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(Opinion) GW2's Future and its love for repeatable easy content

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> >

> There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).


First of all, the fact that the games are very different doesn't matter. When people are bored with something they are generally willing to try something new especially when it's different.

Secondly, I'm not suggesting this will happen, which is why I used the phrase "whether or not... is another matter", which means that I'm not convinced it will happen.



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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> > >

> > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).


> First of all, the fact that the games are very different doesn't matter. When people are bored with something they are generally willing to try something new especially when it's different.

> Secondly, I'm not suggesting this will happen, which is why I used the phrase "whether or not... is another matter", which means that I'm not convinced it will happen.

Fair point. It's just that playing this game for close to 6 years has given me the impression that a large part of the game's success is based on the fact that it has a solid playerbase of people that are not bored by this game and perfectly fine with a living story update every couple of months.


Those that have a good amount of gametime (and probably will be a good fit for Ashes of Creation) have always come and gone, playing this game on and off or even leaving for good. It's just that I (and this is just my personal opinion) don't think those players make or break GW2, so any new game that targets heavy gamers most likely won't get anywhere near killing GW2.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> > > >

> > > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).

> >

> > First of all, the fact that the games are very different doesn't matter. When people are bored with something they are generally willing to try something new especially when it's different.

> > Secondly, I'm not suggesting this will happen, which is why I used the phrase "whether or not... is another matter", which means that I'm not convinced it will happen.

> Fair point. It's just that playing this game for close to 6 years has given me the impression that a large part of the game's success is based on the fact that it has a solid playerbase of people that are not bored by this game and perfectly fine with a living story update every couple of months.

Well people come and go so the player base will have changed quite a bit, though there definitely will be a core group that will be here till the day the game closes and will accept all the changes that come by. Most of them are unlikely to ever post here however. Not having a sub means that people can come and go as they please more easily. I'm an example of that. I've played maybe just under a full year but I've started when the game came out. I do come back, just not that often. I will likely leave again within the next few months and be back after the next expansion has been released because I do get bored after a few months and the pull to come back is not as great as I had with other games. However, that's just me. That has no statistical value and neither does the sampling of people here on the forums for that matter.

> Those that have a good amount of gametime (and probably will be a good fit for Ashes of Creation) have always come and gone, playing this game on and off or even leaving for good. It's just that I (and this is just my personal opinion) don't think those players make or break GW2, so any new game that targets heavy gamers most likely won't get anywhere near killing GW2.

Well, it's hard to see how big that core of steady players is and how much money they put into the game. I think from a longevity point of view, player numbers are of course important, but the deciding factor is how much people spend on the game. People who are here for the long haul may or may not spend a lot in the cash shop. But it's the real money spending that keeps this game going.


So you may be right, but you may not be. A lot will depend also on whether AoC delivers. Some people rave about it being beta testers but some also hate it and say it will fail. That sounds all too familiar I would think. That's why I'm not convinced AoC will deliver, because games have been hyped before. What I do think is if it delivers and a lot of people enjoy it, then it could become a competitor for GW2 and a chunk of the spending might go there instead of here. That could be detrimental for the health of this game...but that's only if AoC delivers in a big way and I'm not so convinced of that.


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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"MultiShifting.4905" said:

> > @"Okami Amaterasu.9237" Thanks for your quick comment!! I never thought of a underwater WvW map. That would indeed need to have better underwater skills for sure to have the same feelings on classes as well as being balanced. Same thing with the underwater PvP map that was in the game ages ago.

> >

> > Also I'm glad that you brought up villains in this game. All of them, except for maybe Zhaitan for me, were kind of brushed aside in the story after they got their reign-of-terror moment. Joko was especially sad because he was becoming one of my favorite villains and an actual conceptual character, then it all just vanished like that. For example the Mordremoth fight where people have complained that the fight was very underwhelming due to his small size. Things like that take you out of immersion in the story and ruin the overall experience. I also did not play season 1 and would love to have it back, but, I think that is very unlikely.

