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Since when did Zhaitan have tendrils?

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He always had tendrils, except the fight was bugged on release and was patched approximately a month or two later. The original fight Zhaitan sat there and did nothing while you blasted him with cannons. Now a days he has poison spray fields and knock downs as well as the Bone and Zhaitan Tendrils to deal with. They are really neat looking. Spawn after Zhaitan reaches approximately 50% health. Bone tendrils also spawn too. Fight is actually a bit better when you have to clear those suckers before jumping back on the cannons.

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> Play a thief and forget dodging exists.

> [raises hand] ...I'm still bad at thief-ing.


> On topic: I think they changed the fight a few years ago? I wasn't here for that change...was it super easy beforehand?


It was originally a 5-man dungeon. So it was potentially easier because you had 4 other people to help you. For example the first time I did it my friends actively encouraged me to stop and take screenshots, even during the Zhaitan fight, because they knew I liked doing that and they protected me while I did it. But they changed it a few years ago (2014 I think) to be a solo story instance like the rest of the personal story.


I guess they did make it easier since presumably the enemies health had to be scaled down and maybe some mechanics had to be changed to allow for the fact that there was only 1 person there, but because there's only 1 person there you're doing less damage. I didn't find it noticeably easier to complete before or after, but I don't know about other people.


I think Anet assumed it would be a good way to bring the story dungeons and the personal story together, but a lot of players wanted to finish their story solo like they had been doing the rest of it, or didn't want to play dungeons at all, or felt like if they're doing a dungeon with a group they have to skip the dialogue and rush through or for whatever reason we're happy with a series of solo story instances ending with a 5-man dungeon.

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> @"Batel.9206" said:

> Play a thief and forget dodging exists.

> [raises hand] ...I'm still bad at thief-ing.


> On topic: I think they changed the fight a few years ago? I wasn't here for that change...was it super easy beforehand?


I did it not too long after launch with a group of 4 others and I remember it being fairly difficult. Mostly because there was endless mobs spawning on the deck that had to be killed with AoE everywhere, and all of us were still using rare or masterwork gear at that time in the game’s life. I died several times during that fight so it was hard enough for the time and for the average level of gear equipped for most people not long after launch.

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> @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

> i still say he should have landed on the deck of the ship and fight him there and whack him with your weapon (bit like tequatl/shatterer). personally i hope they someday make the other story dungeons soloable, so i actually read the dialogue and look around



He'd squash even the biggest airship -- he's way bigger than Teq, even if he was scaled down for the fight. Now, grappling onto Zhaitan and fighting it on its back in midair, while avoiding blasts from your allies, that could have been interesting. But I don't think the tech was there, sadly.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

> > i still say he should have landed on the deck of the ship and fight him there and whack him with your weapon (bit like tequatl/shatterer). personally i hope they someday make the other story dungeons soloable, so i actually read the dialogue and look around

> >


> He'd squash even the biggest airship -- he's way bigger than Teq, even if he was scaled down for the fight. Now, grappling onto Zhaitan and fighting it on its back in midair, while avoiding blasts from your allies, that could have been interesting. But I don't think the tech was there, sadly.


Also he's basically a god of undeath. I'm pretty sure even touching it would instantly minion-ise you.

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> @"Amanda Whitemoon.6173" said:

> i still say he should have landed on the deck of the ship and fight him there and whack him with your weapon (bit like tequatl/shatterer). personally i hope they someday make the other story dungeons soloable, so i actually read the dialogue and look around



considering how he carelessly wrecked bow of glory of tyria (which was biggest techiest state-of-the-art airship of the pact deployed there) by just "scratching" throught it I'd say it would be safe to assume that if zhaitan actually got to land on any of pact airships, it'd end with crashed airship very fast....


>@"Narrrz.7532 " said:

>Also he's basically a god of undeath. I'm pretty sure even touching it would instantly minion-ise you.



not a god, elder dragon ;)



considering how claw of jormag is capable of rendering it's immediate vincinity too cold for mortals to survive in and is "only" a champion of a dragon it is not far of a stretch to assume that getting into melee range of zhaitan actuall would not be wise ;)

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