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Permanent bank access & daily login reward

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I have a permanent bank contract. I still have it because I accidentally clicked on use when trying to check sell price. I had no intention of keeping it & as far as I can remember I have never even used the bltp bank access. Support told me they couldn't unbind the permanent bank contract (even though there is no confirmation for using such a valuable item). Now, every black lion daily login chest I get has a bank access in it. Its grating my nerves & every one I get pisses me off more. Every one reminds me we have so many cheap/worthless items we need to confirm just to use/delete yet an item that sells near legendary price requires none. To top it off after lack of assistance from support they have to rub my face in it with more stupid worthless bank accesses. Its turning into a good way to make me instaclose the game DX<


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I am sorry for your upset. It sounds as if this issue is disturbing you. I would recommend you seek to ease your mind. Two ways to do that are: keep playing the game and put this issue behind you; and if you cannot do that, stop playing the game. Ease of mind is more important than anything that happens in a video game.


Good luck, whatever you decide.

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I... fail to see what the problem here is. Most folks dream about dropping a permanent bank contract, and you actually didn't want it at all? I mean, accidentally binding an item you wanted to sell sucks, but this is literally one of the best QoL items you could wish for in this game.


As for the Black Lion log in reward, it gives a random item. Usually a single-use bank/merchant/TP access. If you don't need those, just delete them.

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I have a permanent bank access. It’s such a major quality of life improvement that I wish everybody could get one and have suggested ANet sell them on the Gemstore. As for getting bank accesses for log in rewards, it’s not that big a deal. I use it immediately to get rid of it and don’t worry about it. It was a freebie after all.


However if you are unable to see how very useful a permanent bank access is and how it lets you expand your inventory to your bank inventory at a moment’s notice for any reason you might want to delete your permanent bank access and only use the temporary ones so that you don’t get so irritated you make threads about it on the forum or feel like quitting the game.

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I guess this was just a rant. No, I had no intention of using it & yes I was super excited to drop it as the sell price was over 3k gold. It seems crazy to delete it but I have no use for it. I have a lot of inventory on all my characters as well as all bank slots, plenty of shared, mistlock pass & grind with purpose so I have what I need. I would feel better about the whole thing if I could gift the perm/1 use contracts. I don't usually mind rng but I got 4 blc since the perm contract & all were bank. Its a reminder of one super costly epic fail.


Maybe I should stop playing, its irritating.

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>Its a reminder of one super costly epic fail.


And there’s the heart of your complaint. It’s not the freebie bank accesses you might get at login, it’s that you made a mistake and the freebies remind you of it.


You have a few options but one is if you can’t get past making a mistake in a video game and any reminder of this mistake is so irritating that you’re thinking of quitting then I suggest you play some other game for a while. Make some mistakes in that game and learn perhaps it wasn’t that big a deal.

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I agree with the OP that such an item should have a big fat "Confirm?" pop-up when using it for the first time. We have to confirm the silliest things, sometimes even type the whole name of the item (without spelling errors!) yet this item has none of that. This is not the first rant I see about this and not sure why Anet has not fixed this already.

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> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> I guess this was just a rant. No, I had no intention of using it & yes I was super excited to drop it as the sell price was over 3k gold. It seems crazy to delete it but I have no use for it. I have a lot of inventory on all my characters as well as all bank slots, plenty of shared, mistlock pass & grind with purpose so I have what I need. I would feel better about the whole thing if I could gift the perm/1 use contracts. I don't usually mind rng but I got 4 blc since the perm contract & all were bank. Its a reminder of one super costly epic fail.


> Maybe I should stop playing, its irritating.


Or you can grow up and learn to deal with first world problems. Listen, it sounds harsh but just have a look at how angry or upset you are about a missed opportunity in a video game. The only conclusion you can come to is that your reaction is disproportionate to what actually happened. It's understandable and normal to get upset at it because in the context of the game it is a significant loss, but it's not a good thing if you cannot accept a mistake and accept the reality for what it is. Stuff happens and I'm sure anyone who's gamed for a little while can tell their own stories about mistakes they made and items or gold they lost as a consequence. And they got over it.


Maybe it's good to stop playing for a bit to give yourself time and space to get over this loss, but really it's a good thing to learn because it's not going to be the last time in your life that you'll make a mistake. Better to own them and accept that as humans we make mistakes. And when we make mistakes there are consequences that may or may not have a solution. If there's not solution then you can only accept or indeed move away.


But ask yourself this: If this hadn't happened would you still want to play this game? If no, then leave it. If yes, then why is this one singular event able to affect you this strongly compared to all the positive things you get out of playing this game?


Do what you will, but it seems a shame to cut something out of your life, simply because you can't accept a simple mistake you made in a video game that anyone could've made.

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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> I agree with the OP that such an item should have a big fat "Confirm?" pop-up when using it for the first time. We have to confirm the silliest things, sometimes even type the whole name of the item (without spelling errors!) yet this item has none of that. This is not the first rant I see about this and not sure why Anet has not fixed this already.


I'm with you, Tyncale - I agree. No way should garbage items like this **GREEN - Berserker's Softwood Torch of Earth** warrant a "Soul-Bound" Confirmation if you double click it. Yet there's no such confirmation on extremely high value and low drop rate items like permanent contracts?!? And to boot, this _torch_ is worth a few copper (1.6 silver) on the TP. This is Anet _science_ at its BEST! And it's BS and the OP has a right to be pissed about it! :rage:


OP, sorry for your situation! But thank you for letting the general population know that this kind of thing can and **WILL** happen w/o confirmation on **HIGH VALUE** contract items. Maybe take a short break from the game and come back later and you might feel better.


I hope so. :smile:


![](https://i.imgur.com/uQlwaI2.jpg "")




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> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> To top it off after lack of assistance from support they have to rub my face in it with more stupid worthless bank accesses. Its turning into a good way to make me instaclose the game DX<


I, too, have repeatedly asked for a features that checks whether you have an endless/unlimited version of any of those items in your Shared Inventory Slots, and if so, to stop providing you with any of the normal versions that drop from BLCs and daily rewards. However, doesn't seem like it's going to happen.

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It should have a confirmation window, I agree. However don't be upset about it OP. It's a great item for QoL, just delete all the new bank accesses. From now on you never have to live in fear of running out of them ever again.


I once bound a valuable glyph to my account, so I can kind of understand your frustration.

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I do think it wouldn't hurt for there to be a gemstore exchange merchant who will allow you to trade in some large quantity (10-15) of single use items for 1 Black Lion Statuette which can then be used to acquire the items you do want.


I know that I have no use for most of the consumables and would rather convert them into something else.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> I do think it wouldn't hurt for there to be a gemstore exchange merchant who will allow you to trade in some large quantity (10-15) of single use items for 1 Black Lion Statuette which can then be used to acquire the items you do want.


> I know that I have no use for most of the consumables and would rather convert them into something else.


True enough, my bank is full of boosters and stuff that I really dont care for to remember to use them.

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