> >


> Don't really get the comment about the mordremoth fight. The only people who complain about it to my knowledge are people who never did dragon stand. Most people do story once or at most a few times. But Dragon Stand as an event, I've done far more than that, and Mordremoth was huge. Surely it makes more sense to have a huge dragon in an open world event with a hundred players than in your personal story with five guys. The battle in Dragon Stand and the one in your personal story happen at the same time.


I really liked that they did it that way.

Hopefully they can work something similar but different out for the rest of the dragons as well.

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I saw nothing I liked about the suggestion other than having Bubbles show up.


Reading "Get rid of waypoints, get rid of mount use in this area." was the worst idea of the lot in my opinion. More waypoints is better than less. I don't want to spend time running to the fun, I just want to be there. Mounts are just a faster way to run - more WP for every future map.

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I can get behind ships in a hypothetical deep sea dragon expac, as it comes from my own personal wishlist (and, yes, I'm influenced by BDO as well, my ship is the only thing I miss from it). They could add several mastery tracks for it. Shipbuilding to open up different ship types. Ship combat. Sailing/navigation skills track. Customizable/dyable ships. Maybe refactor those treasure hunting kits in the desert to find buried treasure on islands.


And while we're at it, can our ships have a special "bank" for cargo. Then they could add cargo shipping adventures, or maybe just as a way to farm some gold or materials for those with patience.

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This game has made a shift towards people who can log in for an hour a day and still experience all of the content. Those people are more willing to spend $ easier for convenience as well. People want easier, so that's the way gw2 is shifting.

There is no sense of adventure or 'awe' about Gw2. The most engaging aspect of the game are the mounts.

GW2 is not hardcore friendly, the content is solo able everywhere, which I guess is what people wanted.

There is nothing new to give GW2 unless you add an actual grind, more engaging combat, more customizable options for characters, more personal feeling choices that effect the outcome of your personal story, there is a long list.

It's a rinse-repeat with GW2, you do tasks in new maps. okay. You do a new fractal with the same mechanics as one before. okay. Raids can be moderately fun but even that gets old because it's not that challenging. WvW, you either get steamrolled or are the steamroller. PvP, what is up with the ladder system? There are many imbalances going on, it doesn't feel rewarding even when you win.

Dungeons are soloable, and left in the dust.

The main PvE story isn't memorable, I personally do not care for the characters since they're not engaging whatso-ever and there is no "shock-factor". The last bit of fun I remember having was during the Scarlet destroys Lions Arch event. There was a sense of urgency that is no longer present within the game.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> This game has made a shift towards people who can log in for an hour a day and still experience all of the content. Those people are more willing to spend $ easier for convenience as well. People want easier, so that's the way gw2 is shifting.

> There is no sense of adventure or 'awe' about Gw2. The most engaging aspect of the game are the mounts.

> GW2 is not hardcore friendly, the content is solo able everywhere, which I guess is what people wanted.

> There is nothing new to give GW2 unless you add an actual grind, more engaging combat, more customizable options for characters, more personal feeling choices that effect the outcome of your personal story, there is a long list.

> It's a rinse-repeat with GW2, you do tasks in new maps. okay. You do a new fractal with the same mechanics as one before. okay. Raids can be moderately fun but even that gets old because it's not that challenging. WvW, you either get steamrolled or are the steamroller. PvP, what is up with the ladder system? There are many imbalances going on, it doesn't feel rewarding even when you win.

> Dungeons are soloable, and left in the dust.

> The main PvE story isn't memorable, I personally do not care for the characters since they're not engaging whatso-ever and there is no "shock-factor". The last bit of fun I remember having was during the Scarlet destroys Lions Arch event. There was a sense of urgency that is no longer present within the game.


i feel the same 100%

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> @"JDub.1530" said:

> I can get behind ships in a hypothetical deep sea dragon expac, as it comes from my own personal wishlist (and, yes, I'm influenced by BDO as well, my ship is the only thing I miss from it). They could add several mastery tracks for it. Shipbuilding to open up different ship types. Ship combat. Sailing/navigation skills track. Customizable/dyable ships. Maybe refactor those treasure hunting kits in the desert to find buried treasure on islands.


> And while we're at it, can our ships have a special "bank" for cargo. Then they could add cargo shipping adventures, or maybe just as a way to farm some gold or materials for those with patience.


i wish ur predictions were true but i know this will be nothing like it.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.




its just like bless people were hyped for it though they knew it was going to fail yes the situation is that bad.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> >

> There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).


