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Which Elite theme would you want for Necromancer next?


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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> What do you all think of these options?

> 1. Melee AoE bleed, CC, block, tank


This seems to close to what possibly reaper was in its early days


> 2. Ranged, single-target, boon support; e.g., AoE protection and condi-to-boon conversion?

> 3. Selfish booniemancer where Necro converts conditions to boons and can "steal" conditions from allies to convert to more boons for itself.


Both these ideas are a no, we don't need more specs that act as the games pvp counter to boon spam but cant be used in pve because half the traits require your foes to have boons or your allies to have conditions (that don't get clensed) to make a benefit.


We also don't more of anything (classed as a support) cause they its proved to difficult to balance often having way too much damage or having high damage while having wayyyyy too much support.


Selfish boons necro could be a thing only if it does it without having to use conversions to get the boons like every other profession can....

although i prefer that boons get culled across the board honestly.



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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> What do you all think of these options?

> 1. Melee AoE bleed, CC, block, tank


Like ZDragon said, close to what reaper used to be at HoT release. Replace bleed by poison (to combo with putrid defense and slightly worm your way into DM) and we might end up with something. (Thought "CC" might step heavily on reaper's and scourge's toes, maybe a focus on "slow" might be better despite the fact that this spec would end up being easily kited)


> 2. Ranged, single-target, boon support; e.g., AoE protection and condi-to-boon conversion?


Necromancer already got that.


> 3. Selfish booniemancer where Necro converts conditions to boons and can "steal" conditions from allies to convert to more boons for itself.


Based on how you spec the necromancer already have that as well.


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I really hope we get a pure DPS spec. Would want the extra HP bar gone, and allow us to actually be meta in PvE. I mean Epidemic is awesome, but I just want to be good al around.


I'd like a Sword, Shield, or Longbow for weapon. Would hope for pet, minion, or sacrifice DPS spec.

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Not sure why but I like the idea of Scrapper-turned-Necro ... practically immune to CC, high sustain with a Corruption theme (I think almost opposite to Reaper). I don't think there is much room for another Condi-focused spec; Core does it really well and Scourge does to with a different flavour. I would take a sword or a mace


I'm surprised to see so many MM/pet theme support ... again, core does that rather well. Perhaps if the spec could actually animate real fallen foes that you just killed and some way control them ... that could be interesting.

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> @"Lucas.3718" said:

> Personally id realy welcome a more vampire/bloodmagic themed elite spec for necro like reaper is chill/death/fear or scourge with sand/barrier, focusing more on power damage, tons of life steal, and maybe target based mobility. i am not shure what weapon he should get, maybe a 1hand sword, still could provide many opportunities for character developement, like either you can make him a damage dealer with tones of life steal effects or something like "the more bleeding the enemy has the more damage/chritical dmg/hitchance you get (max cap 25 bleeds)", or a tanking spec with not that much damage moddifications but with life speal amplifications that let you facetank a lot of damage, or a healer who can extend his healing from lifesteal to affect your allies. his shroud mechanic could go into something like "blood rage" where he goes full rambo mode and goes on a full rampage, dieing to drink the blood of his enemys.


Bwahahaha! ...and the Shroud skills make you look like Carrie at the Prom

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> What do you all think of these options?

> 1. Melee AoE bleed, CC, block, tank

> 2. Ranged, single-target, boon support; e.g., AoE protection and condi-to-boon conversion?

> 3. Selfish booniemancer where Necro converts conditions to boons and can "steal" conditions from allies to convert to more boons for itself.


Sounds like I must develop and elaborate on the ideas


1. Melee full tank with MH dagger synergy

LF used for personal heals, personal protection, personal stability, AoE taunt. No shroud at all.


Short range (160) 2H weapon with power 2-target damage on AA, 4 (5s) bleeds instant cast, full AoE block w/ stab, leap w/ knockdown, single-target fear.


Trait line synergies with Death Magic.

Banner utilities


2. Long ranged (1500) dps with Soul Reaping and Spite synergies. LF used for stealth, blind, AoE fury, AoE stability, Spectral teleport (600 range)


Long range 2H single-target dps weapon, channel dps skill roughly equivalent to axe channel or other profession's channels. Other skills can include a fast pull with long cast time, AoE protection, knock-back, smoke field, etc.


