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Condi Mirage Feedback [Merged]


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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > 10k damage on tick, trololo

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BQ7levU.jpg "")

> > >

> >

> > And is priority in cleanses. Requires heavy investment to achieve. And is a very squishy build with no condi cleanses.


> Not really. I play mes.


> Assuming it's an inspiration build because sword torch, which is also what I play. There is plenty of cleanse. Each juant removes 1 condition. Each f button removes conditions. Signet of midnight removes all condis. Signet of ilussion allows u to recharge all f skills and so u can remove again. There is literally 12 Condi removals. The f skills also do Condi dmg upon activation .that's just the minimum active removal.


> With traits every clone u make takes a condition. So u can just spam axe 2 which takes another 2. Signet of ilusion also randomly generates clones which take off condition. You basically cannot die to Condi.


> 25k hp is not squishy at all. Esp not with 2 stealths, 2 distorts,2 dodges,4 teleports. Before you say jaunt range is low. Small range teleports is actually what u want. To port out of stuns. For example if a warrior dazes you and is about to use hundred blades. U can jaunt right out of it n use your next skill. Since daze is only 1 second. Another is to jaunt up spots so they can't hit u. Plenty in every map.


> It's literally is the most for giving build in the entire game. I am going to play the kitten out it untill they Nerf it.


To have inspi you give up a lot of damage.

If you give up duel you either lose clone generation or confusion burst.

If you give up illusion you give up cry of pain, maim and increased condi damage.

So with the build they're talking about you end up with jaunt and torch 4 as your only condi removals, considering jaunt is used as mobility and attaking too (if self-deception is traited) and torch 4 is used to burst, condi removal is really low.


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> @"Toron.4856" said:

> > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > lol what??? How are you complaining about mesmers when there are much more broken classes out there. Look at the Holo kitten! Or the warrior. Every game now 2 holos. and the team without loses. Nice balance Anet. gg.


> When u think war and holo r more busted than mirage ur obv a woodtier player that has a l2p issue.


> Holo and war both can be outplayed and have weaknesses. Mirage doesn't.


It has one weakness:

A better mirage player in enemy team xD



Its really funny. Scourge isn't allowed to do 3 conditions with F1.

1 burning, 1torment, 1 cripple

Now we can add 1 vulnerability and 1corrupted boon.


But mesmer is allowed to do like: 10stacks burning, 10 stacks confusion, 10 stacks torment and bleed and blind and like all the conditions available in an instant.


So that if you move, you die to torment, if you try to condicleanses you take insane amounts of confusion damage and have to hope, that confusion get actually cleansed, else it will hurt even more.


This is nuts! And on top of that, it's one of the most mobile classes in the game, maybe even the one with the best mobility and gets invulnerability and invisibility on top of that, as well as blocks, target breaking, evades....

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> But mesmer is allowed to do like: 10stacks burning, 10 stacks confusion, 10 stacks torment and bleed and blind and like all the conditions available in an instant.

3 illusions prerequise + 3 sec torch precast + 1 CD phantasm cast + illusions moving to you + re-3 illusions prerequise + re-illusions moving to you = an instant. Ok.

Well, I will be very happy to change this instant to real 10+ instant damage with better aoe on little CD.


> This is nuts! And on top of that, it's one of the most mobile classes in the game, maybe even the one with the best mobility and gets invulnerability and invisibility on top of that, as well as blocks, target breaking, evades....

Less and less builds use sword.

Apart necro, other meta builds are as mobile as mesmer, even more for certains. (get out of an aoe with a 450 jaunt != run in another point in few seconds. And portal and blink are certainly powerful but when you compare with perma swiftness class (which concretly mean that you can't melee thoses specs because they run away from melee range just by running.), who have gap closer or target teleport, the best mobility is questionable.)



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:

> > > lol what??? How are you complaining about mesmers when there are much more broken classes out there. Look at the Holo kitten! Or the warrior. Every game now 2 holos. and the team without loses. Nice balance Anet. gg.

> >

> > When u think war and holo r more busted than mirage ur obv a woodtier player that has a l2p issue.

> >

> > Holo and war both can be outplayed and have weaknesses. Mirage doesn't.


> It has one weakness:

> A better mirage player in enemy team xD



> Its really funny. Scourge isn't allowed to do 3 conditions with F1.

> 1 burning, 1torment, 1 cripple

> Now we can add 1 vulnerability and 1corrupted boon.


> But mesmer is allowed to do like: 10stacks burning, 10 stacks confusion, 10 stacks torment and bleed and blind and like all the conditions available in an instant.