"a subscription mmo" waht do u mean? MMO should be subscription based its good for their health- it gives steady stream of revenue which is also better for dev. Lets be frank here 70% of people play this game bcz it doesnt have subscription> @"mauried.5608" said:

> Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> Im a casual player and I play for maybe 2 hours a week so I dont get burned out with GW2 content, and Ive been playing since the game was released and still havnt done a lot of it .

> If you play any MMO every day you will get burned out by it .



does that mean to enjoy the game i cant play this mmo everyday? fair enough

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> @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> > >

> > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).


> "a subscription mmo" waht do u mean? MMO should be subscription based its good for their health- it gives steady stream of revenue which is also better for dev. Lets be frank here 70% of people play this game bcz it doesnt have subscription> @"mauried.5608" said:

> > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > Im a casual player and I play for maybe 2 hours a week so I dont get burned out with GW2 content, and Ive been playing since the game was released and still havnt done a lot of it .

> > If you play any MMO every day you will get burned out by it .

> >


> does that mean to enjoy the game i cant play this mmo everyday? fair enough


And yet some people play this MMO every day and continue to enjoy it.


We've heard that this MMO or that MMO is going to destroy Guild Wars 2 for so long now, it's almost a meme. So many MMOs were going to kill Guild Wars 2. It never happened. Ashes of Creation won't be the one to do it either. It's very easy to hype an MMO. It's very hard to produce one. I remember when Archeage was going to kill Guild Wars 2. When BDO was going to kill it. So much depends on the implementation. People get so hyped by stuff, most games will never live up to the initial hype. That was even true of Guild Wars 2. A lot of people left pretty early on because the game didn't live up to the hype.


It's sort of sad that you have to hype games to sell them, which means revealing all the strong points, while ignoring all the weak ones. That's how you sell games. But since every game has weak points, the hype helps initial sales and then later hurts the game. Very often the more it's hyped, the worse it ends up doing. Saying a game is coming out and will affect this game is nothing new. But you know, people said Neverwinter was going to kill this game and you hardly hear about it anymore.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> > >

> > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).


> First of all, the fact that the games are very different doesn't matter. When people are bored with something they are generally willing to try something new especially when it's different.

> Secondly, I'm not suggesting this will happen, which is why I used the phrase "whether or not... is another matter", which means that I'm not convinced it will happen.




Wait WHAT! The fact that the games are different is EVERYTHING. The fact that GW2 is different is exactly why people play it and will continue to do so until something comes along that does what GW2 does but better. People being bored is certainly a reason for people to try different games, but it's not why people choose and stick with a game.

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> @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> > >

> > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).


> "a subscription mmo" waht do u mean? MMO should be subscription based its good for their health- it gives steady stream of revenue which is also better for dev. Lets be frank here 70% of people play this game bcz it doesnt have subscription


Why should GW2 be subscription based? What gives you any indication that would be better for the game than the current business model they have in place? Why do you think they don't have a steady revenue stream now? You don't know. Yes, lots of people play this game because it doesn't have a sub ... that says NOTHING about it's revenue stream.


> @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> >@"mauried.5608" said:

> > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > Im a casual player and I play for maybe 2 hours a week so I dont get burned out with GW2 content, and Ive been playing since the game was released and still havnt done a lot of it .

> > If you play any MMO every day you will get burned out by it .

> >


> does that mean to enjoy the game i cant play this mmo everyday? fair enough


No, it just means you burned yourself out on something you like. That's not the game, that on you.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> > > >

> > > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).

> >

> > "a subscription mmo" waht do u mean? MMO should be subscription based its good for their health- it gives steady stream of revenue which is also better for dev. Lets be frank here 70% of people play this game bcz it doesnt have subscription> @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > Im a casual player and I play for maybe 2 hours a week so I dont get burned out with GW2 content, and Ive been playing since the game was released and still havnt done a lot of it .

> > > If you play any MMO every day you will get burned out by it .

> > >

> >

> > does that mean to enjoy the game i cant play this mmo everyday? fair enough


> And yet some people play this MMO every day and continue to enjoy it.


