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Inventory slots

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Most special type bags for inventory slots cannot be "compact" an usefull thing will be that items remains in the specific bag but can be compacted or if u got all the same bags they can be compacted as regular, for example if i got an uncommon equipment bag from fractals and a exotic one, 1st only exo get in exo bag and uncommon in uncommon (and now this is not working, i supposed those bags worked like that), so all uncommon bag stuff will be compacted in uncommon and exo stuff in the exo bag, and if u have 2 uncommon u can compact as normal like a bigger uncommon bag, now those bags works only like object remaings in the bag and cannot be moved, i want to move and compact into the bag or if more same bag compact as "bigger" bag, and maybe and option to choise if also if we get 2 bags of same type they can be compacted as 1 bigger or 2 normals, tink about this becouse is annoying every time moving object in inventory cause this type of bags

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I like the fact that specialty bags are consistently non-compactable. It makes it easy to decide how to arrange them. If I want to find rares, I find it easier to type "rare" in the search window and likewise for exotics.


I don't have anything against the proposal, except that there are other QoL changes I'd rather see first.

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I dont really see what the OP is talking about if you have a bag of rare gear in a specialty bag and get another one they dont stack?

And then you use compact button and they still dont stack up 2 bags of rare gears or what?

You do know that your specialty bags can get random crap in it that aint exotic or rare right?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> I dont really see what the OP is talking about if you have a bag of rare gear in a specialty bag and get another one they dont stack?

> And then you use compact button and they still dont stack up 2 bags of rare gears or what?

> You do know that your specialty bags can get random crap in it that aint exotic or rare right?


as description from wiki

"in addition to increasing inventory space, some bags come with special features. There are eight varieties:


Basic — No special properties.

Craftsman's Bags — Looted crafting material is placed here first as well as salvaged sigils and runes. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted.

Oiled Packs — Looted junk is placed here first. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted.

Equipment Boxes — Looted weapons and armor are placed here first. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted.

Fractal Equipment Boxes further refine this by also filtering by a specific rarity: Masterwork, Rare, or Exotic.

Siegemaster's Satchel — Looted consumables are placed here first. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted.

Invisible Bags/Invisible Packs/Safe Boxes — Items in these bags cannot be sold to merchants nor at the Black Lion Trading Company. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted. Using 'Deposit Collectibles' will not affect items inside invisible bags; however, items can still be deposited individually using the right-click menu. Using "Salvage All" option on salvage kits won't salvage items put in this bag. (Useful for saving Unidentified gear for later use)

Equipment Pact Boxes — Combines the properties of equipment boxes and invisible bags. Unlike other inventory bags, the 20-slot versions are soulbound on aqcuisition so they can only be used or upgraded by the character that crafted them.

Olmakhan Bandoliers — Containers and consumables are placed here first. Their contents do not move when inventory is sorted"


so basically all this type of bag don't move theyr content when sorted but they don't do also what they tell to do, so if i got in my inventory 2 type of bags for example an oiled and one siegemaster, there is not this "first here" thing and they get materials inside also if u have the different specific bag, so it will be better if 1 i can choice if i can sort or not sort that specific bag, and also that theyr work properly and other items will be placed here after the fullfill of the other type, also will be good if i can chose to use as mentioned or like basic whit some on off mode for the bag, and i tink this will be more easy for example i activate 1 bag for equip and in that case only equip will fit in no other things, deactivate and this will work as normal; think is also another mode to improve and fix the actual state (obliovsly whit the capacity to sort items when inactive).

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