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Condi Mirage Feedback [Merged]


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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > I'm not very good at fighting Mirages so I don't want to offer too much advice, but I will say that longbow is a tricky and difficult weapon to fight them with. You can still use it effectively, however those windows are limited. Why?

> > -Evasive Mirror combined with Mirage Cloak is incredibly potent against projectiles. You can take UU as a Soulbeast but your unblockable frames still won't compete with their reflect uptime. Not all Mirages take this, but is is very punishing. You can't counter their burst when they can just reflect it back at you while simultaneously pressuring you.

> > -Body blocking via clones. This is further exacerbated when they trait Infinite Horizons. Chances are if you are taking Soulbeast, you won't take Marksmanship and won't have piercing arrows.

> > -Blinds. Mesmer has access to a lot of blinds. On top of everything else, this is a huge counter to longbow 3, which needs to hit the target to proc. Longbow 3 is one of the essential defenses you can use to stay alive with the weapon, and if you fail to land it, you can oftentimes be left very vulnerable.

> > -Detargetting and stealth. Just when you think you set up a great burst window, they stealth or detarget and your longbow 2 goes to waste.

> >


> The mesmer won't have a ton of blinds if they are running evasive mirror. God I wish ppl understood this.


I'm not necessarily saying those go hand in hand. Both present issues to the longbow. I provided a list of reasons that it can be a difficult weapon to be used effectively, but both Evasive Mirror and Blinding Dissipation are effective against the weapon. And Ineptitude still gives access to more blinds.

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> @"SnapzGW.3795" said:

> Hello

> Yes another mirage thread! woohoo! But seriously how isnt mirage being balanced yet? im so sick and tired going against these power houses!

> I mean its allmost impossible it lockdown between the dazes, elusive mind, invunlnerable, and teleports (non "stunbreaks", take Jaunt as an example).

> If you stun them they just walk it of like it was nothing or they use daze essentially rendering you useless for the duration of the CC you put out. Yes! EM got a nerf but that was kitten! it still hard to punish a mirage for making a mistake or even multiple mistakes, they just waltz away like its nothing, if you hit CC let them sit in that unless they have an actual kitten stunbreak! And the clone spam is just ridiculous! just limit the mesmer to 3 clones or let the 3+clones do reduced dmg or no dmg at all.

> And not to mention the huge condi cover they have please just limit that to just a few! so atleast we can cleanse some of the dmg.


> kitten mirage!

> - Snapz




## 100% agree !!!


Nice rant. I'm glad people spam forum with this issues because anet need to finally realize how broken pvp is because of this class(spec).


For everyone advising learn to plan hit right target. consider this:


there are most likely two mesmers in match and its mess beyond imagination. + other classes like necro wells etc.. **its just one big mess.**


even if you leap to right target before hit land its again clone/ilus or immune or invisible...


Mirage is **most tanky** **most mobile** and **incredible zergy** class.. whats the point even play other classes... which in many cases are not top even a single aspect?


**Then need to get nerf hard.. forget about balance other classes or titles in pvp ... this should be your priority!**


## No more placebo nerfs! Nerf mirage seriously!


Gl with this topic a be ready for huge disagreement because 50% ppl already play mirage.

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After @Trevor Boyer.6524 post about how he tested mirage I decided to try it myself. But with 2 significant differences:

* I did it in ranked

* I have some experiense with mesmer (several hundreds games on Chronophantasma Shatter during seasons 5-8). I stopped playing mesmer after PoF appears, because mirage was boring, super boring (both power and condi).


Ok, that's was background. Now my impressions after 20 games. It's very simple: I can't find any viable mesmer build (mirage, chrono tried different variants).

I mean, what role could mesmer fill?

* Side node holder? No. You can't withstand fight against Soulbeast or Spellbreaker. They just faceroll mesmer, they don't even bother to dodge any of my attacks.

* Heavy burst damage build? Well, glass soulbeast, guard, daredevil, deadeye and revenant are much better in this role.