> We've heard that this MMO or that MMO is going to destroy Guild Wars 2 for so long now, it's almost a meme. So many MMOs were going to kill Guild Wars 2. It never happened. Ashes of Creation won't be the one to do it either. It's very easy to hype an MMO. It's very hard to produce one. I remember when Archeage was going to kill Guild Wars 2. When BDO was going to kill it. So much depends on the implementation. People get so hyped by stuff, most games will never live up to the initial hype. That was even true of Guild Wars 2. A lot of people left pretty early on because the game didn't live up to the hype.


> It's sort of sad that you have to hype games to sell them, which means revealing all the strong points, while ignoring all the weak ones. That's how you sell games. But since every game has weak points, the hype helps initial sales and then later hurts the game. Very often the more it's hyped, the worse it ends up doing. Saying a game is coming out and will affect this game is nothing new. But you know, people said Neverwinter was going to kill this game and you hardly hear about it anymore.


Remember when Guild Wars 2 was supposed to kill World of Warcraft? I do. I was playing Rift in-between guild runs of FoW and DoA...

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> > > > >

> > > > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).

> > >

> > > "a subscription mmo" waht do u mean? MMO should be subscription based its good for their health- it gives steady stream of revenue which is also better for dev. Lets be frank here 70% of people play this game bcz it doesnt have subscription> @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > > Im a casual player and I play for maybe 2 hours a week so I dont get burned out with GW2 content, and Ive been playing since the game was released and still havnt done a lot of it .

> > > > If you play any MMO every day you will get burned out by it .

> > > >

> > >

> > > does that mean to enjoy the game i cant play this mmo everyday? fair enough

> >

> > And yet some people play this MMO every day and continue to enjoy it.

> >

> > We've heard that this MMO or that MMO is going to destroy Guild Wars 2 for so long now, it's almost a meme. So many MMOs were going to kill Guild Wars 2. It never happened. Ashes of Creation won't be the one to do it either. It's very easy to hype an MMO. It's very hard to produce one. I remember when Archeage was going to kill Guild Wars 2. When BDO was going to kill it. So much depends on the implementation. People get so hyped by stuff, most games will never live up to the initial hype. That was even true of Guild Wars 2. A lot of people left pretty early on because the game didn't live up to the hype.

> >

> > It's sort of sad that you have to hype games to sell them, which means revealing all the strong points, while ignoring all the weak ones. That's how you sell games. But since every game has weak points, the hype helps initial sales and then later hurts the game. Very often the more it's hyped, the worse it ends up doing. Saying a game is coming out and will affect this game is nothing new. But you know, people said Neverwinter was going to kill this game and you hardly hear about it anymore.


> Remember when Guild Wars 2 was supposed to kill World of Warcraft? I do. I was playing Rift in-between guild runs of FoW and DoA...


In the same way I don't expect Ashes to kill Guild Wars 2, I didn't expect Guild Wars 2 to kill WoW. However I did expect it to provide a reasonable alternative to WoW, which it did for me. And obviously enough other people for it to be relatively successful.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > > @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > > > @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > > > > Probably because it's an upcoming fantasy MMO that a lot of other people have heard about. So it could affect GW2 if people move their game time there and don't come back. Whether or not it will have that effect and whether or not that's a lasting effect is another matter however.

> > > > > >

> > > > > There's always people moving on to other games, but a subscription MMO with integrated pvp and a ton of game concepts that hint at requiring considerable gametime to get anywhere (aka grind) is about as far from the kind of gameplay people choose GW2 for as you can possibly get. You might as well suggest that Minecraft will kill GW2 because people move their gametime there (which actually is currently the case in my immediate group of in-game friends, but I doubt it's a global phenomenom ;) ).

> > > >

> > > > "a subscription mmo" waht do u mean? MMO should be subscription based its good for their health- it gives steady stream of revenue which is also better for dev. Lets be frank here 70% of people play this game bcz it doesnt have subscription> @"mauried.5608" said:

> > > > > Ive never even heard of Ashes of Creation so why that will have an affect on GW2 is beyond me .

