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Halloween Event- Who is ready?

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I've got almost 300g saved up so I don't have to grind the Labyrinth to get this year's inevitable stupidly expensive mini pet. So yes, I'm ready.


My guess is it will start on the 23rd and run for about 2 weeks, then we'll get another Living story update in November, to fit between Halloween and Wintersday. None of that has been confirmed, it's just what I think would make most sense. I'd be happy for Halloween to start sooner and run for longer though.

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Meh. I haven't looked forward to Halloween in-game since they replaced LA with this awful version. Compared to the original LA that was massively decked out for the Halloween event that was glorious, this new LA looks like the type of decorations you would see on a house where the person spent $5 to buy a plastic pumpkin, a colored light bulb for the porch light and a roll of orange crinkle paper that they threw around their bushes and was done with it.


I wish they would move Halloween to Divinity's Reach where they could:

* have actual door-to-door trick-or-treating in the housing areas (Ossan Quarter, Western Commons, Eastern Commons, Rurikton) and have each quadrant/neighborhood give different treats (wonder which will be giving out the _full size_ candy bars!) and a unique trick/type of trick that you might receive depending on which area you are in

* a giant spider web stretching over and above the pit in the rebuilt Crown Pavilion area with a sort of minigame/jumping puzzle of walking along the web spines while dodging spiders to reach a prize

* flood the low walking areas in The Upper City and have spooky gondola rides


![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/fe/Divinity%27s_Reach_Upper_Level_map.jpg "")


There are so many possibilities for moving Halloween to DR that would give it a proper Halloween feeling whereas Halloween feels pretty out of place and uninspired in the current LA setup.

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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> Meh. I haven't looked forward to Halloween in-game since they replaced LA with this awful version. Compared to the original LA that was massively decked out for the Halloween event that was glorious, this new LA looks like the type of decorations you would see on a house where the person spent $5 to buy a plastic pumpkin, a colored light bulb for the porch light and a roll of orange crinkle paper that they threw around their bushes and was done with it.


> I wish they would move Halloween to Divinity's Reach where they could:

> * have actual door-to-door trick-or-treating in the housing areas (Ossan Quarter, Western Commons, Eastern Commons, Rurikton) and have each quadrant/neighborhood give different treats (wonder which will be giving out the _full size_ candy bars!) and a unique trick/type of trick that you might receive depending on which area you are in

> * a giant spider web stretching over and above the pit in the rebuilt Crown Pavilion area with a sort of minigame/jumping puzzle of walking along the web spines while dodging spiders to reach a prize

> * flood the low walking areas in The Upper City and have spooky gondola rides


> ![](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/f/fe/Divinity%27s_Reach_Upper_Level_map.jpg "")


> There are so many possibilities for moving Halloween to DR that would give it a proper Halloween feeling whereas Halloween feels pretty out of place and uninspired in the current LA setup.


really interesting ideas there, maybe even an event that triggers every 2 hours where you need to find ghosts and gather them for threats that you can use to spend on stuff from special vendors, maybe even a mount skin for 2K of that stuff.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> They should use other cities as well for that festival. Why not for the first time, festivities in each racial city? Come on Evon! You can do that!


But it's not Evon who runs it. Mad King Thorn does and Lion's Arch is (was) his city.


IMO they should have festivals in each city, but different ones, moving Halloween wouldn't make sense.

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My only concern is if we'll be able to unlock one of the other two skins this year, or if the only way is buying them, and they'll do something else. Obviously anyone who bought them will freak if it's possible to get them for free, but also, we had to wait a year and we'll still only have two of the three.

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I'm ready and looking forward to it to get the Bloodstained Lunatic Noble Mask for my medium Huntsman BUT thats only because I can't get it for my Necro, which it would be perfect for her. Its a shame the mask isn't available for all classes (or at least Necro ;)

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I can't wait! This is going to be my first Halloween with this game, and a friend and I promised each other we'll do the events together. Everything sounds like so much fun!


I just hope there aren't spoilers about Joko...with *whatever* it was that happened in the last Living World episode. Haven't gotten there yet, and my friend and I are trying so hard to avoid spoilers...

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