* Range dps with Greatsword and Infinite Horizon? Well, this works but generally not better than ranger or deadeye.


Overall damage increased when PoF appeared and continued increasing during last year. Yeah, despite all this "nerfes" overall damage level in game increased.

Mesmer very susceptible to heavy power damage (and it always was susceptible, even before PoF) and target breaking doesn't have much sense because most of the damage is aoe now.


In short: some GS builds are more or less ok. Condi mirage has no real role in team, many builds can fill his role better.



By the way, I hate target breaking mechanics Mirage has.

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All the Mesmer elite specs need major nerfs. There is a reason that AI specs like turret engineer and MM necro are not viable in PvP. They are awful to paly against and create too much clutter. On top of that Mesmer has great mobility, the most 0 cast time skills, stealth access, and good sustained damage because they don't have to pick between offense and defense. They get it all in one package. It deserves to get the same level of nerfs that celestial ele got. It is bad for the PvP game.

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Yeah, yeah, nerfs all mesmers elite specs, then give them the same stability, protection, aegis, swiftness, vigor uptime of other meta build (and easy might stacks too.).

Also make mirror blade hit 4k+ pet hit to be in pair with other class damage 8sec cd and change distortion to be 35 CD for free hit during damage/cc immune like some other can do.

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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> Yeah, yeah, nerfs all mesmers elite specs, then give them the same stability, protection, aegis, swiftness, vigor uptime of other meta build (and easy might stacks too.).

> Also make mirror blade hit 4k+ pet hit to be in pair with other class damage 8sec cd and change distortion to be 35 CD for free hit during damage/cc immune like some other can do.


I know. People keep on about mesmer but don't realize if it gets all these nerfs, it will be pre-Hot when mesmer was useless in pvp

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> @"steveraptor.9603" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > A good deal of it depends on your matchup but these are some of the general rules I use for fighting condi mirage and it's helped me be pretty successful:

> > 1) When they stealth, count to 3 and then dodge, they are most likely trying a massive condi burst (95% of players playing this build are mechanically meh and won't think to shift around their playstyle so you will see this opener almost every fight) and dodging it will let you avoid most of their damage while putting the player in a relly bad position

> > 2) The best time to cc them is when they use the axe whirl skill

> > 3) If you play something like holo, do static discharge bursts (or any other large on demand burst) during all their animation locks to punish them

> > 4) I find that if you get hit with a burst it's much easier to survive if you kite and start using LoS to force the mes to get in a more confined space where you can dump damage on him. Know that because they have superior mobility, most mirages will not hesitate to chase because they assume they can catch you quickly and pull off a kill. If you can get them to tunnel vision the kill, you can get a very strong bait play out of it.

> > 5) Manage your condi removal very sparingly, if you blow everything for each little condi you see, you'll be out of cd's before you get a chance to hit the mes. It will drive you crazy but sometimes you gotta get used to letting the condis tick if it saves your cds for a better time.

> > 6) Do your damage in bursts, mirage has a ton of evasion and invuln to use so trying to do constant damage can be very rough outside of things like weaver that can put out consistent pressure while evading

> >

> > Hope those have been helpful, let me know if there's anything else you want to know.


> I have a question regarding the stealth burst, does shield block stops it? or only evade works?


Blocks will work too. I tend to use my engi's photon wall to block it so I can counter burst in fact. Really any form of damage mitigation will be effective (as long as it's hard damage mitigation, not things like protection). I just used dodge as the term because it's a mechanic available to everyone in game.

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Condis are totally out of role anyways. What is the real difference between condi and burst now? There almost is non.

Condis should be "dmg over time", getting stronger over time. Today condi is just a different kind of burst.


Anet would need to reduce condi spam and condi cleance spam. Condis need to be able to be put on over longer periode of time getting stronger over time with stacks.

Exept for burn, it was much more like this way in the past.


Now, they also could make the different condis much stronger in its nature and much weaker in base dmg. Meaning.