> > > > > Im a casual player and I play for maybe 2 hours a week so I dont get burned out with GW2 content, and Ive been playing since the game was released and still havnt done a lot of it .

> > > > > If you play any MMO every day you will get burned out by it .

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > does that mean to enjoy the game i cant play this mmo everyday? fair enough

> > >

> > > And yet some people play this MMO every day and continue to enjoy it.

> > >

> > > We've heard that this MMO or that MMO is going to destroy Guild Wars 2 for so long now, it's almost a meme. So many MMOs were going to kill Guild Wars 2. It never happened. Ashes of Creation won't be the one to do it either. It's very easy to hype an MMO. It's very hard to produce one. I remember when Archeage was going to kill Guild Wars 2. When BDO was going to kill it. So much depends on the implementation. People get so hyped by stuff, most games will never live up to the initial hype. That was even true of Guild Wars 2. A lot of people left pretty early on because the game didn't live up to the hype.

> > >

> > > It's sort of sad that you have to hype games to sell them, which means revealing all the strong points, while ignoring all the weak ones. That's how you sell games. But since every game has weak points, the hype helps initial sales and then later hurts the game. Very often the more it's hyped, the worse it ends up doing. Saying a game is coming out and will affect this game is nothing new. But you know, people said Neverwinter was going to kill this game and you hardly hear about it anymore.

> >

> > Remember when Guild Wars 2 was supposed to kill World of Warcraft? I do. I was playing Rift in-between guild runs of FoW and DoA...


> In the same way I don't expect Ashes to kill Guild Wars 2, I didn't expect Guild Wars 2 to kill WoW. However I did expect it to provide a reasonable alternative to WoW, which it did for me. And obviously enough other people for it to be relatively successful.


Agreed; and admittedly, my _very_ well-concealed point was: Every new game is going to kill off the successful older ones, irregardless of whether that's actually true or not.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:


> Agreed; and admittedly, my _very_ well-concealed point was: Every new game is going to kill off the successful older ones, ~~irregardless ~~regardless of whether that's actually true or not.




Sorry, I just cringe when I see/hear "irregardless". It's not a word.

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The basic problem that all MMOs have and which especially applies to players who play then a lot , is that you run out of things to do which you like doing, and then complain that theres nothing left for you to do .

The implication being that this is the fault of the games developers for not adding new stuff quickly enough.

The time it takes to make new content in an MMO is many orders of magnitude longer than the time it takes to go thru the content , so its totally unrealistic to expect that new content can be added as fast as players need it.


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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> The basic problem that all MMOs have and which especially applies to players who play then a lot , is that you run out of things to do which you like doing, and then complain that theres nothing left for you to do .

> The implication being that this is the fault of the games developers for not adding new stuff quickly enough.

> The time it takes to make new content in an MMO is many orders of magnitude longer than the time it takes to go thru the content , so its totally unrealistic to expect that new content can be added as fast as players need it.



I think that complaint is more valid when a game charges a sub, but as we know, that's not the case in GW2. I do think the game and expansions are good value for money even if it doesn't keep people busy for 2 years give or take.

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1 Well, it sounds like you played the game to its fullness to me, I mean, you did pretty much every kind of activity, and it's been years since you bought the game, sounds to me like you got all you paid for, 3+ years? That's one heck of a playtime for any game, I mean, there's a point with MMOs that you reach and realize that spending that much more time in it might be detrimental, and that's normal because you might be missing out on a lot of new important games out there that have been released.


2 If anything cutscenes have gotten wildly better, both from an actor's performance, implementation and plot, the characters have gotten much more endearing than they used to.

Also, raids aren't supposed to be some kind of Kobayashi-maru, it's a game and people are supposed to play it AND clear it, of course something's gonna get done on day1.

If anything, if it hadn't been done day1 people would start to worry about artificial difficulty, can you remember the game's first week at the Metrica Reactor? And Orr's Priests? And Bugged Grenth's Priest?


3 I'm pretty sure they want to make everything they make the best of their work tbh. Also, water's exploration's kinda like flying but there aren't that many games you can gather info and inspiration about how to do it right, maybe Anthem might be something to learn from in that regard.

