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Condi Mirage Feedback [Merged]


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This thread and everyone crying about conditions mirage or mirage in general after the most recent patch...?

I have some bad news for you...

**It is entirely a learn to play issue.**


If this thread had been made back in april or something then I wouldn't be saying this.


Let's establish first that mirage's offensive AND defensive capabilities largely depend on how much it can evade, because Ambush skills are only available to use after you use a dodge on mirage, condi clear also happens at the end of a mirage dodge, etc. so whenever the ability to dodge on mirage is affected, the entire class gets nerfed instead of just its defense being reduced (if you nerf dodges on another class it doesn't affect how much damage they do for the most part)


The most recent patch nerfed mirage evasion to being worse than necro's evasion. Exhaustion continues for 6 seconds after breaking a stun with Elusive Mind. That's a ridiculously heavy nerf to mirage evasion that piles on top of multiple previous patches this summer/spring to mirage evasion.

Mirage went from pretty overpowered to weak. The only thing you have is target drops and confusion/torment which punishes spam and careless randoms who just piano their skills then go on the forums to cry for even more nerfs.


Besides the most recent patch, mirage evasion capabilities have already been nerfed repeatedly the past 4 patches.

Jaunt CD was increased to 30s from 20s. blurred frenzy, a key skill, was nerfed to only evade for 1 second.

Vigor was cut down by more than half of its old uptime to being basically nonexistent.

Adventure runes were gutted, they were a huge part of mirage's evasion.

Confusion duration was nerfed multiple times to the point that you can now just wait out the confusion while taking very little damage.

Also, don't forget that confusion was changed to not deal any damage anymore unless you actually use a skill while having it, whereas in the past you would take ticking damage regardless of if you used a skill while having confusion.


Different iterations of the current Mirage get hard countered by different holo builds in 1v1s as of right now. If you are losing to mirages on holosmith, it's on you.

Mesmer in general is just worse than things like holo or soulbeast in both duels and obviously team fights (mesmer never was that good at team fights at any point in the games history), it's only really 'viable competitively' because of portal.


I suggest you just stop moving unnecessarily when you get torment, and stop spamming skills and downing yourselves with confusion.



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1. What evasion on Necro are you talking about? If you are talking about dodge rolls, Mesmer certainly does not have less dodge rolls than a Necromancer. If you are using the term "Evasion" loosely for general ability to mitigate damage, Mesmer certainly has plenty more ways to mitigate damage than a Necromancer. Players seriously do not need to take Elusive Mind. Mirage has plenty of disengage and anti-stun without it.

2. Elusive Mind? Good Mirages never needed to take it to begin with. Mirage still gets 2x stun breaks including Blink and 3x Jaunts. That is still more "Get out of jail free cards" than any other class has.

3. Jaunt CD being raised from 20s to 30s? My good bro, it is a 3x ammo ground targeted teleport skill. What other class has a 3x ammo ground targeted teleport skill that sits directly next to Blink? That's 4x ground targeted teleports, not teleports like JI or Steal that are limited in movement to where enemies are at, but 4x ground targeted teleports.

4. Even after the nerfs, Mirage would still be graded as: DPS (S+) - Self Sustain (S+) - Mobility (S+) - Team Utility (A), whereas something like a Reaper would be graded as: DPS (S+) - Self Sustain (B+) - Mobility © - Team Utility ©, and something like a Firebrand would be graded as: DPS (C-) - Self Sustain (A) - Mobility © - Team Utility/Support (S+). ect.. ect.. ect..


I kind of feel like, Mirage is still a problem.


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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> @"MLGKorno.5419"


> 1. What evasion on Necro are you talking about? If you are talking about dodge rolls, Mesmer certainly does not have less dodge rolls than a Necromancer. If you are using the term "Evasion" loosely for general ability to mitigate damage, Mesmer certainly has plenty more ways to mitigate damage than a Necromancer. Players seriously do not need to take Elusive Mind. Mirage has plenty of disengage and anti-stun without it.