> So that if you move, you die to torment, if you try to condicleanses you take insane amounts of confusion damage and have to hope, that confusion get actually cleansed, else it will hurt even more.


> This is nuts! And on top of that, it's one of the most mobile classes in the game, maybe even the one with the best mobility and gets invulnerability and invisibility on top of that, as well as blocks, target breaking, evades....



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It's like people who aren't mesmers make it sound like they are helpless NPCs who have only auto attack 1 skill. LIKE ERMAGERD MESMER PUT 20K TICK DMG ON ME I CANT DO ANYTHING WAHHH.


use your cleanse...heal...dodge it....block it....blind us...CC us...blink/shadowstep away...go invul...use a shout...burst us.....don't just stand there lmao...


If you are eating 3 skills, each doing 5k damage and the corresponding Condi pulses, you are bad.



> @"breno.5423" said:

> Ok, now imagine someone casting 3 skills getting 5k damage each, adding 2k burn pulses and 1~2k torment.



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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > 10k damage on tick, trololo

> >

> > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BQ7levU.jpg "")

> >


> If you bother to read the tool tip you will notice that confusion does half the damage to players.



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> @"brappish.8715" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > 10k damage on tick, trololo

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BQ7levU.jpg "")

> > >

> >

> > If you bother to read the tool tip you will notice that confusion does half the damage to players.




I believe he killed more players than Mirage :trollface:

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> @"tinyreborn.1938" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > It also has lot of ENDURANCE regen (perma dodge/immortality), but the worse is blind/CC spam (you wont receive damage if people can't touch you).

> Perma dodge perma immortality...omegalul ...cc spam... from where comes such exaggerations(just like rest of your post) . I have theory : lower skill(perception) = more exaggerations


pls dont nerf my precious mirage cause skill is a nono!

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"jportell.2197" said:

> > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > 10k damage on tick, trololo

> > >

> > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/BQ7levU.jpg "")

> > >

> >

> > And is priority in cleanses. Requires heavy investment to achieve. And is a very squishy build with no condi cleanses.


> Not really. I play mes.


> Assuming it's an inspiration build because sword torch, which is also what I play. There is plenty of cleanse. Each juant removes 1 condition. Each f button removes conditions. Signet of midnight removes all condis. Signet of ilussion allows u to recharge all f skills and so u can remove again. There is literally 12 Condi removals. The f skills also do Condi dmg upon activation .that's just the minimum active removal.


> With traits every clone u make takes a condition. So u can just spam axe 2 which takes another 2. Signet of ilusion also randomly generates clones which take off condition. You basically cannot die to Condi.


> 25k hp is not squishy at all. Esp not with 2 stealths, 2 distorts,2 dodges,4 teleports. Before you say jaunt range is low. Small range teleports is actually what u want. To port out of stuns. For example if a warrior dazes you and is about to use hundred blades. U can jaunt right out of it n use your next skill. Since daze is only 1 second. Another is to jaunt up spots so they can't hit u. Plenty in every map.


> It's literally is the most for giving build in the entire game. I am going to play the kitten out it untill they Nerf it.


The Inspiration variant is meant for newer mesmers and is not played by at the higher raiting.

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Can we just get a weekly pvp lesson "who to pvp" on all important points?


Its kinda pointless, if the basic knowledge about a game mode is soo huge different. I speak about players pushing buttons without knowing if it helps to reach the goal and this on p3+ minimal 6 of 10 players each round. On p3-p2 its nearly 10 of 10.


I tested some seasons if some players can dodge oneshot builds ( before hot rifle warrior, before pof with berserk rifle warrior and deadeye after). And its cruel: even if i play bersek warrior on actually seasons, most players at p3 not even try to dodge f1 (ok it's not more a oneshott), doesn't matter if 1v1 or other fights. And i choosed also to only hit if they can dodge or avoid it... Somehow on p2-1 they managed to dodge a core f1 rifle (without quickness). No wonder deadeye got nerfed on rifle 3 xD


What i want to tell with that: even on fair* fights most players don't even learned that after getting the second time hurted badly to change the own playstile.


* I managed to dont kitte or do other smart actions if i feel im too strong with that against any player...

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> @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> 'member when game was all about having 4 cele elementalists and mesmer was useless outside being a portal slave and people were still complaining almost as much as Mirage nowadays about how OP mesmer was despite being unable to kill, resist or stall pretty much anything at equal-skill-levels? Balance team still 'members


I member. But it wasnt just 4 cele eles. It was a cele engi, cele warr, a condi necro, a thief, and a cele ele. Mesmer was nowhere to be seen in the meta, and bunker guard has fallen out due to the sustain of everyone else.