Give torrment low base dmg too almost nothing, but strong dmg on movement.

Give poison much lower dmg over time, but give it a healing reducen of 66% instead of 33%.

Give confusion much lesser base dmg, but strong dmg on attacking.

And so on.

If it would be done right, you could activly avoid condi-dmg or eighter be destoryed by it if you are not paying attention.


But ofc it would have to add up with the rest of the games combat.

It would probably take some braineffort to do this right and I personally don´t know how it could be done right in todays spammy state of the game.


That´s why I don´t think it will happen anyways.



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> @"gw niko.1049" said:

>Give confusion much lesser base dmg, but strong dmg on attacking.

Alrdy like that, you dont use skills but with lots of stacks you blowing urself

>Give torrment low base dmg too almost nothing, but strong dmg on movement.

U get twice much damage for moving. I alrdy see warriors,engis ,druid etc standing AFK on point and spam /laugh at mesmer trying to kill them

>Anet would need to reduce condi spam and condi cleance spam. Condis need to be able to be put on over longer periode of time getting stronger over time with stacks.

They would need not only just reduce condi and cleanse spam but overall power damage . Why ? Because you would be blown up faster than you can apply anything. With overall damage reduce we would need also cut healing to prevent bunker meta

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> I've stated already many times fair shaves condi could receive, and would argue power really didn't need any.


> But a response to the issue a lot of people have with Mirage 1v1, I would suggest you familiarize yourself with a martial arts concept of "Seme"


> With a good Seme, you waste less cooldowns against defensive options, and you force your enemy to blow theirs.


> There are a few strictly beneficial/counter matchups between all classes/builds. However making good trades will almost always reward you the upper hand.


> Maybe when your opponent runs, don't chase.

> Maybe when you stun, don't instantly burst expecting it to cleanly land.

> Maybe when your opponent is ready to dodge your burst, don't burst.


> Apply mental pressure, make openings.

> Feel their killing intent and evade.


> Sure you can argue having a plethora of evades makes this redundant, but count the access to evades a mirage has, it is on par with any class with access to vigor.

> (S/D thief and ranger has much more access to evade than any mirage)


> You may find this hard when surrounded by illusions, but this is part of what separates strong players from weak ones, and is the entire point of the mechanic.


+1 on this

finally some brain.


> @"Ario.8964" said:

> > @"steveraptor.9603" said:

> > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > A good deal of it depends on your matchup but these are some of the general rules I use for fighting condi mirage and it's helped me be pretty successful:

> > > 1) When they stealth, count to 3 and then dodge, they are most likely trying a massive condi burst (95% of players playing this build are mechanically meh and won't think to shift around their playstyle so you will see this opener almost every fight) and dodging it will let you avoid most of their damage while putting the player in a relly bad position

> > > 2) The best time to cc them is when they use the axe whirl skill

> > > 3) If you play something like holo, do static discharge bursts (or any other large on demand burst) during all their animation locks to punish them

> > > 4) I find that if you get hit with a burst it's much easier to survive if you kite and start using LoS to force the mes to get in a more confined space where you can dump damage on him. Know that because they have superior mobility, most mirages will not hesitate to chase because they assume they can catch you quickly and pull off a kill. If you can get them to tunnel vision the kill, you can get a very strong bait play out of it.

> > > 5) Manage your condi removal very sparingly, if you blow everything for each little condi you see, you'll be out of cd's before you get a chance to hit the mes. It will drive you crazy but sometimes you gotta get used to letting the condis tick if it saves your cds for a better time.

> > > 6) Do your damage in bursts, mirage has a ton of evasion and invuln to use so trying to do constant damage can be very rough outside of things like weaver that can put out consistent pressure while evading

> > >

> > > Hope those have been helpful, let me know if there's anything else you want to know.

> >

> > I have a question regarding the stealth burst, does shield block stops it? or only evade works?


> Blocks will work too. I tend to use my engi's photon wall to block it so I can counter burst in fact. Really any form of damage mitigation will be effective (as long as it's hard damage mitigation, not things like protection). I just used dodge as the term because it's a mechanic available to everyone in game.