> 2. Elusive Mind? Good Mirages never needed to take it to begin with. Mirage still gets 2x stun breaks including Blink and 3x Jaunts. That is still more "Get out of jail free cards" than any other class has.

> 3. Jaunt CD being raised from 20s to 30s? My good bro, it is a 3x ammo ground targeted teleport skill. What other class has a 3x ammo ground targeted teleport skill that sits directly next to Blink? That's 4x ground targeted teleports, not teleports like JI or Steal that are limited in movement to where enemies are at, but 4x ground targeted teleports.

> 4. Even after the nerfs, Mirage would still be graded as: DPS (S+) - Self Sustain (S+) - Mobility (S+) - Team Utility (A), whereas something like a Reaper would be graded as: DPS (S+) - Self Sustain (B+) - Mobility © - Team Utility ©, and something like a Firebrand would be graded as: DPS (C-) - Self Sustain (A) - Mobility © - Team Utility/Support (S+). ect.. ect.. ect..


> I kind of feel like, Mirage is still a problem.



1. if a mesmer is actually hit by evasion, yes it will have less evade frames than a necro literally unless you take axe or scepter, both situational and almost never used in top tier play. In the past we've seen a couple very effective mesmer 1v1 side node builds back when the class could be considered legitimately a bit over the top. However, with all the nerfs mesmer has gotten now, it's safe to say a mesmer will melt faster than a reaper will if it doesn't just leave and give up the node. that's why after all these huge nerfs to mes, mesmer is no longer viable as a 1v1 side node role.

Since the theme of the noob complains is about being bopped by a mesmer 1v1, it certainly sounds like L2P!


2. LUL Please grab me a monthly or ugo vod since the time the mirage class came out a year ago where the mesmer player(s) in these vods like Kronos/Zeromis/Steel/Zorh was running anything other than elusive mind!

Surely all these players are just bad at the game and bad at theorycrafting and not taking the other p r o traits for good mesmers only (lol)


3. u fail to see that the person you're responding to was just saying that as part of him trying to state the truth that mesmer really isnt that strong because literally every aspect of it has seen huge nerfs in the past couple months.


4. who are you to grade these classes? win a monthly. win a DAILY at that has at least one semi decent team in it. your statements might be looked at as less of a meme.

as a GENERAL statement, u cant deny mirage is literally inferior to holo at *fighting*. noone denies mirage is still top tier viable but a lot of that is from its mobility.

*mirage will get full capped by a lot of diff builds right now*. lemme remind u that the thread starter as well as the others on the bandwagon are speaking about issues *fighting* mirages because apparently the confusion and torment is too much and they cant find the real mesmer

in 2018 if u cant find the real mesmer and are attacking with 10 stacks of confusion that only lasts 4s, then the problem is you as kronos already said

TFW you try to respond to facts laid out by players like that who are known to be infinitely better than you

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:


> 2. Elusive Mind? Good Mirages never needed to take it to begin with. Mirage still gets 2x stun breaks including Blink and 3x Jaunts. That is still more "Get out of jail free cards" than any other class has.




stopped reading right there cause i had to do such a big facepalm

shows u know nothing about actual top tier pvp and have never looked at or followed the competitive scene (or whats left of it)


posts like this and the original post are super representative of the pvp 'community' - random solo Q heroes going to forums to complain when they, for example, lose to a mirage while playing a holo, then refusing to believe the problem is their own skill

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > And this here people is why we got power meta now.Condi was cried about for so long, that now condi cleanses are op and people still cry even though not many reliable condi builds in pvp.

> >

> > Most classes don't have enough cleanse to fight condi mirage. The only class having more than enough cleanse to fight condi mirage is guardian and well spellbreaker if u play the tanky d/sh build but everyone plays strength ans tether atm.

> >

> > And yes we have a power meta and 9.9/10 dont want any change.


