaves out people who don't have the raids ideal build but may have stumbled onto something really good for them. But to each their own. I don't see how having a new racial skill path would change this significantly, especially if every class has it. Could open up unusual combos for those of us who are like to play the really odd.


Also, it's neat to see when games add in the stuff in their lore and stories. Charr should jump slightly farther than a human or Sylvari (advantage in jp mixed with disadvantage cause it's when they are on all fours, larger size, and overshooting jumps). Even simple and dumb things that show off the different cultures and species would be neat. Just some random animations like Charr shake off when they exit water or Sylvari leaves droop more in the desert.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Truth be told, that specific case with the Engineers have always bugged me since launch. My pet Engineer alt is Charr specifically for that reason: all Engineer tech looks distinctly Charr(ian?) in nature. I originally wanted an Asura, but it looks so stupid to see them use such crude-looking tech.


> In an ideal world, you'd have Asuran engineers use laz0r turrets and the like and Sylvari ones literally growing their turrets from the ground etc.


thats why I want to see as a feature beign implemented SKILL SKINS.

Would anet finalyl implement this, then they could start off with this feature with racial skill skins to make all the skills, where it does fit to have them look differently based on the race.

after that they can continue for Gemstore with Skill Skins that aren't focused on the various races, but just in general the skills itself to make them look different, based on which Skill Skin Set you actively use, which are then again shared between all races, so that Necromancers, Elementalists and basicalyl all classes which can summon somethign have options to change the style and the looks of their summons for example, or any other skills...

This is also something, where I think should legendary items be also FAR MORE involved into, that they not only influence here and there some skill animations only, but that the moment you unlock their weapon skins, that you unlock with them also too Skill Skin Sets with that you can completely change the look of your Skills, so that the skilsl fit visionally much better also to the theme and style of the legendary weapon itself.


It would be a great instrument, that would help in making our characters look more unique and with that anet could make money through the gemstore also as well...

Somethign like this should be a no brainer normally for ANet and its really weird to see, that somethign simple like this still isn't part of GW2 after 5 years .. but instead the keep on bombarding us with wing skins en mass and outfits, instead of broadening their options in where players could possible change the look of things through the help of skin sets.. and skills itself belong to this circle of possible skin changes too for me...

Anet just hast to begin with it only and you'll all see, stuff like this will sell itself like hot cakes... and surely will sell itself easier and better, than totally overpriced mount skins ... with that Anet aims only at the big money elefants in the room.

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Truth be told, that specific case with the Engineers have always bugged me since launch. My pet Engineer alt is Charr specifically for that reason: all Engineer tech looks distinctly Charr(ian?) in nature. I originally wanted an Asura, but it looks so stupid to see them use such crude-looking tech.

> >

> > In an ideal world, you'd have Asuran engineers use laz0r turrets and the like and Sylvari ones literally growing their turrets from the ground etc.


> thats why I want to see as a feature beign implemented SKILL SKINS.

> Would anet finalyl implement this, then they could start off with this feature with racial skill skins to make all the skills, where it does fit to have them look differently based on the race.

> after that they can continue for Gemstore with Skill Skins that aren't focused on the various races, but just in general the skills itself to make them look different, based on which Skill Skin Set you actively use, which are then again shared between all races, so that Necromancers, Elementalists and basicalyl all classes which can summon somethign have options to change the style and the looks of their summons for example, or any other skills...

> This is also something, where I think should legendary items be also FAR MORE involved into, that they not only influence here and there some skill animations only, but that the moment you unlock their weapon skins, that you unlock with them also too Skill Skin Sets with that you can completely change the look of your Skills, so that the skilsl fit visionally much better also to the theme and style of the legendary weapon itself.


> It would be a great instrument, that would help in making our characters look more unique and with that anet could make money through the gemstore also as well...

> Somethign like this should be a no brainer normally for ANet and its really weird to see, that somethign simple like this still isn't part of GW2 after 5 years .. but instead the keep on bombarding us with wing skins en mass and outfits, instead of broadening their options in where players could possible change the look of things through the help of skin sets.. and skills itself belong to this circle of possible skin changes too for me...

> Anet just hast to begin with it only and you'll all see, stuff like this will sell itself like hot cakes... and surely will sell itself easier and better, than totally overpriced mount skins ... with that Anet aims only at the big money elefants in the room.


There is a serious issue with this though: PvP.


Do you play League of Legends? Or know about it? They introduced a skin for a character (Lux) which caused a fustercluck because her skills - while looking fancy with the new skin of course - were distinctly harder to see for enemy players when using this new skin. This gave the user of said skin a distinct in-game advantage that the devs didn't intend for.


Something like that might also happen with racial skill skins in GW2.

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Something, that can be easily for PvP deactivated by ANet, that sany active Skill Skins will get resetted for PvP to Default, if they should really cause any trouble..


But if we just don't test Skill Skins out as a feature, then we will never get to know at all, if they might not eventually work perfectly fine from begin on..

Its always also a matter of the Skill Skinn itself.. if ANet would overexxaggerate the effects with them naturally, then I too would be concerned about them making PvP not too laggy or giving give thenm somehow advantages over others due too the effects being too much.


However, I can't think about anythign bad about implementign Skill Skins as option to make the races visually more distinctive and different, while giving the skils of all the classes also more flavor visually and by that giving players more ways to bevcome visualy unique, especially when Anet can earn with that also money via gemstore, after addign first as introduction of this feature racial skill skins for free, so that we could have differently looking turrets from engineer based on their race for example.