Utilities and elite skill might be traps of some form like marks.



3. Booniemancer does much more with boons than simply might stacking and Feed from Corruption. It was envisioned to swipe conditions at a high rate from allies and boons from enemies such that Booniemancers would perform condi clear for up to 10 allies and require concentration investment to obtain a reasonable dps.


Shroud would be reworked to consume LF to swipe conditions for conversion, faux-steal boons from Defiant enemies, cover allies with a spectral-themed buff


Weapon could be a MH or OH. The skills here are less important than on-demand boon and condi rips. Utility skills could be a Necro-form of turrets which have static placement, target either allies, enemies, or the Necro, and last linger than a banner while being destructible.


Buffs signets, wells, and minions - Plague Signet fixed with trait to draw condi from allies fast converting them to boons for the Necro. WoP pulses doubled while other wells get new effect with trait.

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I would love the idea of an elite specialization where Necros harness the power of the Foefire in some form. Sword could be the weapon of choice for this possibly, and it would focus more on spectral skills / abilities. This could be more of a power / mobility play style, and life force could be replaced with skills similar to how scourge uses life force for the shades. I've always thought that spectral skills should be more abundant and powerful, this might be the chance thematically to make it so.

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(point for Minion Master e-spec)


Well necromancer could drop the "undead-Necromantic" theme and go with a "demonology" themed e-spec, where he commands legions of demons, that are there for a short time, but are stronger then the normal minions. something inspired from the WoW demonology warlock. and as a shroud you could turn yourself into a demon with fitting skills, either something hellfire-ish or a more lorefriendly torment-themed (esteticly not to confuse it with another condi spec) variety of attacks (since the realm of torment is basicly hell in the guild wars universe).

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I want a heavy-damage Power themed spec with Hammer and minions.


Hear me out. What if it were a high-risk, high-reward Necro spec that sacrifices its own maximum health pool to summon powerful minions, which use controls similar to the PoF Vabbi storyline.


F2 Summons a minion, F3 sends a minion#1 to attack and flips to retreat, F3 sends a minion#2 to attack and flips to retreat, and F5 sends a minion#3 to attack and flips to retreat. For each minion active, the maximum health of the Necromancer is reduced, giving them a low health pool approximate to an Elementalist with all 3 active.


The twist? F1 could be *base necro shroud*!


A high-risk, high-reward spec. it camps in Death Shroud to mitigate its lower health pool, while the super-powered minions kill things. Hammer focuses on both power and cc, holding foes in place to make it easier for a foe to be hit by the minions. Perhaps Hammer could even manipulate minion positioning.


Grandmaster traits can revolve around altering the types of minions summoned by the profession mechanic. Perhaps even extending some of the abilities to baseline minions.


Utility skills can be Orders, temporary buffs that enhance their abilities. Orders can range from granting boons to minions, to causing all of them to detonate for a burst.


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I don't see the point in a minion elite spec. It doesn't add anything new or wouldn't change the base play style like reaper or scourge have.


I would rather an elite spec that would focus on something necromancer doesn't already have and be an actual playstyle change.


Also the fact that most AI centric builds eventually being made trash tier in PvP.

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Either Death Magic+ or Blood Magic+.


I would like to see a full Minionmancer support spec, with weapon, Fx and utility skills all about summoning and managing an army, while buffing and healing allies (Minions and Party/squad alike).

Traits could be about maximising personal DPS through much stronger Minion only buffs, or supporting the team alongside the minions, with things like Quickness and Alacrity, and the third line about minions taking damage for you and sacrificing them instead of maintaining an army, with effects like supercharged Death Novas etc.


The other interesting option could be a fast Vampire/Shadow inspired spec, with a lot of movement abilities and direct Life managing.

Active defenses like Invulnerability (become swarm of bats/bloodpool/a shadow) and plenty HP costs on abilities with Life Drain abilities to get back up.

Maybe this spec could forsake Life Force as such all together, with powerful Fx abilities utilised like Scourge, but costing health directly for invuls/burst damage and gap closers on Fx, with Life Leech on weapon skills (Vampiric Touch), similar to dagger but up to the current higher standard of the game in terms of effects and usability.