> The following build do well agains mirage in order of effectiveness:


> Core guardian

> Holo

> SB (somewhat)

> Soul beast is not bad (as long that you have GS)

> Weaver sword is alright

> Reaper is not bad

> Scourge is also okay


> Only rev and thief have limited options against mirage. And not every class must have more than enough cleanses to fight condis. Cuz if that is the case no one will play condi builds.


> And the meta currently sucks. We do need more condi viable builds and support builds. Not every kitten build should be a pure power dps, except mirage scourge and FB. We need variety.


Personally i think scourge should be condi.It used to be condi spam build but it was gutted in condi and now went pure power.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"otto.5684" said:

> > > @"Toron.4856" said:

> > > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > And this here people is why we got power meta now.Condi was cried about for so long, that now condi cleanses are op and people still cry even though not many reliable condi builds in pvp.

> > >

> > > Most classes don't have enough cleanse to fight condi mirage. The only class having more than enough cleanse to fight condi mirage is guardian and well spellbreaker if u play the tanky d/sh build but everyone plays strength ans tether atm.

> > >

> > > And yes we have a power meta and 9.9/10 dont want any change.

> >

> > The following build do well agains mirage in order of effectiveness:

> >

> > Core guardian

> > Holo

> > SB (somewhat)

> > Soul beast is not bad (as long that you have GS)

> > Weaver sword is alright

> > Reaper is not bad

> > Scourge is also okay

> >

> > Only rev and thief have limited options against mirage. And not every class must have more than enough cleanses to fight condis. Cuz if that is the case no one will play condi builds.

> >

> > And the meta currently sucks. We do need more condi viable builds and support builds. Not every kitten build should be a pure power dps, except mirage scourge and FB. We need variety.


> Personally i think scourge should be condi.It used to be condi spam build but it was gutted in condi and now went pure power.


It was easier to deal with when it was condi

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There were days when you meet good mesmer and you know that this player knows this game, you have respect to him and enjoy every moment fighting. Today, when you meet mesmer, you know that a player is just a random newbie who needs an easy overpowered class to play...you just ignore him and if he talks, block...


It's called "evolution" of the game.

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> @"Lexani.6152" said:

> There were days when you meet good mesmer and you know that this player knows this game, you have respect to him and enjoy every moment fighting. Today, when you meet mesmer, you know that a player is just a random newbie who needs an easy overpowered class to play...you just ignore him and if he talks, block...


> It's called "evolution" of the game.


Funnily enough a number of those may be the same people.

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"If only forum hours translated into game experience"


Fighting Mirage is entirely L2P if you're playing any of the common meta builds. High tier mirage has few winning matchups, the best ones are probably ele or warrior and they still takes too long to kill in a competitive game (You can get more value elsewhere more times than not).


As a top player Id rather get a pug reaper, holo, core guard, dps firebrand, axe soulbeast - Than some random mirage that I have no clue who they are. The skill floor for all those builds is significantly lower than mirage, they will be more effective in fights assuming the skill level is similar.


Even playing near the skill cap of the class other mid tier players (on other classes, IE: holo) will still find successful situations more frequently and with less amount of outplay required when compared to a top tier mirage player in ranked. Holo can move anywhere on the map and find value, team fights, 1v1s, in roads, outnumbering, and while outnumbered. Mirage can outnumber well (has decent burst), can 1v1 kinda for short duration assuming similar skill level. If it did not have portal it would not be taken in competitive play as is.


Mirage stomps bads, it is similar to DH in HoT. When I play mirage in ranked, I will disrespect push everyone who I don't know 1v1 regardless of the matchup just due to how bad the players in ranked q's are. If you prove you're not a bot, ill react accordingly and play around you. In terms of effectiveness though, id much rather play necro and just farm kills with much less effort.



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> @"DeShawn Jackson.7324" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"MLGKorno.5419"

> >

> > 1. What evasion on Necro are you talking about? If you are talking about dodge rolls, Mesmer certainly does not have less dodge rolls than a Necromancer. If you are using the term "Evasion" loosely for general ability to mitigate damage, Mesmer certainly has plenty more ways to mitigate damage than a Necromancer. Players seriously do not need to take Elusive Mind. Mirage has plenty of disengage and anti-stun without it.