You're gonna eat the Mirrorblade if you block only - It's unblockable and can hit for roughly 4-8 k depending on Crit and if all 3 hits bounce to u.


> @"gw niko.1049" said:

> Condis are totally out of role anyways. What is the real difference between condi and burst now? There almost is non.

> Condis should be "dmg over time", getting stronger over time. Today condi is just a different kind of burst.


> Anet would need to reduce condi spam and condi cleance spam. Condis need to be able to be put on over longer periode of time getting stronger over time with stacks.

> Exept for burn, it was much more like this way in the past.


> Now, they also could make the different condis much stronger in its nature and much weaker in base dmg. Meaning.

> Give torrment low base dmg too almost nothing, but strong dmg on movement.

> Give poison much lower dmg over time, but give it a healing reducen of 66% instead of 33%.

> Give confusion much lesser base dmg, but strong dmg on attacking.

> And so on.

> If it would be done right, you could activly avoid condi-dmg or eighter be destoryed by it if you are not paying attention.


> But ofc it would have to add up with the rest of the games combat.

> It would probably take some braineffort to do this right and I personally don´t know how it could be done right in todays spammy state of the game.


> That´s why I don´t think it will happen anyways.




seems like you have actually no clue about condis.

Confusion ticks for TEN passive dmg per second per stack.


Only burst Condis are Burn and Confu by it's nature. Both are designed to deal good ammount of damage in short time.

Confusion actually stays for like 3 seconds.


Usual high Torment spikes are arround 1,5k - 2k per sec = 10 sec for 20k HP

Usual zerker auto attack is arround 4-6k = 3 sec for 18k HP


Yes conditions are damage over time.

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has anyone considered the new trinkets like Grieving etc. as the possible cause for QQ?? I run Grieving Mirage in Spvp ( this is the first time I'm actually attempting to place on the leader-boards - currently plat 1 with 13 games left ) it's very effective but not god mode in spvp. You win matches and you loose matches... I'm usually top damage offense etc. but that means nothing if you loose the match. All I'm seeing is QQ about "condi" mirage when there's viable options ( non-meta ) that will give you access to both power and condition damage and when played right can have devastating outcomes. There's a lot of confusion about blinds, reflects, etc. before you go on here and QQ perhaps you should roll one and actually play the class to understand how it works. I'm not a Spvp regular by any means but I've had lots of seat time with Mesmer in general ( 5k + hours played on my main in WvW, PvE, Spvp combined ) and as is the case with anyone who has played a class for a long time you're going to be better at it than the average player to some degree. You're only as good as your team is when playing Spvp and with the Potluck that is solo queue you never really know how the game is going to go until you engage the other team. PLAY THE DAMN CLASS IF YOU'RE HAVING PROBLEMS SURVIVING TO UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS!!!


a good gold 3 match & personal highest damage ever achieved in a single game to date:

![](https://i.imgur.com/yWdn5eF.jpg "")


a steam of bad Plat 1 games:

![](https://i.imgur.com/SSDcExW.jpg "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/fKe2npT.jpg "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/ux0K8ZS.jpg "")




and good plat games ( I don't screenshot all of my games obviously ):


![](https://i.imgur.com/GhOjWBD.jpg "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/JTti9fH.jpg "")



![](https://i.imgur.com/YG3ewpT.jpg "")








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> @"viquing.8254" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > Mesmer sustain:

> >

> > Mechanics = **>blur<, >distortion<, mirror**, target break (mirage), clones and ilusions through the way serving as **obstacles**, **>stealths<**, **>portal<**, **>teleports<** (staff 2, sword 3, jaunt - mirage, illusionary ambush - mirage, blink)

> > Crowd Controls = **>Dazes<**, stuns (sword ambush = mirage, mantra of distracting = zerker, shield skill 5 = chrono), etc (gravity wall, GS skill 5...)

