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My greatest gw2 fear

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Given the number of people who compare PoF unfavourably to HoT, I'm not sure that all the people who left because of HoT ever came back.


The forums are but a small sub-set of the player base. Only ANet has the true statistics to back up such a hypothesis.

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Greatest fear: That the combat designers never learn.

I finally started dipping back into longer play hours, when I got to re-live the joys of OKHO and perma-stun again.

...whee. I've fallen back into "why do I play this?" territory again.


Other fear: The writing will backslide.

Look, the writing's never been "stellar", but it held its own, especially early on. Then the Mary Sue happened. Then the jumble of Season 3 and whinypouty Norn, NPC-of-the-season + killing lore, and so on. PoF and Season 4 are starting to pull up and feel cohesive, but it's quickly gotten into the realm of TOO EPIC. Fingers crossed, kiddos.


Yet other fear: Grind as "content" will continue to be the norm.

I get it, GW2 needs to pad its play time, or the locusts will cry. But every LW episode has a checklist made out of checklists and those checklists have mucho materials to grind, or their tasks become "community efforts" that get summarized on Dulfy to become procedural wastes of time instead of content, or the content is tied to some meta/event that only shows up once every 20/60/120 minutes. The only thing that feels worse than that is waiting the 48+ hours for Behemoth to show up in FFXIV...


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The underwater thing won't happen. What I expect to see is maybe some underwater fractals etc. to make better use of the submerged updates, but that's all. They know that the majority of players aren't interested in an underwater map, and they have shown sufficient indifference to the whole subject that there's no reason to think they'll suddenly make it their whole focus.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> My greatest GW2 fear is that we keep going in the direction PoF has started, in terms of difficulty and content. Don't get me wrong - I think the desert maps are beautiful, and there's still a lot of value in just exploring - one of the most unique charms of this game. However, it's definitely a long step down in difficulty compared to HoT, and I fear Anet is going to continue to cater to the people who found HoT too difficult. I contend that most such players are actually difficult to keep happy in the long run, but I'm also afraid that most of the playerbase is like that...


I think if they were to offer an expansion with increased difficulty they'd need to also offer greater rewards to ensure that not only hardcore players would want to go there. And that would lead to the abandonment of older maps. Really this is becoming an inescapable problem.

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Aquatic Ruins on T4 is a joke; as in, it is literally no more difficult than the T1 version. The hardest part of the fractal is the stupid Dolphin run, and that has nothing to do with agony, enemy HP pools or mechanics. Once that part is completed the end boss dies easier than some open world champions.


And while I really like the trident weapon on my Guardian, or the Harpoon gun on my Ranger, I just don't find underwater combat fun. Between the limitations of equipment, skills, the ability to dodge, etc, I'd rather just fight on land.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:


> I think if they were to offer an expansion with increased difficulty they'd need to also offer greater rewards to ensure that not only hardcore players would want to go there. And that would lead to the abandonment of older maps. Really this is becoming an inescapable problem.


Abandonment _is_ a problem, but I think Anet has what it takes to prevent that from happening.


I totally agree that making sure rewards line up with difficulty are the key - just look at the HoT metas that are still being done several times a day. There are still plenty of well-populated AB meta maps, and you can run DS multiple times, despite there still not being a great solution for people not being stranded on overflow instances.



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Content gets abandoned all the time in wow, guild wars 2 is no different there.


> I find the difficulty of PoF much more tolerable than HoT. Which remains a severe annoyance to do, despite me cleaning it out. Anet listened too much to the vocal minority demanding harder content.


Well one thing I find is the content actually isn't getting harder it's getting much more annoying.


In core gw2 and hot and pof things all hit just as hard with same health. But with the expansions it's constant constant stuns and knockdowns and knock backs. The basic mobs just have way too much cc in my opinion. We don't have unlimited dodges and stability which is very aggravating.

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I'm most worried about thinning populations across the ever-increasing map locations.


Right after a map opens things are great if you want to finish content.


If you are a noob, just starting to play, imagine trying to complete some of the quests to craft a Legendary. I know so many of you say it's easy, but that' probably coming from experienced players with all the masteries, map completions, and materials. Now throw in the fact that there are far fewer people to help with certain gated quests.


There is no real solution to this, other than not opening up new areas, but that would anger your veteran players wanting the expansions and new experiences. I guess another solution might be to create methods to craft ascended and legendary items with alternative quests embedded in later expansions.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> The next expansion will be heavily focused on underwater combat.


> They did a lot of skill fixes for skills underwater, but only skills that should of been working from release to begin with.


> Let's face it, if you love or hate it underwater combat simply just does not work well in this game is 7 truly uber 4 any other mmo honestly it's just impossible to clearly and easily fight due to things slightly above or below you, coming at all angles around you and such.


> Gw2 does have the best of other mmos but it's still impossible to fix the every single angle is possible to be fixed area.


> Just my greatest gw2 fear, care to explain yours?


If the next one involves lots of underwater stuff then that will be one I do NOT get.

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> @"voltaicbore.8012" said:

> My greatest GW2 fear is that we keep going in the direction PoF has started, in terms of difficulty and content. Don't get me wrong - I think the desert maps are beautiful, and there's still a lot of value in just exploring - one of the most unique charms of this game. However, it's definitely a long step down in difficulty compared to HoT, and I fear Anet is going to continue to cater to the people who found HoT too difficult. I contend that most such players are actually difficult to keep happy in the long run, but I'm also afraid that most of the playerbase is like that...


People found HoT difficult? Annoying maybe but not difficult, to me ?

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