> > 2. Elusive Mind? Good Mirages never needed to take it to begin with. Mirage still gets 2x stun breaks including Blink and 3x Jaunts. That is still more "Get out of jail free cards" than any other class has.

> > 3. Jaunt CD being raised from 20s to 30s? My good bro, it is a 3x ammo ground targeted teleport skill. What other class has a 3x ammo ground targeted teleport skill that sits directly next to Blink? That's 4x ground targeted teleports, not teleports like JI or Steal that are limited in movement to where enemies are at, but 4x ground targeted teleports.

> > 4. Even after the nerfs, Mirage would still be graded as: DPS (S+) - Self Sustain (S+) - Mobility (S+) - Team Utility (A), whereas something like a Reaper would be graded as: DPS (S+) - Self Sustain (B+) - Mobility © - Team Utility ©, and something like a Firebrand would be graded as: DPS (C-) - Self Sustain (A) - Mobility © - Team Utility/Support (S+). ect.. ect.. ect..

> >

> > I kind of feel like, Mirage is still a problem.

> >


> 1. if a mesmer is actually hit by evasion, yes it will have less evade frames than a necro literally unless you take axe or scepter, both situational and almost never used in top tier play. In the past we've seen a couple very effective mesmer 1v1 side node builds back when the class could be considered legitimately a bit over the top. However, with all the nerfs mesmer has gotten now, it's safe to say a mesmer will melt faster than a reaper will if it doesn't just leave and give up the node. that's why after all these huge nerfs to mes, mesmer is no longer viable as a 1v1 side node role.

> Since the theme of the noob complains is about being bopped by a mesmer 1v1, it certainly sounds like L2P!


> 2. LUL Please grab me a monthly or ugo vod since the time the mirage class came out a year ago where the mesmer player(s) in these vods like Kronos/Zeromis/Steel/Zorh was running anything other than elusive mind!

> Surely all these players are just bad at the game and bad at theorycrafting and not taking the other p r o traits for good mesmers only (lol)


> 3. u fail to see that the person you're responding to was just saying that as part of him trying to state the truth that mesmer really isnt that strong because literally every aspect of it has seen huge nerfs in the past couple months.


> 4. who are you to grade these classes? win a monthly. win a DAILY at that has at least one semi decent team in it. your statements might be looked at as less of a meme.

> as a GENERAL statement, u cant deny mirage is literally inferior to holo at *fighting*. noone denies mirage is still top tier viable but a lot of that is from its mobility.

> *mirage will get full capped by a lot of diff builds right now*. lemme remind u that the thread starter as well as the others on the bandwagon are speaking about issues *fighting* mirages because apparently the confusion and torment is too much and they cant find the real mesmer

> in 2018 if u cant find the real mesmer and are attacking with 10 stacks of confusion that only lasts 4s, then the problem is you as kronos already said

> TFW you try to respond to facts laid out by players like that who are known to be infinitely better than you


1. Mesmer not viable as a side node role? The Mesmer defense crew never ceases to amaze to me. God forbid a single class or two shows up that can finally actually 1v1 the Mirage or possibly hard counter it like Holo, and the Mesmer defense crew is like "OH MAN IT LOST ALL VIABILITY". Come on now, that's not losing viability, that's just being brought into balance with other classes.

2. I didn't say Mesmer players were NOT running Elusive Mind, I said the good ones didn't need to. This is been stated multiple times in other threads, some of the posts made by the very Mesmer players you are referring to.

3. He wasn't simply "stating that Mesmer wasn't that strong" he was seriously underplaying how strong it still is. You fail to see that I was only pointing that out in my post.