> > Crowd Control Conditions = **>Blinds<**, weakness, cripple, imobilize, chill (staff), slow (chrono), etc

> > Boons = Protection, aegis (staff/F4), vigor,

> > Escape = portal, blink, stealths


> Half aren't efficient.


Everything is efficient in certain situations (even vulnerability).


> Boons and other CC conditions have minimal impact.


Rofl, that affirmation is a shot in my eyes.


> PS: your build lack condi clear.


True, but you wont need cond removal if you perma cc your enemy, or become imortal during 50% of the fight, or perma blind the guy between ur immortalities and CC's.


> Other class meta builds have better stab uptime, protection, resistance, heal/sec regen, weapon sustain which are more usefull to fight on point.


Mirage had infinity break stuns, so this is almost equal to stability.

It also has lot of ENDURANCE regen (perma dodge/immortality), but the worse is blind/CC spam (you wont receive damage if people can't touch you).



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> @"breno.5423" said:

> It also has lot of ENDURANCE regen (perma dodge/immortality), but the worse is blind/CC spam (you wont receive damage if people can't touch you).

Perma dodge perma immortality...omegalul ...cc spam... from where comes such exaggerations(just like rest of your post) . I have theory : lower skill(perception) = more exaggerations

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Having played about 80 games this weekend, I don't know how people are complaining about Condition Mirage when Boonbeasts are clearly the most cancerous spec in game at the moment with 2-4X of them every single match. They're more over populated than Mirages, deadeyes, and Reapers were earlier in the season. It's more resilient than and with as much condition cleanse and sustain as prenerf druids back when sidenoding druids were all the rage and it has spellbreaker tier damage on top of it. Nothing can 1v1 these. Very few can 2v1 these. I think it's just people's uniquely petulant response to dying from condition damage in specific regardless of whether condition damage is even good or not in the grand scheme of things.

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > It also has lot of ENDURANCE regen (perma dodge/immortality), but the worse is blind/CC spam (you wont receive damage if people can't touch you).

> Perma dodge perma immortality...omegalul ...cc spam... from where comes such exaggerations(just like rest of your post) . I have theory : lower skill(perception) = more exaggerations


Just an example:


Chrono: Staff 5 (3x daze), F3 (3x daze), Shield 5 (2x stun), 2x Gravity wall (6 pulls) = **14 CCs**


Another example:


Mirage thrust: 1 stun every 3/4 sec

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> **Mirage** had infinity break stuns, so this is almost equal to stability.

>It also has lot of ENDURANCE regen (perma dodge/immortality), but the worse is blind/CC spam (you wont receive damage if people can't touch you).

Thats what YOU said , not me.

> @"breno.5423" said:

> > @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > It also has lot of ENDURANCE regen (perma dodge/immortality), but the worse is blind/CC spam (you wont receive damage if people can't touch you).

> > Perma dodge perma immortality...omegalul ...cc spam... from where comes such exaggerations(just like rest of your post) . I have theory : lower skill(perception) = more exaggerations


> Just an example:


> Chrono: Staff 5 (3x daze), F3 (3x daze), Shield 5 (2x stun), 2x Gravity wall (6 pulls) = **14 CCs**


> Another example:


> Mirage thrust: 1 stun every 3/4 sec

That you said about mirage...

According to you :

Staff5 always daze 3 times

No matter what F3 daze 3seconds or whatever it is but always 3 times

Mirage can use chronomancer shield !

Mirage can use chronomancer gravity well twice

Mirage hacked the game and made 'mirage thrust' not to daze 1/4s but turned into a 1second stun with 3/4 seconds cooldown . Actual stun time is longer than cooldown...

Why do you hate yourself that much? Why you cant stop shame yourself ... ? Why...

Thank you for confirming my theory .You are free to go

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> @"breno.5423" said:

> Everything is efficient in certain situations (even vulnerability).

Not when every other meta class have less mechanics but more efficient.

> > Boons and other CC conditions have minimal impact.

> Rofl, that affirmation is a shot in my eyes.