You saying it takes 20 mins just to get somewhere and another 30 to kill something sounds like you should revisit your priorities and how you spend your time in videogames because no1 is gonna wait that much to get anything done considering you'd have to spend just as much time if not more just looking for that many people and wiping and just grinding whatever might have been locked away from you to get the stuff to do it.

You're putting up gating over gating which has been given up by most developers because it's just not feasible from a player's point of view and I myself dread at the thought of something like that, waiting over waiting.

You say you want 40-men raids but aren't big time dynamic events just the same in a way? It may even be more than 40 actually, and there still is a cap due to map/server capacity.

You could just say you want harder events then, and how would you make them harder?

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> @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> the game is dead as soon as ASHES OF CREATION comes in the play__we all know that, sorry but truth. How can i be sure? alpha tester here and been playing gw 2 for 2 years now. people are hungry for new mmo. just see how people jump into bless though deep down inside people knew it would be bad. Now if ashes of creation doesnt mess up big time that would be the next themepark mmo__ You would say im saying this because i hate the game but no__last 2 years played minimum 4 hours daily done with raids and fractals so yes i love the game but its stale right now. I dont enjoy living story update as much as others do but im into in regular contents. Sorry



People always want a new mmo. These are usually the people that blow through an mmo like it's a rpg.


There's no way for any developer to possibly keep up with the cravings of people that play 4 hours a day. No way at all. The only thing that can help, is a healthy role playing community and a good open pvp system. This game has none of those, but neither does wow. so wow survives by churning out content (that still looks like it's 2004), the rest survive by being relatively new.


I used to play wow daily and after one year, the only thing that kept me going was my raid. If it wasnt for that, i would have quit the game at least one year sooner.


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> @"acelara orion.4210" said:

> the game is dead as soon as ASHES OF CREATION comes in the play__we all know that, sorry but truth. How can i be sure? alpha tester here and been playing gw 2 for 2 years now. people are hungry for new mmo. just see how people jump into bless though deep down inside people knew it would be bad. Now if ashes of creation doesnt mess up big time that would be the next themepark mmo__ You would say im saying this because i hate the game but no__last 2 years played minimum 4 hours daily done with raids and fractals so yes i love the game but its stale right now. I dont enjoy living story update as much as others do but im into in regular contents. Sorry


Only GW2 will kill GW2, and they will do this by alienating their players, AoC will just give those players somewhere to move on to.


Just saying.

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WOW survives by having an endless level cap, which mandates infinite grind to keep making your characters better.

I cant stand that kind of model, but many people who play MMOs can and simply want their characters to be the best there is .

GW2 has chosen not to go down this path, which I think is a good thing, but many players wont like this kind of model.


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Sorry if this post is for a big part, a repeat of what I said in several other threads already.


There are many different types of players and many different ways to play the game. Some players find that the content is not enough. Others - like me - cannot understand how it is possible to have nothing left to do else than repeating business.

I play since beta without interruption. I mainly do PvE, raid, WvW and fractals. I ignore dungeons and PvP. Over the years, the amount of unfinished - or even untouched - business has just been growing up in my hero box. I have a huge list of opened achievements. I would like to do those and never find the time. I am happy at every new LS episode, but on the other hand, it means for me to pile up even more undone stuff. So globally, I am more part of the players who would appreciate if a new episode does not come too close after previous one.


I may be wrong, but my impression is, if that generally - and very much simplified - there are mainly 3 types of players who get the content done with nothing left to do:

- Those going fast (everything done within the few days after download).

- Those spending lot of time in the game.

- Those doing only a few activities they like, ignoring the rest (for them, content is done even faster).


Now I don't think that a game that is free-to-play can offer as often a new content as a game with a monthly fee. I therefore believe that the only solution for those players is to have other game(s) to do aside of GW2, to be busy between two downloads.


I will not comment on the rest of OP's post because it would be too long. I agree on some points, disagree on others. Matter of opinions and tastes (for example, an episode with dominating water content makes me scream loud and run away in panic :p ).

Globally, I just think that it is important to remember that GW2 is a game with many different types of players, covering many different tastes and needs. I believe Anet is doing a very good job maintaining the balance for all players to get their own fun, and it should stay like that: With always a good mix of everything. :)

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