4. "Who am I?" "Go win a daily AT?" Apparently you yourself don't plat ATs often within the past 3 months or so, when I was playing 2 or 3 ATs a day with various teams, and winning 1st place just about every other time we qued. In fact, in the Fortune [Fame] discord pvp section, there is a big list of .jpgs posted of our teams winning first place daily ATs.

5. About the idea that Kronos is a better player than I am -> When he's on his Mirage sure. Go figure.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"DeShawn Jackson.7324" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"MLGKorno.5419"

> > >

> > > 1. What evasion on Necro are you talking about? If you are talking about dodge rolls, Mesmer certainly does not have less dodge rolls than a Necromancer. If you are using the term "Evasion" loosely for general ability to mitigate damage, Mesmer certainly has plenty more ways to mitigate damage than a Necromancer. Players seriously do not need to take Elusive Mind. Mirage has plenty of disengage and anti-stun without it.

> > > 2. Elusive Mind? Good Mirages never needed to take it to begin with. Mirage still gets 2x stun breaks including Blink and 3x Jaunts. That is still more "Get out of jail free cards" than any other class has.

> > > 3. Jaunt CD being raised from 20s to 30s? My good bro, it is a 3x ammo ground targeted teleport skill. What other class has a 3x ammo ground targeted teleport skill that sits directly next to Blink? That's 4x ground targeted teleports, not teleports like JI or Steal that are limited in movement to where enemies are at, but 4x ground targeted teleports.

> > > 4. Even after the nerfs, Mirage would still be graded as: DPS (S+) - Self Sustain (S+) - Mobility (S+) - Team Utility (A), whereas something like a Reaper would be graded as: DPS (S+) - Self Sustain (B+) - Mobility © - Team Utility ©, and something like a Firebrand would be graded as: DPS (C-) - Self Sustain (A) - Mobility © - Team Utility/Support (S+). ect.. ect.. ect..

> > >

> > > I kind of feel like, Mirage is still a problem.

> > >

> >

> > 1. if a mesmer is actually hit by evasion, yes it will have less evade frames than a necro literally unless you take axe or scepter, both situational and almost never used in top tier play. In the past we've seen a couple very effective mesmer 1v1 side node builds back when the class could be considered legitimately a bit over the top. However, with all the nerfs mesmer has gotten now, it's safe to say a mesmer will melt faster than a reaper will if it doesn't just leave and give up the node. that's why after all these huge nerfs to mes, mesmer is no longer viable as a 1v1 side node role.

> > Since the theme of the noob complains is about being bopped by a mesmer 1v1, it certainly sounds like L2P!

> >

> > 2. LUL Please grab me a monthly or ugo vod since the time the mirage class came out a year ago where the mesmer player(s) in these vods like Kronos/Zeromis/Steel/Zorh was running anything other than elusive mind!

> > Surely all these players are just bad at the game and bad at theorycrafting and not taking the other p r o traits for good mesmers only (lol)

> >

> > 3. u fail to see that the person you're responding to was just saying that as part of him trying to state the truth that mesmer really isnt that strong because literally every aspect of it has seen huge nerfs in the past couple months.

> >

> > 4. who are you to grade these classes? win a monthly. win a DAILY at that has at least one semi decent team in it. your statements might be looked at as less of a meme.

> > as a GENERAL statement, u cant deny mirage is literally inferior to holo at *fighting*. noone denies mirage is still top tier viable but a lot of that is from its mobility.

> > *mirage will get full capped by a lot of diff builds right now*. lemme remind u that the thread starter as well as the others on the bandwagon are speaking about issues *fighting* mirages because apparently the confusion and torment is too much and they cant find the real mesmer

> > in 2018 if u cant find the real mesmer and are attacking with 10 stacks of confusion that only lasts 4s, then the problem is you as kronos already said

> > TFW you try to respond to facts laid out by players like that who are known to be infinitely better than you


> 1. Mesmer not viable as a side node role? The Mesmer defense crew never ceases to amaze to me. God forbid a single class or two shows up that can finally actually 1v1 the Mirage or possibly hard counter it like Holo, and the Mesmer defense crew is like "OH MAN IT LOST ALL VIABILITY". Come on now, that's not losing viability, that's just being brought into balance with other classes.