Because in your mind chaos armor and chaos storm are the best temporisation tools of the world...

> > PS: your build lack condi clear.

> True, but you wont need cond removal if you perma cc your enemy, or become imortal during 50% of the fight, or perma blind the guy between ur immortalities and CC's.

**NO build** in the meta can be perma CCed (even necro have 1 breakstunt or 1 instant fear or something.), We never saw lockdown mesmer meta as biggest prove.

Mesmer **haven't** 50% immune => it can't fight on point versus most meta builds.

**No build** in the meta can be perma blind because everyone have minimum 1 condiclear who autoproc on classic rotation or spam attacks faster than blind application.

> > Other class meta builds have better stab uptime, protection, resistance, heal/sec regen, weapon sustain which are more usefull to fight on point.

> Mirage had infinity break stuns, so this is almost equal to stability.

Mirage have 3 to 4 breakstunt. 2 on 30 sec CD, 2 on 18 to 30 sec CD. It hasn't stability from classic rotation like near every other meta specs have.

> It also has lot of ENDURANCE regen (perma dodge/immortality), but the worse is blind/CC spam (you wont receive damage if people can't touch you).

It has actually one the worst endurance regeneration compared to other meta-build.

(And lol at 1.5 sec on mirage spec.).

Mirage is not good at CC spam when we compare to other class. (without sword ambush, even necro have more CC.)

Blind on shatter is only good against warriors when they haven't resistance proc.


>Just an example:

>Chrono: Staff 5 (3x daze), F3 (3x daze), Shield 5 (2x stun), 2x Gravity wall (6 pulls) = 14 CCs

>Another example:

>Mirage thrust: 1 stun every 3/4 sec

Staff is **random** aoe daze, everyone, even in backpedal can go out of the aoe.

F3 is only good when your are in melee to CC from mesmer, because clone will most of time get detroyed by random hit before CC. (not to say that you can't stay on melee, because of massive opponents aoe so you have to use one or two teleport to do that.)

Shield 5 have a **3/4 second cast** than the time the wave hit you. Only oysters get hit by it.

Gravity wall need an oponent with no breakstunt, no aegis proc, no mobility skills its pretty rare.

If you double it, your oponent have the time to saw it coming.

**Now compare thoses CC to instant aoe or more than 1 sec duration other meta class have please.** I change mesmer CC to necro core and elites, gards core and elites, soulbeast, Spellbreaker, core war, holo, thief when you want.

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > 10k damage on tick, trololo

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BQ7levU.jpg "")

> >


> And is priority in cleanses. Requires heavy investment to achieve. And is a very squishy build with no condi cleanses.

NPC taking twice as much . Thats weird he didnt took damage from raid and scream LOOK LOOK 20k torments!:D

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > 10k damage on tick, trololo

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BQ7levU.jpg "")

> >


> And is priority in cleanses. Requires heavy investment to achieve. And is a very squishy build with no condi cleanses.


Not really. I play mes.


Assuming it's an inspiration build because sword torch, which is also what I play. There is plenty of cleanse. Each juant removes 1 condition. Each f button removes conditions. Signet of midnight removes all condis. Signet of ilussion allows u to recharge all f skills and so u can remove again. There is literally 12 Condi removals. The f skills also do Condi dmg upon activation .that's just the minimum active removal.


With traits every clone u make takes a condition. So u can just spam axe 2 which takes another 2. Signet of ilusion also randomly generates clones which take off condition. You basically cannot die to Condi.


25k hp is not squishy at all. Esp not with 2 stealths, 2 distorts,2 dodges,4 teleports. Before you say jaunt range is low. Small range teleports is actually what u want. To port out of stuns. For example if a warrior dazes you and is about to use hundred blades. U can jaunt right out of it n use your next skill. Since daze is only 1 second. Another is to jaunt up spots so they can't hit u. Plenty in every map.


It's literally is the most for giving build in the entire game. I am going to play the crap out it untill they Nerf it.

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