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Helseth was one of the first players that show what potential the mesmer has. Imo most players wouldn't now how important portal is without him.


If we look at other pro players we will see the main problem: a small viewer base -> so most players don't learn from them and get frustrated by some matchups or fighting some classes

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> @"jportell.2197" said:

> > @"plushiesoda.8150" said:

> > 'member when game was all about having 4 cele elementalists and mesmer was useless outside being a portal slave and people were still complaining almost as much as Mirage nowadays about how OP mesmer was despite being unable to kill, resist or stall pretty much anything at equal-skill-levels? Balance team still 'members


> I member. But it wasnt just 4 cele eles. It was a cele engi, cele warr, a condi necro, a thief, and a cele ele. Mesmer was nowhere to be seen in the meta, and bunker guard has fallen out due to the sustain of everyone else.


Lies! Mesmer was always part of meta and the most op profession with no hard counters! Mesmer was and still is ANet's baby and favorite child that never gets nerfed and always gets buffed! /s

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Mesmer has been meta in every game mode since hot came out lmao. And for the heroes claiming just cleanse, no class has as much condi removal as mes has application. Mirage can cc/blind/invuln chain long enough to kill anyone 1v1, and when they run out of offensive CDs, can stealth disengage at will to try again in 5s.

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> Mesmer has been meta in every game mode since hot came out lmao.

Nope, during HoT in PvP, it was only meta in teamQ because portal and SoH were usefull in coordinated team fight (to a lesser extent in duoQ) but most of HoT seasons it was more than under-represented in leaderboard because hard countered by many specs.


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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> Mesmer has been meta in every game mode since hot came out lmao. And for the heroes claiming just cleanse, no class has as much condi removal as mes has application. Mirage can cc/blind/invuln chain long enough to kill anyone 1v1, and when they run out of offensive CDs, can stealth disengage at will to try again in 5s.


* six-year-old boys voice*

"And then, they can summon a nuclear warhead and it'll blow up everyone, and then they can go to Narnia and bring back more clones, and then they have super magic abilities that give them the force and then they can yell really loud like warriors and then they have big firey wings that come out of their back and they kill everyone in one shot and then they killed Thanos and then they killed my dad too and then I really like the flavor raspberry and my favorite color is purple, but the mesmer had a green one so I gave away the sword and now its yellow again and they wouldn't share anything with me so I'm sad"= how everyone sounds, ever that thinks mesmer is op.

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> @"brappish.8715" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > Mesmer has been meta in every game mode since hot came out lmao. And for the heroes claiming just cleanse, no class has as much condi removal as mes has application. Mirage can cc/blind/invuln chain long enough to kill anyone 1v1, and when they run out of offensive CDs, can stealth disengage at will to try again in 5s.


> * six-year-old boys voice*

pic or it isn't true



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@ plushiesoda:

Yes ranked with randoms is most times not that professional as full teams on tournaments.


But it's not about the random mates, its more about the skillpool of that players -> if we got a basic knowledge/skill not that far of that of our top players it doesn't matter that much with what randoms you play.


In other words this also means: to get your own out of rankloop, you need to be that well you allways know where to bring you impact at right time. Like take threats out. Its easyer this way as if you are at the same lvl as most randoms, cause your not that much pressured and get more chances. Btw nothing else happens on top lvl..


As more you master the game mode as less randomness happens to you and less frustrated it gets. (But maybe it gets boring cause you don't have much challenge so you deside to go wvw cause fighting 6 bad payers is more challenging than fighting one bad player)

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Why nerf mirage? You can just increase condi removal, make resisitance an effect instead of a boon, and lower the cooldowns on all condi removal skills across the board.; sigil of purging should remove like 8 conditions every 5 seconds.

This way we are all happy. No nerfs for mirage, and people won't get melted so easily



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Why nerf mirage? You can just increase condi removal, make resisitance an effect instead of a boon, and lower the cooldowns on all condi removal skills across the board.; sigil of purging should remove like 8 conditions every 5 seconds.

> This way we are all happy. No nerfs for mirage, and people won't get melted so easily




Buffing Sigil of Purging to even 2 condis removed per 10 secs would make it an auto include in EVERY build and kill any condi spec across the board. How is that healthy for the game? Think before you post. Mirage is one of 3 (is it 4?) classes that has no passive proc to save it. We rely on our active defense and twitch reaction time to survive Deadeyes, Core Guards, Boonbeasts, etc.

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