> 2. I didn't say Mesmer players were NOT running Elusive Mind, I said the good ones didn't need to. This is been stated multiple times in other threads, some of the posts made by the very Mesmer players you are referring to.

> 3. He wasn't simply "stating that Mesmer wasn't that strong" he was seriously underplaying how strong it still is. You fail to see that I was only pointing that out in my post.

> 4. "Who am I?" "Go win a daily AT?" Apparently you yourself don't plat ATs often within the past 3 months or so, when I was playing 2 or 3 ATs a day with various teams, and winning 1st place just about every other time we qued.

> 5. About the idea that Kronos is a better player than I am -> When he's on his Mirage sure. Go figure.


Kronos is way better than you at any class even if he barely plays the game

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I could tell condi mirage would be " annoying " months ago ( not OP to me). Fact is, again bringing my same argument, it's the same issue than scourge, reaper, and eventually that crap condi guard i'm seeing lately.


These builds force you usually to fight off point and it's still fairly easy to make a mistake, die, and lead to snowball effect. I mean, i like those matchs since they are usually strategic, but it gets less fun when you notice you end up winning 500-450 to a team that didn't do much regarding capping and strategy, only thanks to their builds..

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Lol ppl who can't dodge. Admittedly unlike power mirage, condi has a bit to much output and has the option to spec into a much safer ammy. So suggested changes:


Revert Jaunt and vigor nerfs.


Maim of the disillusioned - Now only affects Mind Wrack and Cry of Frustration.


Ineptitude - No longer confuse on blind. Interrupts cause confusion. Successfully evading an attack causes blind and confusion (similar to it's original design)


This directly de-weaponizes blinds and reduces the over all output.


Condi Mirage is by far NOT the worst thing thing to happen. Anything with a large amount of surviviability that can sustain/delay 2v1 on point easily by rotating cooldowns is the most unhealthy thing for conquest.

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Lol ppl who can't doge. Admittedly unlike power mirage, condi has a bit to much output and has the option to spec into a much safer ammy. So suggested changes:


> Revert Jaunt and vigor nerfs.


> Maim of the disillusioned - Now only affects Mind Wrack and Cry of Frustration.


> Ineptitude - No longer confuse on blind. Interrupts cause confusion. Successfully evading an attack causes blind and confusion (similar to it's original design)


> This directly de-weaponizes blinds and reduces the over all output.


> Condi Mirage is by far NOT the worst thing thing to happen. Anything with a large amount of surviviability that can sustain/delay 2v1 on point easily by rotating cooldowns is the most unhealthy thing for conquest.


You mean mirage then? :)

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Lexani.6152" said:

> > There were days when you meet good mesmer and you know that this player knows this game, you have respect to him and enjoy every moment fighting. Today, when you meet mesmer, you know that a player is just a random newbie who needs an easy overpowered class to play...you just ignore him and if he talks, block...

> >

> > It's called "evolution" of the game.


> Funnily enough a number of those may be the same people.


Good player enjoys competitive and challenging game play, I mean he enjoys when you need to have skill to master a class, not just mindlessly spam button/s. I can assure you, majority of players who played mesmer before, they don't play it anymore. I have been playing thief as main for like 3 years now, I can't stand deadeye because it doesn't require skill at all and is kinda overpowered. If you are a roamer in wvw you should know what I am talking about.

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> @"Lexani.6152" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > @"Lexani.6152" said:

> > > There were days when you meet good mesmer and you know that this player knows this game, you have respect to him and enjoy every moment fighting. Today, when you meet mesmer, you know that a player is just a random newbie who needs an easy overpowered class to play...you just ignore him and if he talks, block...

> > >

> > > It's called "evolution" of the game.

> >

> > Funnily enough a number of those may be the same people.