I think both of these Specs add a playstyle and executed theme to Necro which is currently missing in GW2.

Would probably go with Hammer and a utility theme of Commands for the MM, and Sword and Utility theme of Sacrifices for the Vamp.


I don't think there is a single Necro main from the original Guild Wars who doesn't at least occasionally miss running around with an army of 20+ minions, managing their health and the army composition, or running a blood Necro, draining the health of enemies while gaining massive Life Regen themselves.




Looking at the Necromancer Skills from the original not only makes me nostalgic, but is also a great source for inspiration.

Necro just felt so much more cohesive design wise there, before it was just about Shroud.

I would like to see Anet go further away from it than even Scourge with something like the Specs mentioned above forsaking it completely.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Shroud is replaced by Soul Tether, creating a deadly spiritual link between you and your target sort of like the Dragonhunter's Spear of Justice, through which you create a variety of effects. Shroud abilities, spec skills, and/or skill tree enhancements could include:

- Pull your target to you

- Stealing health from your target

- Share damage you take with your target

- Send your conditions to your target, and/or steal their boons.

- Steal Strength: Might on you, Weakness on your target. "Your power is mine!"

- Some sort of CC "blast" through the tether (immobilize, stun, daze all come to mind)

- Pulsing damage at your target, either power based or a stacking condition. Torment sounds like a good option for the latter.

- Pulsing vulnerability, cripple, and/or weakness on your target

- A damaging attack, perhaps even an AOE centered on the target, when the tether is broken


Weapon: sword.


The idea to create a spec with powerful damage and affliction against a single target. Not much in the way of support or AOE, just link up and show your "chosen one" what hell feels like. Strikes me as suitable for open world, sPVP, raid DPS, and WvW roaming in particular.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Mobility and active defenses with more life siphon.


This is essentially what I want as well.


I really enjoyed playing a Meleemancer (Necro/Warrior) in GW1, but there isn't really a direct correlation to it (yet) it GW2. Between the life siphon and life transfer hexes, the GW1 meleemancer could max out health regen (+10 ticks) while simultaneously putting heavy degen on foes (up to -10 ticks between hexes and conditions like bleed, poison, etc). The meleemancer's relative lack of armor wasn't a problem since their health gain tended of offset any incoming damage.


For a GW2 version, the goal of the spec would be to ramp up the usefulness of life siphon/life steal type attacks, including a new set of traits and skills to help there, while still providing synergy for both power builds and condi build styles to make it quite versatile. For the new weapon, mainhand sword would be a likely choice, with attacks that provide some powerful life steal. New skills or traits could augment bleeds and poison to make the life stealing more useful in combination with those conditions for condi builds, while another trait or skill option could go for a different approach, amplifying overall DPS of the spec's life steal ability for power builds.


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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > Some idea based on gameplay not on something as restricting as "condition" or "power".

> >

> > Specs that keep the necromancer thematic but explore things like mobility, avoidance, the ability to stack lasting aoe (different from the scourge which have more the ability to extend it's aoe), ...etc. The important point being to open new possibility of gameplay because MM, power and condi dps, that's gameplay necro aren't unfamiliar with.


> I still don’t feel like we have a true condition DPS Elite. Scourge was nerfed nonstop. Its support aspect cripples it. If we had a pure condition Elite, I’d like it.




I think they could do something like this. Just like with Reaper, I could see them redesigning Scourge to be more support if we got an actual DPS condition elite spec. Now that they know their pitfalls, they might not make the same mistakes.

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No power and no condi because no elite spec should define a certain damage type. No current elite spec for any class does this.


From PoF day1 I said scourge is not a pure condi spec an I never believed reaper would be transformed into a power spec. And I was right. Condi reaper is as viable as power scourge when its user is able to adapt. In general both elite specs are capable of dealing a ton of hybrid damage.


Minion lovers have the death magic traitline. There is no need for an elite spec for that playstyle. And how should the utilities look like? We have already a ton of minion utility skills.


The new elite should focus on the one aspect necro is still lacking but every other class has an option for: a high mobility playstyle!

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