So that Asuran Turrets will look far much more high tech and futuristic compared to charr turrets and especialyl human turrets, whyle sylvari ones will be then all planty looking, like summoned carnivorous plants which shoot and bite at their targets, while norn ones can be more inspired after the animal spirits.

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I guess the only chance we ever had of have a profession like this was with Revenant...not sure how much harder would be to make Rev like this, but his legends should be based on the race that you are playing...as someone who plays as a Norn, i really weird to invoke the powers of characters that lore wise i dont really care or might never heard about...would be way cooler if my revenant could channel the powers of Jora, Svanir or Asgeir(the dude who fought against Jormag).

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the revenant was from begin on a complete fail birth by its whole design.

The game would be best suited with it, if Anet would completely erase the whole class with its current two specs out of the game and replace them with a better desgined new heavy class with two new Elite specs that fit better, without that the whole thing is anyhow related to races or old characters from the past that are bonded by lore to various races..


for example it woudl make absolutely zero sense to play as a human or any other race, that is not a Charr as a renegade, as long this whole garbage is 100% focused and designed around Charr lore. This whole design fiasco is also the reason why they are the only class which can't use racial skills - alone this is fact enough, why this whole junk class should have never been implemented at all from the start on...


They should have implemented instead the Revenant as a story based Rytlock only Class, that would have made much more sense, because anet even self can#t explain, why there exist suddenly after Rytlock millions of revenants, when before of him they didn#t exist at all ... and hes literally the first one.... the whole class just feels so stupidly retconned into the game, like Anet thinking over Razah originally and the Revenant was basically the result of this.


The game would work much better without the rev and its specs, woudl they get replaced instead with a general "Renegade" Class which is by design then the kind of "Dark/Shadow/Death Knight that Anet aimed after when you kind of look at their skills, and give that class then as Elite Specs the Vagabond and the Warmonger/Bellicist and this would fit alot better to the game by giving us as a third heavy class a dark themed one with fittign dark themed e specs, because then would fit this class and its specs into GW2 and all of its other classes again which share the same core design of all beign able to use racial skills and all being freely able to decide out of combat, which healing ,utility and elite skills you want to use, without that some kind of racial old character from the past of GW decides everythign what skills you have to use


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Suggestion: Racial Elite Specs SKINS.

So you choose an elite defined by your profession, then make it look like something corresponding with your toon race culture.

Sylvari Reaper could look like is using vines instead of mere shadows when in Shroud.

Norn Renegade can invoke animal spirits instead of old charr soldiers.

Asura Druid uses holograms and nanotec instead of vines.


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How about an elite spec that functions like those we already have (i.e. functions identically regardless of race) but the *flavor* of how it works aesthetically changes with your race.


For example:

The elite skill for the spec could make you transform and replace your weapon skills for X number of seconds. When using this skill on a Norn, it causes you to shapeshift like a norn would but as a Charr you take a different form/mode based on Charr lore. The skills available during this transformation could be flavored differently based on the race but the skill effects themselves (dmg, condi, activation, cooldown, etc.) would be identifcal regardless of race. If skill 1 does X damage and applies X stacks of bleed for X seconds, then that's what it does for all races.


That approach would let you have your racial flavor and aesthetic but would not create an imbalance between races when taking the spec. However, this still doesn't address the idea of individual classes. It becomes much more complex if you just want a spec that is generalized in some way that it can be taken with *any* class. If that were the case then it runs a much higher risk of becoming the absolute best or absolute worst elite spec in the game.


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  • 7 months later...

Y'know what, how about this: The racial specs would be a little weaker than other specs so that the people who want to make the strongest builds possible don't really have to consider them while people who just want to have fun and play the game won't really notice the difference in power. This way anet won't have to balance the racial specs that precisely and the meta won't be that badly affected. What do you guys think?

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> It does need to happen, and it needs to be on par with normal builds. Its not racism, its allowing these fantasy races to live up to their lore and having more than one of each class worth it. Because at this point it really is not.


Want =/= need


Bit more seriously:i don't see it happen. They would need to make the specs available to all races (unlessthey abbandon the allraces are vaiable idea) and as such make the skill's theme race neutral and since most of the skills are just worse versions of already existing skills.



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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> Snip


As a gamer, I completely understand a desire to see something cool added to games that you will enjoy. As somebody who used to work in the game industry and have some experience with balancing, I can tell you it's also understandable why game companies want to stay away from too many variables.


Balancing something linear in a more controlled environment is much easier than balancing something that crisscrosses. By adding racial elites, you're significantly multiplying the amount of balancing work. I'm not talking about double the amount of work (though double the amount of work is not to be taken lightly). I'm talking like 10 times more, at the very least. Also, consider the fact that games are constantly evolving and changing. Even if you do get a perfect balance, change one skill, and it'll have a ripple effect that breaks everything. This requires tremendous amount of resources, in an endless fight, which means money that can be spent on something else. This is why many companies start out going for a challenge, only for vast majority of these companies to throw in the towel once they get more experience dealing with the endless fight. There's a difference between reading about this challenge and imagining what it's like, and actually tackling this challenge. Tell, the balancers some other game seems to be doing it right, the balancers will want to throw something at you because what you don't know is that behind the scenes, they're doing the best they can while trying to keep their sanity. And the community... give one spec a 5% increase over other specs, and a small group of vocal minorities will freaking explode. It's just too much of a headache.


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While the idea sounds nice lore-wise, and even fun-wise, I hope it doesn't happen

Anet already has big troubles balancing the game around 9 base professions + 18 Elite specs

Adding also the race to the mix would be a terrible choice

Also, I loathe the idea that we could read in Raid LFG "LF Asura Weaver" while I rolled a Human one - no thank you


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