> Good player enjoys competitive and challenging game play, I mean he enjoys when you need to have skill to master a class, not just mindlessly spam button/s. I can assure you, majority of players who played mesmer before, they don't play it anymore. I have been playing thief as main for like 3 years now, I can't stand deadeye because it doesn't require skill at all and is kinda overpowered. If you are a roamer in wvw you should know what I am talking about.


Oh I know. I used to be die hard power shatter before hot and was even slightly "elitist" about it (ie none of that mantra kitten - pure positioning and timing to land burst. I never liked mantra of distraction tbh) having my fair share of awesome performances, solo and team, as well as awful failures.


But there comes a point when one has just got to accept and play with what we've got - ie casual fun combat, where the audio/visual effects are the main reason for playing. This is the reason I quit pvp some time ago and just casually play wvw now - because there's no competitive stress in a game environment that is never going to be truly competitive. Also because hotjoin servers dried up so no possibility for casual skirmish there. For the record the only reason I frequent this forum is that the wvw forum doesn't have any decent balance discussion for "player vs player" combat interactions (or entertainment from whining), and profession specific forums are most of the time discussing raid balance which I'm not interested in.


What's funny is that there may be situations where the same people may encounter each other years later with different characters, different names, different classes and with totally different judgements, eg possible of looking down one's nose - whereas maybe there was a different interaction in the past such as respect from good "skilled" fights - there's absolutely no way of knowing unless you recognise a name, which I don't know about you but I only remember a handful of names. Even if a lot have left, I'd guess there are still enough people for this to take place.


I have no guilt over enjoying mirage because I don't care anymore as to what's strong or not - I play what is aurally/visually satisfying and thematically interesting. Eg I don't like chrono anymore simply because of the alacrity sound effect change - so even if they had a godlike build I wouldn't play it. Preferring hybrid in general because it gives some satisfaction of direct burst and DoT without going to one or the other extreme.

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> @"Zawn.9647" said:

> > @"Daishi.6027" said:

> > Lol ppl who can't doge. Admittedly unlike power mirage, condi has a bit to much output and has the option to spec into a much safer ammy. So suggested changes:

> >

> > Revert Jaunt and vigor nerfs.

> >

> > Maim of the disillusioned - Now only affects Mind Wrack and Cry of Frustration.

> >

> > Ineptitude - No longer confuse on blind. Interrupts cause confusion. Successfully evading an attack causes blind and confusion (similar to it's original design)

> >

> > This directly de-weaponizes blinds and reduces the over all output.

> >

> > Condi Mirage is by far NOT the worst thing thing to happen. Anything with a large amount of surviviability that can sustain/delay 2v1 on point easily by rotating cooldowns is the most unhealthy thing for conquest.


> You mean mirage then? :)


lol ur cute.


I mean like Season 1 Chrono bunk, or very old metas like when teams would take 4 cele eles.

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Being outplayed by good warrior feels great. Being outkited by interrupt daredevil is sometimes fun. Hell even holosmith doesn't look unfair comparing condi mesmer iFourManU meme of this game.

Somebody in Anet is totally biased towards mesmers, no matter how many times I come back there is no as frustrating class to fights as mesmers, worst low risk high reward class I ever seen anywhere. Think it'd be safe to say that very few pay-to-win mmos have it better, yet all we gonna see soon is fake band-aids while what we need is ruthless bisection of said class.

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> @"Vasdamas Anklast.1607" said:

> Being outplayed by good warrior feels great. Being outkited by interrupt daredevil is sometimes fun. Hell even holosmith doesn't look unfair comparing condi mesmer iFourManU meme of this game.

> Somebody in Anet is totally biased towards mesmers, no matter how many times I come back there is no as frustrating class to fights as mesmers, worst low risk high reward class I ever seen anywhere. Think it'd be safe to say that very few pay-to-win mmos have it better, yet all we gonna see soon is fake band-aids while what we need is ruthless bisection of said class.


What's funny is the higher in rankings you get. The less mirage players you see over all. ???

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